Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Mob Boss ❯ from all three angles ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

OK! READ THIS! I changed Hyoga's age, so he's just 17, instead of almost 18! There was too much age difference between him and Shun.
Chapter 4
Hyoga got up early the fallowing morning, well sort of. He hadn't slept well the night before, with nightmares of his mom dieing. He quickly got dressed, figuring that he might as well get started working.
He walked out of his door, and decided to check on his housemate, before going outside. He walked over to his bedroom door and knock. Not getting an answer, he opened the door. Shun was lying in the middle of the bed, sound asleep. Determining that he was ok, Hyoga closed the door and head outside, so he could walk to town and get supplies.
The trip to town was a long one. When he got there, he picked up some food, and candles. He also stoped in and bought some fire wood, which would be brought to the house while he finished shopping. Hyoga knew he was going to have to stock up, and he also knew that Seiya and Shiryu would be in any time soon. There was a blizzard on its way, and no planes would be able to take off or land for some time.
He made it back home with the supplies that he had bought, and was pleased to see the wood sitting outside the house. He took is stuff inside, and started to put them away.
Hyoga glanced at the clock, to find it close to 1 o'clock. Wondering where Shun was he headed down the hall to his room. He knocked, but there was no answer.
Hyoga opened the door, and looked around the room. Shun wasn't on the bed like he should have been. “Shun?” Hyoga called, but he got no answer. He turned to leave, hoping Shun was in one of the other rooms, and hadn't wondered off into the rising blizzard.
Just as he was leaving, he heard a small whine. He turned back to the room, confused. Hyoga moved into the room, and around the full size bed in the middle of the room. On the other side, in the corner was Shun. He was curled up, with his back against the wall, head buried into his legs. “Shun?” He called again, moving over to the younger boy. He knelt down next to him, waiting for Shun to respond. “Shun, are you ok?” he asked as he placed a hand on the boys shoulder.
Scared green eyes came out of there hiding place to look into worried blue ones. He blinked a few times, and tears started to fall down his checks. “Hy- Hyoga?” he muttered.
“Yeah. What wrong?” he asked the younger boy. Shun buried his head back into his knees, crying harder. “Shun?”
“You weren't here. I thought I was left alone.” Shun tells him through muffled sobs. Hyoga blinked, and realized that he hadn't written a note to say were he went.
“Sorry.” Hyoga muttered. Shun shifted to look at him again, with red rimed eyes. “I went to get supplies before the upcoming blizzard hit. Ok?”
Shun nodded, sniffing once. He reaches up and wiped his eyes free of tears. He gave Hyoga a small smile, and Hyoga smiled back. Standing up, Hyoga helped Shun to his feet. “Why don't you do me a favor, Shun? Can you put the grocery away, so I can cut up the wood, so we can have a way to keep warm doing the storm.”
“Ok” Shun tells as he headed out of the room, to the kitchen. Hyoga smiled slightly at him, as how easily he could be sidetracked. Hyoga headed outside to cut up the wood, and moved it into the house, to stack against the wall. Shun called him just as he finished, that he had made them some lunch. The two sat down, and Hyoga was a little relived that Shun could cook. Shiryu did all the cooking, since neither Seiya or Hyoga could cook.
Seiya and Shiryu had just arrived in Shiryu's home town. Shiryu had wanted to stop in, since it was the anniversary of his sister's death. The two made there way to Shiryu's house, a small house in the middle of town. The house was normal enough, and it was just fine for the two of them.
Shiryu unlocked the door, heading into the house. After they both put their things in the master bedroom, they headed towards the cemetery. Shiryu picked up a thing of flowers and switched the old ones for the new ones. After showing his respects to her, the two headed back to the house. When they got back, Shiryu turned on the computer.
He started to check the flight plans for the day after tomorrow. Upon finding out that the flight was going to be canceled for the fact that a blizzard was going to be starting up some, he sat back. Ikki was supposed to call on Friday, three days way, to talk about what he was going to do to get Shun back.
Ikki though another thing against the wall, and Shaka let out a sigh. To anyone else, Ikki would appear mad, but Shaka knew he was worried. “Ikki, calm down. Please.”
“Calm down. Calm down!” Ikki yelled back. “How can I calm down! My little brother has been kidnapped!”
“They won't do anything to him, Ikki. They need him alive.” Shaka told him calmly. Shaka had known Ikki for years, and he also knew how much Shun mattered to him. Shun also mattered to him, he had taken care of the kid on more then one accession. This was one of the reasons that he knew that Shun would be ok. He had this was of making people love him, to make them want to protect him. Even if they had wanted to hurt Shun originally, they would loss their resolve as soon as Shun gave them a smile.
Ikki took a deep breath, realizing the same thing. He was mad at himself, he never had told Shun what his job was, if he had Shun would still be here in the house.
“What do we do know?” Ikki asked him.
“Simple, we act like everything is ok. We will get him back the first chance we get. But for now, we can't let anyone know that something is wrong.” Shaka told him.
“Your right.” Ikki told him, as he let out a sigh. “Are you staying tonight?”
“Yeah.” Shaka told him. Ikki nodded, before turning to go upstairs. They too went to bed for the night, both hoping that everything would work out.
Ok that's it for now, so what do you think.