Samurai 7 Fan Fiction ❯ Why He Fell Silent ❯ Dreaming of Youth ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I in no way take credit for the creation or ownership of the Samuri 7 characters used in this fanfic.
The character of Kagero is loosly based on the character from Ninja Scroll. I love the name, and I love the idea of a stubborn, free willed, female warrior :)

Chaper One: Dreaming of Youth

"Kuyzo! Kuyzo don't pretend you don't hear me! It's time to come inside, you and Kagero can play more tommorow." his Mother's voice called.

"Shhh she won't be able to find us. You promised we'd sleep under the tree tonight" a young girls voice echoed in his mind. Shadows brought by twighlight spread out larger than reality would ever allow.

"KUYZO! You disrespect your Mother anymore and I'll make it so you won't be running off into the fields anytime soon!" his Father's voice boomed, making him cringe.

"I have to go Kagero, another time I promise." he called back as he ran towards home, turning back to see her form engulfed by darkness.

"Wake up Kyuzo! Our lord has a mission for us." the croaking of Hyogo's voice woke him from his dream. "A group of samuri have been causing the young master distress. Though nothing could ever be a challenge for you, perhaps it will get you out of the funk you've been in lately. Meet us at the front gates."

After dressing he proceeded to the meeting point. There were the ussual faces he was growing more sick of seeing by the day. Hyogo, once a decent friend, was now quickly becoming as intollerable as the merchants they worked for. Tessai, a man who clung stubbornly to the last bit of authority he had in Ayamaro's city since Ukyo had grown confident enough to give orders. Just like himself, Tessai would one day realize it would be easier to let go. The guards painted like goulish geisha and Ukyo's lackies rounded out his group of "co-workers". They stood around like a gaggle of geese, completely unaware they were being watched from afar.

"I can't take this, not today." Kyuzo thought to himself and walked ahead of group.

"You plan to go after them." Hyogo started up....

"I can't take this, not today! I spent all yesterday doing exercises with my Father because I listened to you the other night!" Kyuzo snapped at the girl pulling on his sleeve.

"I'm soooorrrrry ok!? Come on you can get one of your servants to fetch water, that's their job isn't it?" Kagero pleaded. She was tall for her age, her skin tanned from roaming the streets and fields of the town. Her ebony hair frizzed down her back. She wore an old kimono 2 sizes to large for her that should have been thrown out 2 children before her. Her eyes were striking though, golden and sparkling like the sun's reflection in a pool of water. Then again that regions inhabitants were known to have exquisite eye colors, just as Kyuzo's blood red eyes ran in his family.

"Father has ordered me to fetch the water for the entire week because of you! He says if I want to disobey him as his Son I will learn to obey him as his servant!"

"I didn't force you to hide with me! You're 8 years old and I'm only 6! How could I make you do anything? Plus are you willing to admit you were ordered around by a girl!" smirking at her last comment, she skipped ahead.

"No I would never take orders from you! I was just trying to keep my promise that's all." reaching the well he lowered the waiting pail into the depths, "Besides I'm the one teaching YOU the techniques my Father teaches my Brother's and I. So you should have more respect, I'm like your sensei and stuff." Kyuzo knew he'd hit a nerve.

"Hey it's not my fault all these stupid old men won't let me learn to fight! I'm supposed to be pretty, and quiet, and learn to serve tea, and.. and.. and IT JUST MAKES ME SOOOO MAD!" her scream echoed into nothingness down the well.

"Those "stupid old men" are Great Samuri Warriors! They have fought in the Great War and HONOR our town with their teachings." he tried he best to have the deep foreboding voice of his Father, "War is no place for Women!" That would certainly shut her up!

"You sound like a cricket with a sore throat!" Kagero burst out laughing. "Even Kanto has a stronger voice than you and he's as old as me!!"

"Shut UP! I have to get home before I'm in anymore trouble." pulling up the pail, he took the water and turned back down the path fists clenched, face red with rage. It was bad enough when the other boys in the village made fun of his high pitched, squeaky voice.

"I'm sorry sensei Hoarse Cricket have I made you mad?" Kagero teazed right on his heals to the garden gate.

"You know even when this week is over I don't think I'll teach you anything else. Go play with dolls with your friends or something!" Kyuzo snarled under his breath as he slammed the gate closed in her face. Too late to take it back he realized what he had said.

Kyuzo's family was much better off than most of the Warrior class. They owned several tracts of land they leased to the peasantry. They had servants to help his Mother around the home. His two eldest Brother's were generals in the armies, something Kyzo himself strove for. While carrying Kyuzo's younger brother, Kanto, on a walk one day, his Mother was charged by an ox. Though she escaped injury, Kanto was stepped on. The left side of his pelvis was crushed so severely he was crippled for life, and needed a cane to walk.
Their Father saw to it the peasant owner who had allowed the ox to stray would no longer make such mistakes. The beast's horns hung over the archway of the servants quarters, the peasant's hat impailed on one of them.To ensure his youngest son had a future, a tutor was hired to come from town and teach Kanto about economics. It was hoped Kanto would be able to keep their fortunes together when the rest of the males in the family were at war. A year younger than Kyuzo, Kanto was brilliant when it came to matters of money. During evenings the clicking of his abacus drove Kyuzo mad.

On the other hand Kagero was an orphan, her Mother died during her birth. Her Father hired a wet nurse who cared for her and followed his forces across battlefields with the other servants. When her Father was killed on the battle field the woman hired to care for her abandoned her with the only relatives she knew of. Kagero was three years of age.
She now lived with her drunken Uncle in a rented, run down shack in town. Her Aunt wasn't immune to the indulgence of sake either. There were rumors that she had forgotten to give their youngest infant a name, he just crawled around on the floor, undiapered. With no supervision the other eight children ran inproperly clothed, filthy, and wild about town. No respectable family would allow their own children to have anything to do with these deliquents, including Kagero who was simply lumped in with them.
Kyuzo's own Father often scolded him for wasting so much time with Kagero. Often his Father would curse Kagero's Uncle, stating if he would only give up his addictions he could be a land owner like himself. It was his Mother who had taken pity on the small girl when she first arrived. Even though wives were meant to be obedient to their husband's wishes, Kyuzo's friendship with the unfortunate child was something she wouldn't allow to be broken.

"Who will I play with? You know I don't have any dolls...." she began to sob quietly as she began walking away. With that his heart ached.

Hyogo was probably right, again. In no time he had found the peasant girl being escorted by a young samuri. He had been following them for blocks and this novice had yet to notice.

"When will you learn?" he scorned himself silently.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY" wheels screached, a horn cried out, and a car raced passed where his targets last stood. The dust cleared and there they stood, hand in hand.

"I told you I'd never let go of this hand." the novice spoke.

"Novice fool. This just gets worse!" Kyuzo thought.

He pursued them onward until they reached a more or less deserted area, "They'll lead me to the others shortly, may as well quietly finish them all off here and get this over with." he sighed reaching for his blades. Suddenly the hair on the back of his neck stood on end.

"What is this?"

"It looks like one found you!" the old samuri called out to him.

"Keep your arms level boy! How is any sword supposed to protect your life while hanging like a noodle from two chopstick arms!?" his Father barked at him, striking his shoulder with the willow switch.

"Your older Brother's were well ahead of you at this stage! One leads the army in it's push Southward, the other guards the Western path! With your skills you'd be lucky to serve a captain noodles without scalding him with the broth!!"

"Sorry Father." Kyuzo stammered.

"Don't apologize boy unless you plan to do something about it! Now strike! What was that!?? I've seen your Mother beat the dust out of the bedding with more force! Do it again!" his Father prattled on.

Finally after hours of yelling, his whole body ached. No part more than his shoulders lashed red by the willow switch. He wanted to go home, he wanted to sleep, but she was waiting. Besides he didn't want to hide the small parcel he carried with him anymore.

"That looks painful!" Kagero cried out jumping down from the branch she laid on, "What's your Father's problem anyways? He figures you'll be able to fight better crippled up or what?"

"He just wants me to better, any day now he may be called back into service." Kyuzo replied, laying back on the cool grass.

"You're the only one who has to spend the day recovering from training! None of the other boy's Father's lash them. I often watch them train, and never once have I seen it happen to any of them."

"You shouldn't be spying on people. Just drop it ok."

"Well really do you think if you lashed me I'd learn any better? I mean you're teaching me and I'm almost as good as you...."she continued ignoring him.

"I said drop it. Kagero please!" he clenched his eyelids tighter against the throbbing in his head.

"I'm just saying..." she replied, always needing the last word.

So they sat, listening to the birds calling, the insects buzzing past their ears, and the sounds of wheels rumbling along the road.

"Here, I was finally able to get it out here without anyone noticing." Kyuzo handed the small parcel towards Kagero.

"You really didn't have to I told you. I mean what did I get your for your birthday?" she stated pushing his hand and the present away.

"Well then I should just throw it out, not like there is anything I can use it for." he said slowly reaching to place it back in is pocket, full well knowing she couldn't resist now.

"What do you mean YOU have nothing to use it for? You are saying you'd go out and get me a present, after I told you not to, and it's something girly! You have some nerve Kyuzo!"

She snatched the gift back,

"You will look really stupid trying to pick this ribbon out of your nose! Or is it makeup!! When have I ever worn makeup! NEVER! You'll wear it before I do even if I have to break your knee caps to get you to hold still!!"

Tearing the paper away and flipping the box open she glared at him. Finally she looked down, and her jaw dropped.

"Oh my God! This is too much, you're going to get into trouble! I'm going to get into trouble if I'm caught with this!" Kagero stammered.

"Then don't get caught wtih it Kagero Sama." Kyuzo smirked back.

"This isn't fair you dolt! I could never afford to buy you anything like this! I live with my Uncle! I'm lucky if I get anything after his family is done eating! You need to take it back" she closed the box and held it out to him.

"I've already got one, I told you I don't have any use for it." he said sitting up, "I want to see it on."

"Kyuzo sama this isn't fair! You teach me though you could very well be banished for it, you miss games with your friends in town to visit me, and now this. You're such a jerk!" tears welled up in her eyes.

"Well then wear it for me as a favor. I mean I am your sensei, so you shouldn't dishonor me. And if I'm such a jerk then I order you to!" he jabbed her in the arm.

"Fine, but I will find some way to pay you back for this, Sensei Hoarse Cricket!"

Unlooping her belt she threaded the sheath of her first tonto on.

(tonto=short blade)