Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ You don't always get what you want! ❯ The Perverted Substitue ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey Minna!!!! Chapter 2 of my latest fic is up and running. And thank you so much for all the reviews! I'll do my best to keep this fic going!
Happy Reading *_*
Disclaimer:Salior Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi,Not me.I know it's hard to believe but she isn't mine. I CLAIM DARIEN!!! Nadia and Crystal are mine. You all probably already used them for your own stories, but they are mine in this story. SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
:Naoko punches mika for taking Darien: HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! :mika whispers: It didn't really hurt. I'm not scared of her, just don't tell her that.
And now our featured presentation!!
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Story: You don't always get what you want Part 2
By: Niccole
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(Last time on Niccole's fic)
"No" she said barely audiable voice.
"I'm gonna face him. I'm tired of these princes doing this to me, espically him" she spat.
"Alright it's your orders, but I'll call the other scouts for back-up" said Mina. She was about to pull out her communicator when the door opened.....
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In walked Diamond. He was wearing a all black suit and silky white shirt under it.(A.N. If he wasn't so evil he'd be even cuter. Gotta admitt; Diamond comes in a *CLOSE* second next to Darien)
'Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God what do I do? Mother help me' Serena pleading to an un-known person.
"Hello class. My name is Diamond Nemeis. I will be teaching your English class until Ms. Haruna is well. I have decided to do something different for your class today. We will be studying about the legend of the Moon Kingdom" said Diamond.
"Cool" went out through out the classroom.
"Well on the moon their lived a Queen named Serenity. She ruled supreme over her Kingdom, the Moon Kingdom, and the Kingdoms of Mercury to Pluto excluding Earth. The Queen had a beautiful and *stubborn* daughter named, Princess Serenity.
She had long blonde hair that was done in twin buns at the sides of her head. She also had beautiful sky blue eyes and a body to die for (Darien: "Amen to that!!" Mika wacks him with a broom "Mamo-chan behave!"). The people on Earth mostly called her Princess Serena in short; to seperate her from her mother" he explained looking straight at Serena.
Serena sucked in her breath as he walked closer to her.
"I've found you my little moon minx" Diamond whispered as he caressed her cheek. Serena froze.
'How does he know so much? Who is this guy, really?' Serena wondered as Diamond backed away.
"Even though she was killed on the moon; she was reborn on Earth and now walks among you or maybe I should say sits among you" he chuckled, once again staring at Serena.
Serena snapped.
"Just shut-up and leave me alone you lustful bastard" She screamed.
"Please....." she added above a whispered.
"I'm afraid I can't do that princess" said Diamond.
In a flash Diamond was in his regular royal clothing. It consists of an all white suit. On the front of the shirt there was a pattern of some kind. It was outlined in purple. He also had an all white cape that went down to his ankles. However, the inside of the cape was dark purple. There were gasps around the room. And last but not least a black, upside-down creasant moon sat comfortably in the middle of his forehead.
"Who are you" Melvin asked in his normal congested voice.
"I don't have to answer your stupid, trivial questions" Diamond replied in an arrogant tone.
"But since you seem to be a friend of my future queen I will answer. My name is Prince Diamond of the Negamoon. I have come to capture my princess" he answered.
"I'm not your princess damnit; get that through your fuckin' head!!" yelled Serena.
"Oh, but you are now" Diamond said as he grabbed her arms. He lifted her out of her seat and looked into her deep blue eyes......
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BWHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! :lightning crashes: How do ya'll like it. Please review me. The little box isn't there just 2 look pretty! They really do mean alot to me.
Ja ne ^_~