Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Letters to the psychiatrist ❯ Letters to the psychiatrist ( One-Shot )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Watch it guys! Poor Sorrento has slavery fantasies with mean Kanon, and can't deal with them, so he goes for “help”… Let's see what kind of help he gets and from WHO he gets that so called help =P
Now for the warnings (READ CAREFULLY, PLEASE):
1- The cast from this story belongs to that awesome anime called Saint Seiya, from Masami Kurumada. I just borrowed them for naughty purposes, hehehe.
2- This story contains yaoi. Yes, yaoi, which means GAY. If you don't like it, THEN DON'T READ.
3- Sadism & masochism included… If you're touchy about this, then DO NOT READ!
4- Grammar: I'm not a native speaker, but I think grammar/spelling shouldn't be flamed as long as they make sense. This fic is quite easy to understand, so if you say it makes no sense for X reason, whether is a real mistake or created by your own imagination, that's none of my business. Drop the reading and that's all. Pointless flames with disdainful/ironic/cynic/offensive/arrogant/sarcastic words will be used to burn my old sketches. Simple.
5- Criticism: Ok, you can go for it, but please, in a nice way. Offensive and arrogant comments will be trashed away, no matter if they had good points. I don't have patience with offensive and/or cocky persons who go around thinking they can be criticising others without minding their words. It's way too unpleasant. Besides, I should add that any comment implying some sort of “judgement” (indirect or direct) against my mentality, orientation or any personal aspect from me, will be ignored in the best of cases, and in the worst, mocked with all my sarcasm.
6- Lyrics quotations from * King Nothing by Metallica and ** Erotica by Madonna
Enjoy!! ^__^
Letters to the psychiatrist
Sorrento, a marine shogun, was a youth with an uncommon physical: Lavender hair, sleek figure and eyes as pink as strawberries. If this wasn't enough, his mind as well as his dreams wasn't common either: Horny and bizarre fantasies with his commander tormented him. Several of them.
And the common dominator of them was Sorrento himself as a slave. He spent hours thinking of them (or dreaming, it's the same), `till the point they drove him to the edge of madness (and ecstasy). Sometimes, Sorrento asked himself if there was something wrong with him.
One day, while walking to his usual place, Sorrento saw an announcement letter. It read:
“New undersea psychiatrist. Got a prob? Then fax me and we'll make an appointment. I'll be glad to help you all”
Fax number: 800-marine
the undersea psychiatrist
<<I think this chap is the only one who can help me…>> Sorrento thought, so he came back to his house and faxed the psychiatrist. He wrote the following:
Dear doctor,
I'm one of Poseidon's seven marine shoguns, Siren Sorrento. I address you respectfully to ask you for an appointment, tomorrow at 2:00 pm. I really have a serious problem and I think you might be the best person to ask for some help.
Yours truthfully,
Siren Sorrento
Kanon smiled. His plan bore fruits. He put the announcement in the road he KNEW Sorrento would pass by and read. Soon he would discover why Sorrento was so mild, sweet and humble to him.
Kanon was the leader of the marine shoguns. He was young (Well, 28 is not precisely youthfulness, compared to Sorrento, who was 21) and had a heavy mass of hair, which colour often changed from light blue to various grey tones, according to his mood. Usually mean and bossy, Kanon used to pick on Sorrento often, giving him the filthiest assignments.
For everyone's surprise, Sorrento accepted them humbly and did them with horrible efficiency. With time, he became Kanon's spoiled little shogun, thing the others didn't see with good eyes. Not because they were jealous. Simply, they didn't like seeing Sorrento bending himself to that mean leader they had. Something fishy had to be going on. And if they were to look inside Sorrento's mind when he looked at Kanon, a horrible surprise they would get.
The commander faxed Sorrento back:
Dear Sorrento,
I read your fax, and yes, as the psychiatrist in this undersea sanctuary, is my duty to help you. Come to my consulting room, which is located at the northeast of Poseidon's temple, at the time you requested. I'll be more than glad to listen to you.
the undersea psychiatrist
In the meanwhile, Sorrento undressed, removing scales and clothing and went out to swim in a lake near his pillar. The water was cold and did good to him. Actually, to swim (or walk, it's the same for him) naked and have someone watching him was one of his tormenting fantasies. By night there were the erotic dreams with Kanon. He often dreamt he was his slut (And God, how he enjoyed being that way!).
One day, he decided to look for help, so we would know how on hell he would deal with these fantasies so he would not hurt anyone (Or himself). With these thoughts, he continued swimming naked in his “secret place”
Kanon was walking nearby. He decided to take a walk after faxing Sorrento and removing the sign letter which the Siren marine read previously. The leader of the shoguns heard the water splashes, and ran, looking for the source of the noises. And there it was: Sorrento swimming skilfully, like a true mermaid, but what's that………. No, it can't be…. He's…. He's……… Naked!!!!!
He could appreciate the perfect lines on Sorrento's back and the perfect butt, slightly peeking out of the water. Graciously, he dove into the water, hiding his figure again. Kannon gasped, and decided it wouldn't be bad if he were to look closely such unusual spectacle.
Sorrento didn't notice him, so he kept swimming, stopping to rest from time to time on the lake's shores. If only Kanon would be here. He would enjoy being watched.
<<Such an exhibitionist slut we have here>> Kanon thought, perversely, remembering Sorrento's strange meekness, and decided that there HAD to be something going on.
Otherwise, why on earth he wasn't mad or reluctant to him? The way he answered to every order, the way he reported himself every time Kanon demanded…. Yes, definitely, there had to be something going on! And he, Kanon of Sea Dragon, would find it out or he would quit to his post of commander of the seven marine shoguns, that's for sure. And with his brilliant plan, he wouldn't fail.
Kanon hid himself behind some bushes, so he could have a better view of Sorrento, and immediately he thought “Who knows what the secret that lies within him is” Kanon smiled “Heh heh heh! I'm sure Sorrentohas some interesting things to tell me”. Still smiling, he ran to home, getting ready his costume, which would trick Sorrento. The little mermaid will be caught by him, a huge sea dragon…
Next day, Sorrento dressed to go to his appointment. He decided to go without his siren scales, since he was off duty, so he wore a shirt with the 3 first buttons unhooked and loose pants, with a pair of tennis. Done. He was ready to go and face his torment.
He saw the building, and guessed it was the place. He knocked the door, and a somewhat familiar voice answered him “I'm coming!”. The door opened and Sorrento could see the doctor. His hair looked a little like Kanon's but it was hard to tell since he wore it in a ponytail. White robe covered his body (Also suspiciously similar to Kannon's). Finally, his face, covered from nose to mouth, with a white mask “Come in, you must be Siren Sorrento, huh?”
“Yeah” Sorrento said “Are you the new undersea psychiatrist, Kayro?”
“Yes I am. You're my first patient. Come and make yourself comfortable” he said, shoving Sorrento into his office “Woah he looks so fine!” Kanon thought, with perverse pleasure.
“Please come inside my office and lean on the couch. I'll be with you in a jiffy!”
“Alright doctor” Sorrento obeyed. God, he couldn't hear an order or request. They always reminded him of his fantasies over and over again.
Kanon-Kayro sat beside him and took his notebook and pens “So, little Sorrento, what was making you sleepless?”
“You'll see, doc” Sorrento said, rolling his strawberry eyes “I think I have a `slave' problem”
“Slave problem? Please explain yourself better” Kanon-Kayro replied, puzzled
“I love to receive orders, no matter if they're in a nice way or bad way. But I love specially the bad way, which comes in form of rough voice tones, physical damage (hits) and insults”
Kanon-Kayro widened his eyes “Very interesting. Go on” he said, writing on his notebook
“It happens to me everyday, anytime. What's worse, I have slavery fantasies with my commander”
Kanon-Kayro coughed violently. Sorrento stared at him alarmed “Oh don't worry, it's just a little cold. Can you relate what kind of fantasies are those?”
Sorrento leaned against the couch again “They come in form of bondage and SM fantasies. You know, the guy tied, receiving whiplashes or candle wax, and all that stuff”
Kanon-Kayro felt smug in his insides “Heh heh… So you dream about me. This is soooooo nice!”
“Tell me, young man, what's your commander's name? I'm new around and I haven't met him yet”
“Oh, his name is Kanon of Sea Dragon. A mean, naughty, but beautiful man, in my humble opinion” Sorrento added, with starry eyes.
“Interesting, interesting!” The doctor said, narrowing his eyes to slits “So you dream you are tied, abused and ill-treated by Kanon?”
“Yeah. I have all kind of filthy dreams with him! I just want him to treat me bad, to tie me and pound me!”
<<Oh oh>> Kanon thought, feeling the bulge starting to peek out of his pants. He tried to think of another thing to avoid getting horny in the moment. So he said
“Yes, it's a typical case of low self respect and lack of pride, plus physical attraction toward your boss. If you were to have some pride, I bet you wouldn't let him treat you bad in despite of the attraction, huh?”
“I suppose so…” Sorrento replied, with a sad sigh “What's worse, I enjoy when he does it” the siren shogun turned to face the doctor “Please tell me if I have some cure, or I'll be damned to live like that for the rest of my miserable life!”
Kanon-Kayro stared at Sorrento, and an embarrassing silence floated in the environment. The doctor pulled him slowly and removed his mask. The young shogun couldn't believe what he was looking at…
“Sir…, Sir…, Sir Kanon!!!” Sorrento yelled. He got so scared and was about to run, but Kanon cornered him, eliminating any possibility of escape
“Yes, it's me, you moron” he said, laughing. However, it wasn't a maniacal or evil laugh. Actually, it was a kind laugh. Sorrento shut his eyes tight and felt his cheeks burning, so he guessed he was blushing, his face turning as pink as his eyes. Kanon loved that view.
“Lovely face you have” Kanon said, showing Sorrento a mirror “I wish you could be that way always! Look at yourself!”
Sorrento glanced, and saw his face, pink as his eyes, as he already guessed “Sir… Sir…, Sir…, What are you…. Going to do with me?” He asked, fear colouring every word. His eyes grew bigger than before.
Kanon stared at him without saying a word for a moment
<<You poor thing>>He thought <<You've already revealed your secret to me… Yet is natural that you ask such a silly question>> And he smiled. Of course, he would do LOADS of things with him, now that his secret was revealed, and Kanon was feeling in the mood
<<Of course it would be mean of my part to take on him without his armour. But I'm sure he'll like this>> he thought again, this time grinning widely.
“S…. Sir?” Sorrento murmured
“I will help you…”
“Help me? With what?” Sorrento asked, puzzled more than never
“To make your *dreams* come true!” he said, grabbing a hold of Sorrento's shirt and pulling the Siren shogun's face right in front of his
<<Nooo… I can't believe it….>>Sorrento thought, shutting his eyes, starting to feel his body turn on <<Kanon is going to take on me…… He'll be mean, like I always dreamed… I will enjoy every dirty thing he doesto me… And I will yell for more…>>
He sobbed, sad about his future perspective…
“Now tell me, little slut… Just for curiosity… What were you doing swimming naked yesterday?” he already knew the answer, but he preferred to hear it from Sorrento's lips
Tears welled on Sorrento's pink eyes “I… I… I wanted….” He swallowed hard “Wanted you to see me… Naked… I wanted… To feel you watching over me… As I was swimming…” Tears fell down Sorrento's blushed face. He was feeling heat starting to set happily over him
“An exhibitionist fantasy huh? Nice, Sorrento!!” Kanon smiled “As I told you, I was there, watching you! I couldn't believe, though, you were doing such thing, neither figure out why”
Sorrento didn't answer. Kanon leant him against the wall “Now, you little slut, I'll tell you a little secret… I planned all this “Undersea Psychiatrist” thing to get you!”
“I… I can… See it… Sir…”
“Now now, where are you manners?? Are you forgetting who's in charge around??” He said, slapping Sorrento's face. He knew that the meaner he is, the more Sorrento would like it
“I couldn't figure out why on all the deepest hells you were so mild and nice when I was mean and cruel to you, so I planned this. Yes, I put the sign letter you read on your way to *your* place! I faxed you so you could come to me easily, and you fell in my trap like a fish would bite the bait!” His voice became less audible “I caught you. You're mine, understand? Now and forever!”
<<This… This can't be happening….>> Sorrento thought, cloudily <<He got me… I'm a hare in front of a snake…>>
* Careful with what you wish…
Careful with what you say…
Careful with what you say…
Careful with what you wish…
You just might get it…
“I understand sir” Sorrento nodded “I'm your slave… Forever…”
“Nice! I know you're going to be so much fun” Kanon said, removing Sorrento's shirt and making him lie on four on the couch “Lie there, slut, and don't move” He said, and went to look for a rope. He tied Sorrento's hands on his back. The *show* was about to begin
Sorrento closed his eyes, feeling that malign side of his enjoying the situation to the utmost. He let out a startled sound when his pants were removed, thing that Kanon did quickly, without giving any chance to Sorrento to protest. Soon he was completely naked, on fours, with his hands tied. High quality reproduction of his own dreams…
** If I take you from behind
Push myself into your mind
When you least expect it
Will you try and reject it?
If I'm in charge and I'll treat you like a child
Will you let yourself go wild?
Let my mouth go where it wants to…
“I must admit it, little slut, you've got a perfect body there hummm….” He muttered, caressing with light strokes Sorrento's back and then his butt, stopping to squeeze it a bit and slapping it. The Siren shogun moaned with the hit “Ooh, yeah, I forgot that you like to be hit” The mean commander mocked, slapping harder, making the young shogun to moan louder.
** Give it up, do as I say
Give it up and let me have my way
I'll give you love, I'll hit you like a truck
I'll give you love, I'll teach you how to…
Kanon looked at his surroundings, thinking about his next prank
<<Bad thing, he didn't bring his flute… I had good plans for it…>> He thought, grinning. Instead of that, he remembered he was keeping a huge vibrator, bought specially for these moments. Smiling, he got it and turned it `on' “Hear this? I think sluts like you love this stuff. I bought it specially thinking… Of you!”
“Yes sir, it's a pleasure to me that you remember me often!” Sorrento said, gasping at the mere sound of the vibrator. Mean Kanon first wiggled it, barely touching the Siren shogun's opening. Making sure he would beg and beg for more
“Beg, bitch! Beg and maybe I can give you more!” Kannon said, smirking
“More… Sir, please… More….” Sorrento gasped “Force it in me… Please I want it!”
** Once you've put your hand on the flame
You can never be the same
There's certain satisfaction in a little bit of pain
I can see you understand it
I can see you're the same
If you're afraid we'll rise above
I'll only hurt the ones I love
For just a second, Kanon felt like slapped on his face
<<Sorrento is that damn masochist as to wish something to be forced inside him???? Maybe he doesn't know what he's saying!! Hits and insults are one thing… But this… It may hurt him like hell…>>
If Kanon were to look himself in a mirror, he would see the concerned expression of his face. Of course, he would enjoy beating Sorrento, insulting him or giving him the worst missions, but he would never cause him this sort of pain, at least not intentionally.
“Are you sure of what you're saying, little slut?” He said, with a mean expression, grabbing Sorrento's hair and pulling his face up to look straight at him “If that's what you want so bad, then I ought to be a good man and give it to you!” he released the lavender hair, letting Sorrento's head fall limply on the couch again.
“Yes sir… I want to feel pain… If I can resist your beats and insults, then why not resist some more? If it's because you, I'll be happy, my commander” And he looked at Kanon with lovely, big and shinning pink eyes.
** I don't think you know what pain is…
I don't think you've gone that way
I could bring you so much pleasure
I'll come to you when you say
I know you want me…
I'm not gonna hurt you
I'm not gonna hurt you…
Just close your eyes…
Kanon felt like his ego was being masturbated, and decided to please his little Siren slut. With a quick, sharp movement of his hand, he pushed the vibrator inside Sorrento's opening, action that made the other guy moan. Once the vibrator was in place, Kanon stepped back and watched the whole picture: Siren Sorrento, tied, lying on the couch on four, with a huge vibrator inside him. The hardness beneath his pants increased. Kanon smiled, tugging it
<<A blowjob wouldn't hurt a bit after this huh?>> he thought.
Kanon walked toward Sorrento, who looked at him, expectantly, closing his eyes from time to time, feeling both pressure and vibration from the toy inside him. His face wasn't pink. It was deep crimson. Kannon unzipped his pants
“Now, if you don't mind, suck me!” And pushed his big rod inside Sorrento's mouth “And you'd better please me or I'll take away the pain you love so much! And we both know that it would be bad, too bad, especially for you, isn't it, slut?”
Kanon stroked the soft, lavender hair <<Too much beauty for a single general… It must be very nice to have such prettiness. Well I'll have him. Either one way or another>> He grinned, as soft, warm heat was wrapping his member
<<It feels even better than I thought!! Oh god yeah>>Kanon thought, his eyes closed, shrouded in pure bliss. He could spend all the time being sucked by his personal bitch. He pushed Sorrento's head so his phallus would be completely inside the young shogun's mouth
<<Damn it!! Feels so good!! I… I…>>
For just a tiny second, Sorrento's eyes flashed, signal of happiness, seeing his master satisfied. Kanon let him go for a moment “Now use your tongue a little, as if you were licking those big candies I used to steal from you” Sorrento licked “Yes, that's it, you're doing great” The blue haired commander closed his eyes once again, enjoying the delicious sensation. He sighed, moaned, stroke the lavender hair eagerly.
While licking, a huge flood of thoughts was crossing by Sorrento's mind
<<Am I doing it good?... Why do I enjoy this? …Why do I enjoy being slaved and degraded? … Am I wrong in my head?? ...What's up with me?? …Yes, I do enjoy Kannon's dirty actions… I enjoy them TOO much to fight them …I can't…This is wrong….I will… Oh no… Oooh I like it…I want some more… I want him to cause me some pain… I like pain… I can't resist… I'm so horny…!!!>>
“AAAAAHHGG!!!!!!” Kanon shouted, releasing litres of hot, white liquid within Sorrento's mouth, action that made him gag a bit. The commander was still gasping
<<I can't believe it… It's too good… I want him to do this to me always…!!! Yes I think I'll keep him for myself only>> He lifted Sorrento's chin up. His face was lovely: White semen was covering his mouth's surroundings, and his face was still deep crimson
“How lovely, yes, I want you to look that way-for me-always” And he wiped, with his finger, the rest of the white liquid and made Sorrento lick it completely “Beautiful slut, I think I like you, more than I could imagine. From now on, you'll be mine, understand?” Kanon, for some weird reason, expected Sorrento to answer him with a “no” or something alike, but for his surprise, the other man welcomed his demand with a sweet, charming smile
“Whatever you say, my commander. My body and my mind belong to you”
Lie or not, this warmed a little Kanon's heart. To see such devotion, such sweetness … Those things he could never expect from the other marines. He smiled, for the first time, with authentic sweetness, returning Sorrento's affects
“Rest then, slut. I'll untie you” And removed Sorrento's ropes and let him lie flat on his back. Kanon sat beside him.
“Tell me one more thing, slut…” Now he was using the word with sincere affect and not with disdain as some hours ago “Why are you so nice, and obedient to me? I didn't do any good to you to deserve such affects, you know”
Sorrento, again, smiled sweetly “I don't know, my master. I just know that I feel something for you. That's all”
Kanon smiled again. However, he was still horny, even after the huge load he released some minutes ago. Sorrento must have felt it, because he said “I'm still horny too, my master…”
“Eh?? How do you know?”
“My master is very honest” He said, pointing the stiffness between Kanon's legs. He giggled.
“Now now, again, where are you manners??” Kanon regained his mean look
“I'm sorry master” Sorrento lowered his gaze “I was rude. Please forgive me”
“Forgiveness granted” The other man replied “Now, are you willing to receive some
more pain for the sake of your master?”
“I'm willing to receive anything from you, my commander”
“That's what I will always want to hear. On the floor with your legs open! Now!”
Sorrento obeyed. Eyes closed, his legs open as wide as his muscles allowed him. He felt Kanon's heavy body press over his, a little bit fragile and delicate “Are you ready little slut? I'm sure this can give you both things you crave so much”
“Yes… Master… Give me…. All the harder you can…”
Kanon leaned forward and made his way inside Sorrento's body, driving him crazy, making him shout, scream in rapture…
Surprised to feel such pleasure, Kanon screamed too, along with Sorrento. It was hard to keep the master's role with pleasure threatening to bend you over. The commander shouted again. He couldn't resist it. Too much. Too much pleasure. The sensations were extremely intense. With this you could even beat Poseidon himself!!!
His hair was changing too. From dark to light blue, almost white. Only a few dark blue streaks remained scattered on his hair.
“Master, Master it feels good!!!!!!!!! I beg you!! Fuck me more!!!”
Kanon gasped. Not only being inside Sorrento's body drove him crazy, but also to see him enjoy so much, without caring about anything else. It was just him and Sorrento. Nobody else…. Nothing else.
“I…I….,….I….!! I'm…. ,!! I'm about to…!!”
Screams echoed as both marine's cosmos became one. Sorrento splashed Kanon's flat belly with more of that salty, white liquid, while his body was being filled with it. He gasped, and his head fell, almost seeming to faint. At the same time, Kanon's head also fell next to Sorrento's neck. Both marine shoguns were exhausted, like they were fighting each other. The commander's gorgeous hair was spread across his back. It returned to its normal dark blue colour.
<<Pleasure drives me mad… And I feel my body exhausted… Hell, what did we do??>> Kanon thought, cloudily.
<<I loved to be with my master… It was even better than I ever dreamed… But my body… I can't move…>> Sorrento thought. And of course, weariness wasn't the only cause that stopped his body from moving. Kanon's heavy one was pressing over him. The only thing he could do is to wrap his arms and caress his master's hair. He remembered, as they were having a big orgasm, his hair became white. No colour streaks. Absolutely white.
<<My master is someone special… I wanna be with him… Always…Whether for good or bad>>
Kanon opened his eyes, and found himself trapping Sorrento beneath him. The Siren shogun's hands were tangled in his hair
<<The poor thing must be exhausted…>> He thought <<And I can understand him…>>
Kanon rolled aside slowly, letting Sorrento breath normally. After this, he wasn't very sure about being his master. Of course, he would love to stick with Sorrento always! But as his master… He wasn't sure at all. Anyway, the siren shogun stirred some hidden feelings Kanon never thought he would ever feel.
But Sorrento didn't move yet. His eyes were still closed, and his cosmos was disappearing bit by bit
“Sorrento!!! Wake up!!!” Kanon yelled, alarmed “Wake up, slut, wake up!!” He shook Sorrento's shoulders. No answer.
“He couldn't be dead, damn it!!!” Kanon muttered. He put his ear on Sorrento's chest. His heart was beating normally. Phew. What a relief. He must have fallen unconscious after the big orgasm.
Delicately, Kanon wrapped Sorrento with a blanket, made a “ball” with his clothes and put them on his shoulders. He carried the lavender haired one in his arms, taking him to his South Atlantic pillar. He was humming some song he heard long time ago…
** Only the one that hurts you
Can make you feel better
Only the one that inflicts the pain
Can take it away…