Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Living on Empty ❯ Where do we look! ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Living on Empty (Kougaiji) 6
A/N: I am uploading this one early because I made a promise. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter; it has a bit of lemon.
Sanzo is at the mercy of the prince and his companions are upset at his disappearance.
Chapter 6
Kougaiji is outside the room pacing, as he waits for his throbbing to go down. It would not do for the monk to know, just how much power he welds over him at this stage in the game. He wants the monk to desire him but he knows that is out of the question, so he will settle for hate. Sometimes, hate is a turn on in more ways then one, especially if you hate someone, with passion.
He leans against the door crossing his arms, stroking the white silk robe caressing his skin, waiting to hear movements from inside the room. The prince waits to go back in, but his patience is wearing thin. His guards have cleared the hall since; he does not want anyone around when he takes the monk.
Sanzo ducks his head down and pulls back up, as he shakes the water out of his hair like a sprite. He wipes his face with his hand as he looks around, wondering if Kou has left for the night. Then he snorts, knowing that is wishful thinking on his part. He slicks his hair back with both hands, rises up from the water, and for the first time notices a red silk robe and towel lying on a stool next to the bath. He steps out, dries off and wraps the robe around his body, as he keeps his eyes on the double doors.
Walking over to the table, he notices the bottle of wine that survived the crash and picks it up taking the cork out. He tilts his head back and takes a deep swallow. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and looks again towards the door. He has a feeling; the prince is on the other side. He walks over to the lounge chair and sits down. He takes another swallow and lies back, crossing his legs. Making love with Gojyo is something he never thought he would be capable of and now the prince wants to have him in the same way. What is it about him that makes others desire him so much? He has had women throw themselves at him all his life and now he knows why some of the men he has met would go out of their way for him. He sighs as he takes another swallow. `I guess sex really does make the world go round.'
If he has to give in to the prince, he is going to get as drunk as he can and he is going to fight. If Kou thinks this is going to be easy, he has another thought coming. His body hungers with wanting the hanyou and no one else can fill that void. `Where are you Gojyo? Why aren't you the one on the other side of that door, waiting to hold me in your arms and make me feel things that only you can do?'
He takes another drink, swallows and closes his eyes as the bottle slips from his loose fingers. He puts his arm over his eyes as the last coherent thought he has, is of the red-haired hanyou.
Kougaiji walks into the room and sees the monk lying motionless on the lounger. He walks over and pulls his arm from his face. The monk looks to be asleep, since his breathing is even and his lips are slightly parted. The prince leans down and picks him up effortlessly in his arms. Sanzo mumbles under his breath and turns his head resting it on Kou's shoulder. He smiles down at the monk as he takes him over to the big bed. He sets him down gently, as if he is the most precious thing in the world. The priest turns his head away from him as his hair falls over the side of his face.
The red-haired prince sits on the bed, staring down at the monk with a half smile on his face. He reaches out and brushes the damp curl from his brow, with his hand lingering, a little longer than necessary. He knows the monk is feeling the after affects of the drug and liquor so he may be too intoxicated to enjoy their time together.
He looks down at the robe that has come undone showing part of the monk's chest and his thigh. The robe is very revealing as he sees one pink nipple peeking at him and he longs to take it in his mouth. He can imagine it turning hard, dusky rose, as he flicks his tongue over it. This is what Gojyo has been enjoying, while he has been in the background wanting and waiting, but no more. The monk will belong to him before long. He looks over at the spilled wine by the lounger and decides to see just how much he has drunk.
He stands and is about to walk away when he hears Sanzo call out the hanyou's name, like a caress. He moans as he calls him a second time, softly and the prince drops the curtain and sits back down in surprise, waiting for him to say that name again, the name he has now began to hate. The idea that he dreams about him makes him angry. However maybe he can use this to his advantage.
He leans over the monk, whispering in his ear, “What is it you want, little one? Say my name, as you say his. You are here with me and I will make you forget him. He will never make you feel the way I can, I promise you.” He looks in the monk's face, and longs to have him call for him, as lovingly as he calls for Gojyo.
He snakes his hand up Sanzo's exposed thigh and puts his mouth over his pink bud. The monk moans from the sensations and put his hand out. Kou takes his hand and lace his fingers through them. He raises his hand over his head causing the robe to fall open even more. As he slides his hand up his thigh, he strokes his manhood gently. He is not surprised as he responds to his ministrations. He can feel the heat from his manhood, as it swells slowly in response.
Sanzo is moaning, as Kou's mouth does wonderful things to his harden bud and his fingers to his erection. The blonde tries to open his eyes but that will take to much effort and right now, he is enjoying the pleasures of Gojyo's mouth, and fingers. The feeling is so familiar to him that his mind wanders back to the dream he is having. The dream, in which Gojyo is making love to him, is very familiar and passionate. The way he traces his ear with his tongue and drags it down to lap at his chin before he sucks on his bottom lip sends shivers down up his spine. This is something he has come to expect from the hanyou.
Sanzo can feel Gojyo as he strokes his harden member, bringing it to life. He moans again as he feels the hanyou mouth engulf his whole length. He rises off the bed, as his body arches. The prince's callus hands hold onto his hips, as he calls out Gojyo's name in a soft voice. He can feel the heat of his mouth as he scrapes his erection lightly with his teeth. This is something new, but then, he is always finding ways to make their time together, exquisite and pleasurable. The monk loves this man; because of what he means to him and for the way, he makes his body feels.
He can feel the hanyou's fingers easing to his clef, stroking the ring of muscles as he probes at his entrance. This feels so good to the monk, like little electric spikes shooting through his nerve endings. As his fingers work their magic, Gojyo's tongue probes the slit, sucking up the precum as it spills out of the dripping head. Sanzo moans loudly as he feels the kisses going down the side of his swollen manhood and tangles his fingers in the top of his hair. He loves the silky feel of the hanyou's hair and the fire red of its color.
He stops, as his hand comes up and the hair slips through his fingers. Wait a minute! This is not right. He slides his hands back through and the ends are short. He can feel the length of hair covering his thighs, but the top?! He opens his eyes slowly and sees what his hand is holding on too.
Surprise takes over, as he gazes down at a nude Kougaiji draped in a white silk robe, bobbing his head up and down on him as his fingers strokes his ballsac. He tries to pull away but it is too late. He tries pushing him but it's as if the two are one. The prince is lapping up and down his erection as if he is possessed
“Stop! I don't want this! Let me go!” He twists his body, trying to get away, but the prince is not about to let him go, not after all this time of wanting him.
The prince pulls back when he strikes him on the side of the face. He lifts his head and looks up with confusion in his dark eyes. Sanzo's face is in shadow but he knows he has an angry look; however, the prince will not be denied, not after he has had a taste of the monk.
He grabs Sanzo's hands with his own and slams him back on the bed. As he leans over him with eyes darken by passion, he tells him in a husky voice, “I told you before I wanted you and I will have what I want!” He releases one of his hands and puts it at the monk's throat. Sanzo is hitting him with one fist as he tries to push him off but the prince is stronger and he has all his weight on top of the monk. The monk can feel the wine he has drank, weakening his movements and clouding his vision.
The red-haired prince's hand squeezes his throat lightly, “You are causing a lot of friction between our bodies and I don't know if I'll be able to control myself. You feel so good Sanzo. Why can't you let me have you this one time? I promise you will not regret it. You should know how long I have wanted you. I have dreamed about this for a long time. I know you probably hate me but I really do care for you, please…don't make me beg.” He starts to clutch his throat tighter as he showers kisses all over his face.
Sanzo brings his free hand up and tries to pry Kou's hand from around his throat. The prince looks down at what he is doing, releases his hold on the monk, and leans back a bit. Sanzo coughs and puts his hand up to his throat, rubbing and coughing as he turns his head to the side. He has tears in his eyes and they leave trails on his handsome face. Kou bends down and kisses his tears. Telling him, he did not mean to hurt him.
Sanzo pushes the prince back as he sits up leaning against the soft pillows. “I'm not crying you moron…the tears are from me…trying to catch my breath. As if I would…shed a tear because of you…you ass-hole! Why don't you get the hell…away from me?” His breath is coming in gasps as he struggles for air.
He pulls the robe around the upper part of his body but the lower half is still exposed. His erection is still painfully swollen, even with the choking. He looks down and the prince follows his eyes. He smiles at Sanzo as he pushes him back down. He leans over him with lust-filled eyes, “If I stop now, you will not have any fulfillment. Why don't you let me take care of this for you?” He grabs his erection in his warm hand, kissing the tip and licks it as he watches the blonde-haired man's face. Hoping against hope he will some how agree to him making love to him once again. His desire for the monk makes him weak, a feeling he has never felt before. He is out of his element and he wants Sanzo to feel what he is feeling. The pleasure he has in just having the monk close to him threatens to overwhelm with desire.
Sanzo's eyes close slowly; as he revels in the sweet torture, Kou is putting him through at this moment. The monk is not use to being the object of anyone's desire before. This is all new to him having pleasure from another man and this man whom he is supposed too hate with every fiber of his being. He is the enemy, so why…?
When he sees the monk's eyes drift close, he once again takes his erection in his mouth. As Sanzo moans, the prince knows this time, the moans are for him and for the pleasure, he is giving the monk. He spreads the blonde's legs and strokes his inner thighs as he drags his tongue along the ridge, making him arch once more. As he strokes the outside of his prostate with one finger, Sanzo groans. `This is not supposed to be this way! This is supposed to be Gojyo making me reach these heights, not him, never the prince!'
Kou takes his entire length in his mouth as Sanzo's cock reaches the back of his throat. The prince tries not to gag as he relaxes his throat muscles and swallows causing Sanzo to moan with ecstasy. Right now, all he can think about is giving this man the pleasure he so richly deserves. This is the one he wants to keep with him forever. What he feels for Sanzo is hard to describe and he doesn't know how to put it in the right words but he knows he will do anything to keep the monk in his life. His innocence to the ways of the flesh is evident in his reactions to the smallest touch. Kougaiji wants to show him everything about the art of making love to the one that holds your heart in their hands.
Sanzo's body betrays him, as the two men fall in a slow, sensuous, rhythm. Sanzo strokes his hair as he pushes his hips forward; trying not to enjoy it but the prince is also very skilled with his mouth and hands. As he slides a finger inside the blonde, he gasps with the sudden intrusion. He remembers this and tries to pull away; the prince puts his hand on his abs, inserts a second finger, and strokes the ball of nerves inside and Sanzo cries out in pleasure. He is breathing heavily as he licks his lips, “Please, Kou…don't do this, you have to stop.” The invasion to his body is sweet and painful at the same time. He is delirious with ecstasy but he fells he should come out of the haze that threatens to consume him.
Kou pulls his hips forward and slides his fingers deeper moving them around, stretching his entrance. He rises up and lies on top of the monk with his head by his ear. He whispers as he bites the side of his neck, “I want you, Sanzo and I'm trying my best to be gentle with you. We have come too far to turn back now. Let yourself relax, please.” He flicks his tongue, licking the outline of his ear as Sanzo moans softly in the back of his throat. “I know you like it even if you do deny it.” He smiles and in a soft voice tells him, “Why don't I let your body tell me what you want?”
He takes the tip of his tongue and traces the outline of the blonde's lips before pulling his bottom lip in his mouth and sucks on it. He slides his tongue between Sanzo's parted lips and strokes his tongue with his own. The prince pulls his fingers out and slides his hands down the blonde-haired man's arms and eases his fingers around his wrists bringing both hands over his head. He kisses the monk with a passion Sanzo did not know he was capable of doing. Kou slides his hands down his arms, stops at his waist, and lifts his hips and brings his head back down to finish what he has started.
Sanzo has tears now, for the betrayal of his body and the lust-filled thoughts clouding his mind. The prince makes him feel a pleasure so strong; he can see stars as his desires goes into sensory overload. `I'm so sorry Gojyo, I don't mean to enjoy this, forgive me!' He holds onto Kou as he laces his fingers through his silky hair. His body is trembling with desire as the prince closes his eyes at finally having what he has yearned for, for so long.
Gojyo walks into the inn and sits at the bar. He orders a drink and turns, looking at the other customers. There was a group playing cards and drinking, with women hanging all over them. He decides to join them since they seem to be having fun. He just might get some information after all.
The hanyou picks up his drink and walks over to the table. “Mind if I sit in on the next hand?” He looks at the one that looks the strongest since he may be the one calling the shots.
The kappa looks up at him, “As long as you have money you can play. By the way, my name is Shin and these are my boys. Have a seat and let's see what you can do.”
Gojyo pulls up a chair and sets his drink down as he takes a small pouch of money out. He looks around the table and feels he can take all of them, if things turned bad.
Hakkai walks around the small village stopping at the various stall. Goku is with him, as he carries some of the packages while eating pockie. They found some at the last stall and Goku has been munching on them, as Hakkai ask subtlety, for information on the kidnapping of their leader. So far, no one has heard anything and he is beginning to think that maybe Gojyo is right. Maybe, Kougaiji is the one that took the monk. He has many ikkou at his service and he can pretty much get away with anything.
He turns to the monkey and smiles down at him. “Perhaps we should go back to the inn, Goku. It seems no one has heard anything about Sanzo. I'm beginning to think Gojyo is right in assuming this comes from higher up.”
“But Hakkai, every time we fight them it's always for the scriptures. They never try to take any of us prisoner. Do you think they want to torture him or something? This is messed up and now Gojyo is acting all weird and everything. I didn't think he even liked Sanzo, the way they are always arguing.”
The monkey laughs, “Still, I don't care what he says, he was crying.”
Hakkai looks down at the boy. “Maybe when you get older you'll understand why he feels the way he does. You should have at least seen how close the two of them have become. He only argues with you now, Goku and he mumbles at Sanzo before he does what he wants.”
“Well I don't care how close they are, I want Sanzo back too. I don't feel the same when he is not here. I can feel myself wanting to destroy something just to get him back. We have to find him soon or I won't be able to control myself.”
Hakkai puts his arm around Goku and tells him, “We will find Sanzo, I promise you. If we cannot get any information here, we will go to the palace and talk with the prince. If he has nothing to do with Sanzo's kidnapping, he will want to help us find him.”
Goku looks up at him with a sad look on his face. “Sanzo rescued me and I want to rescue him. I waited five hundred years for him to find me and I don't want him to wait that long, for me to find him.”
Hakkai chuckles as he wraps his arms around the boy, bags and all, “I promise you Goku, it will not take us that long to find him.”
Gojyo looks at his cards and then at his companions. They were a motley crew of kappas and humans. He picks up his drink and looks at Shin, the one that is the boss. “You boys know where a man can pick up a few extra bucks.” He watches their faces for any change of expression.
The one named Shin has blue hair and green eyes, he stares at Gojyo with gaped teeth smiling, “What kind of bucks you talking about? There are all kinds of ways to get some money in your pocket. It just depends on what you're willing to do.” He looks at Gojyo with his green eyes silted, and rubbing his chin. “Are you willing to do anything for some duckies, stranger? By the way what is your name?”
The hanyou looks at him over his cards, “I'm Gojyo, and you're Shin, right?” He gives the leader a hard look, as he takes a pull on his cigarette, blowing the smoke up in the air, but not taking his eyes off the kappa.
“Yeah that's right I'm called Shin, but like I said, what are you willing to do, Gojyo?” He looks at him with a smirk on his face.
“Well I'll do just about anything, short of murder to make some money. I'm not a hit man but I can defend myself, if I'm in a scuffle. Do you know of anyone needing some work done, under the table?”
Shin looks around the table and everyone shakes their heads. He turns back to Gojyo and raises an eyebrow. “I guess you're out of luck partner. We had a job, a couple of nights ago and it paid pretty well too. We get most of our jobs from the palace though. A couple of our boys are on a job as we speak. I don't know the details but if something else comes up we can let you in on it.
The hanyou's ears perk up when he says they get work from the palace, so he tries not to show his excitement. He throws his hand in and leans back picking up his drink. “The palace gives you guys work around here? What kind of work do they have you doing, if you don't mind me asking?” He watches Shin's face as he answers because he may know something about the kidnapping.
“They mostly want us to feel their ranks when they are in battle with the Sanzo party. Did you hear there is a reward for anyone that gets a hold of the Manten Scriptures? They say they will pay plenty if we can get our hands on them.”
Gojyo sighs, “I know about that but I'm talking about some big money, right now. What if the Sanzo Priest is captured along with the scriptures? Wouldn't that be worth a pretty penny? I bet they would pay his weight in gold for that.”
The ikkou all look at each other and laugh. One with orange hair looks over at Gojyo as if he has lost his mind. “There is no way you will capture that monk, why he would shoot you if you get within fifty feet of him. One time I was on the roof of a building and I saw them take out over a hundred ikkou at once. In addition, the priest is the meanest one in the bunch. If you want the scriptures, you best to snatch them and leave that gun-toting monk where he is.”
Shin laughs as he tells him, “That bunch is nothing to play with. If they ever wanted to snatch him, I won't be the one doing the job.”
Gojyo chuckles and gets up from his seat. “I think I'll turn in, and thanks for the game. I see I have to find some other way to make a few bucks.” He waves as he heads for the door thinking that was a waste of time.
Lirin runs into Yaone's room and jumps on the bed. “Have you seen big brother? I've looked all over for him but I can't find him.” She lies down on the bed on her stomach, smiling up at the beautiful young woman.
“No I haven't Lirin, and a lady never runs into a room and jumps on a bed. You must always remember your manners. Have you asked Dokugakuji? They were together when I seen him last. Is there something I can help you with?” She stands in front of her mirror brushing her hair.
“No, I just wanted to know if we could go out and find baldy and try and get the scriptures. I have a lot of energy and I feel like working some of it off. You know he doesn't like me going out alone but I can take them all!” She jumps off the bed and stands in the middle of the floor with her arms raised and her fists balled up.
Yaone gives her an indulgent smile, “You will have plenty of time tomorrow, and so you should try and get some sleep now. It is, pretty late and you know Lord Kougaiji do not like you going out on your own.”
“I know, but I do want to go out tomorrow, even if he doesn't want to come with me. Good-night Yaone, see you in the morning.”
She says goodnight and watch the young girl in amusement, as she leaves out more quietly than when she came in.
Dokugakuji is searching everywhere for the prince and it seems that no one has seen him since, late morning. He has a frown on his face as he wonders if Kou has left the palace. He knows he is upset about the monk and his younger brother but for him to disappear like this, has him worried.
Could the prince have strong feelings for the monk and didn't want him to know about it. Kou has been acting strange for the last couple of weeks and he has been short tempered even with his servants. That is something he rarely does unless he has a lot on his mind. Doku sighs and walks to Yaone's room and knocks softly on the door, maybe she can tell him where the prince may be or if she has seen him recently.