Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Why Live? ❯ Recovery ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Thanks for the reviews, they make me so happy

Thanks for the reviews, they make me so happy!! Well, I guess I'll give you the next chapter.

I don't own any sailor moon stuff. I wish I was that creative.


Serena took the final step, and disappeared over the edge.

Darien's heart skipped a beat as he lunged over the edge just catching her arm in time.

"Darien! Let me go! Let me die!!" Serena ordered from the air. She struggled to release her arm from his grasp, but once Darien had her he wasn't going to let go.

He pulled her up back onto the building, and Serena collapsed next to him. She was too tired to struggle anymore, but she vowed to herself that this wasn't over.

Darien's POV

I'm so happy I stopped her from hurting herself. I can't even bring myself to think about what would have happened if I didn't catch her. What it would have been like without her. I have to show her how important she is to me.

"Serena, why do you want to leave me?" I cradled her cheek in the palm of my hand.

She looked up at me, "Because you don't want to be with me,"

"Of course I want to be with you. You're my life,"

She looked up at me and a tear fell from her eye. I lifted her up bridal style and walked over to the elevator.

"Darien," She whispered into my ear, "I love you," I heard her breathe steady, and I knew she fell asleep.

I didn't think her mom would appreciate my bringing her home passed out, so I brought her to my apartment. I called her mom and told her I found Serena, that she had gotten carried away playing in the arcade and lost track of time, and now she was over at my home. After I hung up with her mom I called all of her friends telling them the same story.

"Yeah, but I went to check the arcade too, but I didn't see her or you there," Ami the smart one. Just great I was hoping no one went there.

"You wouldn't have seen her there because she came to the movies. I stayed at the movie theater to see if she would show. She did and told me where she had been,"

"Oh ok. Well I'm glad she's all right. I'll talk to you later Darien, bye," Gods that was a close call.

I walked over to my bedroom to check up on Serena. She was still sleeping peacefully. I just hope she is alright now. I'll need to talk to her in the morning. I'll make her pancakes. Just as I reached that conclusion the bell rang.

I opened the door and a pink haired girl jumped onto me, "Darien! I had a bad dream!"

It was Reni, "It's ok Reni; It was just a dream. Why aren't you at home? You could have spoken to Serena's mom instead of coming over here," I sat her down on the sofa.

"No, they don't care like you do Darien,"

"Sure they do. Just give them the chance,"

"I don't want to. They don't love me. They just think I'm a handful, especially Serena,"

"That's not true Reni," I sat down next to her. She crawled over to me and laid down on my lap. I rubbed her head.

"Only you care about me Darien," Before I could tell her she was wrong she fell asleep. I smiled down at her. She looks so much like Serena when she sleeps. She also thinks like Serena too. While I was thinking, the stress from the day took a hold of me and I drifted off to sleep.

Serena's POV

The sun shown into my face. I blinked my eyes open. Where was I? I rolled over to get a better look at my surroundings. It was Darien's room. Then the events of last night came rushing back. The pain I felt in my heart when I turned to end what little I had left. Then when all seemed lost, Darien reached out and saved me. The man I loved.

I got out of bed to look for my savior. Tears swelled in my eyes once I looked upon Darien sleeping on the sofa with Reni bundled in his arms. He chose to sleep with Reni instead of me. He chose Reni. It was true Darien doesn't want me.

Oh no! What is going to happen next?? To bad I know and you don't. Tee- hee. Will Serena go back to the building or will she realize Darien loves her more than anything? R & r to find out. Cuz if I don't get enough responses I'm not posting what happens.