[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


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WARNING: this is a Saint Seiya LEMON story, ok.

It was a night, in Kido's mansion. The wind blows softly the leaves of the trees that grow around the big mansion.

It was night In Kido's mansion, everything inside seem to be dark. That is because all the servants and house cleaners that worked during the day, were sleeping now. And the bronze saints that use to live there during the "sanctuary war", are in their respective countries and homes with they families. With the exception of Shun and Ikki, who bought a very cheep apartment for both of them.

Not too far away from Kido's mansion.

However, no one could notice that at least only one window wasn't dark, and the light was on.

That was the bedroom were Mrs. Saori sleep when she is not in the sanctuary, protecting it like the goddess Athena always supposes to do.

She was sitting in her bed, with a very nostalgic expression in her angelic white face.

Her blue dark eyes reflect sadness and loneliness. She almost wanted to cry, but she didn't.

Why she was feeling like that? Why she was so sad? The answer was very simple…

She LOVE Seiya, she wanted to be with her beloved Pegasus Saint. She wanted to feel his strong and warm arms embracing her delicate pale body.

Suddenly…the door opens. And a dark human figure was standing there not making any movement nor noise.

The first thing that came to Saori's mind was that an enemy came to take her life, in the name of another evil god or goddess. Then…she started to feel a very familiar and warm cosmos surrounding the stranger figure. Then, the dark figure star to walk toward her, very slowly. Then, the light of her room starting to show the stranger face…

It was SEIYA!!!

When Saori finally new this, quickly run into his arms, and embraces him very tightly. Then Seiya brace her back too.

After that, they separate from themselves and sit in the bed.

Then both lovers star to talk each other about, all the danger and wars they had to tolerate and suffer true all these years.

Then they star to look each other very closely, eye to eye. And the…share a very long passionate deep kiss. Tongues playing in each other mouth, like two little serpent making a dancing mating ritual in springtime.

Right after that, they separate each other so to catch breath right after the big kiss.

Then, Seiya stayed where he was. Very exited of the kiss he gave to her just a moment ago. Staring at that beautiful goddess.

Then she opened her robes for him and let them fall to her shoulders so that only the

Tops if her pretty breasts were visible. The invitation was as clear as a maiden's modesty would allow.

She held both hands clasping the fabric shut in between her breasts and looked

At her lap. If he did not move soon she would feel like a fool inviting him there.

After what felt like hours, he did move. She felt his weight on the bed as

He pulled her closer to him. He put her arms out and held her against his chest.

Then he stroked her lavender hair lovingly. Tilting her face back to accept his passionate kiss again.

His lips were more warm and moist this time.

Then his tongue pressed into her mouth again, dancing across hers seeking her breath.

Her whole body heated up, her own arms flew around his neck so to caress. Her bare pink

Nipples pushing against his naked virile chest. Then…one of his hands brushed her pale breast clutching its slight weight on his palm. He ran his fingers in a circle over her hard pink nipple. She moaned quietly in pleasure.

Then he laid her back on the pillows and pushed apart her slender thighs. She felt a hot trickle of her womanly juice cooling on her thighs, as her bare mound was exposed to the air and opened to him.

She watched him study every inch of her glorious body. There was so much love in his face that Saori had to close her eyes to keep them from crying. His fingers brushed over her clitoris and she cried out a little behind her teeth. Her heart beat so very fast that she was not sure she would be able to stand it any longer.

Then his stronger fingers slid between

Her wet lips and he massaged the tiny pink nub there in short quick circles.

Saori arched her back felt her womanhood aches for more, from him. His strong hand did not tire inside of her. It made delicate splashing noises as she filled up with girl cum and his hand moved around in it.

The she slipped joyfully into her first orgasm at his touch. Her hips bucked just a little and she snapped her thighs shut over his hand to keep him from moving it out of her and away from her.

Nevertheless, he did get it away from her.

He settled his body over hers and kissed her lips again softly and tenderly, chasing her tongue with his.

His length was against her thigh it felt too long, but she was not sure how long

One of "those" was supposed to be.

He settled more squarely over her, his cock head pressing between her pink wet

Virgin lips, but not inside of her yet.

"Saori-san?" He asked looking into her eyes. She remembered looking up at him once like this before. When he once save her from falling in the abysm under the big statue of the god Odin, and then…just after that he look at her face with the same lovingly expression.

This time, like she had then, she felt his heart beat in time to hers, because he love her.

"Yes" she answered she did not need to hear the real question. For Seiya, her

First and one true love, the answer would always be…YES!!!

He pushed a little ways inside of her; there was pain as her body stretched for

His member trying to enter her. Then he pushed in all the way, very slowly so she won't feel any pain.

There was a rough fire in her stomach, and she felt a little piece of her rip to contain him. She bit her lip. Then he pulled out of her and because her eyes where closed. She thought that he had stopped from kindness of her pain.

Then he thrust into her hard again this time.

Her eyes flew open. She knew this must happen this way, the movement, but it was a strange

Feeling and she was not sure exactly how to handle the sensation.

For a queer second she wanted to ask him to stop.

His movements into her and out of her were causing heat deep sensation inside her. Her lower

Body was tingling as she was lying in an ocean of electrical current.

She opened her eyes and concentrated on his loving face, because when her eyes were closed, she could feel his thrusts and pressure very strongly and a little painful.

His body strained and reddened with effort and her own small body finally found

His trusting rhythm. She realized she could rock against him, that when she did that little flare of pleasure wound up from between her legs, that caused her to gasp.

She listened to her breathing. It was heavy in her own ears.

His thrusting grew urgent and harder. She matched his rhythm and he hissed breath over his teeth.

"SE-SEIYA…!!!" she screamed his name as he came inside her. His semen shot into her. Then, she felt its seed run down her womb.

Then Seiya pulled out of her body, and wrapped his arms around her. kissing her face so tenderly and her hair and her neck until she giggled.

He held her still for a very long time…

"Aishiteru, Saori-san" he told her, at the same time he smiles.

"Aishiteru Seiya-chan" she replays back to him.

She knew he loved her and she loved him so very much.

Then, both lovers when to sleep, dreaming beautiful and sweet dreams for the rest of the night…


AUTOR'S NOTES: I know many people are sick and tired of this couple (specially because he is a human and Saori a goddess), but still….they are people there that still love it. So I'm dedicating this story to them.

I know I'm a very good Spanish and English lemon writer, but I'm doing my best here.

:-P Thank you very much for all my friends help and support, specialy Megasaint.