Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Heaven above Heaven above Heaven ❯ Long days ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Saiyuki is not mine and I make no profit.
Warnings: English is my second language. Some shonen ai.
Chapter VII: Long days
A very familiar boot came in contact with Goku's legs. It wasn't very hard kick; Gojyo wasn't up for a real fight.
"Hey, miniature monkey. Move your legs; you're hogging the whole seat here." And Goku wasn't one to back down from a fight even after a morning like that so he purposefully kicked Gojyo back glaring at the redhaired kappa.
"You're the one hogging the seat!" he shouted back.
"A teeny-tiny monkey isn't supposed to take up that much room," Gojyo continued. "I'm the one with long legs that need room to stretch out." He was still feeling lazy and even Goku seemed content with keeping it a shouting match.
"Who're you calling tiny? Just because you're big and fat…"
“Hey!” Gojyo shrieked. Now it was getting personal.
"If you two don't stop instantly," Sanzo cut in, "then I'll make you shut up. Permanently." The renowned click of the banishing gun was all they needed as a warning at the moment. Mei stretched and yawned.
“Ah, the energy of youth. Do you think there would be somewhere a spring or stream we could bathe in? This sticky mess is, well, sticky.
“Hey, you are younger than I am, sis,” Gojyo protested mildly. Mei only smiled. Goku slumped back, clutching at his cloak and shivering. He was used to dust, mud, blood and even grosser gore but the black slime was somehow unnerving. He tilted his head back; the skies were gray but it wasn't raining yet which was just fine. They were uncomfortable enough already without having to get soaked to the skin.
Hakkai felt he must have been in a daze. In fact they all were and he felt justified about it; the day had progressed rather fast. He too was looking for a spring. He was neat and tidy by nature and the mess was deeply disturbing. So even though they were expecting to see Homura and his henchmen none of them were prepared for the three gods to appear only few meters in front of them so suddenly. Hakkai's eyes widened and all his comrades got for a warning was the sudden slamming of brakes, a very un-clerical curse from Sanzo, and a split second later Gojyo found himself on the ground. Only then Hakkai came to think that probably things would have been easier for them if he hadn't avoided collision. Hakuryuu quickly turned back into his dragon form and cursed silently. All sympathy for Homura disappeared instantly. The man had the poorest timing possible in all spaces. There was amusement in Homura's eyes but it disappeared quickly when he saw Mei.
“You are bleeding! What has happened?” he asked horrified. Mei shrugged.
“Not anymore, Hakkai fixed me already. We had a rough morning.” Then the gaze in her eyes got intensified.
“What you have done to Laoghaire?” she demanded.
Homura blinked and looked at Shien and Zenon. Their baffled expressions told him that either of them had no idea what Mei was talking about. But she for sure had the expression of someone grievously wronged.
“Who is Laoghaire?” he asked. Now it was Mei's turn to blink and a tiny smile crept into her face. It was only dulled by the nagging worry for Laoghaire. If not Homura, then who? Sanzo, however, wasn't reassured that easily.
“Laoghaire is Mei's dead friend. Her spirit appeared earlier this day. Dead people don't come back very often and you are our prime suspect.” He aimed to Homura's head. “What the fuck is the big idea?” Suddenly Homura felt very cold and he could feel the subtle change of the air. The edge he felt from Shien and Zenon told him they had thought the exactly same thing.
“There are other gods too,” he mused and smiled bitterly. He had already suspected something, they had taken his great escape too quietly but this was low even for them.
“And you are the only one messing with our mission. Why should we believe you?” Sanzo asked. He hated manipulative people, Hakkai excluded and using Mei's feelings of friendship and guilt like that was low. The same play Kami-sama had played with Gojyo. As well someone could call Kanan's ghost or… Not there, he scolded himself. And Mei was disturbed. She had taken Homura's words from face value. He was their adversary. She should get a better grip of herself.
“And how am I supposed to even know who Laoghaire is? It hasn't even been a week since I came to know Rinrei is alive,” Homura stated. There was always the “you are a god” but he didn't think any of Sanzo party would play that card. They had opinions of gods' almightiness.
“So you deny that you know anything about Lao?” Mei asked and let her mind reach towards Homura. It had a” bad move” written all over it but she had to be sure.
“I don't know anything about her,” Homura said calmly. He felt Mei reaching and reached back. And then they just stared each other unable to do anything else. Mei felt embarrassed. It shouldn't have felt that nice.
“Quit the staring match!” Sanzo snapped and that ended the spell. Mei turned her gaze and Homura couldn't resist a small content smile. Sanzo gave Mei an evil glare.
“What the hell kind of stunt that was?” he asked. Mei shook her head.
“I was only trying to read his mind,” she said defensively.
“Feel free anytime you want,” Homura said cryptically. Mei blushed barely noticeably. It wasn't progressing nicely at all.
“Bad move,” Sanzo stated bluntly. Mei sighed but she didn't have any time to voice her agreement. Now she could feel the cold foreboding prickling that knew trouble.
“Uh, I feel another attack coming,” she said. Sanzo gave her a sharp glance.
“But it isn't Homura?” Goku asked and looked Homura suspiciously. As far as he was concerned Homura could do anything. Mei shook her head absent-mindedly and loaded her gun. Gojyo summoned his shakujoku and Hakkai just smiled his unnerving smile. Now he was actually grateful that Homura had come; he wasn't sure they could have handled another shikigami group. For sure they couldn't rely on a dead woman they didn't even know how she had come back.
Zenon looked at Rinrei-turned-Mei and gave her a dashing smile.
“Bad problems?” he asked cockily. Mei frowned slightly and Zenon had to give Homura credit for good taste: still a looker, obviously still good-hearted and now enough of a bad-ass to stood her ground.
“No shadow-shikigamis, this feels more like a random attack,” she said quietly. “But I still feel like this will indirectly cause us troubles. Especially for me. Heck.” Zenon wouldn't admit it but he was very impressed.
“Neat trick,” he said.
“You think I'm here because of my outstanding fighting skills?” Mei asked in turn. “Think again.” That all had made Homura frown.
“You should stand aside,” he said. Mei was already looking like a wreck and he didn't want her to endanger herself anymore but Mei just shook her head.
“I'm not that bad. I can carry my own weight,” she insisted. What she wanted was a bath and a nice, long nap but she wouldn't admit that in front of Homura.
“She fights,” Sanzo told. He still hated to be ignored.
“I really could do with less popularity,” Mei muttered under her breath.
“Haaah! Finally the Sanzo party we have been searching for!” A rough voice interrupted the conversation. They turned their heads to look at the group of youkai misfits above them. The group wasn't very big, only twenty youkais. One with blue tattoos frowned and looked his leader.
“Are you sure those are the infamous Sanzo party? There are too much of them,” he asked. The leader punched him.
“Of course they are, idiot. There is a Sanzo priest, right?” Sanzo gave Mei a sceptical look.
“Are you sure there will be trouble?” he demanded and gave their enemies disdainful look. Mei bit her lip. The sense of foreboding was just getting worse.
“There will,” she stated nonchalantly. The youkai group leader's patience had worn thin by then. He attacked, his men attacked with him and the fight was practically over immediately. Mei had voiced her intent to defend herself but Sanzo fired, Hakkai shoot a chi blast and when Goku Gojyo, Homura and his companions had casually joined the fight she didn't have the time or room to shoot even once before there was only one enemy standing. An enemy who against all youkai customs used such modern human weapons like explosives. Like Yaone, Mei thought dimly. The man had just managed to light the dynamite and was obviously scared out of his wits. He screamed and flung the dynamite blindly at Mei. Mei jumped away but the only direction she could jump to was towards the edge of the cliff. She knew then how it would end but she had to get away from the explosion. It came when Mei couldn't get any further. Mei heard the painful sound and felt the stone under her feet slide nauseatingly. She fell behind and saw the beautiful, greyish sky. Then she felt arms around her and Homura's face blocked her view and they fell together.
The worst part of it was, Yaone thought, that she was an apothecary. An youkai apothecary and a good one too. She was well educated and knew aphrodisiacs as well as poisons. She also had a conscience not loose enough to actually use any of those. But it still came to her mind at times. Any potion couldn't create true unconditional love out of thin air but lord Kougaiji already liked her. A bit of something that would make him aroused and another bit of something that would make him sensitive to people's feelings around him. Except that even that wouldn't be true love but artificial and it would disappear should she stop drugging his meals. At times Yaone thought that it wasn't his conscience that kept her from doing it but her greediness. She wanted the real thing or nothing at all. Also there was this quiet voice nagging that drug-induced love was something Jienyi would have done. It made her sick.
“Well, Yaone, what do you say?” Dokugakuji asked. Yaone blinked and tried to recall what the topic of conversation had been. Something about dinner?
“I think horseradish is good,” she tried. Dokugakuji stared her.
“Uh, it was about Sanzo party,” he helped. Yaone blushed.
“Sorry. I think I spaced out for a second,” she mumbled. Kougaiji gave her a worried look.
“Are you sure you are all right?” he asked. He knew that sometimes Yaone pushed herself too hard, especially if Mei had shown great endurance or courage. It felt warming that she would do so much for him but he remembered how Yaone had attempted to stab herself and it gave him chills. Devotion that bone deep was not a good thing. She would not die for him if he could help it. Yaone smiled to him brightly. Her lord's concern made her feel special and treasured.
“I am well,” she assured Kougaiji. “I might be a good idea to give them this day but we should approach tomorrow. We can't be on the run forever and Homura won't wait very much before appearing again, I'm sure.”
“Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!” Lirin chirped and clapped her hands. Kougaiji nodded.
“It is decided then,” he said solemnly.
I think I should begin to cook for us,” Yaone said and stood up. She brushed her new garment. Unlike the male member of the party and rather boyish Lirin she cared for what she looked like even in the middle of nowhere. Especially if lord Kougaiji were there. Kougaiji gave her approving look.
“Have you new clothes?” he asked. Yaone blushed slightly.
“Yes, I have,” she admitted. Kougaiji smiled.
“They look good on you. They are the same colour mine are. It's nice.” Yaone hold her breath and tried to look calm. Could lord Kougaiji really mean…
“Oh, really?” she asked casually.
“Like we were a brother and a sister,” Kougaiji continued. Yaone felt sudden stab in her chest but she smiled. What else she could have done. Dokugakuji looked away and felt sorry for her. He really should talk to lord Kougaiji about Yaone's infatuation. He hurt her without any intention or even knowing it.
“Do you think Sanzo is okay?” Lirin asked and grabbed her brother's shirt. Kougaiji smiled her reassuringly and ruffled her hair.
“I'm sure they are all okay. They can take care of themselves.”
Mei felt her head throbbing. She was tempted to fall back into unconsciousness but her instincts insisted otherwise. She didn't need anyone to tell her what might happen to unconscious person in a battlefield so she forced her lids open and closed them again whimpering softly. The light hurt. Whom did we lose to, she asked herself. She couldn't remember. Someone touched her temples and the pain was dulled. Hakkai, she thought and leaned to the touch, it feels nice.
“Are you awake?” someone asked. It wasn't Hakkai. Or anyone else of their party. She opened her eyes immediately and it hurt less then. Homura's worried face hovered above hers. Mei closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“What are you doing here? What did you… do to us?” she asked. Talking was hard. Her mouth felt so dry. Homura looked slightly hurt and Mei felt irrationally guilty.
“I saved you after you fell. Don't you remember the attack?” he asked. Mei tried to think straight and found it greater effort than she could have believed.
“Uh, shikigamis?” It was the only thing she could come up with. Still she had a nagging suspicion that it hadn't been that.
At least she remembers what day this is, Homura thought. Mei was dirty and bruised, her hair was damp with her own blood and Homura didn't think he had ever seen anything as fragile-looking. He felt anger towards gods who would appoint her to the impossible mission and Konzen and his comrades for allowing it. Her little soft Rinrei. Except she wasn't so soft anymore. Soft was an adjective he automatically connected to Mei but when he had carried her he had felt her muscles, hard even when she was unconscious.
“How are the others?” Mei asked. She didn't know what Homura wanted but if her friends only were all fine she would let everything else pass.
“They were alright when I dived after you,” Homura answered and Mei tilted her head to look up. She regretted it almost immediately as a wave of nausea hit her. She groaned and Homura touched her head again. The pain was dimmed again.
“You have only been unconscious half an hour or so. They will come to get us. I don't think you should move, you have got a concussion and I'm not very good at healing,” he said and looked at Mei with slight awe. “You are beautiful,” he said. It took several minutes for Mei to register his comment. At first it didn't make sense at all.
“I'm covered with slime and dust and I have a bad hair day,” she stated. Homura shook his head.
“Not that. You,” he said. It actually made sense to Mei and she felt alarmed. She should try and talk sense to Homura but she didn't feel like being up to it so she only relied to him and hoped someone else she could rely on would come. Even Kougaiji would do. The better she understood Homura the worse.
“Do you think you could find a pond or stream? I would simply love to clean myself,” she found herself saying and winced. She should keep her mouth if she was only about to say idiocies like that. But Homura was considering it.
“I'm sure I would but you are in no condition to bathe alone now. You might drown.” He looked up and hoped briefly that it would rain soon. Then Mei could just strip down and let the droplets wash the dirt away and he could turn over without having to worry for her well-being. Mei knit her brow. There was something amiss and she had no idea what. Then it hit her.
“Are you alright?” she asked even though she knew the answer.
“Yes, it takes a lot more than a little fall to harm me,” Homura answered as casually as he could. Mei was worried for him. Strangely familiar peace was finding its way to his mind. Homura banished odd thoughts of staying in the woods with Mei firmly. He didn't have it as bad as to not recognise a ridiculous idea when he came up with it.
“Are you comfortable?” he asked. Mei shook her head.
“Not really, but as comfortable as possible, I assume.” Then they were both silent, not knowing what to say. It made Homura sad. It didn't used to be that difficult and he had thought things were complicated in Heaven. Homura didn't tell that his heart had almost stopped when the dynamite had exploded. He didn't need to, Mei only chose not to acknowledge it. Eventually the burning in Mei's throat got the better of her and she broke the spell.
“I'm thirsty,” she whispered. Homura felt stupid for not having thought of it but being a god made understanding human needs difficult. And Mei wasn't a goddess. It too was hard to remember.
“We'll find that stream,” he said.
Mei chewed her lower lip and glared Homura warily.
“I don't need you,” she said firmly. It was more Sanzo's style than hers but she felt like it. Homura ceased an eyebrow.
“Good. I don't need you either,” he said. Mei didn't bother pointing out that he was obviously lying. Homura was already carrying her further into woods when he suddenly felt distant tingling in his mind. He narrowed his eyes and was shocked to find out that his hands trembled a bit. He wasn't afraid for himself but for Mei so he would not be overcome by his uncertainty.
“We have a problem,” he said. Mei turned her head looking around.
“I don't feel like it,” she said. “Though I more often don't notice than I do. What is it?” She kept her voice low and banished the thought of being indebted to Homura. Now she just wanted to make it alive till the next day.
“It seems that Heavenly Emperor has eventually got enough of people playing havoc with his plans. The gate was open for a second and I am certain that something went through.” For one insane moment Mei thought that gods were coming to her rescue and almost panicked. Then she realised that if they couldn't bother personally for the whole humankind but saw it better to send them, they for sure weren't there to rescue one human woman. It was just about Homura. She knew it was stupid but she still felt insulted.
“What will we do?” she asked. Homura considered the accidental offer for a second.
“They won't be here today, whoever they are. We'll get the water for you and return you to your comrades and I'll take care of this.” Mei snorted rather inelegantly.
“Then why are you so worried?” she asked bluntly.
“Just in case it's someone who is competent enough to find me during this day. And it's not likely. After Tenpou's death the army has been too dependant of the Toushin Taishi and now they don't have one. Still you need to know what you have to be ready to do if things turn out badly.” Homura sighed inwardly. Rinrei had been as sweet as they came but she had still had the will of stone and Mei hadn't lost one ounce of it.
“What is it?” Mei asked and reached for the gun. Homura had found it for her, she realised.
“You need to run. Or walk away if you can't run yet.” Mei was silent for a heartbeat. Then her eyes flared.
“As if!” Then she jumped back to Homura's earlier words. “More like Kanzeon Bosatsu's plans. Though I don't know whether I'm more or less afraid because of that.” Homura stopped walking, trying to make some sense of that.
“I believe that we have got communication problems,” he said eventually. Mei smiled dryly.
“That just begged to be said, didn't it?” she answered.
“They are all cute and cosy, I see.”
“Wasn't that your big idea? You are only sulking, great Kanzeon.”
“I'm not that bad. She was being unreasonable.”
“If you say so.”
Gojyo muttered something unintelligent and tried to find a better footing. At first Shien and Zenon had said that Homura would be back soon no doubt. When time run and he didn't appear Hakkai had pointed out that probably Homura was waiting for them to get down because there was no guarantee that Mei could be moved. His voice was strained and Gojyo knew that there was no guarantee that she was even alive. Except faith in Homura's abilities and Gojyo really didn't want to point that out.
“Have you noticed that our days keep getting longer and longer?” Hakkai asked and his smile was oddly tired.
“Our nights too,” Gojyo responded. His body was aching and he felt he needed nice, long and above all uninterrupted sleep.
“Get your mind out of gutter, erokappa,” Goku said somewhat tiredly.
“You get your mind out of it! I didn't refer sex!” Sanzo only snorted and glared Shien and Zenon. They seemed like they weren't quite sure should they laugh or not. And they kept climbing.
Gojyo looked Hakkai, who was climbing faster than anyone, even Goku or two gods whose day had been lot easier than theirs. He was worried and Gojyo tried to banish the ugly disappointment from his mind. So what if Hakkai liked Mei? The poor guy deserved a second chance if someone. It had already been four years and he had begun to worry that his friend would never get over Kanan. Hakkai even had chances because there was no way someone as sweet as Mei would go with Homura. Maybe he thought some very uncalled way about Hakkai but his chances were nonexistent. Hakkai simply didn't swing that way.
“I'm sure Mei is okay,” he said. Because no matter what they could say about Homura he wouldn't let Mei get hurt. The way he was circling around Mei, checking in, leaving but never for long… Gojyo almost pitied the poor guy. Almost.
“I know,” Hakkai said. “But still we would better find them before any other group of misfits finds them.” He looked Hakuryuu who was circling above them. “Hakuryuu, you might fly to find them and then guide us to them,” he continued. Hakuryuu chirped firmly and took his leave.
“Take it easy. It will be fine,” Gojyo assured Hakkai again. Hakkai turned his head to answer but then it dawned to him that Gojyo sounded really strained.
“I think so too. Don't worry,” he said to put his friend's mind at ease but he was wondering the whole time. He knew Gojyo better than anyone and he might have sworn that he didn't care for Mei more than like he would have cared for a kid sister. But he was so tense now and only people involved even indirectly in that conversation were Mei, Homura and himself.
Perspective is a funny thing. Once you accidentally turn around you see things in new light. Part of it is than you can't go back seeing them in the old light. Because it is gone for good then.
“I see,” he said quietly. He looked at Sanzo who seemed more than little annoyed and he realised that Sanzo had known all the time. Of course he hadn't said or done anything. Sanzo's solid opinion was that if a person couldn't see what was in front of him he deserved whatever was in store for them for their idiocy. Hakkai really hoped that someday that attitude would come back to bite Sanzo. So he would be a bit more human and remind him of his own inhumanity a bit less. But now he had to worry about Gojyo. Was he really selfish enough?
“I fear I am,” he said aloud. Sanzo rolled his eyes. Some people just had to make such a fucking soap opera out of it.
“About the damn time,” he said.
“Thank you for your concern,” Hakkai replied. A tiny sting there. Gojyo looked Hakkai, Sanzo and Hakkai again and tried to figure out what they were talking about.
“Rriight!” he said. The question wasn't voiced so Hakkai didn't answer.
“And now we will concentrate on Mei,” Sanzo said in a voice that wouldn't surer any further distractions. Zenon looked at Shien and they shared the same thought. How on earth that mismatch made in Heaven of a band was still alive? The group dynamics were so unstable and delicate they should shatter at the slightest punch.
“Move faster, pervy kappa! You are slowing us down,” Goku told and Gojyo snarled. Shien shrugged elegantly. There had to be some sense in it. He couldn't see it but it didn't mean it wouldn't exist.
“Kanzeon Bosatsu,” he sighed. Se couldn't keep things simple.
“Where?” Zenon asked and turned his head. Shien smiled to him fondly.
“Behind the scenes,” he answered.
“Tell us something new,” was Sanzo's reply.
Mei was sitting in cold water and trying to get her hair clean without soap. Her wet and relatively clean clothes were hanging on a tree branch nearby and Homura was keeping an eye on their surroundings in case there was more youkais around. Or those mysterious people that were after him. Mei in turn kept watching Homura, making sure that he didn't turn to peek. The whole idea of Homura peeking was somewhat ridiculous but she wasn't about to take chances. And she kept talking. Silence made her really hear Homura and she didn't want to.
“Why Lao could touch Sanzo but not me?” That really bothered her. Homura considered that for a second.
“Probably because he is Sanzo and you are rather inexperienced when it comes dealing with afterlife,” he answered. Mei smirked.
“Like Sanzo would have any experience. He won't even read Sutras to the dead. He says it's waste of time because they can't hear. He doesn't have one romantic bone in his body,” she said. But probably being Sanzo really meant something. Or then Sanzo had used sheer willpower. He had it more than one person should be allowed.
“That sounds like Konzen all right,” Homura said amused. Mei sighed quietly.
“He isn't really Konzen any more, you know. No more than…” She bit her tongue but it was late.
“No more than you are Rinrei?” Homura continued. He had a feeling it should have hurt more.
“Yes. I'm not Rinrei but Mei.” Mei had no idea what else to say. Homura almost turned to look her into eyes but realised then what he was doing. He turned back chains jingling softly.
“I'm not only in love with you because you used to be Rinrei. I love you because you are Mei.”
That sucker-punched Mei. Hard. She felt she could cry is she wasn't careful.
“Don't say things you don't mean!” she shouted. Her chest hurt. Homura winced but stood his ground.
“I mean it,” he said evenly.
“You don't even know me!” Mei argued. He didn't and he had no right to say things like that.
“I have known you three days,” he said. Mei smiled sarcastically.
“Uh huh. Point proved.”
“No, it isn't. Have you ever heard of love at first sight?” Homura asked gently.
“I don't believe in love at first sight,” Mei exclaimed firmly. Homura shook his head.
“I do. It was love at first sight with Rinrei and its love at first sight with you.” He tilted his head and waited for Mei's reply. It didn't come. “I'm sorry,” he said.
“You should be,” Mei said tiredly. Homura turned but Mei didn't care. She hugged her knees. No more sentimental crap, she begged silently. I'll never forgive you if you make me cry.
“Am I really that horrible?” Homura asked. That should have hurt more too but Mei's exhaustion was rubbing off on him, leaving only dull ache.
“That from someone who is scheming to destroy the whole world? Couldn't you even do with conquering it like any villain?” Mei's voice made Homura step back.
“I'm not doing it for naughty! The new world will be free and innocent with no prejudices,” he argued but it sounded futile even to him.
“Oh, I'm sure that will make the world feel a great deal better! You are doing it for revenge and you don't care about hurting people any more than other gods!” Mei shouted back.
“I'm sorry,” Homura said again.
“You should be,” Mei said again and stood up and went to get her clothes.
“What shall we do?” Homura asked.
Li Touten had a bad feeling about it. Choosing Konzen, Tenpou and their stupid sidekicks might have been just an attempt to gather some good Karma for them. Emperor knew that they needed it but throwing Rinrei and therefore Homura into mix made it a devious plan. Homura, the fighting doll who refused to be a doll, who had the power to make gods. He should have expected something like that from the merciless bitch that went by the title Merciful Goddess. Now it was almost too late to try and stop hir. The stone was rolling already and Li Touten had a nasty feeling that what he was doing was playing for Kanzeon Bosatsu but he honestly had no idea what else he could do.
Mei was tying her shoes and glared at Homura. Well, it was worth a try.
“We could save the world and then get married and live happily ever after?” she proposed. And it was still cheesy like hell and gods still wouldn't approve but why would Homura care of that?
“All right,” he said. Somehow it seemed fit that Mei had been the one to propose him. Mei turned and stared him eyes wide and round.
“You can not be serious!”
Down on basement of a citadel a stone woman was dreaming of a god with golden hair. There was turmoil in the universe.