Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Warior's rest (prologue) ❯ Truth and dare ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warrior's rest part 4

by Sonya

Seiya punched the damn alarm clock, he didn't care if it was flattened by his fist. He sat on his bed.

"aaaaaaaghh... Why do I have to get up?" He rubbed his head then let himself fall back in bed. Hell could freeze over, the mansion could burst into fire, he didn't want to get up.

Sleep would be good, it had eluded him most of the night. He groaned as his mind took him back, against his own will, to the thing that had made his sleep unrestful.


He couldn't get Shiryu out of his mind and it was starting to drive him batty. What should he do now?... Go back and see him?... Would he want to see him anymore?

Damn, he thought as he rolled on his side. Would that change the way they would all fight? I should have never asked him to kiss me... but... I wanted to.

I still want to kiss him... Hold him, have him hold me. Should I tell him?... Damn, I don't know how to talk to him anymore.

He sat up on the side of his bed. I need a shower, maybe it will clear my mind a bit.


Shun was skipping down the stairs, feeling quite happy. He smiled and as he reached the kitchen he beamed a good morning to everyone.


"What so good about it?..."

Shun blinked and saw that Shiryu was at the kitchen table, drinking coffee. He looked...

"Shiryu... You look dreadful..." gasped Shun.

"Thanks for noticing..." grumbled Shiryu, rubbing his eyes. "Sorry... I didn't sleep too well last night..."

Shun gulped. "Errrr.. was it because there was a noise?..."

Shiryu blinked. "No... Was there noises?..."

"Nonono..." Shun added quickly. " I was just... wondering if maybe you heard a sound in the night..." He blushed slightly and hoped Shiryu wouldn't notice. "What's troubling you then?..."

Shiryu sighed, his nose still in his coffee. "Shun... Can you keep a secret?..."

Shun beamed. "Now Shiryu need you ask?... Come on... my lips are sealed.. Is it because you don't know how to say "I love you" to your special someone?"

It was Shiryu's turn to blush. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well... You've been acting weird lately and you've been avoiding... Seiya..."
pointed out Shun. He should know, after all, he'd been acting the same way with Hyoga.

"Shun... I don't know what to do..." sighed Shiryu.

"Shiryu... Only you and Seiya can work this out. Mopping and hiding from each other won't help you."

"How do you know?" asked Shiryu. "How can you be so sure that's the right thing to do?"

"Because..." started Shun.

"Because... If you don't you'll regret not saying how you felt..." Hyoga came into the room and walked to Shun. "Morning, Love.." He lightly kissed Shun.

Shiryu's eyes almost bulged out. "You and... whoa..."

"Ah, come on, Shiryu..." Kidded Hyoga. "Is it really such a surprise?"

"Errr... Not really..." Admitted Shiryu.

"Then you should go see Seiya... Believe me... You'll feel much better once you both talk things out." Replied Hyoga. "And you'll sleep better too." He added winking.

Shiryu got up. "I'll go see him right now... Thanks Shun... Hyoga..." He left the kitchen for Seiya's room.

Hyoga and Shun watched him go. " Okay they are on the way..." said Hyoga.

Shun kissed and hugged him. "Thank you, Love."

Hyoga smiled to him and was about to kiss him more passionatly when another person entered the room. Hyoga wondered briefly if Shaka could see them with his eyes closed.

"Shun..." started the Gold Saint. "Could I have a word with you?"

Mu was taking his coffee outside, it was such a nice day. He politely waved at Shun and Shaka as he passed and went on the veranda. He took a deep breath and let the perfume of the morning air clense him.

He heard a small gasp and curse that made him open his eyes. "Milo?..."

"Yeah... it's me..." grunted Milo, his eyes were dark from lack of sleep and there was a sadness there. Had he cried?

"Milo... what's wrong?..." The Atlatian sat down next to him.

"N..Nothing..." Milo looked away from him.

"That's hardly nothing Milo... You know...smoking other kinds of "cigarettes" doesn't help your problems.."

Milo's eyes went wide. "How did you know?... I've been careful not to..."

Mu sighed. "It always shows, Milo... You've been sad... ever since the battle in Sanctuary..."

Milo's knuckles went white, no... not in front of Mu, he had to stay strong... yes... like nothing ever bothered him.

"Milo..." said softly Mu. "It's about Camus, isn't it?... You miss him... Stop denying it... you haven't been yourself ever since that day..."

Milo's head hung low. "I miss him, Mu... So much..."

"We've lost a lot of friends that day..." Mu tried to comfort him.

"He... He was more than a friend, Mu..." choked Milo.

"I thought as much...Milo... Camus wouldn't want you to feel this sad... I'm sure, he's looking at you sternly from heaven and is mumbling for you to be happy..."

Milo sobbed. "But it's so hard... So hard to loose someone you love..."

Mu said softly. "I know all too well, Milo... I know all too well..."

"Have you also?..." Asked Milo, Mu nodded. "Someone I know?..."

"Knew..." softly corrected Mu but he didn't want to add anymore. "Milo... You should try and get some rest..."

Milo sighed and leaned his head on Mu's shoulder. "Sleep with me?..."

Mu facevaulted and got up. "Milo, if it's a joke... it's not funny!" He angrilly took off.

Milo cursed, that had gone very badly, but he did need someone. He couldn't forget Camus and yet he missed human contact... close human contact. Sure he had seen women, took them to his bed but wasn't the same as a fellow Saint. The fierceness of the lovemaking, he could truly be himself then, not checking himself all the time.

He sighed and looked at Shun taking Shaka along, they were taking a vehicle to town. How odd, that didn't resemble Shaka at all, he mused as he watched them get into a car. He couldn't help but notice how well the jeans hugged the butt of the young Saint. "Mmm...Maybe the fruit is a little green..." he chuckled, but still Shun was a very outgoing person and easily swayed. Maybe he shouldn't write him off too fast.

Then Shaka came to sit next to Shun, Milo was surpised to see him in Jeans and t-shirt. He licked his lips, how about the Ice queen? He chuckled, yeah right, Shaka was probably beyond Love or whatever... and he wasn't all too interested into getting Shaka angry at him... That could hurt... A lot...

What other options did he have?... Aldebaran... He shuddered just thinking about it. Aiolia?... He was so wound up around Marine it wasn't even worth trying.

Seiya?... Nah, that would be like seducing a baby, mind you Seiya was a nice guy but he could get on your nerves sometimes. Shiryu... nah, he's too serious, in a way he would be reminded of Camus and that wasn't good.

Hyoga?... Camus' disciple?... Well as much as the boy was a sexy little thing, it would feel like betraying Camus.

"SHUN! SHAKA!..." Ikki ran out and arrived next to Milo just as the car sped away. "Damn I missed them..."

As Ikki cursed under his breath, Milo looked at him. Muscular, not an once of baby fat on him, there was the scar, but it didn't disfigure him. Ikki was wearing a barely zipped up pair of jeans and not much else. Milo smiled as his eyes roamed on the youth's frame, his mind was still a little glazed from what he had smoked earlier.

Ikki turned around and saw how Milo was looking at him, as if he was a piece of juicy steak. "What are you looking at?" spat Ikki, visibly angry.

"What do you think?..." hinted Milo.

"Stop looking at me like that!" the younger man growled.

"Stop prancing around half naked if you don't want me to stare... but I'd say it's a pity to hide yourself..." smirked Milo. "yes a real shame..."

Ikki blushed briefly taken aback with the comment, no one ever told him that before. But he quickly reasserted himself. "I woke up late... Hyoga told me my brother had gone with Shaka..."

"Yes... What an unexpected couple, aren't they?..." laughed Milo.

Ikki frowned. Milo wasn't acting at all like he usually did and there was this strange sweet and spicy smell in the air. "You make no sense..."

"So does life..." Milo made a face when Ikki put on a t-shirt he had been taking with him. The youth reached for his pack of cigarettes, took out one and lighted it. Milo snatched it from his lips and drew a long dreg. "Thanks... But I got something even better..."

Ikki angrilly took out another cigarette and lighted it. "If it's so damn good why did you take mine?..."

"Curious, to know what it is?..."

Ikki shook his head. "Not really..." he took off, he didn't like the way Milo was looking at him, nor the way he had addressed his brother and Shaka.

Milo smoked the cigarette slowly, he should revize his flirting... Flirting while being stoned didn't help... he should take Mu's advice and sleep the pot out of his system. Maybe later, he'd have more success.


Shiryu was still hesitating at Seiya's door, he could hear the shower running. Maybe he should go back later, but he just stood there. No longer hearing the water and feeling a bit stupid, he finally knocked on the door.

"Yeah?..." came Seiya's voice on the other side.

"It's me...Shiryu..." The young dragon wondered briefly if he had been loud enough because Seiya didn't reply right away.

"C...Come in..." Seiya said.

Shiryu came in and when he looked up, he sucked in a breath. Seiya was towelling his hair, only wearing a towel. He could see the water glinsening on Seiya's body. He could feel his mouth dry up, his heart skipped a beat. Seiya looked just...

But as Seiya shook his hair one last time, he felt the towel that hid his nudity fall down.

"oh shit!" Seiya tried to catch the towel but it was was on the floor before his hand was near it to grab it. He heard a gasp and looked up.

Shiryu' eyes were glued to Seiya's intimate area. He couldn't take his eyes off him and he could feel a burning in his own private area. His breathing became labored and he took a step closer to Seiya.

Seiya took a step back out of reflex, it seemed to break the look of lust Shiryu had. The black haired Dragon blinked and realized what he was about to do. He wanted to kiss Seiya, touch him, stroke his erection, make him...

Seiya watched helplessly as Shiryu's cheek became red and he took a few steps back. He seemed baffled and ashamed by his reactions. He took a step towards the Dragon and saw him bolt away from him.

"Go... Gomen... Seiya... I..." That was all the tall young man had time to say before he bolted and ran out the room.

"MATTE!...Sh... SHIT!" Out of anger Seiya smashed his hand into a plaster decoration in the wall. "Dammit!..." He felt frustrated and his body showed him just how frustrated it was as he felt his member was now half-erect.

He growled his frustration and grabbed his duffel bag and started to fill it with his clothes.


Shaka and Shun were taking a break from all the grocery shopping they had done. Shun was impressed at the ingredients Shaka got, he even got some sheets of silver to put on the food. They were eating some taiyaki and drinking some green tea when finally Shun gatherd up his courage to start his plan.

"Shaka-san... I'm sorry to ask a personnal question but... Do you have sibling?..."

Shaka put the cup of tea on the table. "No, I was an only child."

Shun sighed. "You were? I was hoping you could have given me some advice..."

Shaka was curious. "Maybe I can..."

Shun smirked internally, he had Shaka's attention. "It's Ni-san... I... I'm worried about him."

Shaka was concerned. " I don't understand, why do you say that?"

"He's changed, well it's true we all changed but Ikki changed the most. We were always so close, but ever since he came back from his training... he's been distant."

Shaka nodded. "Your brother rather keeps to himself... Much like me."

Shun nodded. "I know... That's why maybe you can understand..." Shun paused a bit there. "Ano..Shaka-san, I'm about to tell you something but please never tell my brother... His pride would never recover."

Shaka nodded and Shun continued. "Ni-san, sometimes he wakes up screaming at night... his screams are very very disturbing, the others don't know. But he screams for someone to get away from him, not to touch him. When I try to wake him it takes him a while to realise it's me..."

Shaka frowned. "Does he have these dreams often?"

"About 2 to 4 times a week... But it's what happens next that worries me."

Shaka nodded. "Go on..."

Shun continued. "When I ask him to tell me about his dream, he never answers. He just shrugs it off. Then when he thinks I'm asleep..."

Shun stopped to take a sip of tea and to check if he still had Shaka's attention.

"Yes?..." Asked Shaka, well Shun thought, I still have it.

"Ni-san... Ikki when he thinks I'm alseep... he cries. He cries alone, he won't let me comfort him, if I go to him then he just says he has something in his eyes. But there is something terribly wrong with Ikki, but I can't find out what it is..."

"I see..." Shaka was pensive, at least Shun thought he was since the blond man never really opened his eyes of all the conversation. "Shun... What makes you think Ikki would talk to me..."

Shun bit his lower lip, he hadn't thought of that one. "Ano... Ni-san seems to have respect for you and you have more wisdom than the other Gold Saints... Also I trust you..." Started Shun.

"If Ikki doesn't trust you to confide... I don't think he will confide to me, who is not even related to him..." said Shaka as he took another sip.

Shun was fearing his plan was backfiring on him. "But, Ni-san always been there to protect me... maybe he thinks that he's protecting me by not telling me?..."

"Mmmm...' Considered Shaka. "You might have a point there... I could try to talk to him but I can't talk to him about his dreams if he doesn't tell me about it Shun... So what should I do?"

Shun beamed. "Maybe having you as a friend would help Ni-san, Shaka-san... Ni-san doesn't feel close to the others, Seiya, Shiryu and Hyoga because I think he feels like a older brother to them. He needs to have a friend he doesn't feel like he has to protect... Does this make sense?"

Shaka didn't reply right away. He got up before replying and took his bags. "I think that maybe you have something there, Shun... I enjoy your brother's company, so I'll try to be there for him. BUT!" He paused and opened his eyes to make a point to Shun. "I shall not pry any information from him. If Ikki wants to talk to me, then I shall listen and if I can I will give him advice if I can give it to him... But out of the respect I hold for your brother, I shan't press him."

Shun smiled brightly. "Oh thank you Shaka-san! I ask for nothing else... Thank you!"

Shaka nodded and closed back his eyes. "Let's go back to the mansion then... I have to make preparations if I want to make dinner tomorrow..."

shun nodded, grabbed his own bag, then he gasped. "Oh look!..." He rushed to the window of a shop that made traditionnal kimono. He had failed to notice it, sitting down. "Look at this's beautiful!..."

Shaka followed him and opened his eyes, he could use his cosmo to feel the environment around him but not to see colors. He peered with his crystal blue eyes and gasped. The kimono was indeed stunning, it was a ceremonial type of kimono and from the way the sleeves were made and the way it closed it was meant for a man. It was in deep red silk and there was a phoenix embroided with golden thread. It's wings spanned the lenght of the arms, it was poised to attack, it was a magnificient piece of craftmanship.

"Wow..." breathed Shun. "Ni-san would look.... gorgeous with that kimono..." Then Shun peered at the pricetag and facevaulted. "oi... I'll never be able to afford that for him... And he would never accept it if he knew the price..." He sighed heavilly. "Well I'm sure I can find another one that will suit him for the hanamatsuri... it's too bad though... but it's way too expensive for my money..."

"Do you think I can wear my traditionnal clothes for this matsuri?" Asked Shaka as they resumed walking.

"Hai, of course!" Did you bring them with you Shaka-san?"

The blond shook his head. "No... but since there is time before the Matsuri, I should have them sent to me, don't you think?"

Shun nodded and he started to ask Shaka about what kind of clothes he would get back from Sanctuary when the blond hindou firmly told him it would be a surprise.


Ikki was doing chores outside when he saw Seiya storm out the mansion with his duffel bag. "Oi, Seiya!" He called.

"Leave me alone, Ikki! I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone!" replied the brunette.

"Where are you storming out to? I thought we had all agreed to stay here at the mansion?" replied Ikki.

"LIKE YOU SHOULD TALK!" Spat Seiya. "You've always gone, god knows where, so don't give me the high and mighty talk!"

Ikki was momentarilly taken aback by Seiya's venomous come back. But he lifted his arms, to show Seiya he wasn't angry... yet.

"Guilty... Okay you do have a point, but if I left I had good reason."

"So do I!" said Seiya. " I can't stand it... I can't stand being near Shiryu! I'm going to my place!"

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, Seiya!" The taller Saint put his hand on Seiya's shoulder. "What's wrong, you are Shiryu are very good friends, you've been through a lot together. Tell me what's wrong."

Seiya looked away as if ashamed. "You wouldn't understand..."

"Try me!" replied Ikki.

The brunette sighed, Ikki wouldn't let him get away this easily. He looked up to his elder and saw no malice, no hint that he was going to laugh at him. He looked concerned, a look he hadn't seen in Ikki much before. seiya shrugged, maybe he did need to talk.

Seeing that Seiya seemed to calm down, Ikki pulled him next to a tree and sat down. "Come on... Relax and tell me what troubles you."

Seiya did as he was told. "It's about Shiryu..."

"Somehow, I had guessed that already...What about him?"

Seiya pulled a few blades of grass and started to tear it apart. "It's not just him...there's me also... it's kind of complicated."

Ikki patiently nodded. "Try starting with the beginning."

Seiya nodded. "I... You know Shiryu and me have always been close. But lately, my feelings for him have changed."

"Do you hate him? Resent him?"

"No!" said Seiya. "well... Yes and no,like I said it's... complicated." He took a deep reath before whispering in a harsh breath. "I think I've fallen in love with him."

"Ah..." simply said Ikki.

That made Seiya look back at his elder. "I was expecting you to laugh at me."

"Why should I do that?" asked Ikki.

Seiya shrugged. "I don't know, I thought you wouldn't approve of a guy loving another."

Ikki laughted a little. "Well if that were true... I think Hyoga would be six foot under."

Seiya blinked at him.

"Oh come on... You know, Hyoga and Shun..." started Ikki.

"They... they?..." Asked Seiya.

"Yes. So you see contrary to what you think I can be open minded." Ikki pointed out.

Seiya blushed. "Gomen, Ikki. It seems I've misjudged you..."

Ikki ruffled his hair. "Oh never mind, you haven't been the first and you won't be the last. Now, you love Shiryu, what's the problem? He doesn't return your sentiments?"

Seiya sighed. "That's what really bothers me, he acts as if he does, he kisses me..." Seiya blushed remembering Shiryu's warm mouth on his. "And then suddenly, he just backs out and runs off. It's frustrating, I almost feel like punching his lights out."

Ikki was mildly amused. "I see." Then he continued more seriously. "You know Seiya, maybe it does take him more time to realize what he feels and maybe it scares him. He ends up running away because he doesn't know what else to do."

"It's not like him, he usually knows what to say when I'm all mixed up..." Started Seiya.

"The cobbler is usually the one with the worst shoes." replied Ikki.

Seiya blinked at the dark haired Saint. "Huh?"

"It's an expression..." explained Ikki. "It means usually the person who helps others, usually is too busy helping others that he neglects himself."

"You mean, Shiryu is more mixed up than I am?" asked the Pegasus.

"At this point, maybe he is. You know falling in love..." Ikki paused looking pensive. "Sometimes, it changes your point of view on things. Maybe Shiryu always thought he was straight and now he's feeling things for you that comfuses him. Maybe he needs more time and if you go away, it won't help him at all."

Seiya felt bad, maybe he was a little bit selfish. "What should I do?"

Ikki had a very soft small smile. "Be there for him, let him know you are willing to wait a bit longer for him to get to terms with his feelings. I'm sure it's just a question of time. But still be his friend, don't avoid him."

Seiya looked at Ikki. "Wow, I'd never thought you'd tell me something like that. Thank you, Ikki, you're really a great guy..."

Ikki chuckled, grabbed him and gave him a noogie. "Ah come on, get out of here and go unpack before anyone realizes you're gone."

"okay Ikki!... Thanks" Seiya was back on his feet and he smiled, waving back at Ikki as he ran back for the mansion.

Ikki took back his rake and returned his attention on gathering the leaves that had fallen last autumn. He wondered if he would always play the older brother to the others. He also wished Shiryu wouldn't come to him next. He was finishing up his job when he saw Shun and Shaka come back, his gaze lingered on them until they were back inside. But he could have sworn Shaka had turned back and looked in his direction.

He had that feeling because, he had felt his heart skip a beat when Shaka's gaze was on him. He shrugged off the feeling and extended his hand over the pile of leaves to set it ablaze.


Hyoga had been sent to the cellar by Tatsumi to bring back wine for the evening dinner. The man had been so specific on his errand, the blond wondered why he sent him to go fetch the bottles.

He peered into the semi darkness and looked for the damn bottles. He had to be sure of the year and provenance and so forth. He didn't even like wine, he sighed.

That's when he heard a sob.

"Who's there?" he called, he startled the person who was sobbing because he heard a gasp of surprise and something falling to the ground. Hyoga peered into the darkness and saw the long raven hair. "Shiryu?"

Shiryu hurriedly wiped his eyes. "Hai, it's me."

"What are you doing here? Aaaah... Is Seiya here with you?" Hyoga bit his lips, maybe he had walked in on them.

"No... No Seiya isn't here... I came here to be alone."

"Oh... It didn't go too well?" Asked Hyoga.

Shiryu heaved a huge sigh, Hyoga figured out than no it didn't go too well. "Do... You want to talk about it?" Asked Hyoga, let them wait for the wine, this was important. "Seiya didn't want to..."

"It's not Seiya... It's me!" croaked Shiryu, the blond could tell the dragon had been crying here a while.

"Huh?... I don't follow you."

Shiryu sighed. "I... I don't understand myself. I enjoy being with him, kissing him but... at one point I... I start thinking about Shunrei and everything gets mixed up in my mind. I feel like I'm betraying her somehow... and then I wonder if...if I really am in love with Seiya or not and... I bolt and ran off on him again."

"Okay..." Hyoga scratched his head. He hadn't thought Shiryu's feelings might be this mixed up. "Err... I never had really someone in my life besides Shun so... I guess I understand what you feel. "

"I just don't know what to do anymore... I'm attracted to Seiya, I think I love him but..."

hyoga finshed his sentence. "You feel like maybe Shunrei might be hurt?"

Shiryu nodded. "We've always been close... A lot of people thought we were going to marry one day... I love her too, but not like Seiya... I think."

Hyoga felt at a loss, what could he tell Shiryu to help him. Shun would probably know what to say to him, but Shun wasn't here right now, he was.

"Shiryu... I won't lie to you, I really don't think I can help you. Maybe you need time to sort things out. Maybe you need to talk to shunrei and Seiya to find out what your real feelings are."

Shiryu was silent a long time, pondering on what the Cygnus Saint had just told him. "Maybe you are right..." He finally said.

"Come on... Let's go find those damn bottles of wine before Tatsumi bothers us..."

Shiryu smiled a little. "hai..."

To be continued.