Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Chibi Free Holiday...Yeah Right ❯ Ship Of Torture ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chibi Free Holiday Chapter Two
I must be in hell…god what I have I done to accept this punishment? I know I haven't exactly been a good girl lately… (And I'm not a good girl) but honestly punishing me with four chibi's is not exactly what I would have imagined as good punishment…
I am not going to survive this…never after what happened on the ship…I am never setting foot on a it again with those four their a complete wrecking crew and I had yet another surprise……
Ship of Torture
Enter the room, close door behind me. Safe…should I unleash the four criminals in my handbag? Might as well. I open the lid and turn it upside down watching the four little juveniles fall out of my bag.
“OW!” I look down and see that there were only three of them, Hakkai, Sanzo and Gojyo…where's Goku? I search round in my handbag to find him…how can a little chibi that size be able to disappear.
A little tug on my T-shirt I look down to see little Hakkai with the tiny adorable smile he points up.
“I think you should check your coat pocket?” I dip my hand into my pocket, he was right there is someone in there, I lift the chibi gently. It was Goku…why was he in my pocket…I don't remember seeing him jump into my pocket.
Little Goku yawns, his mouth getting bigger and bigger…for a little guy he has very big teeth…I look in to his miniature big mouth….then it closes…for a little chibi who cries for food he's really adorable. Might as well let him sleep in my trouser pocket for a little bit longer. I gently place him in my pocket then hung my coat at the door to the room.
I look back unto the bed where I settled my suitcase. I see little Gojyo bouncing in my bed up then back down again, then jumping again taking flit until he falls off the bed making a giant thud on the ground.
“Sniff…sniff” he whimpers. Oh great he's doing it isn't he…trying to get my attention again. I could tell he was faking it. He looks over to me with those big eyes. There's water coming out making them all sparkly. He raises his little arms up to me and puts on this pathetic baby voice.
“Pwease pwick mwe up” I sigh, grabbing the little red chibi by his blue jacket and setting him unto the bed again, he then shacks off the act and glare at me angrily.
“What no kiss, no `you alright'” I frown back at him, he must be jealous because I put Goku into my pocket. I can still see his cute head peeping out of my pocket.
“You only asked me to pick you up…and I did it, I picked you up” he sat on the bed, arms crossed with the little frown on his face as he continued to mumble.
Is it just me or do I hear a little creak? I look to the door to see it open and a little Sanzo about to tip toe out…I snuck up behind and grabbed the little pain as I brought him up to eye level.
“And where you going?” I asked as I quickly closed the door, so that none of the people would think that I'm crazy or anything.
He brings out his tiny paper fan and tries to hit me with it. I took the fan off him proving that it was useless. And I settled him back on the bed. I placed my hand on my hips, waiting for my answer.
“I want cigarettes” he replied boldly. I sighed and then glared at him angrily.
“Now I think I had this little conversation with you before…no cigarettes…cause it makes me choke to death and I hate the smoke, plus it's bad for you, I think your familiar with the causes of smoking don't you? Besides how are you even going to smoke them anyway?” He then gave me a frown…a little idea has now entered in his little brain.
“If I can't buy them…you'll have to go for me…” He brought out my wallet and drags his credit card out. I looked at it and picked it up…how did they even out this thing in my wallet anyway? Before I could finish the debate there was a little knock on my door. I grabbed Sanzo and stuffed him in my purse, Gojyo and Hakkai crawled under my bed so they were alright.
I walked over and opened the door. It was a staff member with a tray with tea and coke, and a couple of sandwiches.
“Here's your tea and snacks plus a can of coke…” I looked up at him.
“Huh I didn't….” I looked back to see little Hakkai plunging his head back under the bed. Off course I should've known. I turned back and then smiled.
“Off course thank you very much, how much?” he looked at me for a moment as I took the tray and settled it on the table.
“Your part of the school party so you don't have to pay” he walked away and I quickly closed the door. I see that little Hakkai was already at the coffee with four mini cups and Gojyo already snaking on the sandwiches. Sanzo was still trying to climb out of my bag.
I figured that I should wake up Goku before the sandwiches are gone, so I took him gently out of my pocket and pulled his little cheek. He woke up with a tear streaming down his face. He was about to cry until I pointed my finger towards the sandwiches which in turn were being devoured by the kappa. He turns round and begins to panic as I watch him jump out of my hand unto the bed then wrestling Gojyo for the last sandwich. Like tug of war but only Chibi style.
I walk over to my suitcase. Hakkai jumps in shock, runs over and stands in front of my suitcase with his little arms wide across, defending it.
“For the love of Buddha I beg of you to not open this suitcase” he begs. I look down on him then looked at him suspiciously.
“Why…what have you put into my suitcase…?” Hakkai smiles with his eyes closed and sweated a bit.
“Listen if it wasn't dangerous I wouldn't be here would I?” I look down on him again and placed my hand around his little tummy and lifting him up to my eyes level.
“Wait here” I placed Hakkai on my shoulder and slowly placed my hands on the lock of my suitcase and gently raised the lid. My eyes widened as me and Hakkai went pale. There was a little Kougaiji, Yaone, Doku and Lirin in my suitcase they all looked up at me and waved happily. I slammed the lid down and looked back to Hakkai.
“So…That's why you didn't want me to open the lid…what are they doing in there?” I asked as I frowned at Chibi Hakkai. He sweated a bit and shrugged. There was a strange noise in my suitcase now…it's growling…can a suitcase growl? No I didn't think so… I opened the lid seeing Lirin jumping into the air and grabbing me by my neck.
“I may be small and adorable but I'm still the dangerous sweat Lirin!” I looked at her as I tug her away from my neck “So I can see…now behave!” I roared. I settled her back on the bed as soon as she seen Goku and Gojyo fighting over the sandwich she immediately rushed over and took part in it. Yaone walked over to Hakkai who has now went back with pouring the tea.
Doku is just lying on my bed trying to breath I think? And Kou is just trying to help Sanzo out of the bag…I need a miracle…to survive this trip…
To Be Continued
Sanzo's Guardian Angel: Again just felt like doing this…No I haven't Abandoned Nightmares I'm suffering Writers block again…can anyone help or know a cure for that?