Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Yuushonen Senshi Harry Potter ❯ Sailormoon ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter Two: Sailormoon
Hermione heard a shriek from the girl's dorm and ran up the stairs followed by Ron. As they reached the top several of the Gryffindor girls, including Ginny, were marching towards them, wands drawn. The girls moved in rhythm with each other and their eyes were blank and their faces pale.
"What's going on?" gulped Ron.
Hermione didn't bother to wait for an answer and pulled Ron back down the stairs.
"They're possessed, you git," she hissed pulling him towards the boy's dorm.
Ron tried to ask for more details as Hermione dragged him behind her, but they were cut off by a slightly smaller marching group of Gryffindor boys. The boys had the same withdrawn pale faces as the girls. The one in front, Colin Creevy, raised a hand with an elegant gold bracelet at Hermione. It was his wand hand. Hermione pushed Ron back and the next few moments neither knew what happened.
A blue fog suddenly filled the room. It made it very hard to see for Ron, but Hermione somehow could see through it. She grabbed Ron by the arm, and ran back down the stairs, avoided the rest of the possessed Gryffindors, with help from the fog, and headed towards the nearest teacher's office.
* * *
Harry ran down the secret corridor; his legs burning in pain from the strain he was putting on them. But, he didn't care. He had to save her. He still didn't know who exactly or where he was going. Nevertheless, his feet directed him like he was a magnet being pulled towards true north. He scrambled out of the sweets shop down in Hogsmeade and found himself taken to Ola P's Magic Jewelers. He panted for breath and saw some movement inside the shop. He crept quietly towards it and pulled out his wand.
As he looked inside the poorly lit room, he saw a girl curled up in a ball against the wall in what looked very much like Sailor-V's costume. She seemed to be in trouble. Harry looked over to the other side and a demon like woman hovered over the girl. Fangs showing and her skin a putrid green. Harry opened the window and snuck in. That's when he realized it wasn't just those two in the room. Dozens of witches and wizards stood in a trance-like state moving in on the girl in the corner.
"Luna!" the girl screamed.
A black cat scurried to the girl's side and hopped up on her head.
"Petrificus Totalus!"
A few of the tranced witches and wizards became petrified and fell to the floor. Everyone in the room looked in the direction of the yell and saw Harry standing in the shadows, wand drawn. The girl looked over squinting.
"What's with the bloke in the funny robe?" she muttered to her cat.
Harry glared at her but didn't speak as the rest of the wizards and witches in trances turned on him.
"Now Sailor Moon!" yelled a voice.
Harry couldn't see who said it, but it sounded female. Soon however, he didn't think much more about the voice as a dozen zombie-like people charged at him.
"Luna Corona Actio!" yelled the girl as she flung some golden disk at the hovering demon.
It sliced through her stomach as she screamed out in horrific pain. Her body then turned to dust before Harry's eyes and fell to floor in a pile. Each person in the room, but Harry and the girl in the sailor dress, fell down as well. Harry looked around utterly confused and saw the dust of the demon had somehow become a body again. He recognized it to be Ms. Ola. The sailor girl ran to her side.
"Are you all right?" she asked cradling the woman's head.
Harry inched closer to them.
"Y-Yes. W-What happened?" Ms Ola asked in a clearly shocked state.
"Nothing, just a nightmare." whispered the sailor girl waving her hand over the witches face and Ms. Ola slipped into a deep sleep.
The girl reached next to Ms. Ola's sleeping body and picked up what Harry thought was a tiara of some kind and placed it on her forehead. Then, something wrapped around Harry's ankles. He looked down and the girl's black cat was glaring up at him. Harry had this odd feeling he had seen a glare like that from Professor McGonagall and had a sneaking suspicion that this cat wasn't purely feline.
"Luna, you were right," the girl mumbled pulling a ring off of one of the unconscious witches, "It was the jewelry possessing them. It was absorbing their energy, too."
The cat, Luna, ran back to her owner and the sailor girl looked up at Harry.
"Who are you?" she asked skeptically as she stood up.
Harry hadn't really got a good view of her in the shadows. So when she stepped into the moonlight and he caught his breath. She wasn't human he was positive. The moonlight gleamed around her golden hair and she illuminated in a way he couldn't describe. Her face was glowing and he felt he knew that face, but couldn't remember where from. She inched closer to Harry and stepped out of the moonlight and Harry shook his head. What he saw before him now wasn't a Supreme Being but a blonde girl in a very funny looking and very short sailor dress. He still couldn't make out her face do to the darkness in the room.
"Er, I asked you a question," she muttered.
"Oh! I'm…" he held his tongue.
What was he going to say? Oh, I'm just your neighborhood friendly Harry Potter! Dressed like a git to save you! Even though I actually didn't do much. And, I don't know you or why I am here. But don't hold that against me.
"I'm Sailormoon," she said softly.
"Okay . . . " he mused, "I'm . . ."
He looked for a name, any name! She obviously had a thing to do with the moonlight and wore a sailor dress; thus her name. What was he? A git with a large mask in a formal robe. Formal Robe Mask? Formal Wear Man? Dressed Very Fashionably Well Man? No! He shook his head. Could he be more stupid? Then, it hit him. A name the marauders used back in their day, for Remus when he snuck out to meet with his many girlfriends. Something Sirius had told Harry on his vacations with his newly acquitted godfather.
"Moonlight Knight," he said hoping she didn't laugh.
She walked closer expressionless and Harry felt panicked. What if she pulled off the mask? He couldn't bare the thought of people talking about "The Boy Who Lived", scampering about at night in what resembled a wizards version of a tuxedo. He didn't say another word and ran out the room back towards Hogwarts.
* * *
The next day Harry walked around the halls in a daze. It had to have been a dream he was certain. But, when he arrived at breakfast it was all anyone could talk about.
"Then I became zombie right after Seamus took me to hospital!" stated Dean with pride.
"I was one too!" squeaked Ginny.
"I heard that another sailor girl saved all those people," added Lavender, "And some funny bloke in a dress robe helped her too."
"Dress robe?" giggled Dean.
Lavender nodded as Hermione met Harry's distressed eyes.
"How mysterious," sighed Ginny leaning her face on her hand.
"How ridiculous," chuckled Dean.
Harry covered his ears with his hands. He wanted it to be a dream. The fact that he actually ran outside in that outfit to save some random girl was too humiliating to bear. He moaned in annoyance and hit his forehead on the Gryffindor table. Above him a soft hooting noise entered the room and all the students looked up. The post had arrived. Hedwig dropped off a letter to Harry from Sirius who was on holiday with Remus and old time friend Arabella Figg, in Majorca. Harry opened the letter and read happily, ignoring the large parcel laid in front of Hermione by two owls.
"Oh, how lovely," taunted Ron, "Vicky bought you yet another box of nonsense."
"It's not nonsense," she hissed, then tore open the parcel.
The girls at the Gryffindor table leaned over to see what was in the box. It was a well-known fact that Hermione had a long distance relationship with her famous boyfriend, Viktor Krum. And, it was even better known that Ron wasn't the biggest fan of the couple.
"So what is it this time?" smirked Ron, "More love letters or more pictures of Vicky."
"Quit calling him that." sneered Hermione who pulled out several books from the box.
"Wow! Vicky actually got you something that pertains to your personality!" chirped Ron. "I'm impressed!"
One of the books, although small, hit Ron in the back of the head.
"That's for calling him Vicky!" growled Hermione who grabbed her gift and stormed off.
* * *
"Er, Harry," asked Hermione on their way to Herbology as she adjusted her Prefect's badge, "What did happen last night?"
"Honestly, I don't know," sighed Harry, "I was just not myself, I reckon."
He proceeded to tell Ron and her about what happened as best he could, in a low voice.
"Do you think this Sailormoon is in league with the Sailor-V girl?" asked Ron.
Harry shrugged his shoulders and entered the greenhouse as a wad of paper went flying into his face, again. Harry heard an uproar of laughter and looked over at the laughing table. A group of Hufflepuffs, including Ron's girlfriend Sally-Anne Perks, were falling about themselves. Harry saw a blonde head sink down in her seat. It was the same girl from the other day who had hit him.
"Miss Pigtails, do I really look like a bin to you!" snapped Harry.
"Sorry," the girl squeaked sitting back up avoiding his eyes, "You just walked into it as I was trying to throw it away."
Harry didn't say anything else to her and stomped over to a seat in the back. Hermione followed and Ron join them after giving Sally-Anne a hug.
"Harry, you okay?" asked Hermione.
"Bloody brilliant." He growled and crossed his arms.
After class they decided to head to the library to talk more. Harry agreed as he was in a slightly better mood.
"So do you think these sailor girls and the jewelry heists have a connection to You-Know-Who?" Hermione asked as they walked down the hall.
"How could they?" mumbled Ron, "Unless there is a Philosopher's diamond or something, he is looking for."
Harry thought for a second about the crystal. Should he tell them about it?
"AH!" shouted Hermione as a shiny black cat jumped on her back.
She caught it in her arms and stared at it eyes wide.
"You scared me to death kitty. You shouldn't be out in the halls."
The cat began to purr and rubbed up against her. Harry thought the cat looked familiar, but wasn't quite sure if it was the cat from last night. Everything had been seen in shadows and was a swirl in his mind now.
"What an odd cat," Hermione giggled, then turned to the cat in her arms, "Where's your owner?"
The cat looked up and hopped out of her arms and ran to a girl near by.
"Sorry," the girl said picking up the cat.
Harry's eyes narrowed at her when he recognized the pigtails.
"It's all right, Hannah. Your cat's an angel, but best get her back in the dorms before Filch catches her," said Hermione in her prefect tone.
"I know. She just won't stay in there," grumbled Hannah as her eyes met Harry's. "Well, I gotta go."
Hannah turned swishing her head so that her pigtails flipped behind her threateningly and left.
"What was her name again?" asked Harry when Hannah had left.
"Hannah Abbot," replied Ron with a smirk, "Why?"
"Nothing," mumbled Harry and he continued his walk to the library.
"Oh look!" gasped Hermione bending over; "Hannah's cat's collar fell off. I'm gonna go give it to her, okay?"
Harry was already down the hall and didn't hear her. Ron shrugged his shoulders and joined Harry as Hermione ran off. She looked down at the collar as she ran and read the tag, Luna. She finally caught up with them.
"Oy! Hannah!" called Hermione
Hannah turned around.
"Your kitty dropped this," panted Hermione handing over the collar.
"Oh," gasped Hannah who then looked over at the cat in her arms and glared, "How did that happen?"
The cat shrugged and looked away innocently. Or at least Hermione thought so. Then suddenly Luna jumped out of Hannah's arms and scurried away.
"Luna!" called Hannah, "Stupid cat. Well thanks anyway Hermione. My cat keeps causing you trouble."
"Is all right. Is she a Kneazle or part breed? She seems very smart and independent like my Crookshanks."
Hannah shrugged her shoulders.
"I wouldn't know."
Hermione heard a chime and pulled out a pocket watch looking object from her school bag. The face had swirling words instead of hands and numbers. It kept showing, "A levels".
"Oh lord. I forgot." Hermione gasped, "I have to go to my A level lectures. Could you tell Harry and Ron that I forgot about it and can't meet them in the library."
"Er, sure," chirped Hannah.
Hermione smiled.
"Well cheers. Hope your cat doesn't get caught."
And then Hermione ran off. Hannah watched her leave as Luna slinked back into the room and had two pens in her mouth. One was pink the other blue. She dropped them at Hannah's feet and looked up.
"I think I found our next soldier," Luna said sternly.
* * *
Hermione entered her A level class. The new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher also taught the class. All advanced students were asked to take it and Hermione of course was the star pupil. They worked on magic far advanced for sixth years in all subjects. The class conceived of a few elite students, two form each house: Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnigan, Padma Patil, Terry Boot, Susan Bones, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Draco Malfoy, and Pansy Parkinson. Hermione sat down next to Seamus, and pulled out her books and a round disk of some sort and placed it on her desk. Each student had one of these disks. It was to help them study and the teacher insisted they use it. It would absorb all their thoughts, like a Pensieve for note taking. Hermione brought it to class each day, but didn't see the need for it when she did much better memorizing facts on her own. She felt the disk was a way of cheating. But, she kept that thought to herself.
She copied down the notes off the board and began to conjure up a crystal as Professor Greene walked around observing the student's progress.
"Miss Granger you are excelling far greater then I would of imagined," she said happily looking over Hermione's side.
Hermione looked up at the rather young professor.
"Thank you," said Hermione in a small voice.
"Everyone is trying to catch up to you. Put in all the effort you can."
"Yes Ma'am," sighed Hermione and continued her spell.
Professor Greene made her way back towards the board.
"Oh! Mr. Finnigan, could you stay after class?" she asked not facing the class.
"Yes," the handsome sandy haired boy answered.
The class went by quickly and Hermione was relieved to be done with it. Not that she didn't find advanced classes fascinating, but Professor Greene always seemed to be hovering around her. It made her uncomfortable. She collected her things and headed out the room as Seamus stayed behind. When the last student had left Professor Greene closed the door and sat down.
"You still haven't found it, have you?" she asked Seamus.
He bowed his head.
"I'm am tryin'," he mumbled.
"I know! But, our master needs more energy from the students and your last attempt was a complete failure!" she snapped.
Seamus stayed seated and looked down.
"I am aware of what needs to be done," he grumbled.
"Then why aren't you doing it?" she sneered.
"I will not fail yeh again," he sighed, "I need to go to me next class."
"Then go!" she shouted.
Seamus collected his belongings and headed towards the door.
"Don't disappoint me Jadeite. I'll find the other stones eventually," Professor Greene hissed, "You can be replaced. "
Seamus nodded soberly and headed quickly out the door.
* * *
Inside the Gryffindor Common room, Hermione sat reading the letter that came with the parcel from Viktor. Ron looked over at her, rolled his eyes, and continued his chess game with Harry. The boys fought a fierce battle, but in the end, do to Harry's poor skills in commanding troops, the knights and pawns walked off the board in revolt. So the game was canceled until they could find more obliging pieces for Harry to play with.
He sat back in his seat in a huff thinking about that girl. He wanted to see her again, and this time get a better look at her. The only time her face was lit was when the moonlight hit her. And then Harry still didn't know how to explain the beauty he saw. Just what he needed another girl to obsess over who didn't know anything about him. This was worse then Cho, he was sure. For at least Cho knew it was him making a git of himself. Why did he have to be in that outfit? He must have looked so . . . he didn't want to think about it anymore. He stomach felt sour.
Then, the portrait hole swung open. Standing in the entrance bright eyed, was Ron's girlfriend. A sixth year Hufflepuff named Sally-Anne Perks. She stepped in her blonde hair swishing around her pretty face and bright blue eyes dancing in the torchlight. She jumped behind Ron who was still seated opposite Harry and threw her arms around him.
"Hi, Ronny!" she squealed happily in her very high and very California sounding voice.
"Oh, hi Sal," he sighed as she kissed his cheek.
"What's up?" she asked sitting on his lap.
"Nothing really," he mumbled stroking her hair, "Just bored."
Hermione glanced over at the couple then went back to her letter.
"So what you doing Harry?" giggled Sally-Anne.
Harry shrugged his shoulders.
"Man, you boys are a live bunch," pouted Sally-Anne and thought for a moment then perked up, "Oh my god! Did you hear about the scary stuff going on?"
Harry looked quickly at Ron to keep her from going any further.
"Er, course we have love," Ron said quickly, "Now, er, what was that thing you wanted to show me the other day. Game boy was it?"
"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Sally-Anne, "But, we have to wait `til we go to Hogsmeade again to play it. Damn anti-funness spells."
Hermione chuckled, "You have the oddest way of speaking."
"Do I darling?" sighed Sally-Anne in a fake British accent.
Hermione smiled and put her letter in her pocket. Unlike Ron, who did not take a liking to Hermione's significant other. Hermione had no problem at all with his.
"But, you have to play it Ronny!" begged Sally-Anne, "I got this new Sailor-V game! It rocks!"
"They know about her in the States?" Hermione asked.
"Oh yeah!" gushed Sally-Anne. "The Sailor-V cartoon is a huge hit there. I watched it with my cousin over the summer. It is so cool!"
"What's it about?" asked Hermione sitting next to Ron and Sally-Anne.
"This girl who is in England, I think, or something, She has this cat and the cat-"
"Is it black?" Harry suddenly asked.
"No, it's white. And the cat is like her Obi-Wan Kenobi. All telling her the ways of the force and stuff."
Ron blinked furiously but didn't bother to ask what Sally-Anne meant for Hermione and Harry understood and would explain in words her could interpret later.
"And," continued Sally-Anne excitedly, "The girl's school clothes become this super hero outfit and she kicks major booty!"
Ron began to laugh at his girlfriend's enthusiasm. Sally-Anne smiled down at him and nuzzled her nose with his.
"Why?" asked Harry.
"Huh?" she asked looking up from Ron.
"Why does she fight crime?"
"Uh…" Sally-Anne thought, "I don't know."
"Excellent," sighed Harry slouching down on the sofa.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" yelped Sally-Anne who jumped up and began to dig in her hand bag, "Hannah told me to give you this."
Sally-Anne handed Hermione a blue pen. It had a blue stone and a gold ring around it, on top. Hermione took it looking puzzled.
"What's this for?"
"She said it was bribe," giggled Sally-Anne, "So that you wouldn't put the prefect smack down and get her in trouble over Luna. It's for note taking I guess. It has pretty ink that changes color depending on your mood."
Hermione sighed with a smile, "I see."
And put the pen in her schoolbag.
* * *
Sally-Anne skipped down the hall heading for her Herbology class with Hannah and Susan Bones.
"I'm so tired," whined Hannah.
"You and me both," groaned Susan.
"Really?" mused Sally-Anne, "Well if two people I know hadn't gone to bed at 2 am . . ."
"Shut up," grumbled Hannah.
"So, after class you wanna get a pick me up from the kitchen?" asked Sally-Anne.
"I'll do anything to stay awake," groaned Hannah.
"I'll pass," mumbled Susan. "I have A Levels."
"Oh, right," sighed Sally-Anne.
"Do you really need to take that class?" asked Hannah, "You are up at all hours of the night working with that disk thing and never have any time to hang with us anymore."
"Mum, wants me to take it, all right!" snapped Susan as they reached the greenhouse.
The girls didn't say anything else and entered the classroom. Hannah found a seat with her friends. Sally-Anne playfully blew kisses at Ron in the back as Susan looked down still obviously in a bad mood. Hannah looked over at Harry, Hermione and Ron. She took a deep breath and walked over to them. If Luna was right she needed to get to know Hermione better.
"Hi," said Hannah sheepishly.
Hermione looked up and smiled, Hannah could see in Hermione's hand was the blue pen.
"Why are you using the pen?" giggled Hannah.
"I believe to write with it, Abbot," mumbled Harry not looking at Hannah.
Hannah pursed her lips.
"I meant, you don't have to use it."
"It's all right. I like it," replied Hermione nervously observing Harry.
"Well, er, bye," mumbled Hannah and scurried back to her seat.
Hermione kept her eyes on Harry and put the pen down.
"Don't tell me I have two smart asses to deal with now?" she snapped.
"Hey!" exclaimed Ron, but Hermione ignored him.
"Sorry," mumbled Harry.
"Don't tell me! Tell Hannah!" she ordered maternally.
Ron chuckled, "Ah, for once, I'm not in the dog house."
"Keep it up," grumbled Hermione, "And you will be!"
* * *
That weekend Ron grudgingly headed down to Hogsmeade. Instead of going for pleasure and recreation, he was going to work. Fred and George had finally opened their dream joke store. But, were down on staff at the moment. So, Ron would go in and work for a couple hours every Saturday. He put on his uniform, which included a red robe and a white apron, which said, "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!" in big red letters. He stood behind the counter after helping open up the store observing all the other students enjoying themselves. The door burst open and in ran two, blonde headed, bouncing girls. They both ran to the counter.
"Ronny!" shouted Sally-Anne who leaned over the counter and grabbed his collar and kissed him before he could react.
Hannah stood next to her giggling.
"Hi Han," Ron said to Hannah with a nod.
"I brought the game!" cheered Sally-Anne holding up a gray box in front of Ron's face.
"Brilliant," Ron smirked and took the box from her.
He looked at it from side to side and flipped it over. Then shook it repeatedly and looked up at Sally-Anne.
"What do you do with it?" he asked.
"You play with it," she giggled. "Here, give it to me."
Sally-Anne jumped up on the counter and leaned over so Ron could see her play the game. She pressed start and began to lead the little Sailor-V character through a cave with zombies.
"Pretty cool, huh?"
"I guess," he sighed.
"You're no fun," Sally-Anne pouted and handed the game to Hannah.
"Hannah likes it!" chirped Sally-Anne, "She's actually hella good for a witch."
"Well good for her," mumbled Ron as he leaned on the counter, bored.
Hannah pounded away on the game oblivious to the world. She loved video games, ever since Sally-Anne had introduced her to them three years before. She spent hours at Sally-Anne's house in Santa Cruz having a ball on her Playstation and N64.
Sally-Anne looked around the store still gossiping with Ron. She toyed with all the gadgets and gizmos. Causing three to explode and one to turn her hand pink. Just as Ron was going to beg her to leave everything alone, she found some "Never-ending Rope".
"You know my birthday is coming up soon," she mused, "Why don't I just tie you up and keep you in my room. And, that will be my present from you."
"Why do you have to tie me up?" smirked Ron.
Sally-Anne blushed.
"What on earth is that?" drawled a very familiar and very displeasing voice to Ron's ear.
He looked over and Draco Malfoy was peering over Hannah's shoulder with an amused look on his face.
"It's a Game Boy," mumbled Hannah.
Draco snatched it from her hands. She tried to get it back but he held it out of her reach.
"A muggle thing I am sure. Is this yours yank?" he grinned at Sally-Anne.
"Yes," she hissed.
"Give it back to her!" snapped Ron.
"Oh, defending your girlfriend. How sweet," sighed Draco. "A double blow Weasley; a mudblood and a stupid yank."
Ron's ears went pink, as his face grew red in anger. He made his way around the counter quickly ready to beat down the pointy git.
"Give it back Malfoy!" demanded Ron.
"Yes," sighed Sally-Anne, "It's only for someone who has hand eye coordination that comes from abilities other then pleasing yourself."
Hannah burst out laughing and Ron suddenly remembered why he was going out with Sally-Anne and smiled. Draco glared at Sally-Anne and threw the game boy at her, which she luckily caught before it crashed into the wall.
"Get out!" shouted Ron.
Lots of children in the store were watching them now. Draco noticed this and turned to leave only to save face. As he walked to the door he whacked down a display of Canary Creams with his hand and left. Sally-Anne ran out, and from what Ron saw threw a lasso with the "Never-ending Rope" at Draco. It went directly around his waste. She tugged on it and he fell back with a thud on the street. She then proceeded to drag him all the way back to the store kicking and screaming.
"Untie me Perks! I mean it!" he screamed.
"Not until you fix the display!" she grunted yanking him to her feet.
"No!" he snapped as he squirmed some more.
"Miss Perks!" gasped a woman's voice.
Sally-Anne looked over slowly and saw a very upset looking Professor Sprout gaping at her.
"Untie him at once!" Sprout snapped.
"But, he started it!" Sally-Anne declared.
"Doesn't matter!"
Sally-Anne, with a heavy heart, untied Draco and both were lead back to school by Professor Sprout. Ron watched from the store with Hannah, smiling broadly at his delinquent girlfriend.
"How did she do that?" he gasped.
Hannah shrugged her shoulders in awe and shock.
"Maybe all Yanks are taught how to lasso someone," she sighed.
Ron began to laugh still in shock.
"Did I ever mention that I love that girl!" he declared.
Hannah smiled and wished that he were telling the truth.
* * *
Down the street walking slowly next to each other were Professor Greene and Seamus. They stopped by a corner.
"This disk idea of yours better work," sighed Greene.
"It will!" declared Seamus. "The smartest students are giving all their time into that class with that disk. I am sure they will give you a good source of energy. Before long everyone else will want one. I already offered up the idea to some stores and they are interested."
"You better be right," huffed Greene, "Or I will take away the gift I gave you so fast. I didn't make you my soldier for my health."
"I know!"
"And, make sure none of those sailor girls get in the way!" growled Greene poking Seamus' shoulder with her index finger.
"Yes, ma'am."
"I mean it would be lucky if one was the princess, but they both look so much alike."
"Do you think the Moon Princess would let herself be so obvious?" Seamus asked.
Greene pushed her wavy red hair back.
"I have no idea," groaned Greene, "She never was known for her wit."
"Should we try to focus on one thing at a time?" asked Seamus a bit uneasy, "I mean first you wanted energy, then this crystal and now all this talk about the Moon Princess! No wonder I can't find anything!"
Greene looked over at Seamus coyly.
"Oh, Seamus," she sighed letting her finger stroke his face, "You want to be better then Granger, don't you?"
Seamus nodded.
"Then do what I want," sighed Greene now stroking his hair, "Then you will be ten times smarter then that little know-it-all."
Seamus nodded again and looked at the beautiful face of his very young teacher. He then, suddenly stepped away from Professor Greene.
"Hi Harry!" he said happily.
Greene's face lit up and she saw Harry and Hermione waving over to them.
"What are you two up to?" Greene called out to them.
The two friends walked over happily. Although Hermione didn't particularly like Professor Greene, she knew that Harry was a favorite of hers and that she always defended him against Snape. So, when Harry was around Hermione found she could tolerate Professor Greene a little better.
"We are just on our way to visit Ron," answered Harry, "How are you Professor Greene?"
"Please, we're not in school. Call me Beryl."
Harry nodded, "All right, Beryl. Well we are a bit late. So, we do need to keep going."
Seamus nodded. Hermione and Harry continued down the street.
"Bye!" Beryl called after them, then rounded on Seamus, "Get to work!"
"Yes, ma'am," he mumbled and ran off.