Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Where The Wild Things Are ❯ Where The Wild Things Are ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

So. What's up?

Well, well, well, what have we here?

A revamped fic? Is it possible that I finally finished writing this damn one-shot?

I tell you this in all honesty. Hell has frozen over and the World is going to end.

Disclaimer: Don't own it….but I do own the plot and if I find out someone's been using it…..*snarls* pain. Think lots and lots of pain.


Where The Wild Things Are

One-Shot Fic

By: Ceris Malfoy

The Neo-Queen stumbled as she raced through the crumbling ruin that was once a crystal palace. She quickly regained her balance and rushed off; apparently oblivious to the blood that was still pouring rather generously from a wound in her side.

Despite her condition, she pushed herself to reach her first-born's rooms. She reached the outer doors in record time, her eyes glittering as she focused all her remaining energy on trying to wake her daughter. A hissing laugh froze her in her tracks.

'NO! I can't let this…this…this thing find out about my child!' The new goal centered itself in her mind; driving all other thoughts out of it. With a sequence of energy-blasts from the Ginzoushou that shook the very foundations of the once-beautiful decaying palace, the Neo-Queen destroyed one of the enemies more powerful generals.

Unfortunately for the Neo-Queen, a parting shot from the now-deceased general, coupled with extreme blood-loss and energy-loss, as well as mental fatigue quickly made waking the last hope for their world impossible…

The Neo-Queen crumpled to the ground; looking nothing like the great queen her mother had predicted she would be. She gave one last shuddering breath and whispered one word before succumbing to oblivion's greedy grasp.


* * *

Over the roaring battle, the moon blazed harshly. More than one combatant watched as it appeared to bleed -swiftly turning the crimson shade of blood.

More than one combatant wished they had never gotten involved with the war that was slowly tearing the planet apart.

* * *

A petite and nearly transparent figure watched the slumbering form of the first-born of Neo-Queen Serenity and Neo-King Helios. The spirit of the Neo-Queen seemed to be urgently trying to wake the teen up, but the magic proved to be to strong…

But the Neo-Queen would not give up quite so fast.

Sighing she spoke. "I put you in this slumber with a pleasant dream-laced lullaby when I first learned of your powers," she paused, guilt forming over her ghostly features. Then her faced hardened as the sound of screams reached her ears. "So maybe a nightmare filled one will force you to wake…although I do wish I would not have to wake you to such horror…"

The Neo-Queen's ghost sidled close to her first-born's slumbering form and started to sing. Power laced through her being as she wove it into her words and melody; pouring all her will and energy and being into the tune. And with each passing moment she passed from 'transparent but relatively solid' to 'not seen and barely there' as she used even the power that was keeping her tied to the very Earth.

"Wake up little one…

It's time to save your world…

Steal dreams and give to you

Shoplift a though or two

All children touch the sun

Burn their fingers one by one, by one…

Will this Earth be good to you?

Keep you clean or stain straight through…

So wake up sleepy one..

It's time to save your world…

You're where the wild things are…

Yeah, toy soldiers off to war…

Big eyes open all too soon

Believing all under sun and moon

But does heaven even know you're here?

And did they try to give you smiles?

Or did they try to give you tears?

No, no tears!

Will this earth be good to you?

Keep you clean or stain straight through…

So wake up sleepy one…

It's time to save your world…

You're where the wild things grow…

Yeah, toy soldiers fighting a war…"

A passing group of senshi -around thirty or so of them- drowned out the sound of the spirit's lullaby/waking song with a Death Chant that was laced with the destructive powers of war and death. The chant's magic mixed with the lullaby's causing the ghost's tune to adapt and blend the chant's purposes with it's own.

"You swing your axe all down

Call to arms the trumpets sound

Toy horses start the charge

Robots, chessmen standing guard


Hand puppets storm the base

Flags up now cannons rage

Hand puppets storm the base

Flags up no cannons rage

All clowns head for the rear

Slingshots fire to the air

All clowns head for the rear

Slingshots fire into the air

Slip into the edge of death

Crossfire to the marionettes

Slip into the edge of death

Crossfire to the marionettes


The Neo-Queen's concentration was so focused on her song and weaving her energy into it that she never noticed the disturbance. Consequently she had continued singing -even through the chant. As the voices of the chant trailed off, the rest of the ghost's melody could be heard…

"All children touch the sun

Burn your fingers one by one

Will this Earth be good to you?

Keep you clean or run you through?

So wake up sleepy one…

It's time to save your world…

You're where the wild things play…

Yeah, toy soldiers off to war…

So open your little eyes…"

With the last word, the spirit of the Neo-Queen ceased to exist.

* * *

Baby blue eyes fluttered open.

The sound of screams tore through the open window and the girl whimpered. Quickly she rose; leaving her rooms to search for her mother -surely her mother would protect her from this strange feeling of hate that was quickly growing inside her. She opened the outer-doors to her room and stopped in shock.

There was her mother…looking far older than she should have. Her eyes widened as she realized what her mother had done…and what the consequences had been. "Mother…" she sobbed brokenly.

Suddenly, the destructive powers of war and death that had intertwined with the haunting melody that the Neo-Queen had sung took hold of the Neo-Princess.

With a snarl that grotesquely twisted her beautiful face and would have made Satan himself quake in his boots, she disappeared from the hallway.

What would have shocked the spirit of the Neo-Queen had she been able to see it, was that as the Neo-Princess disappeared from sight, her eyes were slowly shifting colors.

They were as the color of blood.

* * *

Hours later, survivors of the…incident…whispered of a strange figure that had been highlighted by the moon's unnaturally bloody light. The figure had appeared to be angelic -with fluffy white wings spread eagerly towards the heavens….

But the look in those crimson eyes was not at all angel-like. Oh, no. Those eyes told of death and destruction -crimson fire twisting and 'twining with crimson blood.

The bloodied moon grew even larger.

Crimson eyes surveyed the battle-ground; seeing, for perhaps the first time, her brothers and sisters -broken and torn just like her mother had been. Rage filled the depths of those eyes.

With an animal-like screech the Neo-Princess leapt into the air. Raw energy and fire leapt from her finger tips and blasted at the battlefield -killing ninety-nine percent of the soldiers that were not already dead. Then, with a grief-laden sob, the bloodied angel dove into the flames that were spreading like wild-fire.

More than one of those who managed tom survive long enough to run for their lives had looked back…and saw baby-blue eyes staring longingly at the now silver moon.


Well? I know it's rather different, after all, I hardly ever do any fics that are not solely based on Usagi. Oh, well. It's a good attempt if I do say so myself.

R/r please!!!!!!

-Ja ne,

Ceris MAlfoy