Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Sky meets the Ocean ❯ Incoming Dragon ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The fact that she had woken up naked amused her greatly, but the consequent fact that not enough had been done to that body last night left her cranky. It was too late now, all the effects of the whiskey were gone except for the screaming headache, and she was too sore and exhausted to want to do anything physical at all today. Though, glancing over at her partners blue tresses reminded her that she had not been fulfilled either, which made her shoulders slump even more. She putsed around the room, looking to see if she had dragged any of her clothes in here, but indeed she had not, and by the time she had discerned this Michiru was yawning and stretching, and looking at her naked frame with an expectation that would just have to be cancelled.
“You must be freezing! Its raining outside today, and the compound will be far cooler than it was yesterday, come over here and get under the covers!”
“No, it would probably be best if…”
“Nonsense, we need to talk anyway. Come over here this instant!”
“You act like you own me! What gives you the authority to command me?”
“I am asserting my authority as `your woman', that's what!”
At this Haruka was taken aback, and forced to blush a little at the primal way she had acted. “Oh, you remember that…Look, I didn't mean to treat you like an object, but you were definitely not hers and…”
“Haruka, please, don't apologize for that part, I, well I kind of liked it.” She replied softly.
“You mean, well what do you mean, I don't want to make any type of assumption that will get me in trouble.” Ruka mumbled.
“I mean, that if you will get your lanky self over here, I would like to be your lady, but that means you are also my woman and you will listen to me!”
The blonde was about to holler for joy, but joy morphed into suspicion and she eyed the priestess warily. She was sitting innocently enough in a simple white nightgown under the knit covers, and after a short moments consideration Haruka was too. A small yelp came from Michiru; around who's right breast Ruka's hand was protectively cupped. Unable to find a reason why not, they laid in bed for nearly an hour like that before Haruka suggested that they go swimming. Armed with one of the blues extra bathing suits, she ducked around the corners in hot pursuit of Michi, who was leading the way to a new pool that was supposedly tinted the hottest shades of orange under the sea.
With her back to the wall her eyes darted around to every spot in her vision in search of the mischievous priestess, but were pulled away by a large splash off in a chamber somewhere to her left. It took her much shuffling around before she discovered the entryway, but once inside she sprinted into a flying leap over the surface, diving down hard and fast into the mango colored water like she had been doing it since the day she was born. Michiru was saturated with water, and amazement, for not a few days ago she had saved the girls ass from drowning, and here she was swimming as good as even herself. She was very much about to comment something angry, but before the chance came up a wave of pride and newfound freedom replaced the urge to snarl for being splashed so well. Thus when she resurfaced the priestess rewarded her with a hearty embrace. With a look of mischief across her features, she slipped down into the glowing orange water and tugged her native friend down before she could protest. Every bubble looked like a bright orange berry, reflecting Michiru's hair turned bright brunette and Haruka's eyes inflamed copper with passion. She kissed her, falling them deeper into the pool, holding her waist tight to herself and not letting go. They turned over unto themselves and lost all sense of direction to the surrounding gravity, and by the time either of their lungs were aware of the depth they were hopelessly lost in the peach shaded wilderness. The priestess's eyes shot open all at once, her legs kicked upwards of their own accord, and her arms clasped her companions squarely.
Coldness hit her, almost knocking out the fresh air she was trying to take in which was like poison itself. Upon contact with her lungs it sucked out all the warmth and flexibility of the supporting water, and made her muscles run hard and shiver fiercely. Haruka was still processing her body's desperate cry for breath, it having been forgotten in her excitement left her brain to catch up. The cold was grating against both of their lungs, and after several moments the blue eyed lady made the initiative move back to her room, but the walk back was painful, each footfall landing them in a world of icy pain, the air surrounding nipping at their flesh and willing them to fail. When finally they arrived back in the room, Haruka came to full awareness and jumped into action, grabbing a bottle of serpent oil and dumping half of the contents into the dwindling flame. The fire burst into life, and as it did Michiru bent down to the floor to rummage under the bed for two more comforters, which she added to the already cozy bedspread. All at once the wet suits were frantically shed, and after a flurry of sheets and blankets they were tucked tighter into bed than a hermit crab in its shell.
The dim lit room was still, but the furious shaking erupting from beneath the covers destroyed the serenity, and it took several minutes for the shivering to subside and their tight chills to begin relaxing. All the while Haruka's quaking hands were roaming across her partners naked skin, trying to find some warmth to take solace in, desperately trying to pull closer, but they were both soaked to the bone with coldness. Goose pimpled skin against shaking bare fingertips were against brittle wet hair. Before they could sense their bodies calming they were fast asleep from exhaustion, and the following morning the priestess awoke to discover Haruka with tremors running up and down and through her like the quake of a tunnel collapsing deep within the compound.
Beads of miserable fever sweat clung to her forehead and limp blonde bangs, and her breathing was hollow and painful. Though the fire burned intensely to try and make amends, the damage was done and it was clear that Haruka was deeply ill. Armed with a mishmash of robes and stockings from her drawers, Michiru set about the task of bundling the shivering wreck, and she generally fussed around for several moments before moving to pick her up. After several meaningless worried remarks and “its gonna be alright” type mantras, the blonde ended up in her arms with surprising ease. In that moment of hesitation before heading out the door, she gazed down at the fragile girl who weighed next to nothing, but her eyes said that she had no regrets right now.
Mustering her resolve, she slipped out the door and made a sprint in the direction of the temple chambers…
Hushed whispers from shuffling robed figures and hot herb water being rung from cloths were all around when Haruka came to. She didn't have to open her eyes to know this of course, so she kept to herself and didn't feel the need to share with the others her state of alertness. Every touch of every fingertip, on her sore joints, on her sweat speckled face, all over were invasive and prodding, yet comforting at the same time. Perhaps she just wasn't used to the attention, on Uranus the only doctors tended personally to the royalty and no one else. Same with the priests and advisors, very few individuals skilled in even the simplest remedies existed among the common folk, and disease was a constant. Plagues and epidemics were like population control music to the ears of politicians who couldn't give a shit less. The only useful herbs grew low in the valleys deep between the mountains, where the wild elk and goats grazed, and where young dragons met and mated.
Her mind wandered off into the astral plane of memory to one such occasion, where she had ridden to a new cave only to find it small and unimpressive. Her ride had become enstracted by a rowdy young female, who was dismembering a sheep in the field some thousand feet below her. She looked on as the eager green yearling she had so foolishly trusted free fall down to the dragoness and let out a scrawny, lust-ridden yelp of male exuberance. At her angle, only the frantically flapping wings and thrashing tails were visible, and she was terribly annoyed. She was even tempted to jump off the edge and attempt to land on the drakes back, but she thought better of it as a lone wind strewn elk pranced up onto a ridge nearby.
Weighing the dangers, she took her chance and charged full speed at the animal, tucking her body up and rolling across a flat grass patch before springing up and onto its back. The thing nearly snapped her wrists as she desperately clung onto the thick rack of horns and tried to grip its shoulders with her knees. It bucked for a couple minutes, but then in its incredible sadism decided to trallomp down the side of the mountain, stopping hard on rocks that seemed sturdy, brutally mashing Haru's crotch on his stiff backbone with every impact. Luckily, she was already wearing the proper padding for dragon rassling, and the damage was minimal, but it still stung a bit, and from her coccyx all the way up to her skull the bones were being wrenched together tightly, threatening to break under the repeated impacts. The rock overhangs gave way to prolonged freefalls, skidding just barely across now lichen covered surfaces, the final destination growing ever closer and all the time less desirable. Thinking the worst, she braced her stiff body against the animal and awaited the end, but the creature made a single light bound with its front feet and wretched a perfect ninety-degree angle away from the rock face and towards the green field.
A quick curse and a desperate lung for solid ground sent her reeling off the frantic creatures back and hurtling into an overgrown mound of monocot. Smoothing the green stains from her knees and elbows, she used every ounce of her adrenaline-raped frame of mind to propel her muscles into an upright position. Blinking in the pinpricks of sunlight, she began to refocus her attentions on the matter of her escort, which now was locked in a courtship spar with his newfound partner. But as she approached them, and tried to summon up a hoarse command from the pit of her lungs, she found there was no wind in them and just barely felt her body tumbling once again to the ground. Eyes not knowing whether to be open or closed, they caught sight at the point of impact of a small blue flower, shaped like a septacle with long orange whisker protrusions. Blindly she thought in her minds eye of her hand now grasping for that plant, reaching for the leaves and taking them into her mouth and swallowing them in. And to her great fortune, it came to pass, and as she lay there helpless in the grasses the herbs juices matured in her stomach and seeped strongly into her bloodstream, sending much needed pain relief and muscle ease to her lungs and heart. Her pulse slowed, gradually, then dangerously low, but just before it stopped it rose up again, above the pain and pressure. Breathing followed suit and came to be an even rhythm, rebuilding some strength.
A tingle at the base of her neck made her eyes snap wide open, and she became immediately aware of the danger presented by a pair of mating dragons. Ribbons of flame spouted from their lust hardened throats and skimmed out across the dry brush, catching in places, getting nearer to where she sat. The earth shook under the force of their dance, and their growls vibrated through the air. Seeing that her knapsack had fallen from her drakes back into a nearby bush, she sprinted for it, and began to pluck dozens of the blue flowered plants from the field and stuff them in quickly, before they were singed by the spouts of fire. The sack swelled and was then tied shut with a well practiced knot maneuver, one acquired from years of experience at tying down sails on air ships. Before she could swing the first strap onto her shoulder, the dragoness's tail came swooping down out of nowhere and hit the ground in front of her with gigantic force, hurling her down.
She grunted with pain as her shoulder blade crashed against a flat rock, but snatched the sack onto her good shoulder and made a sprint for the cliff wall. Flames licked at her heels, every impact of a dragon against the fragile valley floor threatening to send her crashing to the ground, but she stood firm and made it to the edge of the valley. Frantically she glanced around for the elk, but it was no fool and had fled back up into the cloud encrusted peaks the second she fell off. Boulders were being hacked up from high up above her, loosened by the racket, gaining great speed and impacting with killing force. She darted all around to avoid them; being pelted with pebbles and dust everywhere she turned.
Just as she was about to loose hope, as the fire moved hungrily toward her and the earth seemed hell bent to silence them all, a great rust colored wyrm descended from out of the seemingly limitless heavens, shimmering muscles heaving with grace and certainty as it made a powerful dive, shaking the entire mountain, not with the force of his landing, but with his ultimate territory defending roar. He lunged at the mating pair, his mighty crest aiming for the young drakes shoulder, catching it hard and ripping off many scales. It cried out in pain and surprise, looking for a moment as though it wanted to retaliate, but deciding very quickly to make an escape. Haruka sensed he was about to flee, and ran for his feet with the last of her strength, taking advantage of the moments hesitation as his injured shoulder hindered his take off. She clambered up onto his back, and kicked her heels hard into flanks and forcing him up clumsily into the air. Behind them the huge dragon had wrestled the young female down into submission, grasping the nape of her neck firmly with his jaws and doing what was necessary to ensure his dominant gene survived…