Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ We Are Closer To Fine ❯ We Are Closer To Fine ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Notes: This fic is for my dear friend Sagakure who is moving faaaaaaaaaaaar away from me. ;_; I promised you a Kanon fic, so here is one for you as a gift before you leave. ^_^ I hope you will enjoy it!! *glompstackles hugs* Forgive the crappy title btw, I have absolutely zero title making skills. >_>;;

Disclaimer: I don’t own Saint Seiya or any of those characters. If I did I wouldn’t be writing fanfics about them, I would be making yaoi porn videos of the gold saints and would send free copies to all my friends instead, duh. *rolls eyes*

Warning: NC-17, yaoi, graphic lemon, RhadaxKanon pairing. Borderline PWP and not much of anything else I fear. ^^;;  

  We Are Closer To Fine   By Shadow Arashi      
Their breathing was still hoarse and strangled and cut off with heavy pants, despite the fact that the two figures sprawled onto the bed had been resting for a little while now. Their lean, naked bodies laid tangled intimately together, light and darkness painting intricate and abstract designs on their still flushed skins.

Rhadamanthys finally gathered the willpower to raise his head slightly and glanced at his companion, his face immediately relaxing into yet another satisfied expression.

He was still rather stunned by what happened but he wasn’t about to complain.

Wrapping an arm around the form’s slim waist, he couldn’t quite suppress a smile as the long haired man moaned softly and seemed to cuddle against him. Watching him nearly falling to sleep so peacefully, the Wyvern had troubles realizing that only a few hours ago they were still at each other throats.

Running his fingers through the soft locks of hair, he let his mind wander to the events of the evening…

Rhadamanthys stared at the man sitting nonchalantly on the edge of the couch, a frown slightly twisting his features.


He finally snapped, golden eyes never straying from their target.

The blue haired man raised an eyebrow, still not moving an inch from his spot and Rhadamanthys felt a headache coming. This wasn’t how things were supposed to happen.


The melodious voice mocked him, the tone something between curiosity, annoyance and smugness.

"I thought we were supposed to," he nearly hissed, stressing the words in hope of knocking some senses into the other man "according to the peace treaty between Hades and Athena, if not become friends at least stop trying to kill each others. You are not helping."

"Really? I didn’t notice. I haven’t said nor done anything… disrespectful now, did I?"

/I guess not… unless you count driving me out of my mind with sarcastic remarks and lust as disrespectful./

Rhadamanthys thought dryly.

Kanon had indeed not shown any attempts at trying to smoothen the relationship between the two sides ever since some of the Spectres had showed up in Sanctuary, following their master during his peace talk with Athena with the unspoken mission of making amend with the Goddess’ saints. If anything he only made the tension worse and the ex marina turned saint seemed determined to go out of his way to tease the spectre.

It had started innocently enough with small things, a remark here, a bump of their shoulders in a hallway; until the air around them grew so thick that even the denser saints and spectres were going to unheard of length to stay away from them whenever the ex marina and spectre happened to be in the same place at the same time.

Rhadamanthys had reached a point where he didn’t know wherever the other man was doing it on purpose or was merely a natural tease and wasn’t aware of the effect he was having on the spectre.

"What are you playing at Kanon?"

He repressed the urge to sigh in frustration, not willing to concede any victories, no matter how small, to the gold saint. He was already half regretting coming at the Gemini Temple to confront the gold saint.

It once again reminded him of how exhausting and… intense being around the other man could be. He had to watch his every step before making a move as the tiniest mistake could throws him into a disadvantage.

Talk about mind plays.

It was mentally tiring but the thrill he got out of it was just as rewarding. Rhadamanthys wouldn’t have been interested in the other man otherwise. He had always liked a good challenge and the gold saint proved to be just that, ever since he first laid his eyes upon him. The fact that he was absolutely gorgeous did help tremendously but he was digressing…

"Me? I’m not playing Rhadamanthys."

And for the first time since their little… game began, Kanon appeared serious. His expression darkened, eyes narrowing as they stared pointedly at the spectre before rising from the couch in a fluid movement.

"I’m merely waiting."

A blond eyebrow was cocked at the unexpected statement.

"For what?"

Kanon didn’t bother giving him an answer and walked toward his bedroom with a graceful toss of his shoulder which could have been a shrug. The cocky glance he was graced with however was all too clear. The game had been pushed up one notch forward, the gesture nothing less than a silent challenge.

Rhadamanthys watched the departing figure with a blank face, while under his calm facade his thoughts were spinning wildly. Then he stormed after the gold saint with a growl threatening to rip itself free from his throat, pissed off at being played with so easily. His pride wouldn’t let this irritating -but oh so tempting his brain whispered- ex marina make a fool of him.

When he stepped into the bedroom he found Kanon sitting on the bed comfortably, legs crossed before him and head titled to the side as he stared straight at Rhadamanthys, waiting for him. Then he smiled and made a beckoning motion with his finger, eyes half closing in a seductive manner.

- Come and get me -

A second later and Rhadamanthys was pinning Kanon against the mattress.  

A warning growl echoed into his ears as the gold saint twisted his body under him, showing the same strength and determination than during their battle in the Underworld as Kanon successfully threw him off of his body, inversing the situation and pinning the spectre beneath his weight.

"Now who is being naughty?"

The gold saint cooed teasingly, staring down at the blond. Rhadamanthys glared at him, torn between annoyance and growing lust at their current position. He quickly shook the thought off his mind, expecting this battle to end like the others, meaning in a matter of pure violence and exchange of fists.

"I’m merely playing by your rules Kanon."

Were the only words he said, trying to dismiss the feelings before the two warriors began struggling against each other once again, each trying to out best the other.

None of them could point out exactly when they started kissing, or when they started ripping each others’ clothes but somehow neither were surprised when they ended barely clothed, Rhadamanthys holding Kanon’s wrists securely in one hand against the pillow while one strong leg had found its way between the gold saint’s thighs.

Neither were all that surprised to find their lips were locked together either.

What stunned Rhadamanthys was the speed at which the tension, desire and anger had risen between them this time; too quickly and too high to allow for much foreplay. This was going to be fast and quick and hard, just another battle of a different sort.

The blond spectre didn’t hold back his growl when he attacked the pale neck of the other man, drunk in the confidence and power his position held over Kanon, feeling the gold saint’s struggles stopping against him. This was what he had been dreaming of since they had meet without really knowing it.

Deciding to ‘test the water’ so to speak, the blond trailed a hand down the gold saint’s chest slowly and teasingly

He almost smirked at this, and that was his mistake.

Later Rhadamanthys couldn’t remember how he ended up under the long haired man when he obviously had the advantage, but he was definitely reminded at this instant that underestimating a gold saint was NEVER a smart thing to do.

It was Kanon’s turn to smirk as he watched with obvious amusement the aggravated spectre.

Unlike the trapped blond he didn’t lose his time however and, still keeping Rhadamanthys pinned under his body, sneaked a slender hand under the pillow, which strangely enough hadn’t been tossed aside or ripped to pieces by their earlier trashing. The blond immediately tensed, wary of what was going through the other man’s cunning mind.

His fear proved to be justified when Kanon pulled some kind of leather restrains -was that the remains of a leather belt??- from their hidden spot and gleefully proceeded to tie the stunned spectre’s wrists to the bed frame, skillful, cool digits dancing gracefully across the blonde’s suddenly oversensitive skin.

Rhadamanthys hadn’t expected this.

"Awww what’s wrong? Are you scared of what I will do to you, now that I have you at my mercy?"

"Like I have anything to fear from you Kanon," he responded instantly, pride getting the best of him "you wouldn’t dare."

His captor didn’t seem all that impressed with that and laughed at the frustrated blond, throwing his head back as his body shook slightly with his laughter. Rhadamanthys used the distraction to test his bounds cautiously, eyes glued to Kanon.

"Tss tss, we can’t have that now."

The gold saint whispered teasingly, before sliding his body down until he was sitting on Rhadamanthys’s legs instead of his waist and started working on the belt of the blond spectre.

Nimble fingers made quick work of the belt before unbuttoning the pants, not sparing a single glance to the tied up man when he slapped his side slightly in an unspoken command. Rhadamanthys stared up with wide eyes at the blue haired man, until it finally clicked. The blond growled but still raised his hips slightly, letting Kanon pushing the now unwanted clothes down and off his body, stopping only to remove the boots he had forgotten with a soft curse.

Rhadamanthys smiled at this but stayed silent. He would get back at him later. That and he didn’t dare risk spoiling the mood, not with the now nice erection he was sporting.

Kanon ran an appreciative eye over the half naked form and with a positively carnal grin, crawled back up the spectre’s body, licking his lips in anticipation.

The Wyvern let out an almost unbelieving gasp when he felt a wet tongue licking the sides of his length slowly, while thumbs busied themselves in rubbing the base of his sex. The treatment was followed soon after by little nips that made him loose his breath, unbelieving at the other forwardness until soft, warm lips wrap themselves completely around his burning erection and started sucking and he forgot to think altogether.

The ex marina smiled inwardly, gently massaging the sacs while flicking his tongue over the head, pleased with the response he was getting. Deciding a little multitasking was needed, he freed one hand to unbuckle his hand belt and loosen his pants, ready to remove them. As he did so, he felt Rhadamanthys’s body shaking, barely at first, and growing stronger as the tension inside the blond grow.

Kanon smirked and stopped.

Rhadamanthys’s went blank for a few instant while it acknowledges the disappearance of his source of pleasure. His eyes snapped opened then -he hadn’t even realized they were closed- and a feral growl escaped him.

"Why did yo-"


The words died in his throat when he saw what Kanon was currently busy doing.

While the blond was having his little ‘black-out’, the gold saint had completely removed his pants and one of his hands had disappeared between his legs. The movements and small, nearly pained groans were enough indication as to what was going on.

Kanon arched his back in a very cat like fashion above the prone Wyvern with a moan while his fingers thrust in and out of his body, preparing himself while Rhadamanthys stared in fascination for what seems an eternity.

Then, with deliberate slowness Kanon slowly and carefully started lowering himself down onto the blonde’s erection, eyes locked with the other’s golden orbs barely widening as he felt the organ stretch his inside, unwilling as he was to show weakness despite the incredible sensations.

This was his show.

However despite his careful preparation Kanon was still relatively tight, Rhadamanthys didn’t slide in easily at first and it took a moment of adjustment from both of them before things could move forward.

Taking a shuddering breath and holding back a wince, Kanon managed to relax and let his body sink all the way down. Rhadamanthys held back a strangled moan, mouth falling open in pure bliss upon feeling his sex being swallowed by the warm body. The ex marina would have smile, had he been in any state of doing so at that moment. Once he was sitting completely, he began shifting and wiggling a bit, trying to both find a comfortable position and get accustomed to the organ deep inside of him.

Beneath him Rhadamanthys’s whole body was tensing, nearly trembling with the urge to thrust upwards into the oh-so-tight body he was sheathed in. But ever the gentleman, he bit his lips harshly to distract himself from the delicious pressure around his erection and waited for Kanon to show it was all right to move.

Placing both hands onto the blonde’s chest Kanon pushed himself up until only the tip of the blonde’s erection was still lodged inside him, before lowering himself back down again. The Gemini gold saint could feel hands grasping onto his hips then as they finally fell into an ageless rocking motion together, the only sound around them being the soft pants and the occasional murmur of a name, though they were too busy to notice it.

Rhadamanthys could only lay on the bed and groan and twist and toss his head back with the  pure pleasure running through his veins, gasping and nearly gagging all at the same time and wishing he could just hold onto those heavenly hips like no tomorrow, pulling unconsciously on his restrains. Since he couldn’t do that he thrown himself into a hard, carnal rhythm. Pushing in and pulling out. A rhythm filled with all the tension, teasing and all the lust he had felt since meeting the gold saint.

Soon enough Kanon responded in kind, each moans growing louder and louder with every thrusts as he shifted his position on top of the tense body, thus changing the angle he was being filled by his newly made lover and allowing his prostate to be hit dead on in the process.

Kanon’s head rolled back then, unintelligible words escaping from his lips. Rhadamanthys had to smile -if weakly- in satisfaction at this, but it was completely wiped from his mind by the sensations the warm body above him caused him to experiment. He had enough presence of mind left to have a part of him complaining inwardly against being restrained -because he couldn’t touch the other- but nothing more.

Almost as if reading his mind and offering some kind of apology, Kanon decided to put his hands to good use. As he had no need for them to keep the spectre under control, he merely let one elegant hand wrap itself around his length, while the other crawled up his torso to tease his nipples, giving the other man a pretty damn good show. The icing on the cake indeed.

It was all Rhadamanthys needed to feel himself reaching his peak and he couldn’t tell then if the growl that escaped him was of blissful upon reaching complexion or frustration at knowing it was soon going to end. Neither of them were going to last much longer.

And sure enough Kanon's body suddenly clenched around him, though it only brought their pleasure to a new high, the blonde driving himself as deep as he could inside of the tight heat in response before he came with gasp, pulling a near animalistic growl from the blue haired man.

Time seemed to still, then Kanon collapsed onto the sweaty body beneath him, still shuddering with post orgasmic bliss with small shivers running through his body.

Not a word was spoken for the next ten minutes, both men trying to find their breath again and to clear their mind. Finally it was Kanon who broken the silence.

"How was that for being disrespectful?"

"I say that if this is your way of apologizing to me, you are welcome to annoy me whenever you want from now on."


Rhadamanthys sighed in contentment at the memory, a smile tugging at his lips while Kanon’s soft breath caressed his neck.



The blond spectre was pulled out of his thoughts by the husky voice of his companion, the little puffs of air tickling his ear.

"I want to do it again."

"Seriously? I thought you were falling asleep on me"

"You should know by now not to underestimate a gold saint. Don’t tell me a spectre of your caliber" a blue eyebrow was raised, daring him to say the contrary "has already reached his limit?"

"I will show you limits."

The blond growled playfully before tackling Kanon under him, firmly intending to teach the little minx a lesson. For indeed he felt ready for another round alright.

"Now let me show you what I can do when my hands are not tied up."

Kanon’s smirk and devious glance was all the answer he needed to continue.
