Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Will love conquer all? ❯ Heart V's Mind ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6

Heart V's Mind

Darien ran as fast as his legs would take him in the direction of the temple. He reached the temple and found the scouts huddled around a fire, which Rei was reading. He never understood how she did it and at that moment he didn't care.

" Rei, Mina, Lita, Amy I'm glad your all here," Darien said slightly out of breath, the all turned to see the stressed man in the doorway.

" What is it Darien?" Amy asked getting up from her seat, she walked over and helped Darien sit down; his legs had almost no strength left in them.

" It's Serena, she IS brainwashed." He said, all girls nodded knowingly.

" We already know," Rei said smiling at her friend.

Darien was shocked, " How, How…did you know?" He asked barely able to speak.

" I saw it in the flames, and yes we also know that Serena is supposed to kill you, she never will do that; her love for you is to strong." All Darien could do was smile at his friend, she was wise beyond her years sometimes and he admired her for that.

" Well what are we going to do about it?" Lita said rising from her seat, clenching her fist she added, " we can't just wait around here forever, we have to find her, we have to do something, we have to…" Lita was shaking and she closed her eyes in an attempt to stop her tears but it didn't work. Mina walked to her side and gave her friend and warm heart filled embrace.

" Shhhhh, its ok well get her back somehow, I know we will!" Mina was trying hard for Lita to believe her words, but she herself had a hard time believing them.

Rei stood from her seat and looked at her friends, " Lita's right, we can't just sit here and do nothing! We need a plan and we need one fast!"

All eyes turned to Amy who was the only one left sitting down. Amy looked from one friend to another " What? Why are you all looking at me like I'm the newest thing on the dinner menu?" Amy began to become uncomfortable.

" Because Amy, you're the smartest person here, and you always come up with the plan," Rei said looming over her friend.

Amy let out a squeak of fright and ran to a corner of the room, " But all of those plans included sailor moon, this one is to try and get her back, how and I supposed to do THAT!" Amy said fiddling with her fingers.

Lita sighed and sat next to her friend, " Listen Amy, were all here for you, take each of us into account and try and think of something to get her back."

" Yeah and if you need any help just ask us, ok?" Rei of all people said.

Amy could feel tears welling up in her eyes, she couldn't speak she was to overwhelmed by the confidence the other scouts had in her and how strong their friendship was, she nodded in agreement and got to work.

An hour later

" I think I've got it!" Amy said with a triumphant smile. All scouts (and Darien) gathered around her.

" What! What did you come up with?" Mina asked looking at her friend with hope.

Amy explained her plan and the scouts jumped with joy (Darien just smiled),

" That'll get her back for sure!" Mina managed to say (Still out of breath from jumping around and yelling like an idiot). One question still hung on Darien's mind, " How are we going to get her alone thought?" He asked, all girls fell silent and stared at the raven-haired man.

" Darien's right, how ARE we going to get her alone?" Rei asked turning to Amy.

Amy smiled, "that's where Darien comes into it, he's going to be the bait."

" Ah I get it, Darien is going to get Serena's attention while we sneak up behind her!" Mina was jumping around again and acting like a giddy school girl (ditzier than usual).

"Yup!" Amy said, "Now we have to get ready." All scouts ran around getting everything they needed for the upcoming battle. Darien sat in the corner of the room and watched the girls with a heavy heart ** I hope this plan of yours works Amy** He thought to himself as he looked out the window.

2 Hours Later

" Serena! Serena where are you I need to talk to you!" Darien was walking through the park, hoping Serena would hear his calls. Little did he know she was watching him at that very moment. She jumped down from her hiding place and stood in front of him and looked into his dark crystal blue eyes.

"You called?" She said with a slight bow, her mouth spread in an evil grin.

"Yes Serena I did, we need to talk." Darien's eyes veered from Serena to just behind her, she noticed this and turned around to see the four sailor scouts standing there trying to sneak up behind her.

"Well, well, well, it's not nice to sneak up on a lady now is it?" Serena said waving a finger at the scouts.

"Your no lady," Rei said as she run towards Serena, she jumped into the air preparing to attack her best friend, " Mars celestial fire surround!" Rei released her attack a minute to late and Serena dodged it with ease.

" Nowhere near me," she said as she released her own attack, dark energy emulated from her hands and knocked Rei to the ground unconscious.

" Serena, you've got to listen to us, were your friends!" Mina said running to her friend's side.

" Oh, but I'm not your friend, don't you see that," an evil grin spread across Serena features as she let go another attack and Mina fell limp over Rei.

" We have to stop this NOW!, Jupiter thunder clap zap!" a ball of lighting flew for Serena but never quite reached her when it fizzled out.

Lita looked at Serena with shock, " What? How did you do that?" she said as yet another attack came from Serena and left her unconscious on the ground, Serena just shrugged,

" It wasn't me."

Amy was the only scout left now and Serena turned to face her, "what no attack from you, ha, weaklings that's all you are, weaklings!"

" No Serena we are NOT weaklings, were your friends but we can't let you help destroy the earth! Mercury Icestorm blast!" Serena didn't get out of the way in time and her left side was frozen.

" How dare you do that to me! Your going to pay dearly for that!" Serena's eyes narrowed to tiny slits as she broke the ice that was holding her and shattered it into as million pieces. The dark energy surrounded her body and in one movement it flew towards Amy, she screamed in pain and went limp.

" So much for the sailor saps, ha, not even worth my time," Serena turned back to fulfill her mission.

She froze in her tracks and gasped as she saw Christopher standing behind Darien with a gratified look on his face, " Well done my love, well done." He disappeared and reappeared beside her.

" Now do what you came here to do, kill him!" He said pointing at Darien.

" Kill him?" Serena asked backing up a step afraid of his answer.

" Yes Serena kill him," He said, he turned so he faced Serena and put her face in his hands. " It's the only way you can be free, the only was to be free for pain and torment is to kill the one you love!"

Serena's eyes went wide at his words, " Kill the one I love?"

" Yes Serena you must kill the one you love," He said standing back to her side, " Now DO IT!"

A single tear fell onto her cheek, " I'm sorry… my love." And with those last words dark energy emulated from her hands and in to the chest of the man she loved.

As he collapsed to the ground dead, she to collapsed to the ground and buried her face in her hands, " Oh god what have I done? What have I done!?"

I am Soooooo evil I know, I know ^_^, who did she kill? Was it Darien or Christopher? The next chapter will take a bit longer though. Thank you to all who reviewed, it was a shock to see what people wrote, I didn't think it was that good. But reviews don't lie, yey! ^_^ so till next time kiddies Fight for love and justice!