Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Will love conquer all? ❯ Life Begins & Evil Ends ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9

Life Begins and Evil Ends

Ha! Hi readers, this one took me sooooooooo long to write, I had a MAJOR case of writers block. But finally after all of your waiting, here it is Life Begins and Evil Ends chapter 9

Serena looked on in horror as the energy flew at Darien, she ran as fast as she could to get to him but was to slow. Her world was pierced by Darien's scream as the energy ball flew straight into his chest and he collapsed. Serena ran to his side and held him in her arms, tears streaming down her face.

"Darien… Darien, god no, please don't leave me!" Serena cried looking into his dark blue eyes. He smiled and reached up to touch her face, as his fingers brushed across her face a chill ran up her spine and she grasped his hand in her own.

"It's ok Serena, I'm happy that at least I got to love you, that has made me the happiest man in the world. I love you Serena." And with that his eyes slid shut, his hand dropped from her face and he drew his last breath.

Darien's limp, lifeless body lay in her arms and she pulled him close and cried into his chest. "Oh god Darien, please come back, I can't do this alone, I need you!" Serena leaned down for one last kiss, she captured his lips with her own and a single tear fell from her cheek. As it came in contact with Darien's face it began to sparkle, it levitated into the air and stayed there for a while, seemingly waiting for something. Serena stood and reached out and touched the shimmering tear, she was suddenly enveloped in a ball of white energy and she could faintly hear Beryl's cries of frustration. She suddenly found herself surrounded by the seven rainbow crystals, circling around her. They suddenly all rushed in front of her and there was a blinding flash of light, Serena had to close and cover her eyes. When she opened her eyes, there in front of her was the imperiam silver crystal, she reached out and grabbed it and was bombarded by sudden flashed of memories.

~~~~~~ Memory Flashes ~~~~~~~

Serena standing on a balcony looking up at the earth.

Sitting laughing with the other scouts.

In a warm embrace with the prince of earth (None other than our Darien ^_^).

Beryl destroying the moon kingdom.

Her mothers last words, and death.

(just thought I'd put a few down ^_^)

~~~~~~ End of Memory Flashes ~~~~~~

Serena opened her eyes and the light was gone, she now stood in front of Beryl whom looked like she had seen a ghost. Serena had transformed into the princess Serenity, her long white dress flowed around her to the ground, and she had a crescent moon on her forehead. Beryl looked on in disbelief as serenity knelt down to the man she loved,

"Endymion, my love, do not leave me, I need you to help me fight." Serenity's tears flowed from her eyes, and streamed down her cheeks. She heard an evil laugh from behind her and turned to see Beryl looking very smug.

" Ha! I can't believe you thought you could beat me! You couldn't even beat me when the moon kingdom was still around." Beryl said a smug smile spreading across her evil lips. Serenity stood and looked straight into Beryl's eyes, " Yes Beryl, they could not defeat you when the moon kingdom was around," Serenity stated, "But, this is not the moon kingdom, and I am not my mother!" Beryl gasped and looked at the young princess in disbelief.

" You see Beryl, I was hidden away when you came to destroy the moon kingdom, so I did not have a chance to fight. My mother was too afraid for my safety, did you know that I am stronger than my mother, for I have more to protect than she." Serenity said moving ever so slowly closer to Beryl. Beryl was afraid, for some reason she feared the little girl in front of her, for she knew deep down that she was telling the truth.

" Well princess, that may be so, but you are not strong enough to defeat the NEAGAVERSE!" Beryl laughed as she disappeared. Serenity's attention was once again directed to the man on the floor, but just as she was about to reach him she heard menacing laughter from behind her. She turned and her eyes grew wide with fear, Beryl had changed, she and the Negaverse had become one. Serenity closed her eyes and called on the help of her friends, the scouts each felt her call and gave her their energy to help fight this evil, and so the battle begun.

(Really cool music plays ^_^)

Serenity stood and faced Beryl, as a blast of dark energy flew for her. Serenity held the silver crystal in her hands and dispelled the energy, Serenity looked up at Beryl and spoke " You will not win Beryl, this planet means to much to me, life is a precious thing and I will not let you take that away!" Beryl just stood there and laughed as she gathered dark energy in her hands, " You are so naive princess, and you can not defeat me!" Serenity and Beryl let their attacks go and they collided in a brilliant flash of light. Dark and light energy fighting for existence, just when Serenity was about to give up hope, she felt her friends beside her and it gave her enough strength to vanquish this evil forever. Beryl let out a final cry, " This can not be! No one can defeat the Negaverse!" and with that she was gone forever.

Serenity collapsed to the floor breathing heavily, afraid that if her friends hadn't helped she would have lost. Her thoughts suddenly found themselves on Darien, she quickly rose and walked over to the man and knelt beside him, gathering him in her arms. She closed her eyes, energy flowed around her and she began to glow. Her hair tossed about her face and her body writhed with pain, for she was giving Darien some of her energy in the hopes of bringing him back. After about several minutes she felt him stir and she collapsed onto him, nearly completely drained of energy. She looked up and found herself staring into a pair of midnight blue eyes; she began to cry of happiness, for he was alive. He reached up and touched her face, " Serenity, you saved me, you brought me back." Darien smiled at the girl he was laying on.

" I think it is time to go my love, this place is no longer safe," Serenity said as the walls of the room began to crumble around them. Serenity helped Endymion stand, which was quite difficult to do, for she had hardly any energy left, and with the very last of her energy she teleported them to safety.

~~~~~ At Rei's Temple ~~~~~

" I hope they're all right," Rei said trying to read the fire, but all she saw was flames.

" I'm sure they'll be fine," Mina unconvincingly said. Just as they were about to say something else, they found themselves in the presence of two new people. All eyes went wide in shock as they realise that it was in fact it was Serena and Darien. They were shocked further when they saw Serena, who they now realised was in fact the princess that they had been searching for all this time. All girls rushed in at once when Serena collapsed from exhaustion, " Oh my god Darien, what happened?" Rei said picking up Serena and laying her on her bed.

" It's a long story," Darien said and so proceeded to tell the girls what had happened, or at least what he could remember. All girls sat there with their mouths hanging open, and Darien just smiled. He turned to look at the sleeping girl and said " At least she can have a normal life now, right here is where her life really begins." And with that he turned back and started talking to the girls once more.

So what did ya think????? Good??? Bad??? I know, I know, it's not as good as the other ones, but I had a MAJOR case of writers block, but *sigh* at least this chapter is finished. Oh there is one more chapter to go and then it's finally finished ^_^. Well write and tell me what you think, I know it's kinna short, and I didn't put much detail into it, but hey *shrugs* whacha gunna do? Well R&R

Till next time remember to stand for love and justice and you'll always come through *Does peace sign with fingers and smiles*