Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Again ❯ He did something to you.... ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Sasami's eyes opened slowly and she smiled at the still sleeping Sanzo. Her fingers gently traced the frame of his face. She still couldn't believe she was lying like this in Sanzo's arms or that he had actually confessed his feelings for her. She was actually happy, for the first time since she could remember she was completely and totally happy. All thought of Mitari and his threats were completely out of her mind. All she could think of was Sanzo and being happy with him. There was nothing that could ruin this moment for her. She kissed his lips softly, “love wake up.”
He opened one eye, “I thought I was supposed to be the one who woke up first.”
She smiled, “well I beat you to it.” He grumbled slightly before kissing her softly. He gave a gentle nip to her bottom lip before getting up and getting dressed. She sat up and blinked in slight surprise, “well you have no shame.”
He looked back at her, “I want to get dressed quickly, or do you want Goku to come bounding in and find you naked under the blankets?”
Her eye twitched, “I see your point.” She quickly got dressed and turned back to the waiting priest. She walked over and softly kissed his lips, “I'm sorry for trying to leave yesterday.”
He shook his head, “don't worry about it. It doesn't matter as long as you're here with me now.” She smiled as he hugged her tightly.
The door flew open as Gojyo walked in, “all right wake up you two.”
Sanzo instantly pointed the gun at him, “get out now.”
Gojyo raised an eyebrow, “are you actually holding her?”
The safety of his gun clicked back, “have a problem with that?”
Gojyo put his hands up defensively, “it was a simple comment damn man.”
Sasami tried not to laugh, “I don't think you have to kill him for just coming into the room.”
Sanzo looked down at her, one arm securely around her waist, “he's a moron. Death would help him out of his miserable existence.”
“Oi,” Gojyo instantly protested, “I happen to like my life.” Sanzo only let out a snort of disapproval before leading Sasami out of the room. He didn't protest as she hugged his arm to her chest as she walked next to him. It felt right to have her so close and he wondered why he hadn't admitted things to her earlier if this was the outcome of it. He was very tempted to just grab her and kiss her, let the other idiots finish this journey. He knew he couldn't do that though, he had a responsibility. His thoughts were broken when she released his arm. The simple look of confusion on his face asked the question he didn't vocalize.
“The townspeople,” she began to explain, “are going to have a big problem if I act in any way intimate towards you.”
He scowled, “do I look like I care what the townspeople say?”
She smiled, “you are a Sanzo priest and therefore have a certain image you must sustain. Simply put, you have a reputation to keep.”
He glared slightly, “you are no longer allowed to use logic in your arguments.”
She tried to keep a straight face, “and why's that?”
He gave her lips a quick kiss, “because I lose that way.” She smiled up at him as he adjusted his robes before heading out.
Gojyo came up behind them and put an arm around the still smiling Sasami, “so… Sanzo… you sleep with her yet?”
Sanzo shot at him twice, “do you have no fucking tact?”
Gojyo barely dodged, “hey at least I didn't ask if you'd screwed her or fucked her yet. I kept it somewhat clean.” More shots were fired as Sanzo's eye twitched dangerously. Sasami's face was in her hands, trying to hide the huge red blush that stained her cheeks. She wanted to hit Gojyo for making such a special moment for her seem like no big deal.
“Would you stop moving?” Sanzo snarled.
“If I do I'll get hit!” Gojyo shouted.
“That's the point!” Sanzo's eye twitched as he missed the other man's head yet again.
Gojyo crossed his arms, “stop being such a damn prick. If you slept with her good. It's not a fucking crime to sleep with someone who loves you.”
Sasami nearly keeled over, “are my feelings really that obvious?”
Gojyo thought for a second, “yeah…yeah they are.”
Sanzo grabbed her hand and led her away, “I am definitely murdering that moron.”
“Well it could be worse,” she said thoughtfully.
He raised an eyebrow, “how exactly could it be worse?”
“He could have done it in front of a crowd of people,” she said brightly.
He sighed, “you obviously have far more patience than me.”
She giggled, “that's not too hard to accomplish.” He scowled slightly as they both headed to the table Goku and Hakkai were sitting at.
Hakkai smiled, “well you seem very happy this morning Sasami.”
She smiled and sat down, “I am, extremely so.”
“Is it cause we're getting back on the road today?” Goku asked.
She tapped his nose, “that's a very small tiny part of it. It's a personal private reason Goku, I'd rather keep it to myself.”
Goku pouted, “you know I don't like secrets.”
Hakkai sighed, “now Goku respect that she doesn't want to tell you yet.”
Sanzo smacked him with the paper fan, “in other words leave her alone.”
Goku rubbed his head, “ow! That hurt!” Sasami sat back and only watched as the younger boy whined to the annoyed priest. She barely registered when Gojyo plopped down in a seat next to Hakkai. All she could think of was how happy she was and could be with Sanzo. As she lost herself in her thoughts and musings she forgot the danger she was in. She was rudely reminded of it when pain shot through her entire being, worse than the time before. She let out a cry of pain as she fell from the chair.
Sanzo instantly got down next to her, “what's wrong? What happened?”
“I-I can't,” she stuttered before screaming as more pain shot through her. The four crowded around her, worry written on their faces as she tried to stay on all fours at least.
Hakkai put a hand on her shoulder, “is this that demon?” She started to say yes but instead coughed up blood.
Sanzo grabbed Hakkai by the front of his shirt, “what demon?”
Hakkai gently removed Sanzo's hand, not wanting to anger the priest anymore, “she didn't tell me his name and besides I think we have bigger problems to deal with at the moment.” He motioned to the girl on the floor.
“San-zo,” she whimpered before coughing up more blood. He cursed and helped her up only to be half-heartedly shoved away. “Go,” she ordered as she slowly made her way to the front, “go out through the back.”
Sanzo froze as he watched her step out the door, “is she insane?”
Gojyo looked out the window, “you ain't gonna like this Sanzo.” Sanzo shoved Gojyo out of the way, his eyes widening at what he saw. It took Hakkai, Gojyo and Goku together to keep him from storming out.
“Let go,” he growled, “I have to kill that asshole for touching her and causing her pain.”
“Calm down,” Gojyo shouted, “we'll do something as soon as we figure out what's going on.” Sanzo continued to struggle against them, refusing to let the same thing happen to Sasami that had happened to his Master. He would not let her die, not this way.
Outside, Mitari held Sasami in the air by the throat, “I thought that we'd been over this miko. Now you went and slept with the monk and I have to kill you both.”
Her foot came up and she kicked him in the chest, “don't touch Sanzo.”
He grabbed her leg and slammed her into the ground, “are you telling me what to do again Sasami?” She let out a cry of pain and rolled over to push herself back up.
“I'll say what I want,” she growled at him.
He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up, “you are definitely dead now.” She winced as he kneed her in the stomach. She fell to her knees and coughed up blood. He reached out to grab her again when he heard the distinct sound of a gun clicking.
“Step back,” Sanzo ordered when Mitari looked up, “don't even think about touching her.”
Sasami looked up, “Sanzo what…what are you dong?”
Sanzo reached his hand out to her, “come on let's get out of here.”
Sasami took his hand, “Sanzo…”
Mitari laughed, “you think you can take her from me so easily?”
Sanzo glared, “that's what I should be telling you.”
Mitari's eyes narrowed, “she belongs to me.” Sasami let out a small cry as pain shot through her again.
Sanzo shot once, “I don't know what the hell you're doing to her but cut it out this instant.” He stood firm and refused to let any of the worry he felt show.
Mitari chuckled, “as you wish but you can't keep an eye on her at all times.” He disappeared as Sanzo shot at him twice. Sanzo turned and caught Sasami as she fought to stay standing.
“I'm sorry,” she whispered. His arms tightened slightly around her as she gripped onto him.
“Don't be stupid,” he scowled, “you have nothing to be sorry about.”
She winced, “I guess now you know what's been going on.”
He tilted her face up, frowning slightly, “no I don't actually. Who was that guy and why does he insist you belong to him?”
She let out a sigh, “his name is Mitari and he's the one that has the sutra I've been looking for.”
He looked down at her, “I see… last night I saw a scar. Did he give it to you?” His hand rested just below her breasts, “it was right here.”
She nodded slightly, “yeah… he did.”
“How did he get the sutra?” he asked, his hold on her staying firm.
She shook her head, “I… don't know. By the time I arrived in Japan he already had the sutra and was waiting for me.”
He was quiet for a moment, “he hurt you a lot didn't he?”
“I got out of it okay,” she managed to smile at him. He took her by surprise when, after a moment, he picked her up.
“Hakkai!” Sanzo shouted, “get the jeep ready we're leaving this minute.”
Goku grumbled, “but I want to eat breakfast.”
“Now,” Sanzo practically snarled. The other three hurried to get the supplies and things into the jeep. They all wanted to avoid pissing off even more the already angry priest. He sat in the front seat with Sasami in his lap.
“You know she isn't going to die just because she actually sits in her seat,” Gojyo grumbled as he jumped into the back seat.
“Shut up and sit down,” Sanzo scowled.
Sasami cupped his face in her hands and made him look at her, “I am going to be ok. I know you're trying to protect me but I swear to you I'll be all right.”
He sighed and looked over at Hakkai, “let's just get going.”
Hakkai nodded, “of course Sanzo.”
Goku leaned over the back seat, “you're not too badly hurt are you Sasami?”
She smiled and ruffled his hair, “no I'm not that badly hurt.”
“Don't worry,” he grinned, “next time I'll take care of that guy for you.”
Sanzo snorted, “like hell you will. I've got things covered with this damn demon and I don't want you interfering in my fight you stupid monkey.”
Goku pouted, “but I want to help Sasami.”
“Just shut up you damn monkey,” Sanzo growled. They rode on in silence after that. The tension coming off of Sanzo was almost visible as he held Sasami close to him. His fingers dug into her side almost painfully causing her to bite her lip slightly. This was what she had been trying to avoid. She knew he had enough things to worry about and didn't want to add to them. She put her arms around his neck and brought his head down to her chest, forgetting about the other three for the moment. She hugged him gently with her head resting gently over his, trying to convey that everything would be ok. He let her do what she wanted, mentally planning how'd he kill Gojyo if he said anything.