Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Open Your Eyes [Saiyuki KxD] ❯ ONE SHOT ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Open Your Eyes
Author: J'dee
Rating: NC 17 Sex and Graphic Scenes
Genre: Con / Non-con / Sex Scenes
Story Brief: I fail at these… Nii before he leaves to confront Sanzo as Ukoku wants to leave Kougaiji with a one sided parting gift for finding the light.
Author's Note: Um slight Nii x Kou but mostly Doku x Kou / Kou x Doku… Also note firrrrrrrrrrst serious Saiyuki Yaoi and I FAIL I FAIL BAD! ><; ilu Doku <3
One Shot
“Yaone! Lirin!” Kougaiji stalked the halls of Hotu castle he hadn't been gone long, just a couple of days following up a scripture lead that bitch of a stepmother had assigned to him. Nii had also insisted he take Dokugakuji with him. Kougaiji hated leaving Lirin and Yaone behind after last time.
The lead had turned out to be bogus of course, just another rumor. It was just another waste of his time. It made him feel guilt for leaving Lirin close to danger by not being allowed to take her along.
Kougaiji let out a breath it had been forty-five minutes of a helpless search, Yaone was with her, he hoped she was at least. He knew Doku was checking the other parts of the castle when Yaone or Lirin didn't show up on their arrival back.
It always made him panic inside, like a repeat of Lirin being trapped as Nii's test subject with Yaone locked up trapped in some basement while they worked on alternatives to revive his father without Sanzo's scripture.
“Shit… they're either not here or…” He stopped outside Nii Jenyii's laboratory that mixed feeling of fear clenching his stomach in anger that if that creepy human had touched Lirin or Yaone again so help him.
Pushing the door open he was greeted with the steady bubble from an empty tank. Looking up at it, he realized that he was the only one in the lab. The lab was never left empty. Hardly ever and it made his worry fill even more. Glancing to the bin the torn head from the stuffed rabbit lay there making him blink for a moment.
“Now my dear rabbit prince what's going on here?” Kougaiji turned round he stopped dead at the familiar voice of Nii.
The straw hat and a Sanzo uniform made him stop deep in his tracks.
“What-?” He blinked a coupled of times. “Is this another one of your sick fetishes?”
Nii lifted the hat off his head dropping it to one of the tables.
“Not quite my dear prince, but I should suspect you have a glutton for punishment returning here.”
“Lirin and Yaone are gone.”
Nii merely smiled. “Well they left not long after you. I don't think they trust me.”
Kougaiji scoffed. He couldn't blame them after last time, knowing he would probably worry they must have vacated the castle pretty quick smart.
“They left this.” He held up a piece of paper between two fingers.
Kougaiji snatched the note turning his back on Nii to read the writing, it was scrawled in Yaone's perfect writing making him breath a sigh of relief. Yaone had obviously felt Lirin was in danger and took her out to a near by demon village for a local festival.
His eyes closed and he tucked the note away. Like Yaone knew Nii would find the letter and torment him with it, she left no location.
Kougaiji knew what villages were celebrating round this time and he knew what food Lirin would want to eat so they would be easy to head there to collect in due time. All that remained was to notify Doku.
“I'll be leaving soon dear prince.” Kougaiji heard the scrape of something grabbed. He went to turn round and he felt the sudden strength as he was slammed against the desk.
His claws caught the edge of the table.
“What's the big idea?!”
The pressure hit the side of his neck and he felt the needle pierce his skin and he gasped shoving the crazy scientist from him grabbing the side of his neck spinning round.
The movement caused his head to swirl and everything blurred for a moment. Kougaiji tried to focus on a stable object with his eyes to calm the spinning sensation. He lent up against the desk gasping.
“It's always the light… isn't it?” Nii's voice took on a dangerous tone. “I hate the fucking light.”
Kougaiji tried to move but whatever it was kicked in and he fell hitting the floor dragging several documents with him.
Lying there panting for the moment as the papers flittered to the ground around him, the white of the Sanzo robes came into his view.
Everything felt heavy each muscle weighed him down and his hand moved to his face to hide the view as Nii crouched down by his head. Everything falling back into the darkness he was sure he had escaped.
Dokugakuji ran a hand through his hair, he'd counted the flying dragons for a second time and two were definitely missing which lead him to hope and pray that it was Lirin and Yaone who had taken them and ran.
It meant something had changed. Leaving the stables he looked round glancing at a clock, it had been seventy-five minutes since he'd separated from Kou for their search. He hoped Kou had better luck than he did in finding something out.
He headed back to the dinning room where Kougaiji had had said they would meet up.
But even as he walked the eerie silence of the castle drove a chill down his spine. This place had been home once. He'd come to see it as home ever since he came here after ending his own mother's life and leaving Gojyo to fend for himself in the world.
But something didn't feel like home anymore, and he knew what it was.
It only felt like home with Kou near by, Yaone's home cooked meals, Lirin's outbursts of wanting to play with the Sanzo ikkou again and Kou's smile when they were all near and safe.
“I hope you had better luck than me Kou.” He whispered pushing open the doors to the kitchen and looking round.
There was once again another round of silence and he felt it in the pit of his stomach something was wrong.
Kougaiji awoke to the cold floor his head spun as his eyes tried to focus, he tried to move but he felt his arms bound behind his back.
He let out a growl of annoyance. It was another one of Nii Jenyii's moments trying to prove his power. Pushing himself on to his knees he sat back on his thighs gasping for air when he realized he was missing his jacket.
“Bastard!” He growled in complaint, when his eyes fully focused he stopped.
Kougaiji knew this room, his eyes moving to the ropes reaching from one side of the room to the other the paper charms hanging from them and from the statue form of his trapped mother.
“Mother…” He tried to stand up, but his body didn't seem to want to agree. He fell to his side and grunted with the impact of the ground.
`What the hell was in that drug?' He rolled on to his back trying to find balance.
He struggled with the binds holding his wrists in place. He had no idea what Nii was up to.
`Why he was dressed like a damn Sanzo monk?' Struggling with the binds he growled in frustration again.
Kougaiji felt the binds with his claw; he stopped realizing it was just paper. He glanced up to the ropes now hanging above his head. Paper-spell charms.
“FUCK!” He growled anger rising. “NII JENYII!”
Kougaiji was sick of these games. Teasing him, making a fool of him in front of his mother's trapped form. He was going to tear that man in half when he could get free.
The chuckle from the darkness made him look round, he couldn't see the man anywhere, but he could hear him. That laughter drove a chill down his spine.
Kougaiji growled low in his throat. “What's the big idea?!”
He saw Nii step from the shadows those robes swishing around him as he walked up to where Kougaiji sat on the ground.
Lifting a leg he stood up slowly. The effects of the drug were wearing off but he was still unsteady on his feet as he stumbled, stepping back he stopped himself from falling over gasping.
Nii lent close lifting a hand slowly to touch the side of Kougaiji's face. “I'm just having a little fun before I go.”
Kougaiji blinked pulling back from the hand. He's heard of Nii's come on to Yaone when he had her trapped. One thing was never clear with this pervert his sexual orientation…
“Go…” Kougaiji was confused. Surely his step-mother hadn't approved of Nii leaving the experiment unfinished.
“So you're going to the Sanzo party as a fellow Sanzo?” He questioned.
Nii's smile made him step back just a bit until he felt his back pressed up against the base of his mother's statue form. It was a brilliant idea, but he knew Sano would not accept him so easily even with the scripture.
“I'm afraid you're not privy to such details prince, where you have failed… I will not.” The hand moved to Kougaiji's chest and it lingered there leaving Kougaiji feeling slightly vulnerable. He didn't like the way Nii's dark eyes hid behind the reflected glare of his glasses.
A finger moved across his chest circling round a nipple and Kougaiji jerked away stumbling for a moment before walking away.
“Don't touch me you pervert!”
He started to move towards the door but his steps were still unsteady and his balance was off. He could hear Nii's steps following him and he growled.
“What the hell was in that drug?!” He snapped reaching the exit.
“I wouldn't step beyond those doors if I were you.” Nii seemed to torment him.
Kougaiji ignored the man one foot stepping beyond the door.
Then there was a flash of light and Kougaiji felt the powerful blast hit him sending him flying back towards his mother's form.
His arms scraped the ground and he hissed.
He heard Nii walking up to him and he opened his eyes looking up at the man. He then understood Nii had removed one of the charms and used it to bind him, these charms were restricted to this room. Sitting up he shuffled back shooting Nii a glare.
`How the fuck did he get one of them down?' The thought flashed across his mind as he glanced up at Nii. `I knew he was no ordinary human… but this… what is he?'
Nii crouched in front of him and Kougaiji took in the scripture hanging round his shoulders. It sat there like it belonged there. Like second nature… almost.
“What-?” He lent against the base of his mother's statue form.
Nii lent close and Kougaiji turned his head hissing as he felt lips brush against his neck kissing softly moving up teeth nipping his ear then the breath followed by words.
“Do you still see your light?”
Kougaiji gasped as he felt Nii's hand brush over the crotch of his pants.
“ASSHOLE DON'T DO THAT!” Kougaiji growled glaring at the dark haired pervert his face heating up. `What the hell is he thinking?'
Kougaiji glanced up looking at the statue of his mother as he felt Nii's presence close in. He was getting tired of this and his brows knotted together in frustration.
The hand skimmed over his chest.
Kougaiji felt the exhaustion settling in from the combination of the two day journey the drug and the power of the charm binding his hands behind his back.
Nii's hand pulled the belt from Kougaiji's waist dropping it to the ground before making short work of the zip of the pants, his hand sliding smoothly into the pants to free the forming arousal.
“Ngh!” Kougaiji gasped arching trying to break the binds looking up at his mother's face staring down at him. “S-Stop it…”
Kougaiji couldn't look and he felt his knees pushed apart then something soft and wet taking his arousal in. He groaned his face flushing as he glanced up at his mother's blank face. She didn't need to see this and he was hoping she couldn't beneath all that stone.
His voice came out in a holler as he felt the teeth rake own his length and he tried his best to pull back, but stuck between a pervert the stone statue of his mother all he could do was try to physically break the paper by rubbing it over the edge of the stone to rip.
He couldn't understand where his strength had gone.
It took all of his effort to shout at the pervert, but that's all he really had left in him to do, before he slumped back against the statue gasping.
Everything had been quiet, like there was some kind of preparation he wasn't informed of. Doku shook his head, not a single guard. Swallowing he entered the long hallway.
“Damnit Kou you better not have got yourself in trouble again.”
Not long after he mumbled those words he heard the familiar cry of his long time friend and companion, it was coming from where he had been heading anyway. Apart from Kougaiji's private quarters and the common room, he only frequented one other room. To look up that statue-esque figure of his imprisoned mother.
“KOU!” He was running before he knew it bursting through the doors into the room. He stopped dead and froze, seeing the back of a figure leaning over Kougaiji.
The prince's face flushed, but regardless of the blush he wasn't looking like it was something he wanted to be experiencing right now.
Doku was definitely confused on why Kou hadn't fought back when he saw the head look over the shoulder at him and he froze.
“What the-?”
The creepy smile followed by the familiar reflective glint of glasses. The only difference he was dressed like a Sanzo with his hair brushed down.
It was then he noticed Kou's position and his eyes narrowed. Like hell he would let that happen, not on his watch and he drew his blade.
“Explain yourself.”
Nii Jenyii stood up and Doku dropped into a stance ready for the creepy man. But that was it even as Nii walked up to him; he seemed to glide if only for a moment and he passed by Doku a smirk on his lips.
“I wonder… If he'll still see the light now.”
The door swung shut behind him.
Doku sheathed his sword before racing up to Kougaiji's side. Crouching low he looked at Kougaiji, who seem to just fall on to his side into a state of unconsciousness.
Doku noticed a piece of paper fall to the ground and he looked at the paper charm, before he picked Kougaiji up draping his unconscious leader over his shoulder.
“You make a habit of this don't you?” Even though his tone was light hearted he was overly concerned for the mental health of Kou after this incident.
Kougaiji groaned his hand moving over the familiar feeling of soft sheets, his head hurt, his throat felt dry and his memory seemed to be slowly coming back to him on the last incidents. He sat up suddenly, the sheet sliding down his body dropping low on his waist.
He glanced round confused for a moment seeing the familiar decorations of his own room.
His hand moved to his face as he remembered the feeling of Nii's mouth sucking him off while the foggy haze of the drug had inebriated him beyond his ability to fight back.
“That asshole.” The hand by his side clutched at the sheet. Anger filled him, hatred that he had let his guard down so much. He would NEVER turn his back on that quack again. He couldn't afford to.
Pulling the sheet back stepping out of the bed he realized he was missing his pants and his brow quirked, someone had stripped him and put him to bed to recover, but he couldn't recall who. But he had a feeling he knew who it was instantly.
“Doku…” He looked over his shoulder hearing the footsteps stop outside his door and he grabbed the sheet pulling it round his waist as the door opened.
True enough Doku walked in carrying a tray.
“Kou you shouldn't be out of bed. I may not be a doctor but you need to recover.”
“I'm fine… where is he?”
The expression that crossed Doku's face was as readable as bright bold text.
“He's gone Kou…”
Kougaiji turned round walking up to the window, his fist punching beside the window frame making the bricks crumple under the mere force.
“That bastard. How dare he-” He could feel the anger shaking through him, the torment of being degraded like that in front of his mother. Only Nii would have the galls to do it.
Kougaiji heard the tray set down as Doku let out a sigh. “I failed you Kou and I'm sorry.”
He stopped for a moment hearing Doku walk up behind him. “You didn't.”
Kougaiji felt the hand on his arm soft at first a comforting gesture as if to cool him down, Doku had dealt with his rants and moods enough to know what worked and didn't work to get him out of this state of anger.
“I wasn't there to protect you Kou, like I promised and for that I am truly sorry.” Doku hand trailed down his arm to his hand a single digit stoking down one finger then up his arm again.
Kougaiji felt his body shiver and something stirred. He felt the blush in realization to what part of him had reacted to that one movement.
“D-Doku…” he swallowed his embarrassment. “What did you see?”
“What do you mean?”
“You stopped Nii from-” He paused flushing for the moment. “Did you see anything?”
“I saw you… in trouble.”
Kougaiji noted how carefully Doku seemed to pick his words.
“So you saw that huh?” Kougaiji looked out the window. `How embarrassing… I'll never live that down…'
Doku could just feel the conflict and confusion coming from Kou. He was embarrassed, angry, several emotions all rolled into once tense ball.
“He stopped when he saw me Kou. I don't know why.” Doku's hand moved to rest on Kou's shoulder. The red head looked down for a moment he seemed defeated, he probably felt that way too.
“How can I stop the Sanzo party if I can't even protect myself from one mere human?”
“Kou you know as well as I do he's not just any human.” He moved up to Kou's side letting his arm draped over his shoulder and smiled. “Good news he's gone. We can have Lirin around safely.”
Kougaiji looked up. “That's right Yaone took Lirin to one of our villages for a festival not long after we left. We should-” He turned round only to have Doku pin him to the wall.
“Kou they're safe then?”
“Then just let them be for tonight. Just incase. We can get them tomorrow.”
Kougaiji blinked for the moment before nodding. “You're right. I'm sorry I'm…”
“Your worried man I know you are. She's your bratty little sister you gotta worry. It's what makes you you. But just for tonight, relax you don't have to worry about any weird experiments. Nii's gone, Yaone and Lirin are safe, and the castle is quiet. Take it as a sign to get some sleep.”
“Right.” Kougaiji nodded. “So Doku… where did you put my pants I think I'm going to need them eventually.”
Doku grinned. “Not happening man, they're out to be washed. So it's just you, me and that sheet.”
Kougaiji blinked for a moment. “You're staying here?”
“Someone has to make sure you don't run off and do something stupid by yourself.” Doku chuckled sitting down at the table and turning the tray round.
“I know I'm no Yaone in the kitchen but eat up and I promise you Gojyo did not learn how to cook from me.”
Kougaiji smiled a little somewhat comforted by Doku's mere presence even if he only had a sheet for coverage.
Doku re-entered Kou's room after taking the tray back to the kitchen. His eyes skimming over Kou's body as he lay on his stomach on the bed the sheet low on his hips. His eyes seemed to be staring off blankly at the wall.
“You should be sleeping Kou.”
Kougaiji sat up for a moment, Doku paused in the doorway watching the sheet bunched round low on Kougaiji's hips. He turned his head to look at Doku.
“It's difficult I close my eyes and I see…” He stopped and growled low agitated with himself.
Doku understood, Kou closed his eyes and he could probably still see and feel everything Nii had put him through in those few moments before he left.
“Kou…” Doku walked up to the bed leaning down. “You need to think of something else or you won't sleep.”
Kougaiji looked up at him. “Easy for you to say.”
Doku let out a breath. “Do you need something else to distract yourself with then?”
“Yeah…” Kougaiji looked to the side his expression reading irritation. “But I can't exactly leave here.” He motioned at the sheet before shooting Doku a look.
Doku grinned leaning down. “That's right, you need to rest Kou, just relax.”
He heard Kou growl obviously irritated. “I can't exactly do anything trapped in here.” He glared at Doku. Doku knew the look it was demanding him to get his clothes.
Frankly though Doku didn't want to. He liked the view he had at the moment, but as normal Kou was completely clueless.
“There are plenty of things you could do to distract yourself Kou.” His hand moved over Kou's shoulder, tracing an invisible line making Kou look at his hand confused.
Doku's hand moved under Kou's chin tilting it up his mouth inched closer moving to kneel over Kou capturing his lips quickly, but kissing them softly.
Kou's hands dropped to the bed behind him too hold himself up. Doku moved further onto the bed leaning fully over Kou, his hips pressing against Kou's.
Kougaiji was stunned at first, too stunned to reply as the mouth moved over his the tongue working his lips apart. Doku's hips pressed up against his.
“Ah!” Kougaiji felt his own hips rock up as he gasped against the mouth. “Doku… what are you-?” He began.
“Distracting you.”
Kougaiji watched as Doku shed out of his own jacket and he swallowed blushing lightly.
“Doku- you don't… have-” He was cut off as the mouth found its way behind his ear nipping slowly down his neck making his breath catch. His body reacted to those lips on his body in a way to cause his skin to prickle. Doku's hand skimming over his chest, moving downward, making Kougaiji groan as it slipped under the sheet.
“D-Doku…” His hips bucked as the hand touched his arousal, his face heating up.
Doku groaned softly hearing Kou's voice as it moaned his name edging him on forward, his hand stroking over Kou's length softly bringing it to arousal.
“Relax Kou…”
Doku watched as Kou seemed to close his eyes face flushing more, as he let the sheet drop. Doku glanced down as Kou's body was exposed to him for the second time since the Nii incident. The first had been the hardest stripping him while unconscious to clean the garments. Knowing Kou he would have wanted them washed anyway.
Doku's mouth nipped along Kou's shoulder as his hand continued to stroke Kou's arousal off.
Hips bucking into his hand as the gasps seemed to turn into soft pants of arousal.
“A-Ah…” Kougaiji's hands moved up his arms causing his muscles to twitch in response.
“Hnn Kou…” His mouth moved to capture his prince and leader's mouth.
Doku slowly carefully lowered Kou to the bed underneath him.
Kougaiji's breath caught as the mouth moved over his. His own hands roaming over the muscles of Doku's back pulling him closer grinding into the hand.
It was a foreign feeling and normally he was much better at composing himself, but it had been so long since he had been in a reciprocated intimate moment with anyone in the castle.
He found his body suddenly craving it to wipe out the memories of Nii's mouth on his body. Doku's tongue pressed past his lips to sear inside his mouth.
He pushed up against Doku almost urgently. His hand moved to Doku's belt yanking at it through his haze of desire. He felt Doku's hand move over his easing him down for the moment.
“Easy Kou… let me.”
He groaned in frustration, as Doku's hand continued its swift strokes over his length, making him moan as his hips continued to buck into the hand. Kougaiji found his head rolling back into the pillow as his back arched. Doku's body covering his as the mouth moved over his collar bone softly. It wasn't like anything else he'd felt in a long time. His body seemed to crave more of it, but he'd lost his ability to speak and all he could do was go with the roll of his body, as it seemed to rock up against Doku's.
Doku's hand moved to his belt and he finally unclipped it pulling it off, letting it drop onto the ground. His mouth moved down Kougaiji's chest, pausing to tease a single nipple with his tongue. Doku was pleased to hear the quick intake of Kou's breath, the gasp coming from his lips was a definite sign Kou was definitely distracted now.
Kougaiji's hips rocked up against his hand desperately like he was seeking for that release. Doku's thumb flicked over the tip of Kou's arousal causing hips to jerk up. His prince's body language just screamed at him for more.
His mouth moving down Kou's abs, the tip of his tongue dipping into Kou's navel, making the demon prince hiss for a moment. Kou's hand finding the top of his head, Doku felt the claws lightly touch his scalp as his fingers moved through the strands.
Doku continued his trip down Kou's body reaching just above the prince's arousal he was stroking. Blowing along the top of it lightly he hissed.
“Doku… hnn… damn…” Kougaiji's breath came out in a rush.
Doku could hear Kou's breathing pick up. Taking it as a sign his hand began to roll over Kou's arousal faster tightening his grip. His hand skimmed over the length making hips buck faster and more urgently.
Kougaiji could feel his body reacting as his hips rocked with the rhythm of Doku's hand his breath falling into pants, his hand falling to his side clawing at the sheets. He could feel the muscles tightening in his abdomen. Fingers from his hand on Doku's head rolled through his hair. He could feel Doku's other hand move over his thigh, before rolling up the inside, it was then Kougaiji felt the penetration, slow gentle, but it made him gasp and his hips rock up harder as he gasped hungrily for air.
It was not exactly uncomfortable. But given Kougaiji hadn't really been with anyone lately, due to being locked away, he had in all his lifetime never been or thought about another man, all that he'd been focused on was locating those damn scriptures. Still regardless this new action was weird to him, but it felt good, and knowing it was Doku, he felt protected… even if only for the moment. The finger began to curl then push in further, making him gasp louder.
Doku's thumb of that hand grazed across the base of his balls making his claws shred the blanket he was clutching ever so tightly. His release was so close he could feel the tingle rolling through his abdomen and down lower as Doku's finger slid in a little further only lightly rolling over a spot inside him.
“Dah!” his hips jerked and the finger seemed to press up against that point. Marred with the mixture of Doku's other hand stroking him off at a pace that he was sure wouldn't make him last and the thumb against his balls. He let out a cry.
His climax hitting and he felt the substance on his lower stomach. His hips lowering to the bed as he gasped. His arm moved from the bed to cover his eyes he knew his face was flushed. He felt one of Doku's hands on his stomach rolling up his chest moving over his skin, the sensation was so much more, everywhere felt sensitive to the touch.
“Hnn D-Doku… what are you-?”
“You can't be that sheltered Kou…”
He stopped feeling a second finger penetrate and his hips jerked up as he gasped again.
Doku's hand moved under Kou's hips catching him before he fell. Lifting a leg over his hip and letting it rest there he continued to work Kou's tight heat with his two digits slow stroking the inner walls and stretching the prince's entrance.
He hadn't intended to take it this far, but he would rather have Kou to sleep on a pleasant memory rather than what trauma Nii had put him through momentarily.
Watching Kou's face he lent over his leader, placing a kiss to his chest, causing a small groan to pass from Kougaiji's lips.
His hand started to rock against Kou's entrance pushing up against that spot making the best groaning noises pass from Kougaiji's lips.
“Nngh! Do-ku!” His arm lifted of his eyes looking down at him.
All Doku could do was catch the look Kougaiji gave him, glazed over purple the lust obvious. He'd seen that look before. But on Kou he seemed to think it looked better.
Slipping a third finger in he watched Kou's face.
Nipping up his chest to just under his chin, he could hear the gasps, and feel the shudder of arousal shoot through Kou's body.
“Kou… Do you trust me??”
He watched as Kougaiji nodded his head, coherent speech seemed to have left him for the time being.
Doku smiled drawing himself up over Kou fully. His fingers slipping free and his hands made short work of his pants and boxers, his hand falling to Kougaiji's thigh lifting it up slightly.
All Kougaiji could do was just manage to breathe, his eyes closing as Doku's mouth worked against his, the tongue slipping past his lips distracting him for the moment. He felt the tip of Doku's arousal touch base and he hissed his hips bucking as it slid into his heat. Doku's mouth covering his, he felt Doku's hand lift his leg up, to rest over the small of Doku's back.
It was definitely nothing like he'd ever experienced, and he felt his eyes close the initial pain making him pull back and gasp.
“Kou… easy… relax.”
Doku's mouth made it to his ear to nip softly comforting him. The soothing sound of Doku's breath and the feeling of the muscled body pressed against his. He felt Doku's hand slip between their hips moving over his spent length stoking it softly as he slowly began to slide in slowly inch by inch. The overwhelming sensations making his head turn in the pillow as Doku's mouth worked wonders on his neck.
“Breathe Kou.”
Kougaiji let his breathe rush out in a shudder before pressing his hips up as Doku's thumb toyed with the tip of his length bringing the spent member into another arousal.
Doku let out a breath as he finally managed to sink into Kougaiji's heat just over half way. He paused for the moment slowly rocking against Kou. Drawing out and pushing back in. He watched Kou carefully as the prince understood the motions and Kou's hips began to move in rhythm with his. The soft breathy moans eased from his mouth, Doku felt Kougaiji's arm wrap round his shoulders the claws raking across the back of his shoulder blades. The stinging sensation at first was a surprise but it didn't seem like Kou was intent on hurting him, just needing something to hold. He was glad that it was him. Moving his mouth along Kougaiji's jaw he continued the thrusts sliding further in each time. The gasps slowly began to turn in to breathy moans of arousal, as his hand started to stroke Kou's arousal with more confidence.
Kougaiji was getting more and more lost in the sensation. He would have preferred it was him to do this rather than Nii Jenyii. If he had been any later he feared it might have been the crazy scientist to defile his prince's body. That single thought drove him onwards as his thrusts slowly began to pick up speed making Kougaiji groan louder, his hips keeping the perfect pace with his body.
Kougaiji couldn't open his eyes, each sensation drove him to squeeze his eyes shut as Doku's hand flickered at a pace, he hadn't felt over his arousal in years, possibly centuries he'd lost count in all honesty. It wasn't soft like the last one, the strength behind him. The swordsman's calloused hand stroking him off, in unison to the thrusts against his ass. All he could do was arch and groan wordlessly riding on the moment. Even behind his eyelids all he could see was the brightest white light ever.
It was a numbing mix of pleasure and pain, he felt Doku's thumb lightly brush against his balls when each stroke touched the base of his arousal then flick over the tip.
Doku was more talented with his hand than he realized. If Doku wasn't careful he would cause him to lose it again, and he wanted to ride this all the way out.
Keeping his eyes closed, all he could do was ride the waves of passion as they washed over his body. He didn't see it as his ass getting slammed by his subordinate but more like a next extension in the relationship they already had.
Doku's mouth nipping down his neck and along his shoulders, before pulling back lightly and Kougaiji felt Doku's arousal shift in him, the strength brushing against that spot he felt Doku hit earlier with his finger.
“Doku! Ungh!” His hips rocked up urgently it felt good. It drove him onward wanting more of that weird but good feeling. Moving slightly he managed to lift himself up pushing against Doku. His mouth capturing Doku's hotly, lips searing with a passion he wasn't aware he'd ever held before.
Doku was thrown back in surprise and then literarily, he was on his back. He was totally surprised; he lay there blinking for a moment Kougaiji straddling his arousal, rocking against his hips.
It took him a moment to recover from the roll of tanned hips pressing him into the bed riding on his arousal. Using Doku's thigh as leverage Kougaiji was thrusting against him almost urgently. His hand moving over Doku's, using it to stroke him off at the pace he desired.
Eyes closed the image was still hot in itself. Several thoughts of driving this side out of Kou more often flickered though his head.
Shaking the distraction away his hips began to rock up against Kou's, his hand flickering faster, making Kougaiji groan louder.
It sounded incredibly sexy coming from his prince's mouth. He could feel the sting of claws on his thighs helping Kougaiji elevate himself and drop back down again.
Each thrust making him groan more. Doku understood he'd found that spot and Kou wanted to ride it out to the end. It was typical Kou didn't like being on his back for to long.
Doku watched as one of the prince's hands vanished underneath him, he blinked curiously for the moment then he felt the single claw roll over his balls and he hissed thrusting up suddenly back arching. That movement caused a loud groan from Kougaiji's mouth.
It was typical of Kou to do something like that; he wanted that sense of control over the situation. It shouldn't have surprised him Kou was the same in the bed room.
“Ngh… Doku.” The breathy groan of his name from Kougaiji's mouth and a second claw starting to torment his balls along with the first caused his entire body twitch.
“K-Kou…” He could do nothing but continue to pick up his pace of thrusting into his prince's heat with his hand mimicking the pace over Kou's shaft.
The moan that passed from Kou's lips said he was doing something right. It's not like he'd actually ever taken another man before.
His original obsession with Kou had started because of his likeness to Gojyo, but as he had gotten to know Kougaiji more and more, he realized this man was no where like Gojyo. He had his own pride his own vices; his personality was no where like Gojyo's. That slowly opened the gate for these feelings, feelings that had surfaced over the years to boil over to the point where it was getting to be too much. His need to protect Kougaiji from harm in ways he had failed Gojyo.
Doku had held these fantasies before but put it down to spending too much time with Kou on his missions to find the sutras, until he himself wasn't to sure what had exactly happened or when it had changed. He just knew it had.
Now that his fantasy was filled, all he could focus on was how good it felt to have Kou groan his name and ride his hips as he thrust up into that tight heat that encased him so well.
His own groan slipped out and his hand responded and squeezed the arousal, thumb flickering over Kou's balls making the prince gasp his, body shook again. The tremor shook through Kougaiji's body signaling to Doku that he was close to release.
He was right when he felt the muscles tightening and Kougaiji's heat seemed to encase his arousal tighter as his prince let out a holler. Doku heard his name on Kougaiji's lips as Kou continued to ride the after affects of the climax.
The walls tightening round his arousal and the claws over his balls did it he didn't last much longer than Kou before spilling his seed into Kou's ass.
Kougaiji felt Doku's climax, such an odd feeling, but that wasn't what was on his mind as he seemed to slump forward his hands landing on either side of Doku's head.
“Kou you can open your eyes.”
He heard Doku's voice. Opening his eyes he blinked looking down at Doku beneath him, he felt Doku's hand touch the side of his face as he lent up and kissed him, soft on the lips. He let the swordsman's tongue dance through his mouth slowly.
This most definitely changed things. Breaking the kiss he let gravity take over and he crashed. Doku's arms went round him. It was a strange comfort, but he couldn't say it was bad, just unfamiliar to be held. The only memories he had of being held were the arms of his mother when he was small. He let his eyes close exhausted for the moment. The light seemed to dance behind his eyelids as he realized he was still coming down from this moment of unexpected circumstances.
Regardless he knew when he opened his eyes so long as he had those he cared about there would always be a light guiding him down his path.