Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Muerte Carcel ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Well, they got back to me on my letters, and recommended me to this nice mental institution...


Muerte Carcel

Chapter Six


"The old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind."
- Martin Luther King, jr.

"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, then hey, free eyeball."
- random keychain


"Now what to do with you?" Shuro said, pacing the room and looking at Hakkai. Hakkai just stood, face hardened and emotionless. He knew that it would be pointless to defy what ever Shuro had planned for him, he just hoped that it didn't involve anyone else he knew. "I can't have fun with you, Goku's the only one who can please me now," Shuro grinned.

"Why do you do that?" Hakkai whispered and didn't look at the man. He didn't have to, to know that the man stopped pacing. Hakkai Had no idea why he just said that, usually he's a man who thinks before he speaks. Perhaps it was because of Sanzo's new influence, or maybe it was because he was finally fed up with everything.

"What did you say?" In an instant, Shuro was in front of the brunet. It took every ounce of Hakkai's will power not to look in the man's eyes. He didn't answer as rationality kicked back in.

"I know what it is?" Shuro smirked. "It's that blond. Ever sense he came everyone has been being defiant and always asking questions. It never used to be that way." Hakkai finally looked at him. Shuro looked as if he was thinking hard, and after a little while, he finally spoke. "Ah, I have the perfect punishment. The Labyrinth."

"Labyrinth?" As mush as Hakkai tried, his vocal cords didn't want to listen to his reasoning mind.

"Did you know that this prison was built by the gods?" Shuro regained his pacing. "There's a labyrinth below here, whoever goes in, never comes out. Too bad they do an annual check of this place, or I would send you all there."

"You want to put me in this Labyrinth?" Hakkai had to ask.

"Oh, no, no, no," Shuro laughed. "I'm going to put that blond in there and let you live to tell the tall," Shuro continued laughing. Hakkai was shocked, Sanzo hadn't done anything.

"But you can't do that," Hakkai shot back. It's Hakkai's weakness, to care about other's, including complete strangers who don't deserve it, which was the entire reason he was there in the first place. Within seconds, Shuro was in front of Hakkai and lifting him up by his neck.

"I can, and I will," Shuro all but growled.

"But ... why?" Hakkai choked out.

"It'll be fun," a feral grin spread it self across Shuro's face. He then threw Hakkai into the wall, knocking his glasses off.

"However," Shuro walked over to the man, "you still need to be punished." He picked Hakkai up again by the neck. "Such Beautiful eyes. I don't know how I never noticed before." Hakkai's entire body froze in fear. He prayed beyond hope that Shuro wasn't going to do what he thought he was going to do. "Just like emeralds." Shuro's smirk never left his face.

For Hakkai, time seemed like it had slowed. At lightning flash speed, Shuro snatched Hakkai's right eyes out and dropped him to the floor. Numbing pain was all Hakkai felt. He was clenching his right eye socket and screaming in agony. Tears of Blood were seeping through his fingers as agony wrenched throughout his soul.

"I think I'll keep this. It is quite beautiful," Shuro said and held the eyes in his hand. "Stay here. Sooner or later, I'll send the doctor in," Shuro finished and left the screaming half blind man to his own devices.


A frightening chill ran it's coarse down Gojyo's spine, making him freeze as he heard haunting footsteps down the hall. Seconds later, Shuro appeared in front of his cell, holding something in his hand. Gojyo's heart stopped. Shuro was holding an eye, a beautiful green eye. A green eye that he never get tired of looking at. A green eye that belonged to his one and only love. Gojyo was shell-shocked. He couldn't do anything, couldn't even say anything. All he could do was stair at the round object in the other man's hand.

Shuro laughed like a mad man. Gojyo's hatred for the man in front of him went to a new height. Gojyo wanted to rip through the bars, youkai wards be damned. He wanted to kill Shuro with every fiber of his being. However, Sanzo's words ran throughout his shocked mind; 'Know the rules before breaking them'. Shuro was still laughing as he walked to the next cell, all he heard was Gojyo's yelling and something rather hard hitting the metal bars. Shuro stopped laughing as he stood in front of Goku and Sanzo's cell. As expected, Goku was up waiting. He turned to face the bars while they were opining. Little did the two know that Gojyo's out burst woke the blond up, who was pretending to sleep.

"Where's Hakkai?" Goku said while siting up.

"Don't worry," Shuro smirked. "He's in good hands," with that, he revealed what was in his hand.

"Oh gods," Goku gasped. Sanzo was itching to turn around and see why the boy gasped. "How could you?" Goku was horrified.

"My, My, it seems everyone wants to be defiant sense that blond showed up," Shuro walked into the cell. "But no matter, I'm going to change that."

"What do you mean?" Goku asked as a chill ran down his spine.

"He's going to be punished," Shuro was starting to walk over to Sanzo.

"No wait!" Goku shot up out of his bed. "Pleas don't, take me, please!" he all but begged.

"Don't worry, Goku," Shuro turned to the boy and kissed him painfully while putting his free hand in Goku's paints, stroking the boy for a while. Goku inadvertently moaned against Shuro's mouth, and again cursed his traitorous body. It took every ounce of Sanzo's will power to not turn around and confront the seen that was taking place not two feet from his bead. Suddenly, Shuro pulled away from the boy, leaving him with a painful erection. "You're the only one for me," Shuro smirked and whispered into Goku's ear. He turned and continued walking to the blond. Just as he was about to grab his hair, Sanzo's hand shot out and gripped Shuro's wrist. "Well, it looks like someone's awake," if it were possible, Shuro's smirked widened. He could see the anger in Sanzo's eyes. Yes, he would have fun.

"At least I've found the missing peace of the puzzle," Sanzo retorted and regained his composer while throwing Shuro's wrist away from him. He stood while tucking the journal in the back of his pants so Shuro wouldn't find it. For some reason, he knew that there was no way he could let the man get a hold of it.

"Well, it doesn't matter, you're going to get yours."

"Oh really, what did you have in mind?" he asked sarcastically. "There's no way in the seven hells I'm letting you touch me," he said disgustedly, noticing what Shuro held in his hand.

"Please don't, Shuro" Goku said from behind the platinum blond. Shuro turned to look at Goku.

"You must really want to protect this man. You've never said my name before," Shuro continued smirking. "Say it again, and I might just spare him." Goku bit the inside of his mouth before speaking.

"Shuro," he said, looking at the ground ashamed.

"Isn't the most wonderful thing you've ever heard?" Shuro turned to look at Sanzo. "Hearing you name come from the lips of the most beautiful angel" For some strange reason, that comment got to him. He didn't like how Shuro was talking about Goku. An overwhelming feeling to protect the boy overcame him. The need to protect him was like the sun needing to protect the earth.

"Goku don't," Sanzo said simply and calmly. Both pair of eyes turned to him, one surprised and the other furious.

"What did you say?" Shuro growled. Calmly, Sanzo looked straight into Shuro's eyes.

"I told the monkey not to listen to you," was Sanzo's response.

"What gives you the right to talk to me like that?" Sanzo gave Shuro a smirk to rival his own.

"I finally know your rules," Sanzo remarked chillingly. Shuro kicked him into the closest wall, making Sanzo collapse to the grown out of force. Shuro laughed again ad Sanzo stood.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with." Sanzo couldn't take it anymore. Instead of using his trump card, he wouldn't make the same mistake as Hakkai, he punched Shuro in the man's eye, making the man step back.

"No, I believe you have no idea who you are dealing with," Sanzo said in a deep, low voice. Shuro put his fingers in his mouth and tasted blood. No one in that prison haf\d ever made him bleed before. After the shock ran off, he went after Sanzo and kneed the blond in the stomach. Before Sanzo had time to compose himself, a fist landed itself on his back. Shuro picked Sanzo up by his neck and lifted him in the air. Sanzo's hands were on his wrist in an attempt to loosen the grip, but to no anvil. Sanzo could see black spots forming around his eyes. He was blacking out from lack of air.

"No, stop!" was the last thing he heard before succumbing to the darkness. Goku's tight grip Shuro's arm and hard, cold look made Shuro stop before killing Sanzo.

"You want to protect him?" Shuro asked. Goku didn't say anything, he just continued looking in Shuro's eyes and letting go of his arm. Looking away, Shuro let go of Sanzo neck to put him over his shoulder.

"What are you going to do with him?" Goku asked defeated.

"I'm giving him to the gods," was Shuro's simple remark and left the cell, closing the bars after him.

Everyone in the 3E-Wing watched as Shuro carried and unconscious Sanzo over his shoulder. After Shuro was gone, Goku broke down to his knees and cried. He had failed, he had failed to protect the sun.

"So it begins," Homura said to no one as he heard Goku's crying, Gojyo's yelling, and everyone else's whispering. "Konzen, Just make sure history doesn't repeat it's self." Homura looked out the window to the night sky. "History must not repeat itself."


Author's Note:

... Well, I'm guessing that nobody was expecting that, ne? If you did, then you are really good at 'thinking outside the box'. In my first draft, I had Hakkai go to the labyrinth, but then I thought that the story would flow a bit more if Sanzo went, and besides, Hakkai went through enough in this chapter, dontchya think? Now, I know you'll all thinking that this labyrinth thing is all but pointless right? Well, I have very big plans for this. I would give you a hint, but I know a lot of people would guess it. Though, here's a little something, in a way it involves Homura and Sanzo. Does that help at all? If it doesn't then hopefully you'll get it by next chapter.