Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Long Hot Night ❯ Long Hot Night ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's note: Hey again. More Hakkai and Gojyo (I'm such a fan of this paring…it's nuts). Anyway…I noticed I've been giving Gojyo a lot of attention (what can I say…rabid fangirl) so this time I decided to let Hakkai have a little fun (though still in Gojyo's POV…oh well) I've always pictured Hakkai as a bit of a tease; that's pretty much where the idea for this story came from.
All standard disclaimers apply, as usual (Saiyuki isn't mine, it's Kazuya Minekura's…sniffle).
Rated for some lemony zest.
Long Hot Night
“Beautiful ne?”
“Sure - I guess…”
He didn't see it. It was just a sky, and what exactly was beautiful about that? It had always been there, he'd seen it a million times, slept under it even. What was the big deal? And the sunset, hell, he'd seen hundreds of those.
Gojyo slapped a mosquito off one sweat-coated shoulder, hissing through his teeth. He knew he'd pay for being too lazy to put a shirt on later - the hundreds of bites he was gradually accumulating were going to itch like hell in the morning - but it was just too damn hot for a shirt. It was really too hot for clothes, period.
This was, without a doubt, naked in the pool weather.
He sipped his beer, which was getting warm all too quickly, clenched in his hand, “We should build a pool.”
Hakkai, seated just a few feet away, studiously grading a pile of papers in his lap, laughed, “And where would we put it?”
Gojyo looked back over his shoulder at the house - their house, their reward to themselves for the successful (or relatively so) completion of that stupid pain in the ass quest. It was tiny, barely bigger than the place where they had lived before, and it had been so run down when they fist moved in that a strong wind probably would have blown it off its foundation. Even now it seemed like the very same minute that Gojyo would finish fixing one thing, another would break. Still, it was theirs, quiet and isolated, tucked away in a forest clearing at the end of a long dirt road; it was perfect - except when the wind blew in the wrong direction and sent all the acrid smoke and sour trash smells from the city their way.
But right at that moment, there was no wind at all…he almost longed for one, as long as it was cool, foul or not.
“Hell if I know,” Gojyo sighed, lying back on the warm, sticky wood of the deck; he'd built it himself just a few weeks ago, to add a little character to the place, and so that Hakkai would have a place to sit and look out at the garden. He'd wrangled Goku into helping - it turned out that the monkey was actually quite handy when he wasn't busy being a brat - even Sanzo had shown up to do his usual foreman impersonation, barking orders and generally acting like he knew what the hell was going on when he'd be more likely to put a nail through his thumb than through a piece of wood.
Ah well - it hadn't actually been a hard job to finish, even with Sanzo's useless ass hanging around.
It felt like the varnish was still wet, which Gojyo knew was impossible, but for a moment he imagined what it might be like to be stuck there, staring up at the sky for the rest of his life.
“What I wouldn't give for a soak in some ice water right now,” he sighed, wiping sweat from his forehead before it could run, burning, into his eyes, “this humidity is killing me.”
“I could get the garden hose, if you like,” Hakkai's tone suggested perfect seriousness, though Gojyo didn't have to look up to know he probably had a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Screw it man,” Gojyo panted, “It wouldn't last.”
He felt momentarily jealous. The heat never seemed to bother Hakkai in the slightest; it probably had something to do with his ability to control his chi, the same reason that he never got drunk…no matter how many bottles of sake Gojyo managed to convince him to consume.
Hakkai had all kinds of strange talents…Gojyo was almost certain that he didn't know the half of them.
Not yet anyway.
Where the hell had his beer gone?
Gojyo sat up and located the errant can. Taking a swig, he nearly choked; it was warm as piss, and he was sure there had been a bug in it.
With a grunt of disgust he reluctantly rose to his feet and plodded out into the middle of the garden to dump the dregs over the vegetables.
Hakkai claimed that it kept the slugs away - Gojyo was pretty sure it was just an excuse to make him drink less. He'd given in too; he was drinking less, smoking less, hell, even gambling and fighting less - he was damn near some kind of half-assed spiritual conversion.
Speaking of spiritual conversions…as he watched the sky move from yellow and blue to the soft pink and violet that heralded the coming of true darkness, Gojyo wondered what Sanzo was up to, and laughed inwardly. No doubt, at that very moment, the so-called monk was slouching morosely around Chang'an in his chokingly heavy (and no doubt itchy) robes, bitching about the heat and brandishing his fan at anyone who so much as looked at him. Goku would be much more subdued about his discomfort, probably lying spread eagle on the temple floor and chanting “hot, hot, hot” like a mantra, annoying the crap out of Sanzo and receiving liberal beatings with said fan.
“I wonder how Goku and Sanzo are doing,” Hakkai's voice jolted him out of his daydream.
“Shit man - are you sure you're not psychic or something?”
Hakkai glanced up from his work and smiled, “Were you thinking about them?”
Gojyo grunted in reply.
“We should go and visit them tomorrow - do you think?” He set aside one stack of papers and picked up another, “I have only one class to teach, early in the morning. There would be plenty of time afterward. We haven't seen them in nearly a week, after all.”
“Hey, it's not as if Sanzo couldn't haul his lazy, holy ass down here and visit us.”
No doubt, if confronted, Sanzo would spout out all kinds of bullshit about his `important position' at the temple, when really all he did was sulk and bitch and scare the shit out of the novice monks, who for some reason thought he was the greatest man since Buddha himself.
Finally, Gojyo shrugged, “Do whatever you want man, I don't really care.”
Truth was he found he didn't mind Goku and Sanzo's company so much anymore now that he wasn't forced to put up with them twenty-four hours a day. He and Sanzo definitely argued less, which put him far less often at an imminent risk of death; though he'd put on four pounds or something like that since he didn't have to compete with Goku for his share of the food anymore.
Not that anyone would have noticed a little bit of extra bulk on his relatively slender frame, but it still bothered him.
Of course Hakkai probably had noticed. Nothing got by him.
A relentless buzzing awakened Gojyo to the realization that there was a halo of mosquitoes buzzing around his head, and he swatted them away irritably.
“Damn man!” he blustered, half-jumping back towards the deck as the slighted insects launched a fresh assault on his surprisingly tender flesh, “Don't we have one of those - wha'cha call `em - bug candles, lying around somewhere?”
“In the cupboard, on the top shelf above the stove.”
Annoyed that Hakkai hadn't told him sooner (or maybe more so that he hadn't thought to ask) Gojyo stormed into the house and returned moments later with the candle in hand and a lit cigarette balanced on his lip. He used the hot ember to light the wick before he sat down again.
“How come the bugs never bother you?” he demanded sourly.
“Perhaps they do not like the taste of me,” Hakkai replied wryly, his red pen flashing in the growing darkness.
“So you're saying that I taste good then?” Gojyo knew full well that he was being a ruthless tease, but the heat made him vindictive. He had to do something to get back at Hakkai for not telling him about the candle sooner.
“The culinary tastes of bugs are dubious at best,” Hakkai replied, “I'm sure my preference differs somewhat from theirs. Let us not forget that you have a very unique…essence.”
Was that supposed to be a come on? Gojyo watched Hakkai cautiously out of the corner of his eye - Dammit…it was always so hard to tell. Probably not, he decided; it was too hot for that sort of thing.
The horizon was a slash of gold, orange and red; the most distant trees had become nothing more than looming shadows, and still the humidity in the air was thicker than cotton. It made Gojyo feel grime-coated from head to toe; but what was the point of bothering to have a shower when the unwelcome sticky sensation would only return in a few minutes? He wanted to wait for the air to cool down a little, but it didn't seem like that was happening. Morosely, he dug his feet into the steaming-hot earth and blew a smoke ring towards the sky. It hovered, perfectly round, for an instant, before it expanded, growing oblong, and vanished.
“Damn…” Gojyo slumped his shoulders in overheated exhaustion, “it's just not going to get any cooler is it?”
“Probably not,” Hakkai seemed unperturbed as always, “perhaps I'll teach my lesson outside tomorrow - the children would like that.”
Hakkai had a teaching job again, at a small school just outside the city limits. The majority of his pupils were demons, orphaned in the wake of the minus wave. The kids adored him, which wasn't really all that surprising; and it wasn't unusual, on the weekends or in the early evenings, to have the silence broken by the excited cries of “Hakkai-sensei!” (He insisted they call him that, saying `Cho-Sensei' was too formal) as the figures of a dozen or so children sprinted up the road towards the house, looking for help with their homework. They always brought gifts with them - flowers or little curiosities like strangely-shaped rocks and brightly-coloured flowers dried and pressed flat; Hakkai kept all of them in a wooden box Gojyo had bought him simply for that purpose.
Hakkai's sentimentality was frustratingly contagious.
“There it is,” Hakkai announced suddenly, laying his papers aside and stretching so luxuriously that Gojyo found himself momentarily mesmerized, watching each and every muscle visible beneath the clothes that were matted to Hakkai's slim body pull and flex; a wave that rolled all the way from the tips of his elegant fingers to the ends of his bare toes, “the end of another day.”
Gojyo looked away before Hakkai could catch him watching; all that remained of daylight was an indigo streak against the trees, “Well - I guess that's something to be thankful for.”
“What has you sulking all of sudden?” Hakkai laughed, touching his shoulder gently, making Gojyo shiver. If Hakkai noticed the reaction, he pretended not to.
Now he was being a damn tease.
Lousy karma.
“What's so great about a sunset?” Gojyo snorted dryly, pretending that he too had not noticed his body's reaction, “Shoulda found a house that faced east instead. I've seen enough of the damn things to last a lifetime.”
“You think so?” Hakkai frowned, and Gojyo had to fight off the urge to use his thumb to smooth away the wrinkles between Hakkai's eyebrows, “But each one is so different - unlike any other.”
“They all look the same to me,” he leaned down, snuffed his cigarette in the dirt and tucked the butt into his pocket. Hakkai hated it when he left the butts lying on the ground.
“Ah,” Hakkai chuckled sagely, “that must be because you are only looking.”
It was Gojyo's turn to frown, causing droplets of sweat to run down the bridge of his nose. Hakkai was the only person alive who could so easily and completely perplex him.
“What else am I supposed to do?”
“A sunset is best enjoyed with all the senses,” Hakkai replied in his most academic tone of voice, “you must not only see, but feel, hear, smell and taste.”
“Come on…” Gojyo rolled his eyes, “that's all very poetic Hakkai - but it's the sky.”
With an exasperated sigh, Hakkai seized Gojyo's hand where it lay on the deck, lifting it up against the sky, moving it along the lines of color left behind by the vanishing sun as if following lines of calligraphy. “Close your eyes,” he instructed, “can you feel the flow of the colors? Caress it.”
Gojyo obeyed, slightly bemused, and found himself holding his breath as he tried to memorize the motions Hakkai was guiding his arm through; but all he could think of was how soft Hakkai's hand felt on the skin of his arm.
His caresses, he decided, were being wasted on the sky, but he continued to play along.
“Now steady your breathing,” there was almost laughter in Hakkai's voice, “relax yourself and open your ears. The sunset has a resonance, if you listen.”
Gojyo took the smallest of breaths. There were birds somewhere distant, the hum of insects, a whisper like something moving in the grass nearby - but his mind drew him more determinedly to the slow regularity of Hakkai's breathing.
“Take a deep breath through your nose,” Hakkai continued, frustratingly oblivious, it seemed, to Gojyo's slowly growing arousal, “there is an aroma - very unique.”
Gojyo inhaled, slowly and deeply. There was pine in the air, moisture, a warm vegetable smell - and over and above it all, Hakkai's intoxicating scent: sweat, soap, and fresh green tea.
Hakkai lowered Gojyo's hand back onto the deck, but did not release it. Suddenly, Gojyo felt Hakkai's warm hand cradle his cheek, turning his head to the side. He was about to open his eyes when Hakkai's fingers skated across the lids, keeping them closed. They continued down Gojyo's face, tracing the lines of his cheekbones and the scars under his left eye as if trying to memorize the texture. Gojyo could sense the proximity of Hakkai's body like a change in the air pressure; he was very close - and yet - if only it were just a little bit closer.
“You…” Gojyo exhaled a shuddering breath when the silence began to weigh on him, making him nervous and just a little bit giddy, “forgot one…”
“Did I?”
Gojyo's body trembled as Hakkai's breath moved softly across his cheek; his stomach tying itself in anticipatory knots.
“Taste…” Gojyo murmured thickly through the yearning that was rising in his throat, “You never said…how the sunset…tastes.”
Hakkai's laughter was so soft he barely heard it in the instant before he found Hakkai's lips pressed tenderly but purposefully against his own. Gojyo held very still, shivering with eagerness as the kiss drew out longer and longer, though, to his intense annoyance it never lost its perfect chastity.
“The taste is…” Hakkai's voice shocked him, he hadn't even been aware the kiss had ended. His eyes snapped open and he found Hakkai smiling, lit by the glow of the candle's flickering flame, his eyes glittering with wild daring as he licked his glossy, blushing lips.
“The taste, dear Gojyo, is…something like Tiger beer…and undercurrent of nicotine, not too pleasant…”
“Tease…” Gojyo hissed, making a wild grab for Hakkai's arm, only to find that Hakkai was already out of the range of his grasping fingers.
“What else…” Hakkai readjusted his glasses, smiling mischievously, “Hot and spicy soup perhaps?”
“Bastard…” Gojyo lunged at him, but Hakkai moved away effortlessly.
“Now, now…that's not the way to win my heart Gojyo.”
Right at that moment, Gojyo honestly could have cared less about Hakkai's heart...except for the way it trembled beneath Hakkai's skin, the way it shivered when they kissed, and its wild rhythm it kept in the first moments after climax…that was all he wanted to win.
“It's too damn hot for games Hakkai…” he panted, not entirely from the heat, stumbling up from the deck.
“Who's playing games?” Hakkai seemed to dance into the dark garden. There was no sunlight left to light his way anymore, but he moved with perfect, fascinating grace.
Gojyo scrambled after him, trying to keep the fading outline of his figure in sight.
“Watch out for the tomatoes!” Hakkai warned.
Something hot and wet exploded underneath Gojyo's left foot, making him wince and stumble, “Aw fuck…”
Light-hearted laughter echoed from somewhere towards the trees, “Only if you can catch me.”
Gojyo staggered into the cover of the trees, barging his way through low-hanging branches that scraped along his bare skin. The sensation would have been less unpleasant if it had been Hakkai's nails leaving those little angry red lines.
“Dammit Hakkai!” His voice seemed unnecessarily loud in the night-silent forest, “You're gonna suffer for this ya know!”
“I don't think so.”
He didn't see, hear, or even sense Hakkai near him in the darkness until it was already too late; a powerful hand seized his arm, spun him, and pinned him against the rough bark of a tree. Before he could retaliate, Hakkai pinned his arms back and ran his tongue along Gojyo's collarbone.
Gojyo inhaled sharply, “Son of a…”
Hakkai sunk his teeth into the tender skin of Gojyo's shoulder.
“That's gonna leave a mark dammit…” Gojyo grunted, trying desperately to free his hands from Hakkai's startlingly strong grip.
“Those mosquitoes have the right idea,” Hakkai ran his tongue around the tiny marks left by his teeth, “I could just eat…you…up.”
Each word was punctuated with a tiny nip that drew a responding whimper from Gojyo's throat.
“You're...not playing fair,” Gojyo gasped for air as Hakkai began sucking eagerly on his earlobe.
“You're just a sore loser,” Hakkai retorted jokingly, tightening his grip against Gojyo's now only half-hearted struggles and licking his neck in a long, scorching line from his shoulder to his ear.
“You're the one who's gonna be sore,” Gojyo wasn't joking. He was perfectly willing to stop fighting if only Hakkai would move those delicate pink lips of his to somewhere lower.
“Promises, promises,” Hakkai hummed, kissing the scars on Gojyo's cheek, purposefully avoiding his thirsting lips.
The bark of the tree was biting into Gojyo's back, and he was keenly aware of the warm sap running down between his shoulder blades. He wanted the use of his hands back in the worst way, but Hakkai's grip was like iron, close to bruising. His teeth were worse, leaving what were sure to be livid marks all over Gojyo's shoulders and neck.
The sensation was going to drive him mad.
“Ease up man!” he begged, squirming against the sharp bark of the tree, “You're killin' me!”
Hakkai shifted his weight so that the bone of his hip pressed tight against Gojyo's groin, “You seem quite lively to me.”
Gojyo managed to shift his weight forward just enough to rub his eagerly throbbing organ against Hakkai's hip, “I'll show you lively…”
“Please do.”
Their lips met in a forceful kiss, tongues clashing, lips engaged in a furious skirmish, breaking only when they were both utterly breathless.
“Alright, alright…” Gojyo conceded, twisting his head to shake away a loose bead of sweat, his lips throbbing, “I get the hint.”
“Well finally,” Hakkai laughed, “I was worried we were going to have to go into advanced lessons.”
Gojyo gave him a placid kiss on the temple, “I like the sound of that.”
At long last, Hakkai released his hands, rewarding Gojyo by running a hand across the front of his pants, a triumphant smile reigning on his lips, “I don't know, it's a very intensive program.”
“I like intense…” Gojyo slid his newly freed hands up inside Hakkai's shirt; the concealed skin was as gloriously slick as if he had been doused in water.
Hakkai laughed at the attention, his ribs vibrating beneath Gojyo's sensitive fingers as he licked away a droplet of sweat hovering on the edge of Hakkai's jaw. Hakkai graced him with a deep, penetrating kiss before pushing his hands playfully away and taking a step back.
“Aw come on!” Gojyo protested, prying himself away from the tree. The sap pulled eagerly at the skin on his back, as if trying to hold him there. Hakkai caught his extended hands, palm to palm, and twisted his arms down to his sides, allowing their bodies and lips to come together, sucking eagerly on Gojyo's searching tongue as he guided him backwards though the trees as easily as if there were eyes in the back of his head. When they reached the garden path, they stopped.
“Stay,” Hakkai whispered forcefully, punctuating the command by biting Gojyo's lower lip.
Gojyo obeyed, although reluctantly, releasing Hakkai's hands only when the distance between them was too great, watching with a starving man's hunger in his eyes as Hakkai went up to the deck, collected his papers, blew out the candle, and vanished inside.
He waited, shivering, though not from any type of cold, clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides, imagining what his impatient fingers were going to do to Hakkai's flawless skin.
It wasn't until he heard the sound of a shower running inside that he realized he was being played.
“Dammit Hakkai!”
Gojyo stormed into the house, trembling with an intoxicating mixture of rage and desire. When he got a hold of Hakkai, he promised himself, there were going to be repercussions, serious repercussions, involving teeth and the slow, methodical torture of all the most sensitive areas of Hakkai's anatomy.
In the bathroom, Hakkai's clothes were folded neatly on the toilet seat. Gojyo felt a momentary surge of amused affection, knowing that Hakkai was probably the only person alive who would bother with folding his dirty clothes; but he banished the sensation in favour of all too justified anger as he jerked back the shower curtain.
His head swam for a fleeting instant at the sight of Hakkai, naked and water-slick, a cloud of steam swirling around his feet, his normally pale skin flushed from the hot water.
“Gojyo,” he smiled casually - wickedly, “how nice of you to join me.”
“You're a sadist…” Gojyo growled, fighting with the button on his jeans. It seemed to be stuck on something that his fingers just couldn't work loose.
“I've been told I have a streak in me,” Hakkai turned his face up under the showerhead, and Gojyo was utterly captivated by the sight of the water cascading down his body, tormented by the fact that the water was touching Hakkai while he was not.
“I don't know why I put up with you,” Gojyo snarled, his fingers working more frantically to get the button loose. It finally came free, and the battle became to get the sap-covered and sweat-soaked fabric to release its hold on his skin.
“Yet you do,” Hakkai taunted playfully
“I shouldn't be doing this…”
“Yet you are.”
Gojyo hissed as the cloth pulled on his skin, he couldn't seem to get the jeans past his hips, and it was maddening almost to the point of tears.
He needed to get the damn things off now.
“For God's sake Hakkai, stop being a smart ass and help me get these damn things off!”
Hakkai dissolved into laughter, doubling over and clutching his sides, the sound rolling off the bathroom walls.
Overcome by his own need, his patience completely destroyed by frustration, Gojyo hiked one leg over the edge of the tub and heaved himself into the shower, but the slick tomato pulp on his foot when combined with the warm water caused him to lose his precarious balance and slip, falling hard on his knees, with warm water raining down on his back.
“Oh Gojyo…” Hakkai seemed unable to stop laughing, though he looked at Gojyo with nothing but the deepest concern in his eyes, brushing the wet hair back out of his face, “Are you alright?”
His legs were numb, his knees throbbing painfully, they would definitely be bruised and swollen in the morning; but right at that moment, Gojyo hardly noticed the discomfort at all. He sized Hakkai by the hips and pulled him close, licking the muscles of his stomach ravenously, heedless to the taste of soap. He ran his hands around Hakkai's back, down his ass and across the back of his thighs while at the same time rubbing his face against Hakkai's stomach, working his way gradually lower, rolling his tongue across the fine skin. The mosquitoes, he decided, had absolutely no idea what they were missing.
Oh well, all the more for him.
“Now that I'm here…” he nibbled on the skin over Hakkai's hip bone, bringing one hand around to massage his growing hardness, relishing the sound of Hakkai inhaling sharply through his teeth, “We can finally end the damn games and get down to the real fun.”
Then, under the soft cascade of water, accompanied by the enchanting sound of Hakkai's laughter dissolving into passionate moans, the long, hot night began.