Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Neither and human nor demon ❯ Blue-eyed creature ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

darkdragon_21: Enjoy!!!

" Hey Sanzo, where are we? " asked Goku, a boy with golden eyes as he tried to look into the fog

" How should I know! " snapped the agitated priest

" Well Goku, according to the map, we are at ' the forest of dreams '..." replied Hakkai the driver

" Eh, why is it called ' the forest of dreams '... " asked Goku as his curiosity got the better of him.

" Hey monkey don't cha have anything better ta say besides with all the questions? " grinned Gojyo who was sitting beside the boy at the back of the jeep

" Hey who you're calling monkey you erro kappa (perverted cockroach) !!! " yelled the furious boy as he got ready to give the cockroach a punch.

" Now, now you two, you remember what the villagers said just now, we must try to be quiet othewise the creatures of the forest will take the food we have from the jeep... " said Hakkai still smiling

" Well those villagers sure know how to lie, I haven't seen a single living thing here exept for the trees..." laughed Goyjo

" Gojyo, I've think you've spoken too soon... " exclaimed Goku as he pointed at something in the tree. Hakkai stopped the jeep immediately as they got off and looked up. The fog was rather thick so they really couldn't see but they had managed to see that the thing is a girl with long shiny black hair and deep ocean blue eyes and a pair of angel wings in which Sanzo found all of them rather firmiliar

The girl gave them a fearful glance before jumping nimbly away, from tree to tree. Just then Goku could smell fruit. Mesmerised, he picked up the scent and gave chase leaving Sanzo, Hakkai and Gojyo near the jeep

" Oi Goku, where do you think you're going!!! " yelled Gojyo as he tried to give chase but he was stopped by Sanzo who said " Don't bother chasing, he's probably off to get some food... He'll be back..."

" But Sanzo, what about the girl just now? " asked Hakkai " Won't she pose a threat to Goku now that he's serperated from us? "

" Nah, I doubt, besides, I couldn't sense any hostility from her only fear..." mumbled Sanzo

" I sure hope that what you say is true... " said Hakkai

Meanwhile, in the palace of Gokyuumen, Kougaiji was discussing terms on his next mission besides hunting down the scriptures Sanzo and gang have.

" So you are telling me that I now have to send my trained minions to their deaths just to catch a stupid non-human and non-youkai girl? " exclaimed the angry prince of youkais

" No I didn't say that now did I, but what I am telling you is that your mother, Gokyuumen, wantsyou to catch her so she can harness her powers to revive your father, the king. " replied Ni jien yi calmly

" I'm not going to do it, I am not going to send my minions to their deaths... " said the prince firmly

" Well suit yourself, after all, the queen said that if you are willing to do this quest, she will realese your real mother. " began the scientist as he walked away slowly

Seeing another chance to be able to free his mother, Kougaiji finally relented, " Fine, I'll do it! "

The scientist gave a chuckle and said " Good, now young prince you need to go to the ' forest of dreams ' to find this mysterious girl but don't worry, she has not yet fully trained her powers so she will not be able to do you much harm... However, young prince I should warn you if you should fail, the consequances would be dire... "

" I don't need you telling me that! " said the prince as his vioce began to raise. He left the scientist laughing as he headed to the common room to meet his friends.

" Master Kougaiji, what's the matter, you look rather pale... " asked Yaone his chemist as she tried to amused his little sister Rinrin by playing chess with her

" Don't tell me Kou, the stupid rabbit man sent us on another mission, " asked Dokugaiji who was praticing his sword skills

" Yeah, now we have to find to find a non-human, non-youkai girl living in the forest, " signed Kougaiji " I really hate saying this but Rinrin will have to follow us this time. "

" Yipee! " cheered the little youkai girl who practically jumped for joy

" But you must be on your best behavior.." warned Kougaiji " or you'll never get this chance ever again... "

" Yes Oni-chan, don't worry about me. " thanked the girl who eventually jumped herself out of the room with Yaone chasing after her.

" Are you sure you want to bring your sister along? " asked Dokugaiji " You were usually so unwilling to bring her any where, "

" Well, lately, my ' mother ' has been taking an interest in her so I figured it would be safer if she followed us. " signed Kougaiji

" Good plan, " said Dokugaiji as he left for the door " I guess I'll get ready the flying dragons then? "

" Yup you do that, " said Kougaiji as he went after the his hyper-active sister " I will have to find Rinrin in case she cheers too loud and ' mother ' finds out "

darkdragon_21: Thanks for reading my fic, I apologise if it's not up to standard and rather dragging, so sorry. Anyway, pls read and review... ( I need yur comments )