Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Reactions to a new member/Outcast ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Chapter one: Reactions to a new member/Outcast
Teito August nineteenth 1922
Ayame stops chuckling and cleans her throat. “I have to ask you few questions. You feel strong enough to answer then?” Ayame asks “Yes. Still hungry. But strong enough to do that.” Benji replies “I will ask more food for you.” Ayame says calling a nurse. After a quick chat the nurse retrieve the tray and walk away. “Well let's begin.” Ayame says sitting on a chair near of Benji bed. “Well ask me.” Benji says. Ayame nods “This is not the behavior of a spy or a criminal. He sounds cooperative and a nice man.” Ayame thinks “Well to begin with what is your name?” Ayame asks “Himura Benji. And you?” Benji says. Ayame blushes realizing that she haven't introduced herself. “Sorry. I am Fujieda Ayame.” She says “Nice to meet you.” Benji says. Ayame nods. Benji suppress a smile. After all he knows who she is. But he knows that it is not good to let her know. “Where is your home land?” Ayame asks “Brazil.” Benji replies “How old are you?” Ayame asks “Twenty one.” Benji answers “Where you got this watch?” Ayame asks “I bought it from a street vendor a couple of years ago.” Benji replies after she ends. “It was cheap but the watch is good.” Benji says. He knows that honesty is the best way to convince her. But he can't just give her everything. Evasive answers that held the truth are the best now. “How you entered in the imperial theater?” Ayame asks “It was an accident. I don't know how and what happened. When I woke I was there.” Benji replies with the truth. After all he doesn't know how he got there anyway. Ayame is confused. She is a good character teller and so far she is getting a good impression of Benji. All his answers sounded like truth and he answered quickly not breaking eye contact. That was more than enough to Ayame be sure that he is not lying. But she also knows that he is not telling her the entire truth. “Where you was hiding for the days before the attack?” Ayame asks “In the sewers.” Benji replies. “No wonder it got so infected.” Ayame says pointing to his shoulder. “It sounded like a good idea in the time. Being shot is not the best experience in the world and for sure don't help to think rationally.” Benji says. Ayame chuckles again. Benji honesty and his comments amuse her in the level of honesty in then. “How you did enter in Japan?” Ayame asks knowing that no one with that description has passed by the Tokyo harbor or Yokohama harbor. “I also don't know.” Benji replies. Ayame looks a bit down. But she knows that he is not lying. She keeps the questioning until the nurse return. She refuses when Benji offer her some food. And he eats in silence. She notices that he is not eating the natto and that in the first meal he also hasn't eaten it. “He must not like it. Wait a minute. He doesn't seem clumsy with the chopsticks and he dislikes natto.” Ayame says “By your name you cam from a Japanese family am I right?” Ayame asks “My grandfather is Japanese. I was raised with Japanese food and eating with chopsticks.” Benji answers. “I see.” Ayame says. “It is odd. I will ask some research on the Himura family.” Ayame thinks. They talk for a while and she leaves.
In Yoneda office.
“How it goes Ayame-kun?” Yoneda asks “Sir it went fine. He doesn't seem to be a threat but he claims to not know how he entered in the theater grounds.” Ayame says “What you think of him now?” Yoneda asks “Sir I think that he is a fine young man. He seems honest. And willing to help.” Ayame says “Your conclusion?” Yoneda says “I concluded that we should keep him under our watch until we know more. He does have spirit energy. But he is not aware of it.” Ayame says “In other words that attack ten days ago was a fluke?” Yoneda says “Yes. With training he might use it. But if left alone the consequences might be unpleasant.” Ayame says “Fine. He has the potential to pilot a koubu. As soon he is able to leave the hospital bring him here. We will have him in the hanagumi.” Yoneda says “Yes sir.” Ayame says saluting him “I will also order the tsukigumi to found more about him in the mean time.” Ayame adds “Do that.” Yoneda says.
In the hospital.
“Now I recall of using the lightning destruction fist. I am not sure if it was because I was with a high fever or something. But this is Sakura Taisen world. It is not impossible.” Benji says looking at his right hand. He sits in the Indian style and meditates. Using his previous ninjitsu training. With his closed eyes he can't see a faint metal blue aura around him. The aura sparks. From the metal in the room sparks jump to reach another metal. The air is charged with electricity. In the hospital random nurse calls are appearing. Lights fickle in an inconstant pattern. Benji stand his hand and try to focus there. The energy gathers over his hand and between his fingers forming a small ball in the middle of his open palm. The ball grows slowly as the room energy gathers there. It reaches the size of a large orange and stops. Pulsating in an unstable pattern, in the surface electricity sparks. Benji opens his eyes and he stare with awe the metal blue energy ball. “I did it!” Benji thinks in shock. “What I do now?” Benji thinks looking at the ball. He knows that he can't just release that energy. It will destroy things. He takes a deep breath and presses the ball against his stomach. Oddly he doesn't feel pain. He feels the energy running thru him and filling him with warmth as it flows on his veins. Soon the ball is totally gone. Benji sighs with pleasure as the energy flows. It was a pleasurable experience. And the pleasure slowly fades. Oddly Benji don't feel more pain. He removes his bandages and the wound is only a white mark on his skin. “It healed!” Benji shouts in shock. “The energy did more than just pleasure me! How?!” Benji thinks feeling the skin there. The skin over the wound is slight smoother than the rest.
Teito August twenty first 1922
Benji and Ayame leave the hospital. Benji is now wearing a black suit. “Where you got this?” Benji asks to Ayame. “I ordered in the tailor where Maria goes. It needs to be adjusted. But it is better than that gown.” Ayame says in a casual tone. “It sure it.” Benji says “It would look better with the tie.” Ayame says “I hate using ties. Sorry Ayame but I won't use it.” Benji says. Ayame smiles at him. She likes the way that he is. Very open and carefree. “Fine.” She says as she gives him his watch. He is more than glad to have it back. “What time is it?” Benji asks “Ten past noon.” Ayame says. Benji adjust the time. “Day and month?” Benji asks “August twenty first. And it is a Saturday.” Ayame answers. Benji finishes the adjust. “Thanks. I was lost in the week.” Benji says in a casual tone. Ayame chuckles again. Benji wraps the watch around his right wrist. Ayame notices it. She knows that usually people place the watches in the left. But she stays quiet. And they go to the theater. “Resuming everything you and your commander want me to join the hanagumi. Is that right?” Benji says “Yes. You need to learn how to use your new abilities and use then for the right cause.” Ayame says. Benji is not excited with the idea. After all until less than a week before that he was only a normal man who wrote fanfics on his free time. With some fighting experienced that consists mainly of beating up brawlers of his school and street punks. That ignoring the martial training that was more for exercise than to make him a real warrior. Even the thought of living under the same roof of ten very beautiful women that many men would kill or die for taking his place don't seen to attract him. He knows that on his own world many would sell the soul for his chance. He sighs knowing that the hanagumi holds the best chance of him returning or being killed. What happens first. “You don't seem very excited about the idea.” Ayame says “You will be living with the most attractive women in the Japan. Expending many hours and days with then since they almost don't leave the theater. Men would kill for that chance. You are healthy young man and they are healthy young women. Think of the possibilities.” Ayame adds giving him more reasons to be happy. “That is the problem. I can return in any moment. If I fall in love her it will only lead to more pain to me. Ciel was enough.” Benji thinks recalling his to thee favorite hanagumi girls Maria, Kanna and Sumire. Followed by Sakura, Reni and Orihime. “I can't picture me and Kohran together.” Benji thinks “Orihime is pretty, but she is not exactly my favorite type of girl. She is too spoiled and proud for my taste.” Benji adds to his thoughts. “I am sure that even if I were interested to date one of then Maria would kill me. After all she shot me three times and I tossed a knife on her. That is not a way to start a romance.” Benji thinks letting out a sigh. “What is on your mind?” Ayame asks “I need to learn Japanese.” Benji says his cheap but yet true excuse at her. “That is true. Taking out Maria and me no one else talks English. And I am sure that no one talks Portuguese.” Ayame says. “Don't worry. You seem to have a reasonable base. And I can sense that you will learn it fast.” Ayame says. Benji looks by a window of they steam car. Bem pelo menos minha família sempre disse que eu tinha talento para linguas. Benji says in Portuguese sighing. “Nani?” Ayame says confused. “I said `At least my family always told me that I had talent to languages.'” Benji says in English. “Well that will make easier. But until you cal talk it is better you say your needs to me or to Maria.” Ayame says “If she doesn't kill me because of that knife.” Benji says “She won't. You didn't mean to kill or give her any permanent injuries. I am sure that she understands. I think that in your position in that moment I wouldn't be so thoughtful about the well being of my enemy.” Ayame says “They weren't my enemy. It was only a misunderstanding.” Benji replies. “I know. But in those circumstances it wouldn't matter. After all she shot you three times.” Ayame says “It was a life or death situation.” She adds “Still no reason to kill her.” Benji says unconsciously rubbing his right shoulder. “But it was quite impressing what you did two days ago.” Ayame states recalling of the report of the event “How you did it?” Ayame asks “I don't know. I tried to focus and happened.” Benji says recalling of his actions regretting to do it in a hospital where many lives depend of electricity that keeps the machines working. “If you did so easily I am sure that with the training you will be a great fighter.” Ayame says in a happy tone. “More merrier. After all with more members better is the chance of Teito surviving the darkness.” She adds in her thoughts.
In the theater a half hour later.
Ayame and Benji enter on the theater lobby. Benji looks at it impressed. “It is different from the one that I pictured. Far more beautiful.” Benji thinks. Ayame walks ahead of him telling that he would be introduced to the others in the briefing room. Benji looks at the halls making a mental map of the theater. Wanting or not he will need it. Ayame keeps saying of how good is to have a new member trying to cheer up the dark young man. They arrive in the briefing room. There he meets the hanagumi all wearing they uniforms. Benji can easily see the surprise on they eyes and faces. The introductions are done and taking out Iris, Kohran and Sakura that shot question after question at Benji the hanagumi walk away. “I thought that her ass was beautiful in the anime. In real life it is even better.” Benji thinks stealing a look at Maria as she walks away from him. “He doesn't speak Japanese girls. So he can't even understand what you all are saying.” Ayame says to the trio. “Gomen nasai.” Benji says apologizing. “He knows just a bit of Japanese. But not enough to talk with us.” Ayame says to the trio and to the members of the hanagumi that are reaching to the door. “Because of that until he learns enough to talk with you girls Maria and I will be translating his English.” Ayame says. As the others Benji notices that Maria shoulders shock just a bit by a small instant. “I will do what I am ordered to do.” She says in Japanese. Benji don't understand the words but he catches the meaning. “You don't need to be around me if you don't want to. I will ask to Ayame not order you to be around me and help me.” Benji says. Maria easily picks the emphasis in the not. “I don't want anyone to be forced to do anything that involves me.” Benji adds. Maria shrugs and walks away. Ayame sighs knowing that Maria doesn't trust on Benji and that connivance will be hard. With Ayame help Benji answers some of the questions of the trio. But he keeps secret of the knife sheath that was made of plastic and a special steel/titanium/carbon fiber alloy, his watch and gives a background story from one of his fics. Yoneda gives back to Benji his knife and says to him that in the next day Benji would have to sworn an oath in a small ceremony before being a true member of the teikoku kagekidan. Sometime later Ayame escorts Benji to an empty room. “I am sorry for Maria behavior. I think...” She doesn't trust me.” Benji says cutting Ayame sentence. “I noticed.” Benji adds. “I am sorry. I guess that she is not over that incident yet.” Ayame says in a slight sad tone. “There is nothing to apologize. At least not you two. I will apologize for her later. After all I did break her fingers with that stunt.” Benji says in an honest tone. “And she shot you. I think that you two are even. But I won't force anything. It would make everything worse.” Ayame adds. Benji nods agreeing. “Maybe there is hope yet.” Benji thinks. “Tomorrow after you take the oath we will go shop for you some clothes and others personal items that you will need. I am sure that you will be pleased in using that suit everyday.” Ayame says “You can bet on that.” Benji says “At least I was able to restrain a part of the sentence that would for sure ruin the small bit of trust that Ayame got on me. `You can bet your pretty ass on that.' It would for sure kill my chances of trust with her.” Benji thinks “I need to restrain my instincts. I am on 1920's. People here and specially women are not like in my time. I can't just go talking things like this.” Benji adds to his thoughts with a sigh. “How I suffered in Time warrior because of this kind of thing.” He adds thinking of one of his fics. “At least there I have a chance to return. Not like this time.” Distracted on his thoughts Benji don't see Ayame stopping in front of a room. He walks forward and he crash on her. Being far taller and heavier than Ayame Benji's momentum was more than enough to make then fall. In the fall Ayame grabs Benji by reflex. And the young man spins then in the mid air. They hit the ground making a loud noise. Benji hit the ground first with his back. In the fall he managed to spin and make Ayame falls on top of him so she wouldn't get hurt. “You should pay more attention when walking Benji-kun.” Ayame says not noticing the compromising situation of then. She is hugging Benji by the neck and he is holding her by the waist and she is straddling him with his hips between her legs. “Sorry.” Benji says in English “I was lost in thoughts.” Benji says before realize that the face of the Fujieda woman is really close of his and they position. “Reality is weirder than fics.” Benji thinks feeling his cheeks burn. “Ayame-san I think that you should get up now.” Benji says unwrapping his arms from her waist. Ayame realize they position and blush too but she gets up. Benji get up too “Sorry for this.” Benji says looking away. “It is okay. It was an accident. Right Benji-kun?” Ayame says adding a large dose of teasing on her question “Of course it was!” Benji almost shouts his answer. Ayame chuckles with his reaction “So I am not attractive enough to you take me into the ground?” Ayame says in a clearly fake hurt tone “Not that you aren't attractive. But I am not so forward.” Benji says trying to found his way out of that situation. He is aware that Ayame likes to tease and that situation is for sure something that she will tease him for. After all she is already doing. “I believe in you.” Ayame says “Just don't get in accidents like this with the girls. I am sure that they will not be so easy on you.” Ayame says placing a key on his hand and walking away “Ja ne Benji-kun.” She says moving down the hall “Nice rear.” Benji thinks looking her walking away. Benji shakes his head trying to remove the hentai images of his electronic doujinshi collection “I don't need a visual!” Benji thinks as the many hentai images flash on his mind. Beginning with Maria passing by the entire hanagumi, Iris included and ending on Ayame. “I think that by my time here I will understand how bad was to Keitaro live on the Hinata-sou. I hope if my stay hears ends like his I have gained his immortality.” Benji mutters in English before slipping into his room. “I am regretting not having that making out with that girl in the party before I `left'. Now I will suffer because my delay.” Benji says in Portuguese. “Ten beautiful women in the same house that I live and my polluted mind that is the recipe of much trouble.” Benji adds tossing himself in the bed. “I guess that this room will get familiar to me.” Benji mutters in Portuguese. He scans the empty room. “At least this is more or less as I pictured.” Benji thinks seeing the room. He can't help in recalling of the episode five of the Sakura Taisen TV series where it shows Iris room. “Bland, empty and cold. But it is larger than my bedroom. But I will need to sleep in a bed again. Have been sometime since my last time in a bed.” Benji thinks he places the key in a night stand and tries to get some sleep half hoping to be in his home when he wakes.
In Yoneda office
Ayame is in front of Yoneda that is sited on his chair. “So he will blend?” Yoneda asks to Ayame “I think that given the proper time he will. Honestly I like of him.” Ayame says “Well then he must be good.” Yoneda says looking at her “I don't mean in skills. But there is something on him that inspires me to trust on him.” Ayame says “It may be feminine intuition. But I think that he will be helping us in this crisis.” She adds “I hope so. And how Maria will react?” Yoneda says “She is still suspicious. That is normal. But I can't say for sure that she will trust on him. That is up to him. But I guess that asking to not order Maria to stick around him was a good beginning.” Ayame says “I think that too. But let's see what happens now.” Yoneda says. Ayame nods and walks to her desk to prepare some Japanese lessons to the new member of the hanagumi.
In Benji room (Benji POV)
There is no use. I can't fall on sleep during the day. I am not like the rest of my family. They can sleep in any time during the day. I can't. If I sleep during the day I will stay awake in the night. I can't do anything. I don't know Japanese. I can't chat with anyone. Well I could try talking to Maria. But by the look on her eyes she will shot me down. Literally. I already bugged Ayame enough for the day. Being trapped in another time is hard especially when you don't speak the language of the place where you are trapped. At least I will have some real experience in that to place on time warrior. Hey what will happen with my fics? With my college and everything? Being trapped here prevents me from doing lots and lots of things. I sit in the bed leaning my back in the head of the bed. I will have to fight by the hanagumi now. I sigh I can't help in recalling Maria word to me few days ago. “Benji you are too violent. I know that you are usually a calm guy. But you are really a time bomb. You have so much anger inside you just waiting a something to trigger it. And when it does it is not pretty. Forgive me for saying this, but you are too savage and violent. I know that Ciel gets violent in her period. But that is it. One time in a month. You only need have an excuse. Usually people keep the anger bottled up and then it release it and that is over. The anger is gone. With you the anger is never gone. You only have to think about your father or something else that piss you that the anger is there ready to burn and making you ready to beat someone. And beat hard. Everyone knows it. We also know that you have a huge patience and that is hard to anger you. But when you get angry it is not something nice to see. I still remember that the reason that you and your brother stop fighting was because you broke his ankle in a fight. Then you two saw how strong you two where. Honestly Benji I am not like Lisa. I don't want to be around when you unleashes all that anger that you have. Because I know if I saw you like that I will not like it and I might end hating you. And I don't want to hate you.” Hearing those words hurt. Especially when they come of a person that you consider a sister. But I can't blain her. She is right. But I also recall my blood line. I am part Arab, part Japanese and part Brazilian by blood. Violence is in my blood. After all those three races fought many wars. And I know for sure that in the five hundred years of Brazil many of then passed in wars. “Violence is in my blood.” I say in loud in Portuguese. Every human have violence in his or hers blood. The human history was rocked by wars. The most notable features of the human race came after wars. Resuming we are natural born warriors with the violence inside us. I am not exception. I am the rule. I look at my watch. Only four hours have passed since I arrived in this theater. This place is worse than the EAFST. Boring `till death. I get up and I pace around the room. I feel like a fresh caged wild feline. I know that the door isn't locked. But I am not up to trying to making friends with the hanagumi. Because if I do parting will hurt me. I open the window and a gush of fresh air enters in the room. Very pure when comparing to the air of my time and my home city. The sun is moving to the west. Are four and an half in the afternoon. The sun is in a pleasant warmth. I look down my room have a view to the street. I grab the window frame. Shoving my small fear of highs in the depths of my mind I pull myself upwards and climb my way to the roof. I recall from the OVA series that this was a common hang out spot for the hanagumi in the hot summer days. I walk by the roof trying to found the better spot for lie down. I found it near of the attic. It has the shade of the attic and it is being hit by the cool breeze. I am like a cat. Good to found the most comfortable place in anywhere that I go. I lie in the roof feeling a pleasant warmth of the sun heated material passing by the fabric of my pants and shirt. I place my hands behind my head to support my head and I just stay there hearing the noises of the city. Far away and slightly muffled by the walls I can hear the hanagumi singing. For sure rehearsing for a play. I can't help on smiling at the thought. I reach to my pant right pocket and I pick up my butterfly knife. I careless play with it opening and closing it just hearing the sound of the metal brushing against metal hearing the slight exciting and slight scary sound of the metal. I stop holding the blade open and I look at myself reflected in the mirror like blade. I see my eyes. They are no longer brown. Now they are blue. Not sky blue or dark blue. Metal blue. I smile at the thought recalling my shock when Ayame said that my eye color was pretty but unusual. When I said that they where brown she chuckled and gave me a mirror allowing me to see then. I freaked out. That was a big change. She laughed hard that morning. Now I got used. Maybe is a way to show that I am bonded to my new powers. I also feel some anger. Ciel have blue eyes. Now I have blue eyes. I can't avoid feeling a bit angry. Ciel is my ex-girlfriend and my childhood friend. We dated for many years. And now this eye color recalls me of her. I close the knife and pocket it again. There is no use in opening old wounds. Well not so old. But now I have to adapt to this. I close my eyes. I can't hear the girls singing anymore. Or they are singing lower or the rehearse is over. But I wonder how my friends and my family are taking my disappearance. I mean I am not the kind of guy who leaves with out telling anyone where he is going. And I don't exactly go out much taking out to a friend house.
In the recreation room (Normal POV)
“I wonder when we will be able to talk with the new guy.” Kanna says in a slight excited tone. “As soon he learns to speak Japanese.” Sumire says in a tone full of venom directed to Kanna. Ogami notices that Maria is quieter than the usual. She is scratching the cast that is immobilizing her right hand and fingers. She is doing that absent minded looking out by a window. Iris and Sakura are playing with Jean-Paul. And Kohran is on her lab trying to build something. The shouts of Kanna and Sumire fill the air. Each member keep killing the time as they usually do trying to ignore the previous subject. During the dinner no ones comments at his absence. Ogami notices but he don't says anything. He also notices the trouble that she is having in eating with the left hand.
In the roof.
Benji is sleeping on the roof. The warm night cover him as a blanket. The cool breeze brush against his form careless playing with his hair. Hours later he wakes. He looks tired. “Damn. I can't believe on this.” He says looking at his watch. “I slept thru the afternoon. And now I know that I will not be able to sleep anymore.” He adds getting up. He skillfully moves to his room by the window. But back in there he faces again the same enemy that he faced hours before. The raw and powerful boredom. He removes his shoes and decides to walk around the theater. After all that is the better way to get used to the building and to expend some energy to get tired enough to fall on sleep. Used to wander on his own house in the night Benji have a rather good night vision. Being careful to memorize every turn and hall so he would know his way back Benji walks around building a mental map of the theater. He doesn't look around. After all in the darkness he won't be able to see the decoration. But he can make the outlines of furniture and door frames. He is distracted thinking about how he will live until returning. A hissing sound cuts his thoughts and he raises his left arm hardening his muscles. A loud thud echoes in the dark halls. Benji feels the sting of the pain on his forearm. He can see a long rod connected on his arm being held by a dark figure. Before the person can attack again Benji twists his arm grabbing the rod and with his right hand he grabs the attacker neck and slams him into a near wall. Two metallic sounds are heard. Benji feels a body warm barrel on his chest. But he is pressing his razor sharp butterfly knife against the back of the attacker neck. He can fire but the motion will cause the knife to cut the attacker neck severing the jugular. The sound of a hammer being pulled back is heard. “Ai uchi.” Benji says calmly. Is the only way in Japanese to him to say `if you kill me I kill you.' Outside a cloud moves away from the moon giving a bit of more light in the dark halls. “Maria?” Benji says recognizing his attacker. Her eyes also show surprise. But it quickly fades being replaced by anger.
End of the chapter one:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer.
Japanese glossary:
Nani: It can mean `what', `I don't get it' and other ways to ask what is happening or what you said.
Gomen nasai: Means I am sorry.
Ja ne: It can means see you later. Have others meanings too.
Ai uchi: A kendo term to a draw where the two fighters kill each other.
Portuguese glossary:
EAFST: Is the monogram of Santa Teresa federal agriculture school. In Portuguese. In the school we used to tease the school by changing a bit the monogram. FESTA It means party in Portuguese. Because most that students did there was go to the nearby city and get drunk.
Author notes P.S
I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. For the unedited version please go to:
For the edited version please go to:
I thank you all for the understanding. If sexual scenes offend you in any way I am giving you the option to chose a version with out explicit sexual content.