Saint Beast Fan Fiction ❯ Original Sin ❯ Corruption ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AoS: Alright, so I just finished watching all of Saint Beast, and I decided that it needed a fic … ^_^ It's my first one, so be semi-nice, if you could …
Original Sin: Chapter 1 - Corruption
Drowsy eyes blinked open slowly; where was he? … Last time he checked, he had been sleeping in his room, right? … Yes, because Gai and Maya had been watching the newest episode of Poisoned Saint, and he had overheard Shiva being imitated. But now, he could feel heat, as if from flames lapping at his skin; he would've thought that someone, most likely Rei, had started a fire in the fireplace of his room, but … His room didn't have a fireplace …
“Shin …” Blinking softly, his gold eyes flickered in the direction the sound of his name came from, a faint, slightly disoriented `hmmmm?' escaping him. Why was he so tired ..? His eyes at first wouldn't focus at all on his surroundings.
“Shin …” the voice purred gently a second time; it was a very familiar voice, but he couldn't place a face to it. He was a little more awake now, but for some reason, he couldn't get much strength to return. Finally, he was able to focus a little better; it was dark, wherever he was, and it did seem that there was a fire flickering nearby somewhere because of the lighting … And suddenly, he felt something - just the ghost of a touch, delicately along the side of his face to his hair, subsequently loosening the tie that held his long green locks bound before Shin protested.
“No …” was about all he could manage, voice soft, though that was only because the black aura-ed Saint Beast always spoke quietly. A slim hand came up to stop the hand that was untying his hair; whomever this was, they were pushing their limits - only one person besides himself would he allow to touch his hair, whether to bind or unbind it. Even his brother, Gou, never touched it. Looking now at who this person was, giving up on trying to figure out where exactly he was, his no longer dazed eyes widened behind his glasses - this had to be a trick of the firelight … or something … Had to be anything … but the truth …
“ … I-it … it can't … … …. Yuda?” Shin's fingers slackened around the other's wrist and the fallen angel pulled free the cloth that held Shin's hair tied fast, allowing his long hair to flow over his shoulders.
“Aa …” was all the sixth Saint Beast murmured softly, though he seemed a bit preoccupied with something … he was just staring at Shin, who could only look back, completely entranced for a moment in those shimmering chrome depths; how long had it been, since he had been so close to them? Been able to simply gaze into those beautiful eyes endlessly …?
Shin didn't want to think about it.
“Wh … Where are we …?” he finally managed, blinking and breaking the trance like state he'd fallen into - he wasn't sure what was going on, but he had a feeling that wherever they were, it wasn't helping the situation fall into his favor.
“Jigoku no naka ni.” Shin blanched, eyes widening at the answer, so simple and easy in its coming that it had to be the truth. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, the word was cut off with a slightly startled gasp as he felt something against his chest. It was Yuda, his fingers ghosting across the gold eyed one's body, still clad in a long, albeit thin, nightshirt.
“A-ah! Yu-Yuda …” the protest was weak, just like the rest of his body felt - it was this place; hell drained his power. He couldn't summon the shield of Genbu, couldn't really pull up the energy of the earthen power in his aura - at the moment, he was no more better off than any other human on earth.
“Shin …” the name fell like a sigh from Yuda's lips, “hisashiburi, ne?” the tone was gentle, as Yuda had always been before the war … The Saint Beast of the North wouldn't let himself think about how much he missed that; he was supposed to fight against Yuda now …
“Yuda, what are you -?”
“I thought of you, Shin.” The words stopped the green haired angel from speaking and Yuda carried on as if the other had said nothing.

“Nothing but you … locked in the darkness of hell …” Another startled gasp escaped Shin, as he had stopped paying attention to where the wandering hands had traveled to, but they called his attention again as Shin felt one ghost over his abdomen.
“Yu-Yuda, what are --?” the tone was a little more stern this time, as if Shin meant it, but a soft sound from the back of his throat cut the question off this time; a thumb ghosted over his thinly clad chest, finding the previously soft nub of flesh and easily turning it into a hard little pebble. The still mildly disoriented angel fought against a reflex to arch his back.
“Yuda, stop it--.” he started to hiss, but this time, the red head above him curled the fingers of the hand previously occupied with Shin's stomach in the soft viridian locks that he had freed moments before, pulling Shin towards him and crushing a kiss to the other's lips. At first, the gold eyed angel thought to struggle, both hands coming up to push against Yuda; it was futile, as he was still not used to the atmosphere of hell, and he couldn't get a handle on his power to properly resist. Eventually, he felt himself being pulled into a relatively sitting position, leaning almost fully against the red head, gold eyes closing half way - he couldn't even bring himself to fight.
“I missed that …” Yuda murmured softly, voice husky and breathing slightly harsh after he broke the kiss what seemed like an eternity later. Shin could hardly breath either, warm breath coming out in relatively short pants.
“And this …” he purred as he suddenly wound a few locks of the other's hair around his hand, the other coming up to pull at Shin's waist so that his body was completely flush with the red head's. “You were the only thing I regretted loosing when I was cast out of heaven.”
Yuda's soft touches were completely driving Shin insane; in a way that he had never, ever felt before, even when they had lived in heaven. They had shared soft caresses and stayed in each other's company often, but this all encompassing, undeniably burning passion that was beginning to consume the golden eyed angel was completely foreign. And completely frightening.
“Do you feel it?” Yuda purred to Shin, leaning down to softly kiss the other's neck, lips causing the angel to shiver softly. “It's something that cannot exist in heaven; too tainted … too dark … ” a hand slid down the other's body slowly, curling underneath Shin's nightshirt and ghosting up his inner thigh fleetingly.
“Can you feel the fires of lust?” Shin could barely function for the sensations that were assaulting him; something the pure angel had never experienced before, nor knew about, as he only went to earth when commanded by the Goddess, and, besides being short lived, those times were few and far between. His breath was short, a small groan escaping as Yuda's hands explored his body as they never had before.
It was almost as if a dark fire was boiling under his skin.
Yuda, in the meantime, could do nothing but watch the other; so responsive to every touch he administered - so innocent, still so pure. Pulling the green haired other against his chest, he reveled in the feeling of Shin arching against him when the tip of a finger traced down his length; the sound that escaped the gold eyed angel was music sweeter than any melody a harp, even played by Shin, could produce.
“Ahh! Yu … Yudaaahh …” gold eyes closed half way as he whimpered softly, lips trembling as his head fell back against the fallen angel's shoulder; there was no will to resist what the other was doing to the Saint Beast of the North. The red head's soft lips caressed the skin of his would-be lover's neck as his fingers curled around Shin's half hard erection, and the angel could only quiver and moan breathlessly, a pink blush staining his cheeks.
“So perfect …” the red head purred in approval as he slid his other hand up the emerald haired angel's front, tips of his slim fingers tracing around a pert nipple. Shin arched against Yuda again with a gasp, pressing his hips forward into the hand that was pleasuring him and clenching his eyes shut, lips alternating between closed and open. Evidently, he couldn't decide if he wanted to groan or if he wanted to grit his teeth in response to the sensations.
Leaning down, Yuda captured the other's petal-soft lips in a demanding, almost bruising kiss, swallowing those tantalizing little keens and whimpers that were driving the red head insane and stealing Shin's breath as he continued to slowly slide his hand up and down the angel's length. One of the other's hands came up to tentatively, slowly, curl around the back of Yuda's neck, the feather light, innocently and unknowingly teasing, caused Yuda to shiver. Nipping at the angel's bottom lip, his hand moved a little bit faster, upping its pace just slightly; enough to make Shin pant and writhe just a little more. He was a portrait of innocence and lust; the confused, impassioned combination made Yuda only want to claim the Saint as his own - though, even if Shin was willing (and obviously, he was), the red head knew that he couldn't do that. Not yet, anyway.
Shin … didn't know what to think. In fact, he wasn't really thinking at all, if you wanted the truth; he was reduced to a quivering mass of heat and sensation and lust and emotion and a million other things that he had never succumb to before. The only thing he was able to conceptionalize was that Yuda was there, and he was making him feel this … absolutely … amazing feeling. He was teetering on the edge of something; he wasn't too sure what, but it was as if the edge of a cliff that he just wanted to fall off of and into what he could only describe as eternal bliss. Because he knew that that was what was just at the other side - if he could only get over the hill.
“Shin … … say my name …” Yuda purred to the gold eyed other; said angel blinked behind his slightly crooked glasses, at first not understanding what he was being told as he looked up almost pleadingly at the red head, begging for release even if he didn't realize it.
“Mmmnnngg … Yu-Yuudaaahhh …” he half purred, half sighed, kiss, swollen lips parting just the smallest amount to breathe out the red head's name, fingers still curled gently in the red head's long hair at the base of his neck and moving just slightly in almost the gesture of massaging, causing the silver eyed male to purr in the back of his throat.
Yuda said nothing as he leaned down to kiss Shin's neck gently; he had kept the pace of his hand almost torturously slow to retain the other on just the brink of release, but not affording him any satisfaction. Now though, all caution was abandoned, his strong hand pumping back and forth with almost wanton abandon, wanting to see Shin's face at the height of ecstasy. Gold eyes widened slightly as the green eyed angel gasped at the sudden increase in friction, cheeks flushing even darker as thin, nearly invisible trails of sweat curled down his cheeks - Goddsss … so close …
“Y-YUDAAAHH!” the half scream, half moan that was issued when the beautiful, pure creature finally found his release echoed slightly in the cave, but Shin was normally so soft spoken anyway, it was little more than a breathless shout really. If Shin's face was normally angelic, Yuda found that it was absolutely god-like when contorted in an expression of pure and unaltered bliss, watching as the other arched upwards before falling back against his own chest limply, unable to support himself as he panted, bangs stuck to the sides of his face, eyes closed peacefully. The fallen angel drew his hand back, licking off the still warm white fluid that covered it and purring softly; it tasted like honey, sakura, and purity - nothing could describe Shin better.
Yuda sat there for a few moments, just holding Shin, whose breathing evened out slowly; he had so sorely missed Shin when he had been locked up with Ruka - after a while so much that there had been a physical pain in his chest. The first thing he did when Ruka and he were free from the seal was to disturb the animals; he knew the Megami would send the remaining four Saint Beasts to deal with whatever the threat was because their area was natural things. It was only a matter of time before he found Shin again.
Brushing the other's bangs from his face softly, Yuda found that Shin had drifted off to sleep not too long after his release, serene expression gently painted across his features. Kissing the other's forehead softly, he murmured a spell that would get rid of the physical evidence of Shin's passion before he gently pulled the nightshirt back down over the other's slim, soft body, drawing the angel closer before he murmured another spell, summoning up a portal - the same one he had used to remove the sleeping Shin from his bed nearly an hour previous.
Laying the lethargic, exhausted angel back in his bed and drawing the blankets back up the way that he had found Shin, he longed to just keep the other; not return him to this place. But, he could, because he knew that all he had to do was wait; wait and remain patient. Shin would come to him of his own accord; and then, it would be a thousand fold sweeter than anything Yuda had ever dreamed of. Of that much, he was sure …
TBC … ?
AoS: Alright; my first Saint Beast fanfic - I got the idea at work, amusingly enough. They need to stop putting me on the door as greeter; I never greet anyone ^^'' I just write fanfiction.
Shin: Let's just hope no one ever catches you and tries to read it … … ::blushes::
AoS: Awwww ^_^ So cute!
Yuda: … … >_> … … <_< … … … … SEQUEL!
AoS: Eeep! O.o;; Ummm … only if they ask for it ::points to readers:: , and it will be slow in coming … ^^'' I have AP Exams to study for, you know … …
Yuda: ::glare:: I … don't … care … … -.-`'
AoS: ^^'' He he … … um … right … …. O.o;; … … On a side note, this happens in Episode three, during the night when the seal is released and Hiro receives his black wings. Because Shiva was out … and Ruka was … … um … … I dunno … watching Gou take a bath … … or something … ^^''
Ruka: HEY!!! >,<
AoS: … well you were … …
Ruka: … … ::opens mouth:: … … … ::closes mouth:: … … … … … Shut up.
AoS: ^_^\V/ Anyway … … R'n'R, and perhaps eventually, I'll get out another chapter … because this one has a semi-plot development, and depending on how lazy I feel, I might have to make this more than a one-shot PWP, which was my original intention … ^^;;
Japanese Dictionary:
Jigoku no naka ni: In Hell
Hisashiburi, ne?: It's been a while, hasn't it?