Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Why Live? ❯ Desperation ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well, here's the next chapter

Well, here's the next chapter. I took ideas from everyone that gave input. Thanks by the way. I won't keep you guys waiting any longer.

I don't own Sailor Moon or any of the characters.

I awoke slowly. Taking in my surroundings slowly. I was in the living room. I was on the couch. There was something on my lap. It was Reni. Reni, she fell asleep on my lap. I don't know why, but I feel a closeness with her. There is something about her. Of course the closeness I feel towards Reni is nothing compared to what I feel towards Serena. Serena, last night she felt so unloved. I'm going to make her breakfast.

I opened my eyes. The sunlight was shining in from the sliding glass windows behind me. I didn't shut the blinds last night. One of the doors were open. I know I shut those. I slide Reni off of my lap slowly not wanting to wake her. She rolled over and curled into a ball. I couldn't help but smile. The smile didn't last long, though, it melted into a look of concern as I made my way towards the open sliding glass door.

I walked out onto the balcony. My apartment was nine floors up. Serena was so desperate to end her life last night. The memories came rushing back. What if what I said wasn't enough? What if she enacted on her feelings from last night? What if she jumped? I ran to the edge and looked down. There was a crowd of people gathered down on the street. What were they looking at? Was it my Serena?

I squinted my eyes to try and see. They were all looking across the street at the bar. Police were coming out with a person in hand cuffs. They finally caught the owner who had been selling marijuana from that bar for years, but that didn't matter to me. Relief washed over me. Serena was alright, but that fact that the sliding glass door was opened still hung over me.

I walked back into the living room shutting the door behind me and locking it. I looked around the room for a sign of life. Just then I heard the bathroom. Water was running. I quickly looked to the couch. Reni was still sleeping peacefully there. There was only one person who could be in there, Serena.

I walked to the door and listened closely. I didn't hear any movement; just the running of water. I tried the handle and it turned. Opening the door slowly I looked in not knowing what I was going to see inside.

I shoved the door open and ran in. Serena was lying in the bathtub, face down. The water in it near overflowing. She must have been under the water for over five minutes. The amount of time I was out on the balcony. She used that as a distraction. She knew I would be concerned about how it got open and go out. Then she slipped into the bathroom which was directly in front of the couch.

I lifted her body out of the water and laid her down on the ground. She wasn't breathing. I started to panic. I've lost her. My love is gone. My medical training kicked in and I began CPR. 1-2-3-4…

Reni walked to the door sleepy eyed, "Darien what's going-" She cut off at the sight of my lips on Serena's mouth trying to bring life back into her. She stepped back in shock, "What happened?!".

Her question sounded far in the back of my mind. What happened? What happened to make Serena want to leave me? I pumped harder on Serena's body. I blew more air into her lungs. Her lips were so cold. A tear rolled down my cheek. I've lost her.

Serena's POV

He would rather be with Reni. I mine as well make it easy for him to get rid of me. Instead of going through a soul splitting break up once he admits to himself he doesn't love me. A plan formulated in my mind. I'll drown. It'll be easier to clean up, but I've got to get him to go somewhere else. The sliding glass doors caught my attention. I'll open a door that way he'll think I went out to jump. Once he goes out I'll sneak into the bathroom and finish what I started last night. That way I won't be a bother to anyone anymore.

I walked to the doors and slide one over. I noticed Darien stir. I quickly snuck back to his room. I heard him get off the couch and watched him move Reni careful not to wake her. He smiled at her. Just another stab to the heart. I followed him with my eyes to the glass doors and once he disappeared I snuck into the bathroom.

Closing the door quietly behind me I turned to the bathtub. Here is where it ends. Here is where I'll finally find peace. Maybe I'll be with people that care for me afterwards. I ran the water. The tub filled slowly. I climbed in and laid down. The water wasn't high enough to drown in yet so I was left to lay there waiting for death. I couldn't help thinking about Darien. He always was with Reni. Whenever I ran into him now-a-days he was with her. She hung onto him with her small fingers never to let him go; never to let me be with him. It's only right for me to give him to her.

The water covered my mouth and nose. I took my last breath.

Darien will be happier.

I thought back to last night. The look in his eyes as he tried to keep me from jumping. They told me he was telling the truth. That he loved me and only I could make him happy. I wish I could believe that, but it was only one night. Only one time. I remembered back to our first kiss. Our first time together. At least I won't be dieing a virgin. He took everything from me. My heart, my love, my innocence, … my soul.

I felt my lungs start to burn with the need for air. I refused them the luxury. My eyes swelled with tears.

Our first time making love came back to me. The love in his eyes. The question if it was alright. The concern he showed when he broke through me. The gentleness in his touch. He loved me. I gave him my heart, my love, my innocence, my soul.

The world started to become a haze around me. My thoughts became less clear. All I could feel was the burning in my chest. I opened my mouth gasping involuntarily for air, but only water welcomed my lungs making matters worst. Things got dark around me. Wait, I don't want to die. I want to be with Darien. He loves me. What have I done? I blacked out.

Darien's POV

I was crying uncontrollably. Tears rushing down my face, I gasped for air while I sobbed. I didn't stop pumping against her chest. Maybe just maybe.

Then it happened. She coughed. Water came spewing out of her mouth. She gasped for air. She's alive. I clutched her in my arms, "Serena, oh Gods, I thought I lost you," tears were still rolling down my face. They were of joy now.

She was still sucking in air greedily, "Darien… I'm so… sorry… I…love you," she held onto me tightly.

I had been waiting for so long to hear these words from her.

Well, she kinda died for a while there now didn't she. It isn't over though, so don't worry. R & r and I'll start writing the next chapter. I can't exactly say when it will be up next, but I'll try to get it up a.s.a.p.

Talk to y'all later!