Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Muerte Carcel ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Saiyuki, It will always belong to Kazuya Minekura.


Muerte Carcel

Chapter Nine


"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."

- Robert Byrne

"Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time."

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A Psalm of Life


"Father, you must leave, they're coming!" Kouryuu begged as his father just stood in the rain smoking his pipe.

"Let them come," the brown haired man said coolly.

"But they will kill us!" Kouryuu tried to reason. "There's too many youkai, and they will kill us." He was annoyed with his father's cool composure. Did Koumyou Sanzo not know the youkai came to kill him this time? That they, two humans, were out numbered at least ten to one? They could not kill them all.

"Remember what I told you?" Koumyou asked, not looking at his foster son.

"'If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet your Father, kill you Father. Free of everything, you are bound by nothing. Live the life that is given to you'," Kouryuu recited with gritted teeth. "I don't see what that has to do with anything now. We have to run."

"I will run no longer," Koumyou Sanzo said and turned to his son with a smile. "I am finished with running. Let the youkai give me what I deserve, let them have their vengeance."

"But you don't deserve to die!" Kouryuu all but yelled.

"Remember, every one deserves their vengeance," his father said and looked to the sky. "It looks like rain, pity," he said to no one in general.

"If you will not defend your self, than I will defend the both of us!" Kouryuu said bitterly and stormed in the house.


Sanzo griped the wall and his head for dear life. It was the first time that memory came back to him sense his imprisonment. It was a memory he never would have liked to think about again. It was one of the last conversations ha had with his father, and he was so goddamed bitter about it! Sanzo punched the strange glowing wall, and received a sharp pain through his arm. While holding his arm to his chest, he looked at the wall. It was almost like it was protecting itself when he hit it.

"This is madness!" Sanzo yelled, but no one could hear him. From what he could tell, he'd been wondering through this labyrinth for at least a day of two, with no food or water. Although he himself could survive at least a week without either, it's not something he would like to do. With a sigh, he kept walking. He didn't know how he knew the way, he just did. It was almost as if the map was engraved into his head.

"Dammit," he sighed again softly. All he could to do was fallow his instincts and think of Shuro. Everyone deserves his vengeance, he thought bitterly.


"In the first match we have number 6070 vs. 14907," Shuro announced as Homura and another man made it to the ring. Well, he was more like a boy, he had long brown hair, with odd color eyes, one green and the other blue. How ironic, Homura thought as they approached each other. "Begin!" Shuro's voiced boomed.

Thinking to make it a quick fight, Homura went after the boy. But in either a stroke pure luck or skill, the boy dodged a hit that was meant for his stomach. He blocked it with his arm, which was worse than a hit to the stomach that would have just knocked him out almost painfully, now the boys arm was shattered in many places.

"That wasn't very intelligent," Homura said coolly to the boy. "You have skill though, work on it," he finished and attacked the boy again, before he could respond. This time the blow hit it's mark and boy was out in seconds. Not waiting for the end of the count, he walked out of the ring, the boy wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

"Winner of the first match is 6070," Shuro said when the count was finished. "Next match is number 12272 vs. 12113," he said as two men walked into the ring after the boy was taken off.

"Great match, Homura darling," Kanzeon whispered so only the demi god could hear.

"What do you want here, Kanzeon?" Homura hissed, having enough of the charade.

"The same reason you expect," she said with a sinister smirk that could rival even Shuro's. "Almost all the players are in place, all but one. I came here to see for my self how it plays out."

"Don't harm any one of them. You've already done enough," he said with enough venom to kill a rattlesnake. "It's bad enough that Konzen will remember, the other's will not, especially Goku," he made it a statement, not a request.

"Sense when did you start caring, God of War?" Kanzeon asked. Even if he wanted to, he never got to answer as the second match was over.

"Winner of the second match is 12113. For the next match, it's number 6071 vs. 9982," Shuro announced, his voice had a deadly tone to it, an anticipation to the next match. Shien walked into the ring, as did his opponent. A youkai that had taken his limiters off. He had long forest green hair, pointed ears, green tinted skin and murderous green eyes. "Begin!" Shuro announced.

The youkai came first as Shien stood calmly where he was. It was a mistake. The youkai was faster than Shien first thought, causing Shien to get four deep scratches to his upper arm. Turning around calmly to meet the youkai, Shien took out one of his hidden whips. When the youkai was only a few feet away, Shien wrapped the whip around the other's neck. While in a feudal attempt to rip the whip lose, the youkai was thrown over the crowd and into the wall, the whip still attached to his neck. The counting started. Before he could even catch his breath, he was again thrown against the other wall, this time Shien let go of the whip and it disappeared. The youkai was still conscious, but out of time as he crawled back to the ring.

"The winner of the third match is 6071," Shuro said with a smirk as Shien walked out of the ring. "The next match is number 18222 vs. myself," the platinum could barely suppress his enthusiasm. He walked into the ring himself, along with at bulky man almost twice the size of him. "Begin!" Before the words were even out of his mouth, he ran after the big man. He kicked him in the stomach, and using the momentum of the kick, wrapped his hands around the other's head and jerked his wrists in one short motion. The big man was dead within minutes of the fight. No sound, no cheers were heard as Shuro walked out of the ring.

"I win the fourth match," the youkai warden said with a deadly smirk. "As for the fifth match, its number 16300 vs. 18004," he said as two men walked out into the ring. "Begin!" he yelled as the two attacked each other.

"This is sickening," Gojyo said in disgust, he felt like wrenching. "Come on Goku, let's go," he said to the boy next to him, who was shaking and unusually pale. Goku didn't say anything and just followed Gojyo, not watching as one of the men were thrown to where they were just standing.

"Winner of the fifth match is number 18004. The sixth match is number 6072 vs. 14307," Shuro said as Zenon and his opponent walked into the ring. "Begin!" he yelled as Zenon ran after the other man. Ending the match quickly, Zenon punched the other in the stomach, knocking him out.

"A quick match won by number 6072," Shuro announced. "The seventh match is number 11293 vs. 12750. Begin!"

"Let's get out of here," Zenon said to Shien and Homura. With one more long glare at Kanzeon, the three of them left the old storage room, not even caring to watch the match, or the carnage that was left behind. Their only thoughts were regrets, one of them the decision for the Battle League.

"A glorious match won by number 11293. Due to unusual circumstances," Shuro smirked anew, "the eight match will not be fought. Number 18254 will not be fighting, leaving 18235 the winner by default," Shuro finished. "Now get back to your chores, and fighters, be ready for the semi finals tomorrow." Everyone left, but Kanzeon and Shuro.

"What an interesting event," the Goddess of Mercy said without her usual smirk, the carnage was even too much for her to stand. "I assume it is sanctioned?" she asked already knowing the truth of the answer.

"Indeed," Shuro said. "I assume you will be staying for a few days, Miss Kanon?" he asked.


"Then, let me show you your room," he said and they both left the room, both already knowing the way, but Kanzeon let the youkai lead. Something indeed had to be done with the evil youkai.


"Hakkai, do you believe that we made a mistake with this Battle League?" Gojyo asked the brunet in his arms that night. Hakkai had taken up his allotted time in the infirmary and was sent back to his cell that night.

"Yes, I believe we did," Hakkai said softly. "But there's nothing we can do now to change it. We started it, now we must go through with it to the end. We must play be Shuro's rules," he said.

"I'm tired of playing with the bastard's rules," Gojyo said distastefully. "I'm tired of being here, I don't even remember why I came here in the first place. I don't even remember how it was before I came here," he vented.

"Don't worry, something will happen to change everything," Hakkai said and touched Gojyo's cheek with his fingertips. "I can feel it, something will happen to change Muerte Carcel forever."

"You think so?" Gojyo asked and nuzzled Hakkai's head in his chest. However, before he was able to answer, Shuro walked down the hall and past their cell to the one next to theirs. Seconds later, he and Goku walked passed their cell, the latter not even looking up from the ground.

"Yes, I think so," Hakkai said with one eye still looking pasted the bars that held them in that room. "When Sanzo comes back, everything will change," he said, convinced of his own prediction.

"I believe it will too," Gojyo said and held Hakkai close until the man was asleep.


Author's Note:

I'm so happy to be updating!

Well, I'm very sorry for the late update, but it wasn't my fault this time. I really had this chapter typed for a while. Though, my computer is only allowed to use Notepad and Solitaire, and maybe some other things that aren't really important. My computer took a wonderful crash, and I'm lucky I can still save on floppy disks.

Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter, it really wasn't much to the plot, but I did get the second round of the Battle League under way. As you can tell, I don't like writing fighting scenes too well, I'll only have fights with the main characters, the other's don't seem too important to me.

Oh, yea, something I want to say, and don't take thins the wrong way my fateful readers. I would love it if people stopped leaving nasty reviews telling me to hurry and update. I mean, say it nicely and only once. I really try to update on time, but circumstance won't allow me to. I love you all, I really do, and I try, but I can only try so much.