Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To The Night ❯ We Work ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
After making it home and patching himself up, Gojyo found that Friday and Saturday passed without conflict, his time devoid of random attacks and mysteriously gorgeous new customers.

The only thing that he could consider to be out of the ordinary came during his Saturday club shift, when he could have sworn that he caught a glimpse of pale skin and blonde hair; but no, his customer for the night was an all-too-common man, whose features the redhead couldn’t recall in the slightest.

However, before his shift on the Friday night, Gojyo had been talking to another of the club’s prostitutes; a guy he got along with quite well, who went by the name Goku. The kid was only eighteen, but he was the second-highest male earner, after Gojyo himself. Apparently, the fact that Goku looked as if he was about twelve endeared him to a lot of the sick fucks out there.

Sure, this was coming from a guy who’d been selling himself since he was fourteen- but he’d gotten away with that for the opposite reason. Gojyo had been a tall kid, and he’d easily passed as eighteen or older way back when.

But it was what Goku had said that was the interesting part. Apparently, he’d heard some of the girls saying that a cop had been trying to get them to talk, but they’d refused. None of them knew whether they should tell Banri or not; Gojyo was glad that it sounded like no one had spilled to the boss.

Gojyo was careful not to let on that he had a fairly good idea about who had been trying to talk to the other whores; from what he could tell, none of the other men had been contacted, and he’d just make himself look suspicious by showing how much knowledge he had.

If Banri found out about Sanzo, it was going to take a major miracle to save Gojyo’s life. Showing disloyalty to your pimp was as good as putting a loaded gun in their hands, and then pressing your forehead against the barrel.

Gojyo wasn’t ready to die just yet.

He knew he’d covered himself well, but Gojyo thought he was about to have a heart attack when, on Sunday evening while walking to buy cigarettes, an all-too-familiar car pulled up beside him.

Banri wasn’t quite high enough in the hierarchy, or rich enough, to have his own chauffeur, and so the sleek black Mercedes was being driven by the pimp himself. Gojyo had to work to keep his face steady as the tinted passenger’s side window rolled down, even though his heart was beating at a million miles per hour.

Banri never spoke to him outside of business…did he know?

“Get in the car, Kappa.” Gojyo’s eyes narrowed for an instant at the nickname, but he figured that it would be in his best interests to stay neutral for as long as he could. It was possible that this had nothing to do with Sanzo, right? He slid into the perfectly-maintained car.

“Evening, Banri.” There was no response, and the redhead leaned back into the leather seat, trying to calm his over-working heart.

The silence itself wasn’t unusual; Banri was a paranoid guy. He refused to have serious conversations anywhere except his own properties, and especially not over the phone or in a car. That was why Gojyo knew he was in trouble- something major was up.

The man drove to the outskirts of the city, where his large house was situated. The tension of the quiet ride pushed Gojyo’s anxiety higher, the suspense of not knowing whether his death was fast approaching making him twitch slightly.

When the car finally pulled up into Banri’s garage, and the pimp got out, Gojyo breathed a sigh of relief, even though the worst was yet to come. The redhead simply hated silence; it reminded him of the years spent with a step-mother who seemed to try her best to ignore him- when she wasn’t hitting him, of course.

Following Banri out of the car and into the house, Gojyo ran his mind through possible excuses. He couldn’t come up with a single good reason for why he’d been talking to a rival gang’s member…quite frankly, he was fucked.

And here he had been, thinking that he was going to die in a dramatic fight, or from some sort of sex-related incident. But no, it looked like he was going to be just another deceased whore, killed by just another pissed-off pimp.

Gojyo had managed to avoid the drug-overdosed prostitute cliché, just to fall right into another.

Banri led the way to his front room, an open space filled with expensively tacky artworks that served only as bragging points. Gojyo had taken two steps into the room when the older man had turned on his heel, his open fist lashing out to backhand across a twin-scarred cheek; the same cheek that was still a little sore from Gojyo’s altercation in the alley just days earlier.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Banri’s naturally weak voice hissed in anger, and Gojyo kept his gaze to the floor. Maybe his death would come quicker if he showed proper respect- something that was a little hard to do when your pimp was a couple of inches shorter than yourself.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Playing dumb was a skill that Gojyo had worked up a long time ago, and it came naturally here. He’d never admit to anything; especially if it meant that Sanzo’s ass was put on the line as well. Gojyo never liked it when his own messes screwed other people over; he fully believed that everyone should be responsible for themselves, and only themselves.

“Of course you know what I mean, you piece of scum. Your cute little dumb act won’t work here.” Gojyo sighed, running a hand over his tied-up hair. Oh well, at least he’d leave a pretty corpse.

Gojyo gave no verbal reply, and Banri lashed out with his hand again, striking almost the exact same place as earlier. “I’m sitting here this afternoon, enjoying a day off, when my phone rings. Do you know what the call was about?”

Gojyo lifted his eyes, defiantly looking into Banri’s face. “I suppose you’re going to have to tell me.”

Banri glared, but Gojyo wasn’t affected by it; the look had nothing on any one of Sanzo’s many different furious expressions. The expected slap didn’t come, but Gojyo knew that it was a useless reprieve. He was going to die anyway.

“Y’know, I really didn’t have a problem with you before this, Kappa. You make me a metric fucktonne of cash, and you’ve rarely done anything wrong. But there’s a few things I won’t tolerate, and when I get a call telling me that one of my whores has been out causing trouble, I take offence.” Banri grabbed the front of Gojyo’s blue t-shirt, dragging him down until their faces were level.

“I heard that you’d been busy earlier this week. Dwayne’s wrist is completely shattered, and you tore right through his calf muscle. He was one of Kougaiji’s best-trusted security guys, but now he’s completely useless. And guess what? Because you belong to me, Kou is completely pissed at me. I can’t accept this, you stupid slut.”

Gojyo blinked- once, twice, three times. Dwayne? Who the fuck…oh. Ohhh.

The guy from the alley. Not Sanzo; not a rival gang; but the prick who’d tried to settle a stupid personal vendetta in a filthy back lane.

Banri seemed to be waiting for an answer, but Gojyo didn’t have one. He was…maybe he wasn’t going to die after all! “Well? No smart remarks today?”

Without thinking, Gojyo answered on reflex. “The fucker broke my rib, and he was disputing my right to business. I didn’t kill him; he should be thankful for that.”

Banri struck the redhead for a third time, and it took a considerable amount of willpower for Gojyo to resist fighting back. If it had been anyone else, anyone, they would’ve found themselves in serious trouble right now…

“That doesn’t excuse a fuckin’ thing, and you know it. Because you’re my personal goldmine, I’m going to let you off- once. Do something like this again, and your brain’ll be on the outside. Now, though, you’re gonna have to make it up to me for the absolute ripping that I copped because of your fuckin’ idiocy.”

“What d’you want me to do?” Gojyo asked the question, despite the fact that he knew what was about to come…in more ways than one.

Banri smiled, a sadistic expression that truly wasn’t attractive in the least. “Well, first up, Kappa, you’re going to suck me off. Get to it.”

Fingers tightened cruelly in red hair, and Banri used his grip to yank Gojyo onto his knees. Reaching for his pimp’s belt buckle, Gojyo thought about how much of a bullet he’d dodged on this one- even if blowing Banri wasn’t usually the most pleasant experience.

Still, dealing with a bad taste in the mouth was better than dealing with lead in the mouth, Gojyo was sure.


On Thursday morning, after telling his information to Dokugakuji, Sanzo had been dismissed with a simple message: ‘I’ll call you when we’re ready to take this fucker out.’

As such, the blonde had spent most of his weekend in peace, with no call coming through. He’d even managed to keep his mind away from a certain antagonistic redhead, all bar the tiny little voice that tried to make him, on both Friday and Saturday, make a return trip to a certain illegal club.

Not fucking likely.

Sanzo spent his time in his usual fashion, avoiding unnecessary human contact and simply reading the daylight away, as well as having long target practice sessions; fairly unnecessary exercises for a man with a reputation for being one of the best shots in the business.

By the time late Sunday afternoon rolled around, he was becoming slightly eager to actually do something- not that he would admit it to anyone who dared to impede upon his solitude.

When his cell phone finally rang, he forced himself to simply wait until a few rings had passed, so as to seem as if he wasn’t waiting on tenterhooks. Truthfully, he was looking forward to a chance to work out some of his recent anger; pulling the trigger to end a life tended to be a cathartic experience for Sanzo, and he felt that he needed it.


“You’re up, Sanzo. I’m sending you and Hakkai in; he’s just left my office, so be expecting him soon.”

The call ended at that, neither man wanting to say too much over a possibly tapped line.

As much as Sanzo hated having people in his apartment, he and Hakkai had to go over a few things if they were going to do their job properly. It was safest for them to be inside a private residence, and as far as anyone could tell, Hakkai didn’t have a place anywhere close by.

No one was game to ask him where he actually lived; the man really was creepy as fuck. It was something to do with the permanent smile on his face.

Sanzo tucked the phone back into his pocket, lying on his couch while he waited for the knock at the door. Successfully blanking his mind out, he hadn’t thought about Gojyo and how much of an asshole the guy was all day; he wasn’t about to start now.

Completely zoned out, he gave a start when three loud knocks sounded at the door. Standing up and trying in vain to fix his messed hair, Sanzo opened the door.

“Good afternoon, Sanzo. How have you been?” The greeting was given in a cheerfully friendly tone, the slightly taller man reaching up to adjust his glasses as he spoke. Sanzo turned and walked away with a slight grunt, causing Hakkai to laugh merrily.

“You’re in quite the mood today, aren’t you!” Sanzo ignored the other man, leading him into the kitchen to sit at the table. He didn’t bother offering his guest anything.

“What’d Doku have to say?”

“We have to take the poor man out tonight. I had a tracker put on his vehicle; we’ll know when he’s heading home.” Hakkai’s tone had a hint of regret in it at the thought of killing someone, but Sanzo knew that it was fake. He’d watched the man slaughter more than one person; his actions certainly showed no regret.


“No, this particular fellow is too paranoid for security. Apparently, he believes that guards are too easy to buy off; it’s somewhat bizarre logic, but it works out quite nicely for us. He’s unguarded nearly all the time."

Sanzo nodded, not having anything else to say. The conversation quickly dried up, and a polite silence settled in the room.


Over an hour later, Sanzo was picking open the back door to Banri’s ridiculously oversized house, Hakkai standing behind him with a barely-concealed gun in hand. Trying to open the door as silently as possible, the pair stepped inside, eyes sweeping around as they tried to locate the object of the hit.

Keeping to the walls so as to not give up their advantage, Sanzo led the way inside the house, listening carefully for any sound of movement.

Stalking further in, he came to an abrupt halt when a loud voice rang out. “Fuck, Kappa!”

Sanzo’s face curled up in disgust as he turned back to his companion. “Is he seriously doing what that sounded like?”

Hakkai’s smile widened, and he nodded, keeping his voice soft. “Yes, it certainly seems so. That gives us an even greater advantage, don’t you think?”

Rolling his eyes, Sanzo moved towards the noises, the sound of groaning getting louder. Some people, they just couldn’t keep their perversions to themselves…

It didn’t really occur to Sanzo that the man was keeping to himself, considering the fact that he was in his own house. The blonde was simply too busy being self-righteous to care.

Eventually tracking the source of the noise to the very front room of the house, Hakkai and Sanzo paused by the door, keeping themselves hidden as they prepared for the final stage of their job.

Sanzo gestured to the dark-haired man as he burst into the doorway, taking only a second to observe where the target was before shooting two bullets, and hearing a third ring out from beside him.

Only then did Sanzo see the room’s other occupant, as the person rolled defensively and upended a small table to use as a shield with a flash of…red hair?


Gojyo was performing his usual duty with his usual impeccable skill when a movement caught the corner of his eye. Not stopping the slide of his lips and tongue, he slid his eyes across as two men burst into the room, armed with pistols.

Jerking his mouth away with a gasp, Gojyo instinctively ducked out of the way, finding a convenient side table to place between himself and the armed men. The angle that he and Banri had been at meant that the pimp didn’t get a chance to see the intruders, and three bullets lodged themselves in his chest and head.

Well, fuck. There went his employer…but Gojyo couldn’t really bring himself to care, especially as his life would have been Hell for quite a while, until Banri decided he wasn’t mad anymore. Maybe his death was for the best…

Gojyo was relieved when no more shots rang out, but he tensed when he heard a somewhat familiar-sounding ‘for fuck’s sake!’

Not willing to stick his head out into possible danger, the redhead stayed put, waiting for the others to make the first move. He simply listened to the conversation the pair were having, trying to figure out why one voice seemed so damned familiar…

“Is he done?”

Footsteps sounded, and there was a brief pause before the familiar voice spoke, “No pulse. Dead.”

“What about the other one?”

“Give me a second.”

The first man gave a cheerfully agreeable noise, and Gojyo wondered how a man who just killed someone could sound so happy and calm. Fucking psychopaths…

“Get your stupid ass out here, Gojyo.”

The redhead felt his eyes widen; he did know that voice. Well, this was interesting…

Standing upright, Gojyo flashed his most charming smile and held his palms up in mock surrender. “Well, fancy seeing you here, Sanzo!”

He wanted to say more, but he still had two guns trained upon him, and he couldn’t see his life being saved twice in one day. No point in pushing the man who’d already shot at him once…

“Sanzo? Taking this one out, too?” The man Gojyo didn’t recognise smiled politely as he spoke, and the redhead felt chills run up his spine. What kind of a man could look like that while talking like that?

Gojyo turned back to Sanzo, a crimson eyebrow raised in question. He was truly curious about what the man’s answer would be.

Sanzo’s face showed a violent contemplation, clearly weighing up the pros and cons of shooting the redhead here and now. Sighing, he lowered his gun. “No, Hakkai. He…was my source on this one. Repayment for that favour will be not killing you, so count yourself lucky, whore.”

The other man also lowered his gun, tucking it inside his coat- which was completely unsuitable for the summer heat. “Good evening, friend of Sanzo. I’m Hakkai.”

The man walked over to Gojyo, extending his hand for the redhead to shake. Thrown off by the politeness of the assassin, Gojyo weakly shook back, only remembering to reply with his name as they let go of each other. “I’m Gojyo.”

“And he is most certainly not my friend. Hakkai, let’s go.”

“Hang on, Blondie, wait! You guys just killed my ride out of here, so it’s only fair that you take me back into the city, right?” Gojyo smiled in a way that he hoped was endearing, rather than lecherous. It didn’t work on Sanzo; that wasn’t really surprising, considering that the man’s back was to him.

“Certainly, Mr Gojyo! I’m driving, so we’ll take you.” Hakkai nodded at Gojyo, still smiling politely.

“Cool.” Following Hakkai and Sanzo out of the room, Gojyo paused and turned back, slipping the wallet from Banri’s pocket. It wasn’t the first time he’d robbed a corpse, though it was the first time he’d had someone die mid-blowjob. Interesting.

Hurrying to catch up to the other two, Gojyo trotted up beside Sanzo, who glared at him. “And what, exactly, do you think you’re doing?”

“Oh, well your, uh, friend said that he’d take me back into the city. It’s good to know that not all of you guys are total dicks.”

Sanzo stopped, turning around with his hands on his hips. “Hakkai! What the fuck are you thinking?”

The brunette simply kept walking, passing the two paused men. “Well, I’m simply helping this nice man out. We did just kill his employer, after all.”

Throwing his hands up in disgust, Sanzo stalked towards the back entrance of the yard, where they’d left Hakkai’s jeep. Gojyo smiled his thanks to the polite man, who smiled back; only this time, Gojyo could have sworn that the expression was…genuine.

The redhead slipped into the back seat of the vehicle, stretching out as Sanzo and Hakkai sat in the front. Less than a minute passed quietly, before Hakkai addressed Gojyo. “So, Mr Gojyo, did we hear correctly when the sadly deceased referred to you as ‘Kappa’? How exactly does one get a nickname such as that?”

Gojyo shifted in his seat, unhappy that others had heard the nickname. “Firstly, you can just call me Gojyo. I don’t think anyone’s ever really called me Mister. Secondly…yeah. Banri’s always referred to me like that. Y’see, he…he didn’t really care about my name, but calling us all by numbers would be a little too suss. The guy is…was?...part Greek, so he used the Greek alphabet…I was whore number ten…’Kappa’.”

Two heads snapped around as the man in the front passenger seat began honest-to-God laughing. “Oh, shit…that’s fucking classic! Kappa…I like it. If I was ever going to lay eyes on you again, which I’m not, I’d keep that name in mind.”

Gojyo snarled, resisting the urge to whack the Sanzo over the back of his pretty, blonde head. He’d always hated being referred to as a number, even in a fairly well-disguised manner as what he had. It made him feel as if he wasn’t…human.

“Now, now, Sanzo. That’s not polite. Anyway, Gojyo…”

As Sanzo sat glaring out the front windscreen of the jeep, Hakkai and Gojyo made small talk until the centre of the city sped up around them. “Where am I taking you?”

Gojyo looked around, gauging his surroundings. “Ah, anywhere here’s fine, man. Thanks for this.”

“That’s perfectly okay.” Pulling to the side of the road, Hakkai turned around and extended his hand once again, which Gojyo grasped. “Have a nice life, Gojyo. Maybe we’ll meet again, in another time and place.”

Gojyo smiled, genuinely interested by the man who was both a perfect gentleman and a cold-hearted killer. “You too, ‘Kai.”

Letting Hakkai go, Gojyo jumped out of the open-top car, before turning back to face the men still inside. A cheeky smirk pulled at one side of his face, and he leaned against the side of the car where Sanzo was sitting.

“Thanks for not killing me, gorgeous.” He swooped down, quickly kissing Sanzo on the cheek before legging it down an alley. His laughter echoed down the deserted laneway, slowly fading as Sanzo tried his best to escape Hakkai’s hold on his shirt, so that he could go and kill the redhead.

Fuck subtlety!


Hakkai kept one hand on the back of Sanzo’s suit jacket as he drove, keeping the man in place until they were far enough away from where the redhead had disappeared into the crowd.

“Relax, Sanzo. Or should that be…gorgeous?” Hakkai’s quiet laughter didn’t end when Sanzo turned his wrath to the brunette, his composure unflappable even under the worst of circumstances.

“Oh, please do calm down. He simply did it to get a reaction out of you…unless…”

“Unless what?” Sanzo’s scowl intensified, but so did Hakkai’s smile.

“Oh, never mind. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out for yourself. Now, let us go and find Mr Dokugakuji. I’m sure he’ll be most interested in hearing how our little job worked out.”

Sanzo sat back in his seat, huffing indignantly. “Fine. But if you mention what just happened, I’ll gut you and sell your organs on the black market.”

Hakkai just laughed. “You have my silence, Sanzo.”

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