Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Muerte Carcel ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No matter what, in this life time, or the next, I will never own Saiyuki. The boys belong to Kazuya Minekura, and (hopefully) always will.
Muerte Carcel
Chapter Eight
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
- Ecclesiastes 3:1
"The true way goes over a rope which in not stretched at any great height but just above the ground, It seems more designed to make men stumble than to be walked upon."
- Franz Kafka
When Sanzo woke up, he was surrounded by an erie yellow/brown light, and laying on something hard. Sitting up and opining his eyes, he looked around and found that he was in some sort of hallway. However, the only light seemed like it was coming from the walls itself. The air was stall, but still breathable, and the only sound that could be heard, was his own breathing.
"Where in the hell am I?" Sanzo asked and the only response he got was his own echo. He stood and held his head, Feeling dizzy, he grabbed the wall for support, but for some reason, that made his head hurt even more. Almost as if someone was taking a sledge hammer to his head, a single image came to him. It was of a man who looked just like him. Except this man had longer hair and softer eyes, and was also clad in light lavender.
The only thing Sanzo could do to stop the headache was too sit back down. The image felt so similar to him, but he was sure that he had never see that man before. While sitting, he felt for his pockets and a smirk came to his face. His cigarettes and lighter were still there. Without hesitation, he lit one and the smoke quickly filled his lungs, the nicotine doing wonders for his nerves. It wasn't until he was finished with his last drag, did he searched the rest of his pockets, and find the old journal. Sighing, he decided to read the next entry. Perhaps reading would help his headache go away, and the strange image. Careful not to touch the wall, he opened the book.
Perhaps I should start from the beginning.
Tenpou party was quite ... well, interesting. I don't know if alcohol is legal in heaven, but Kenren was able to get a lot. I only had sips of wine, alcohol really hold no appeal to me. The only ones there were Tenpou, Kenren, Konzen, and myself. Konzen only had a few beers. Kenren and Tenpou, however, were gone. Tenpou never really striked me as the type to get drunk, Kenren I can see, but not Tenpou.
Konzen just sat in a corner with his beer, and I sat in the other corner with my still untouched glass of wine. We watched as Kenren and Tenpou made even more of a mess in the small library. They were dancing with each other to music that only they could here. Though, Tenpou's library is littered with books, so they were tripping over some stack of something. Yea, I stopped laughing after the first half hour. Monotony is what drove me to Konzen, and of course the constant starring at him. I thought that it was time for a formal introduction as I walked over to the blond.
"Hello," I said and sat next to him.
"Hin." he regarded me with a grunt and took another swig of his beer. For a minuet or two, I stared at his profile, with his beautiful shining, gold hair.
"Just like the sun," I said my thoughts out loud before I had time to realize.
"What?" he asked and turned to me. Well, it was too late to fix the damage, so why not go with it?
"You're hair, it looks just like the sun," I said with a smile. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't hide his surprise. But before he could come up with an answer, non other then the merciful goddess had to walk in Tenpou's library. Both Kenren and Tenpou stopped their dancing and groping (because they didn't realize they were doing it, at least that's what they said).
"Hello Konzen," Kanzeon said with that conniving smirk plastered to her face. "How has my dear nephew been on earth?" she asked. I was surprised, I didn't know that she had a nephew, but then looking at both of them, I could notice the similarities. Except that Konzen has hair as gold as the sun, and Kanzeon has hair as black as hell.
"I've done what you've asked, what else do you want from me?" he asked sardonically.
"Don't worry, Konzen, it's nothing big. I just want to Goku here, in your care." If it could, her smirk widened. Before Konzen could, I spoke up.
"With all due respect, Merciful Goddess, but I can care for myself," I said with forced respect. I have nothing against her, it's just something about her that just creeps me out.
"I know Goku," she said in a patronizing tone and knelt down to whisper in my ear. "But I want you to crack the ice around his heart," she told me and stood to speak with Konzen. "I want you to look after Goku," she then turned to Kenren and Tenpou, who had half their cloths on and reeked of alcohol. "Since his former keepers are hardly capable of taking care of even themselves," she said.
"We can 'splane," Kenren said while trying to stand at the same time. I wasn't working. Kanzeon just smirked even creeper.
"Sure," she said and turned to Konzen and I. "Come, let's leave these two alone. Oh, and happy birthday, Tenpou," she said before we left them in the library.
"Listen here you old hag-" Konzen started, finally had enough of the goddess.
"Listen to me Konzen," she interrupted seriously. I was surprised, because I've never seen her serious before. "I know your full report's going in, but I want to know how it went first hand," she said, it didn't seem like she cared that was there. Konzen sighed before answering.
"It want as well as expected, besides the fact that it took too long. The prison and the labyrinth have been built to perfection," he said as I leaned my back against the wall. A prison, so that's what he was doing on earth?
"That's good, what did you name it?" she asked, as if only interested in the name.
"Muerte Carcel," was his simple answer. I thought it was odd, didn't that mean "Death Prison"?
"How ironic," she grinned and almost started laughing. "It seems like you have a sense of humor after all, Konzen dear. Gods aren't allowed to kill, yet you name the God's prison 'Death'." She smirked.
"If you're finished, I'll go now," Konzen started to leave.
"Oh, don't forget your pet," she and both Konzen and I turned to glare at her. Before we could say anything, Kanzeon was gone.
"Monkey, let's go," Konzen said. He got that from Kenren, I'll have to remind myself to say something to him.
"I am not a monkey," I said in protest while he walked into his-our-room.
"You sure as hell act like one," he said. Before I could say anything, I had a blanket and a pillow thrown at me. "You sleep on the floor. If you snore, I kill you. Do not wake me up for anything, or I kill you."
"Yes, your highness," I mocked. I couldn't help with the remark. He just glared at me and didn't say anything while lying in the bed. "'Night Konzen," I said before lying on the pillow and falling asleep. Perhaps I was more tired then I thought.
Sanzo just starred at the worn journal page. Did that just say what he thought it did? It was at that moment, that Sanzo knew the journal was real. But it didn't make any sense. It was dated over 500 years ago, and the book itself looked like it was from 500 years ago, so it couldn't have been a fake. But 'how' would who ever wrote it know about Muerte Carcel, or even the labyrinth he was currently in?
Sighing, Sanzo put the book away, it seemed that every time he read the damned thing, he would only get more questions. Besides, reading would get him no where in getting out of the labyrinth. He stood as best he could, but it still felt like someone was taking a sledgehammer to his head. But a mere headache wasn't going to stop him from getting out.
Though, which way should he go? He thought while looking from his right to his left.
Right. A voice said in the back of his mind. So, without thinking he went right, careful not to touch the glowing walls.
"What a shit hole this became," the Merciful Goddess said standing in front of the prison gates. She was warring a black pin striped business suit with a short mini skirt, thin high heals and black brief case.
"Merciful Goddess, please, your language," Jiroushin said at her side.
"Jiroushin, I'm fine, you may leave now," Kanzeon said and started walking to the building. She showed her ID to receptionist.
"Miss Kanon?" he said looking at her ID. She just smiled at the young man.
"Yes, I am the health inspector. I wish to talk to someone regarding this issue," she said. The man behind the desk nodded and went to the phone, a few minutes later he returned.
"Everyone's in the old storage room. The Battel League is going to start soon. So you can go there and talk to Shuro," he said. "Do you need directions?"
"No, thank you. I'll find my own way,' she finished with a small bow of the head and walked past him to the old storage room, where she knew the way by heart. It was going to be an interesting day indeed. She ignored all the cat call and whistles from men who hadn't seen a woman in years. Everyone stopped and looked at her in surprise, everyone except Homura, Shien, and Zenon.
"My, my, my, what a peace of work," Shuro said and walked over to her.
"Shuro I presume?" she said with a smirk and extended her hand.
"The health inspector?" he asked and took her hand.
"So, what is the 'Battle League' I was hearing about?" she asked with fiend ignorance.
"Why don't you stick around and find out?" Shuro grinned.
"I think I just might. In the mean time, I'll just go around and ask some of the inmates questions," she finished talking to him and walked in the direction of Goku.
"Hello," she said, now smiling. "I'm Kanon," she held out her hand to him.
"Goku," he said detached, looking in her violet eyes. To him, the woman looked familiar.
"It's nice to meet you, Goku," she smiled but her eyes darkened. "How are you treated here?"
"It's a prison, how do you think we're treated?" Gojyo butted in, knowing Goku would be uncomfortable with the question.
"I'm sorry if that was a rude question," she said and smirked again. "And you are?"
"Gojyo," he said.
"It's nice to meet you Gojyo." There was something about the woman's smirk that made the red head uneasy. After shaking Gojyo's hand for a little more then necessary, Kanzeon made her way over to Homura, Shien, and Zenon. Homura just glared at her as she walked over.
"What about you, are you treated well?" she asked with a dark tone.
"Well, enough," he said bitterly.
"That's good, because I wouldn't want to report anything to The Powers That Be," Kanzeon said smoothly. If looks could kill, The merciful goddess would have been dead centuries ago.
"The second round of the Battle League will start in ten minutes. Fighters, get ready," Shuro finished and everyone took their places while Kanzeon took a seat. She couldn't let an opportunity like actually watching them fight pass her by. Her sadistic curiosity got the better of her.