Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Muerte Carcel ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I've been trying to get the rights, but my letters must be getting lost in the mail.


Muerte Carcel

Chapter Five


"A living dog is better than a dead lion."
-Ecclesiastes 9:4

"There is in man an upwilling spring of life, energy, love, whatever you like to call it. If a course is not cut for it, it turns the round it into a swamp."
-Mark Rutherford

"It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and is impossible to find it else where."
-Agnes Repplier


"All right, here's what we've all been waiting for," Shuro said to the crowed, with a smirk plastered to his face, as if he were up to something. "However, after some thinking, I have decided to get rid of the third rule entirely," he said as murmurs were heard throughout the former storage room.

"What!" Hakkai said in disbelief. Shuro kept changing the rules he carefully put together.

"It's almost like he wants to turn this into a death tournament," Gojyo said while Shuro kept pumping the bloodlust into the fighting men.

"That's exactly what he wants," Sanzo said as he and Goku walked up to them. "He wants everyone to kill each other. He wanted it ever sense we gave him the idea. Though, in the end, it will backfire," Sanzo finished as Shuro announced the first match.

"Here's the first match of the Battle League. It's number 13025 vs. number 16981," he yelled over the crowed as the two announced men walked into the ring. "Begin!" Shuro yelled as the two men ran to each other and locked blows.

"Wait, are you telling me that if anyone dies it'll be on our necks?" Gojyo yelled over the crowed.

"It that's what you want to believe?" Sanzo said, staring at the mans red eyes. "However, it's done and over with, now we just have to worry about our selves," Sanzo was interrupted by the crowed and the first match was quickly over. Number 13025 came out the victor.

"Time for the second match," Shuro's voice rang out. "Numbers 18250 vs 10086," there was a slight smile as he said Gojyo's number.

"Remember," Sanzo started as Gojyo was walking out to the ring. "This is still our game, don't let him beat us at it." Gojyo just nodded slightly before walking.

"Ready, begin!" Shuro said. The man ran after Gojyo, who just stood in one spot with his hands in his pockets and smirking. Just as the man was about to hit him, Gojyo side stepped, making the man lose his balance and falling flat on his face. When the man got up, he attacked Gojyo again. Though, this time Gojyo hit him in the face, making him fly out of the ring.

"It seems that number 18250 on knocked out. Number 10086 is the winner," Shuro said as Gojyo walked out of the ring. "In the third match, it's number 9927 vs. number 17574."

"Don't be too hard on him," Goku smiled at Kougaiji as he walked out to the ring.

"Begin," Shuro announced.

It was Kougaiji who attacked first. His opponent didn't know what hit him as a powerful kick to the side knocked him out of the ring and into the wall, rendering him unconscious.

"Number 9927 wins. Winning under five seconds," Shuro smirked as Kougaiji walked out of the ring. "For the next match," Shuro was now grinning widely, "it's number 2504 vs. 7979."

"Well, it looks like it's my turn," Goku couldn't help the smile that came to his face. He looked at Sanzo, who had the ever present cigarette in his hand and didn't say anything. Goku just shrugged and walked out into the ring. His opponent was a big bald youkai, obviously shaved. Goku could swayer that the man was on some kind on muscle enhancing drug, even if he was a youkai. And he could practically smell the arrogance radiating off him.

"Begin," Shuro announced and the bald man went after him. Just before he was consumed in a bare hug, Goku flitted out of the way. The man looked around until Goku taped him on the back. When the man turned around, Goku round housed him in the face and sending the man flying. However, he caught himself and landed. Though, Goku kneed him in the stomach, making the man collapse to the flour unconscious.

"Goku wins," Shuro announced. Sanzo looked at the white haired man. He said Goku's name, not number. He was so close to finding out the truth, he could feel. He knew it had something mainly to do with Shuro and Goku. Feeling someone was looking at him, Shuro turned and looked at Sanzo. The smirk was still plastered to his face as he turned to the crowed and announced the next fight.

"The fifth match is numbers 10087 and 17072."

"Well, I'm up," Dokugakaji shrugged and walking into the ring.


Dokugakaji did the same as his counterpart, but instead, he punched his opponent in the jaw. Impaling him into the wall and ending the match.

"Another quick victory won by number 10087," Shuro yelled over the crowed. "The next match is number 10720 vs. number 13602."

"Be nice, 'Kai," Gojyo put a hand on Hakkai's sholder. As usual, the green eyed man faked a smile. He really didn't like the continuous chance in the rules, but he would work around them. He walked into the ring and faced his opponent who looked like he had seen far too many days. He was a balding skinny old man.

"Begin," Shuro's voice rang out. Hakkai sighed as the old man ran after him. Hakkai side stepped, keeping his arms folded against his chest. The old man lost his balance and fell on his backside. A bout of laughter rang out. Even Hakkai stifled a laugh behind his hand. Angered, the man got up and ran after him again. Shrugging, Hakkai waited until the old man was close to him; he put up his hand and hit his neck, stopping the man in his tracks. The old man collapsed unconscious to the flour.

"A very non violent fight won by number 13602, but nevertheless interesting," Shuro said distastefully as Hakkai walked out of the ring. "For the seventh match it's number 11001 vs. number 10902," Shuro announced as two man walked into the ring. "Begin!"

"How was that," Hakkai smiled. "Was that too gentle?"

"Don't worry, he'll be humiliated enough," Gojyo laughed.

"Well, if we're done here, I'll be leaving," Shien said and left, followed by Zenon and Homura.

"See ya," Dokugakuji and Kougaiji left.

"This is pointless," was all Sanzo said before leaving as well.

"Should we leave too?" Gojyo asked.

"No, I'll stay here, I want to see how this plays out," Hakkai told his lover.


"Na, I think I'll stay here too," the boy said and looked back as the seventh match was finishing up.

"Sute ya selves," Gojyo shrugged. "I'm going to try and sneak a shower in.

"All right, I'll see you later," Hakkai said over Shuro's voice and Gojyo walked away.

"The winner of the seventh match is number 10902," Shuro announced at the loser was dragged away in a bloody mess. Nothing too bad, just a badly broken arm and leg. "Now for the eighth and final match. Number 12503 vs. number 11002." Two man came out into the ring, one had a switch blade and the other had a metal rod. "This should be interesting," Shuro said sadistically. "Begin."

"Hakkai, I don't like this," Goku said and looked over at his friend.

"Nether do I Goku, neither do I." Hakkai watched the two go at it. The one with the rod hit the other in the shoulder. The man with the knife slashed the other across the face, followed by a deep slash to the gut. Everyone watched as the blood pored from the wound. The man covered it in a desperate attempt to save his wretched life.

"It looks like number 12503 has won the match," Shuro said, not in the least perturbed.

"Hakkai, he's going to die!" Goku all but yelled.

"No," Hakkai looked in disbelief. He didn't create the rules so that they can kill each other, and he wouldn't have it. Quickly making up his mind, he ran towards the ring.

"Hakkai, don't," Goku yelled after him, already knowing what he was going to do.

"Don't touch him," Hakkai said to a man trying to help. Hakkai put his hands over the seeping wound. "Be still," Hakkai said and closed his eyes. He searched for the power he locked away many years ago. The power channeled through his hands and into the wound. Trying to close it carefully, he closed the internal wound and made his way to the outer layer of skin. Sweat pored from his face as he finished closing the complex wound.

"Well," Shuro's voice rang out. "It looks like we have a healer in our mist." Hakkai looked over at him as the wounded man was taken away. There was a feral grin on Shuro's face as he looked over a Hakkai. "There's some extra time left before dinner, use it wisely," Shuro told everyone as they left, but he never looked away from Hakkai, who still sat in the ring catching his breath. It had been too long sense he had done something like that and was out of practice. He also didn't want everyone to know, especially Shuro, but it was too late for that.

"Hakkai," Goku yelled and ran to his friend. "Are you all right?" he asked while helping him stand. "Come on, you need some rest."

"No, I don't think so," Shuro said, walking up to them. "All this time you had the power of healing and never told me, shame on you," Shuro smirked and turned to Goku. "Hello Goku and nice match." Goku just turned away from the man's gaze. "You, however, need to be punished," he said talking to Hakkai, Goku's face paled.

"No, wait," Goku finally spoke.

"Not even you can do anything, Goku," that sadistic smirk never left his face.


"Don't worry about it Goku, I'll be fine," Hakkai smiled and stood on his own.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Shuro mumbled as they walked away.


"He did what!" Gojyo yelled.

"Hakkai used his power in front of everyone, including Shuro. Now Shuro's going to punish him for the deception," Goku told them.

"That sick sonofabitch! I'm going to kill him. I'm going to ring his goddamned neck, I'm-"

"Are you really?" Sanzo asked, looking at Gojyo. There was no malice in Sanzo's questioning tone. "Are you really going to make him pay?" Gojyo said nothing. "In order to beat him at his own game, you play by his rules. It's the old saying of knowing the rules before you can brake them. Do what he wants and expects you to do. Fallow his rules then break them," Sanzo finished at the dinner bell rang, and he walked to the mess hall. They all watched him walk away in bewilderment. It seemed too obvious, yet too difficult at the same time. How could they fallow Shuro's rules if they don't even know what they are? Silently, the seven of them followed the blond.


After making sure Goku was asleep (the only time the boy had fallen asleep before him), Sanzo sat on his be and took out the folder he found earlier that day. He had to have read the letter countless times. Along with the letter and the picture was a book, or journal, but dated over five hundred years ago and it was also written in ancient Chinese. Though, it looked like most of the book was missing. He started reading;


I have found the sun, or should I say, I found my sun and it comes by the name of Konzen. I know a creature like me shouldn't think something like this, but he's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, with his long golden hair and cold violet eyes. I met him while I was coming back from my visit with Homura. I literally ran into him while I was running away from the guards (my favorite pass time). Before I could even apologize, he hit me over the head with some kind of paper fan.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" I yelled at him while holding my head. It really didn't hurt, but that wasn't the point.

"You should watch were your going," he said while the guard finally caught up with me. I expected them to grab me, but they just stopped and stared at the man in front of me.

"Master Konzen," one of them said while they all bowed. I looked at him than at the guards. I had no idea why they were bowing to him. I have lived in Heaven for quite a while and knew who almost everyone was.

"Where's Marshal Tenpou?" Konzen asked the guards harshly.

"He's in his office. We're trying to bring this child to him, he keeps wondering off," another guards said. Now, that really pissed me off. I'm not a child, and everyone knows it. I'm probably older than almost any one in Heaven, give or take a choice few.

"I'll take him to the Marshal," Konzen told them. "You may leave."

"Yes, sir," they saluted at the same time and left.

"Come," He said and started walking off. Under any other circumstances, I would have refused, but there was something about him that I couldn't quite place.


I tried not to stair at Konzen as he knocked on Tenpou's office door. There was no answer. No surprise there. He was probably reading while Kenren tried to preoccupy him. Konzen knocked again and foot steps were heard walking and the door opened.

"Holy shit!" It was Kenren. He just starred at the blond next to me with a face similar to a fish. "Tenpou!" Kenren yelled, still not looking away from Konzen. He hadn't even noticed that I was there yet.

"What is it Kenren?" Tenpou asked while getting up from his seat and taking the book with him, using his index finger as a book mark. "Oh, Konzen! What a surprise, it's been a while," I could tell that he was surprised too, but didn't show it as much as Kenren.

"A few hundred years," Konzen said dryly. No one seemed to notice my presents, so I cleared my throat to let them know that there was someone else there.

"Hello Goku," Tenpou smiled at me. I've been in heaven for a good fifty years or so and he still greats me the same way. "I see you and Konzen already met?"

"Not formally. Though, can you please tell me why Kenren is gaping?" I said while pointing to the said red head.

"This sonofabitch disappeared almost two hundred years ago, to God only knows where and was never heard from again. And now he just shows up out of no where?!" Kenren all but yelled.

"Yes, it does seem a bit awkward, but perhaps Konzen would tell us about it?" Tenpou asked while looking at the violet eyed man, who had yet to change his stotic expression.

"I need some well deserved rest first," Konzen said next to me. "I just came by to say I was back. No one better have even looked at my room, or there'll be Hell to pay." As he was saying this, Kenren and Tenpou looked at each other and paled.

"About that..." Tenpou started.

"What?" The blond asked skeptically.

"Well..." Tenpou just couldn't get it out.

"We needed it for the monkey."

"I am not a monkey!" I yelled at Kenren. It was his usual nick name for me.

"What!" That was Konzen.

"We had no choice. There was no other room closer and we couldn't chance Goku near the others," Tenpou tried to ease the blond.

"Yea, it's not like we ever thought you were coming back anyway," Kenren said and Tenpou elbowed him in the stomach. I probably could have counted all the veins that appeared to pop out of Konzen's skin. He took a deep breath and started walking away. He walked into my-his-room, and closed the door.

"So," I said as we stared at the closed door for a little while longer. "Does this mean that I'm getting kicked out?"

"Don't worry," Tenpou said and pushed up his glasses. "You can sleep with me and Kenren." Now, I knew what he meant, but the literal image had already burned itself in my mind.

"That's all right, I'll find something else. I was thinking about visiting Nataku, if he's not busy," I said and Tenpou shrugged. "By the way, what did you need me for? The guards said that you needed to see me?" I asked.

"Oh, that was Kenren that needed you," Tenpou said and pointed a thumb at the red head next to him.

"That's right," Kenren said, come with me. I need to talk to you," he looked over his shoulder at Tenpou who just shrugged and walked back into the library office.

"What is it?" I asked. If it involved Tenpou not knowing, than it must have been something interesting, I thought.

"Tomorrow's Tenpou's birthday, and I was wondering--"


Sanzo turned the page, only to find that it was missing and another entry started. He was getting quit interested. It sounded so surreal that it couldn't have been someone's journal. Though, a lot of things bothered him. First was the mention of Homura, wheather it was the Homura that he knew, he didn't know, nor come up to an explanation as to who. Another thing that bothered him, was that Goku's name was mention and that someone named Goku seemed to be writing it. Though, what bothered him most, was that the description of Konzen made it seem that he looked exactly like Sanzo him self. Sanzo just shook it off as sleep depravation. He hadn't been getting much sleep lately. Instead of continuing reading, he decided to attempt sleep. He would be fighting tomorrow, and he wasn't a youkai. He may not have had the strength like them, but he did have the skill.


Author's Note:

First and for most, I would really like to apologize for my lateness. I have countless reasons behind it, most of which I don't want to into. One is that my computer must have been made from the deepest pit of Hell. Anyway, I would really like to thank those who are still reading this; and to those who aren't, it's all good, I won't hold it against you. Any kind of errors (spelling and such), are regards to that I don't have a spell checker and I can't have a beta because my e-mail is all but useless. Though, I will see if I can edit it on my school computer. So, please don't correct my spelling and grammar, I know it's there even after I re-read at least five times.

On another note, I must say, I like how this chapter came out. I have many ideas for the next chapter and a few more to come. I have something very interesting to do to Hakkai, and it's not what you think. I hope you all know by now that Shuro is one sick individual. As for the whole journal thing, don't worry if you didn't understand the reason for it. Here's one thing for you though, it does involve Homura, and that's all the spoilers I'm going to give you.

Anywho, I really hope to get the next chapter up soon, without such a long wait, like this one.

See ya,
