Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Who Would've Guessed ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Usagi is not going to be exactly the same as she was in the anime. This takes place after Stars. The starlights decided to stay on Earth instead of returning to their home planet with Princess Fireball.
Ages: Usagi and Inners-16, Starlights-17, Outers-19, Mamoru-21
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon
Chapter 1:
16-year-old Usagi Tsukino was in “Detention” once again for coming to school late and falling asleep in class. Little did many people know she was actually doing work that they thought she had failed. Usagi was a great deal smarter than Ami Mizuno. Once she was finished she quickly gathered her belongings so that she could leave for the Senshi meeting at the Hikawa Shrine.
Ms. Haruna sat at her desk thinking about her favorite student. `Oh Usagi why are you doing this? Wearing a mask so that no one knows the real you. You have so much potential that other people don't even know about. I hope you don't go crazy with keeping all of this stuff built up inside of you.'
Meanwhile, Usagi is making a mad dash to the shrine. When she gets there she hears the voices of the inner Senshi. `Maybe I should stay out here for a while so I can find out what they're saying.'
“I can't stand that Odango Atoma! She's such a klutz, and so stupid!” (Guess who said that.) says…Ami.
Usagi: `Ami how could you say those things.'
Rei Hino, putting in her unwanted two cents, “She can't even walk 2 feet without falling flat on her face. I can't believe that she's our leader. I would make a much better one.”
Usagi: `It's not hard to believe that she thinks that.'
“I know sweetheart and she really believes that I love her. However, we do need her for the building of Crystal Tokyo and when that happens we'll get rid of her and you'll become my queen,” this comment was made by Mamoru Chiba.
Usagi: `Not you too Mamo-chan, we were meant for each other.'
Makoto Kino replies, “I can't wait to get her out of the picture. She doesn't even really do any thing in battles. All she does is finish them off and we could do that ourselves.”
Usagi: `I can't believe them! They are so ungrateful.'
“Usagi actually thinks that we are her best friends. I don't even know how any one could be an associate of hers,” this comes from Minako Aino.
Usagi: `How can they betray me like this?'
“How can you even say these things about Usagi. What if she came in here and heard you talking about her like this,” said an infuriated Artemis.
“Oh Artemis she won't find out soon. That klutz won't be here for at least another hour,” said Luna.
Back outside with Usagi.
`At least Artemis is still there for me. I'm going home instead of this meeting.' Usagi walked home with a dejected look on her face. She just wanted to go into her room and go to sleep. `I don't even want to think about the inners and Luna. I'm too stressed to deal with this.' When she arrived home she knew she wasn't going straight to sleep.
“Usagi what is wrong with you? You are failing all of your classes!” Ikuko Tsukino screamed at her daughter.
“You find the time to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night but you can't do your homework or at least study! You're probably out with that boy you're dating doing who knows what! Usagi you are such a disgrace. I can't believe you're my daughter,” yelled an enraged Kenji Tsukino.
All through this Usagi is just standing there with tears streaming down her face. She kept repeating “I'm sorry” over and over again. Suddenly she just ran out of the house not knowing where she's going. While running she's bumping into tons of people and she doesn't even have enough energy to apologize. Finally she stopped at a familiar apartment complex. Usagi walked in and went to the top floor and knocked on the door.
Someone yells “I'm coming!” from the inside. The door opens and the person says “What do you want?”
I wonder who this mystery person is. Please review and I'll update as soon as I can.