Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ What Drives You ❯ The Social Responsibility ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't any Gensomaden Saiyuki character.
Author's Notes: This is the first story I've written for the longest of time. Let me begin with a smile.
Warnings: AU, yaoi, R rated, mature themes, drugs, violence
Summary: Gojyo is a hard ass punk who has been to jail for most of his life. He let everything just fall into place, never questioning. Until his life was muddled by one quiet man left in his care. His name is Cho Hakkai.
What Drives You
“You're Gonou?” Gojyo heard himself say. In front of him was a man that was probably around 23, and yet looked 5 years younger. His green eyes were too gentle, his mouth too soft, his skin too smooth, and arms too slender: a natural victim. The man looked like you could blow him away with a single breath.
There's no way that that stupid Sanzo, the Landing Officer, was making him baby sit. Not with this guy. Gojyo was probably going to get killed protecting him, if not taken with the same courtesy they were probably going give the newbie. He could see that Gonou was easy bait, and he just didn't have the time to expend on the other's protection.
The man smiled eerily. “Hakkai.”
Gojyo raised a brow. “They said—“
There was something in this man's eyes that made him stop, and skip a heartbeat, and not in a good way. He ran a hand through his hair so he wouldn't have to look at those lost eyes.
“I don't go by that name anymore.” The composed man said. Gojyo felt the atmosphere change at that moment. A shift in the tide as they say. He didn't like it. He has been in and out of the jail for too long, met diverse murderers along the way not to trust his instincts. And his instincts just turned on the red light.
“Fine, Hakkai then.” He turned to climb his higher bunk, but was stopped by the greened eyed man's soft, gentle voice, “They say that you know your way around.”
“Don't believe everything that you hear here,” he replied without turning around. “You don't know what type of trouble you might get into.”
Hakkai stayed silent and let Gojyo lay his beaten body down onto the bed. Instead, the quiet man stood there watching the lone figure, looking and analyzing him. And Gojyo knew he was.
“You shouldn't analyze people like that. You could get killed,” Gojyo said in a low tone, as if in a warning.
Gojyo didn't have to see the other man's surprise; he could practically feel it radiate it from the other, just like he felt the eyes that seem to bore right through him. He knew that it was dangerous to jump on the man like that. No matter how gentle he looked. He just knew.
“Wake me up at dinner,” was the last thing that he told the mysteriously gentle man named Hakkai.
Gojyo was three months through his sentence for distributing drugs while handling a prostitution ring. This was his fourth visit the jailhouse. His 19-year-old body was lean and muscular, and his face showed the experience and hardships he put through. Looking a little closer, one could see a scar on his cheek, a reminder to him why he was living the life he was.
You have to straighten your act, the last judge told him. Obviously, that judge didn't account for his hard head. And thus here he was again, like the last four times. Besides, this was what he was good at. This was what he knew. Crime didn't bother him; not when it was his own. Nor did the crime of others bother him. It was something else that he'd rather not think about.
Besides, why mull over something so trivial when he had better things to do, like smoke his lungs off? It was better than wanting to change things that already happened, or thinking he might have something if he'd only done something. Regret was one of the things that bugged him the most. In any case, he always told himself that he had nothing to feel guilty about, so that wasn't the reason why he would have sleepless nights.
It was, in fact, the guilt of others that kept him awake, their cries of regret, their voices echoing in their dark cells, their gasps of pain and loss. It was those sounds that kept him awake, their complaints, their cries of damnation, and their shouts. Their voices could wake the dead.
“It's always like this,” Gojyo told Hakkai when he saw the other looking out the cell. Hakkai was already 2 weeks into his sentence, and almost everyday, they got to see some nuisance in the area.
Just like any day, there was a commotion at the end of the hall; one inmate was shouting obscenities at his neighboring convict, claiming that the other stole his pillow.
Hakkai turned with his head inclined as if allowing Gojyo to continue. “They just need to let out some steam. If not, they might end up in the loony bin.”
“But you,” the other said in that same sickly polite voice, “don't, do you?”
“I can carry my own load, if that's what you mean. Besides, I've got nothing back home to remind me of what I'm missing.”
“This isn't you're first time here.” It was a declaration of fact, rather than an inquisition.
Gojyo shrugged. “I like the people here,” he answered blandly. “They make it look like my life is worth shit.”
He saw it, or at least Gojyo thought he had. He thought that Hakkai just twitched when he said an obscenity. He thought it to be funny. But then again, he always thought of Cho Hakkai to be a well-educated man, the type to be always well dressed, and always spoke the right words at the right time.
“What did you say?” Gojyo asked. He barely heard the question that was directed to him. He was too busy thinking about that twitch.
“I asked, if I may, why you're here?” It was that gentle, sweet, polite voice again. He hated it, Gojyo most certainly did.
Gojyo kept silent long enough for Hakkai to take back the question. “I'm sorry. I guess I was out of line to—“
“Why? Would it do you any good to know?” He cut the green-eyed man. He didn't want to hear apologies. He spent half of his life hearing them in half-meant voices.
Hakkai blinked. And blinked again, and said, “Just curious, I suppose.”
He was right. He was curious about anything. Hakkai was a strange man that doesn't seem to fit with the others: the murders, the convicts, the sinners. But he was here just the same. Most of the inmates steered clear of him. Only Homura took interest in him, and his motives were quite obvious.
“Can I borrow your lady for tonight?” he asked Gojyo while they were getting their lunch. Hakkai, who heard the proposition, didn't utter a peep, and neither did Gojyo.
“Hey, I asked you a question.”
“I heard you. Leave him be.”
“Don't you know how to share? I can offer you favors; I'm quite flexible.”
“He's not available.”
“It's his choice,” Homura said with a sly grin. “So what do you say, babe?”
Hakkai turned to him and said, “No thank you.”
Homura's grin didn't falter when he turned to face Gojyo once more, but Gojyo could clearly see that there was no humor in it. “You've got him on a leash, don't you? Does he play tricks too?”
“Just turn around Homura. He's just not available period.”
“You can't keep an eye on him 24/7,” Homura said with conviction. “One way of another he's gonna have to stand on his own two feet. Not unless, he's better on his hand and knees.”
The innuendo earned a chuckle from one of Homura sidekicks. The one on his left, Zenon was what they called him. His hair was on the reddish side; his body was no doubt been through tough situations and lived through it. He was a natural fighter, and anyone who had an eye, could see that.
On Homura's right was another man, someone mysterious, quiet, but a different quiet than Hakkai. His quiet was dangerous, the kind of dangerous that could get you killed. He had his hair on a bun, so one couldn't really tell how long it was. His body was leaner than Zenon's, and he was a little bit shorter, but the air around him was more dangerous than Zenon's.
Homura, the leader of the trio, opposed the look of the other two inmates. His was gentler, yet his eyes colder. He has the same lean body type as his other companions, but Gojyo got the feeling that it was stronger. He knew that the last person he should be challenging right now was Homura.
“Take it easy, Homura. Wouldn't want him to see how little things you could hide in those pants,” Gojyo told him.
That statement faltered Homura's smile completely, and earned him stillness from the other two. Gojyo knew he was taking a chance. But he took chances for the whole of his life; he wasn't going to back out here.
“Just turn and walk away, Homura,” was the last thing he said.
Neither discussed about the incident while they ate dinner. In fact, they were quite silent from the earlier activity. Besides, Gojyo didn't even want to talk about it. He just wanted to forget, but apparently Hakkai didn't. The green-eyed man was the one who opened the topic at lights out.
“You shouldn't have done that,” Hakkai said quietly. Gojyo turned to him and raised a brow, but Hakkai just continued, “I've heard the talks. Homura, they say is a heartless bastard.”
“Oh, so you want to get raped then?”
“Oh god, no.” That raised an alarm on the other's voice. “No. I— No.”
“Well, then, just be glad that I was there to save your ass, no pun intended.” Gojyo face the wall on his bunk and closed him eyes. But he couldn't sleep. He couldn't sleep because the man on the lower bunk couldn't sleep. In fact, the man was restless; Hakkai seemed to be contemplating on something.
That's when he heard it. The movement. He felt, rather than see, Hakkai move out of his bed. The other stood not a yard away from Gojyo's sleeping form.
Gojyo rolled over, sat up and rested his back to the wall. “What is it this time?” He itched for a cigarette that moment, but knew that if he lighted one, that would send guard running to their cell.
“I suppose,” Hakkai said quietly, “ that you'd like something in return.”
“And what,” Gojyo quipped, “would you have that I would be interested in, pretty boy?”
He saw Hakkai flinch at his choice of words, but nevertheless continued. “What Homura wanted.”
“Is that what you thought that ruckus was? A claim on you?”
Hakkai stayed quiet, only a movement resembling a nod was made.
“Hey, like you said, No thank you.”
“I'm sorry, I—“
What is with this guy and apologies?
Gojyo jumped down from his bunk and advanced at Hakkai, with slow and devious intent. Hakkai backed up at the sudden movement, until he felt the bars touch his back.
Gojyo took the opportunity to place his hand on the bar near the other's head, and the other hand on Hakkai's hips. He inched closer, a knee between Hakkai's quivering legs, a breath on the other's neck and a gentle squeeze on the ass with the hand that was once on the hips. “You wanted me to say yes, pretty boy?”
He felt Hakkai take in a ragged breath, and felt the erratic heartbeat. “I—“
“If you wanted me to come on to you, then why didn't you say so?”
“I go both ways, you know,” He said in his low bedroom voice. “I could strip you right now, and fuck you the way you want it. Would you want that?”
“I could easily send you into ecstasy,” he said as he gently kneaded Hakkai's ass. “I would make you feel good.” A kiss on the neck. There was a sharp intake of breath. “I would hold you down, open your legs and stretch you.” A gentle push of his knee to the other's groin. He felt Hakkai go rigid. “Then I would push my—“
“Stop!” Hakkai pleaded.
And Gojyo did.
He rearranged himself away from Hakkai, turned his back and said, “Don't offer things you don't want to be taken. First rule you'll learn here. Once you offer, they won't hesitate to take.” He climbed his bunk again and faced the wall.
Hakkai was left there resting on the bars, breathing raggedly and heart beating frantically, until finally, after a few minutes, he began to relax. He walked towards Gojyo as quietly as he could. He stared at him for a few moments, and after deciding that the other was already asleep, he said, “You misunderstood me.”
He ducked to the bunk under and lay himself there, looking at the higher bunk. “You misunderstood me,” he said again. “I didn't want you to stop,” he whispered to the darkness. “I wanted you to stop teasing me.” With that, he drifted off to sleep.