Samurai Champloo Fan Fiction ❯ Because You Need Me ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mugen left the inn to search for his other companion (he still had trouble thinking of the other man as a friend) in the town. Gone was his familiar cocky strut. At the moment he felt dejected and shuffled along the street with his sword sheath banging into his back. Mugen hadn't meant to hurt Fuu. To be honest, he wasn't sure why he had tried such a low tactic. It rankled his pride a bit. Never in all his life had he ever forced a woman. Okay, yeah, most of his sexual encounters were paid for, but the women were always willing.
Mugen was still trying to wrap his mind around the enormity of his actions when he spotted a certain blue gi. Jin was sitting at a table of the local drinking establishment staring solemnly into a half-empty cup of saki. His eyes were slightly unfocused and a smeary smirk graced his lips when he realized Mugen sat across from him.
"Kiss and make up, Baka?"
Mugen rolled his eyes. Gods, the ronin was tanked. He had to be to spout nonsense like that and have his guard down enough to show some facial expression. Mugen gave the saki jug an experimental shake...still almost full. Jin truly could not handle alcohol and Mugen wondered again at the other man's lifestyle before flagging the server for another cup. He tossed coin down and, tucking the saki and cups inside his haori, he hauled Jin up by the collar to guide him out the door.
"C'mon, lightweight," Mugen said, amusement overtaking his black mood. "You've had enough for tonight."
Jin didn't protest, just drew his brows together to try and look intimidating. (A difficult task when he still couldn't quite focus his eyes well.) He huffed softly and slowly summoned his dignity to push ahead of Mugen to leave.
************************************************************************ *****************************
Fuu sat, eyes open but unseeing, before the fire. Her heart ached as she continued to dwell on Mugen and what had happened in the bath. She touched her fingertips to her swollen lips and felt a single tear slip down her cheek. Damn the man! What was so wrong with him that he would try to take what she would have GIVEN to his stupid ass freely? Hadn't she told him she loved him? Hadn't she shown him that she wanted his touch? Why had he pulled away from her and then rushed back to jump her like a madman? Was he trying to change her feelings for him to hate or anger?
Fuu sat up straight with a gasp. Of course, that was it! Then she wilted again. But, why? Well, it didn't matter. No matter how rotten he acted, Fuu had always been able to see through him. The tanned pirate would be mortified if he knew that she had always been able to see his good side. Hadn't he once again saved her when she called for him even if it was saving her from himself? Mugen had feelings for her, Fuu was sure of it.
She stretched a little, hissing at the stiffness in her arms and the twinges in her lower body. Stupid jerk! Mugen hadn't really hurt her, just scared her a little, she realized. What really made her angry was that she felt, somehow, unsatisfied. She wanted to finish what Mugen started but on her terms. She wanted to show him what love felt like and not just heat and lust. Going to roll out a futon, her eyes gleamed with a new determination. Fuu was planning on giving Mugen the shock of his life and he would have no choice in the matter.
************************************************************************ **************************
The man in question was busy dragging along an uncooperative samurai. Jin kept reaching for the saki Mugen kept just out of reach. Mugen drained half the jug in one swallow and had no problem fending off the uncoordinated movements of the inebriated ronin. He was starting to feel pleasantly warm himself and was amused to no end over his companions antics. He was going to give the rest of the liquor to Jin just so he would have the pleasure of needling the man about his uncharacteristic behavior. Thoughts of blackmail spun through his slightly buzzed mind, but as they approached their room, memories of Fuu being in there caused a bit of panic to churn Mugen's gut. He snatched back the jug from Jin ignoring his slurred and irritated protest. The rest of the potent liquor hit the back of his throat like a cannon ball and calmed him somewhat. Grabbing a handful of slick black ponytail (Jin cursed him soundly with death threats) Mugen let the full weight of the ronin lean against his back so they could stumble up the stairs and to the room. Mugen pushed the ronin in front of him like a shield and slid open the door. Peeking around the staggering form in the blue gi, he saw Fuu apparently asleep on the far side of the room. The second futon was set up near the door and Mugen let the now unconscious ronin slither down on it like a puppet released from its strings. From the look of things Jin was out cold and would likely be that way until late tomorrow.
Mugen took his own futon and rolled it closer to Fuu. Even if she hated him now, and the thought squeezed his heart, he would still protect her in case the demons in her nightmares came to torment her. He laid his spinning head down and heard the woman shift beside him. It was hard, so hard, not to turn and pull her close to him. After a month of sleeping beside Fuu he had gotten used to the feel of her slight body next to his. It surprised him to miss it so much, but he had no right now. He had destroyed that with his own idiotic solution to a big problem.
So absorbed in his own misery, Mugen became distantly aware of a small hand stroking through his hair and the back of his neck. He froze in shock and his eyes slitted open. He was afraid to move in case she wasn't really awake. The touches became bolder until a small hand pressed into his shoulder to move him to his back. Mugen opened his eyes to burning honey colored eyes two inches from his face. Fuu's warm sweet breath caressed his face and the look in her eyes shot a bolt of heat straight to his groin.
"What do you know about love, you ignorant baka?"
The liquor was making it hard to think and Mugen answered honestly. "Nothing. Where I come from there is no love. You fight to live, to be stronger than those who would destroy you. That's it." Even bolder touches on his neck and chest moved aside his haori and white undershirt causing his vision to blur and scrambling his already addled brains. He was helpless against the onslaught on his senses. "No one besides you has ever given a damn about me, let alone try to love me."
Fuu's soft laughter skittered down his spine, adding to the fire in his blood. "I do not TRY to love you. I do love you. Because I love you I know you thought you could just push me away. After all we have been through, I would think you know that I am stronger than that."
Fuu rose over him to straddle his body and placed her knees on his arms to keep them down. She trailed soft kisses over his brow to the corner of his eye and sliding over the bridge of his nose to close the other eye. His hand twitched with the urge to touch her but she wouldn't allow it.
"No, Mugen, we still have unfinished business, you and I. This time I will finish it and when I am done you will know love for the first time. When I finally allow you to touch me it will be because I want it and not before."
Mugen fisted his hands in the futon covering and swallowed the saliva pooling in his mouth at her words. Only in the deepest part of his soul would he admit he was afraid. This innocent woman was eliciting responses from him that he had never given another and it unnerved him. Not being in control was making him anxious, but the liquor was loosening his only inhibitions. He wouldn't deny her if it meant she forgave him.
"You have such a beautiful body, Mugen, so hard with such soft smooth skin. Your scars only add an interesting texture to your smoothness. I want to taste your skin."
The husky words were seductive and Mugen shuddered with need. A small pink tongue licked a trail of fire over his jaw and down his chest to circle a flat male tip. He made a small noise and the tongue returned to circle again before drawing it into her mouth to suckle lightly. Mugen's back arched slightly and silently encouraged the exploration. Fuu continued licking and nipping down the flat plane of his stomach pausing wherever it fancied her to suck at a bit of taut skin, leaving a reddened mark that she soothed with swipes of her tongue.
She reached the waistband of Mugen's shorts and hooked two fingers into them. Here her experience was nonexistent and her courage started to fail her until a long low moan made her shiver with a new found power and she hesitated no longer. She eased the shorts down and off until he lay exposed before her eyes. Those same eyes widened a bit at the growing size of the man before her. She rubbed a hand over her lips thoughtfully. Odd that the sight made her feel....hungry.
Fuu turned her face to watch the face of the tanned man and tentatively reached out her tongue to lightly trace an intricate pattern from the base to the tip of his erection. Mugen squeezed his eyes shut tighter and seized a better grip on the futon. He started to pant a little from restraint. Gods, she was torturing him! Fuu smiled, pleased with his reaction and it emboldened her even more. She licked at the shaft a few more times before moving up to the head to circle and dip her tongue into the slit. The salty fluid that oozed from it confused her for a moment, but it didn't taste unpleasant and she sucked it along with the head into her mouth. The effect on Mugen was electrifying. He arched his back hard and a whimper, yes, a real whimper issued from his panting throat. Growling almost ferally low in her throat Fuu continued to take him in, increasing the suction when it made the body beneath her writhe on the bed. She took her other hand and explored the soft sac at the base of the erection, marveling at the velvety soft skin beneath her fingertips. The combined touches made Mugen buck his hips uncontrollably and Fuu instinctively sat back to look at him.
"Look at me, Mugen" She requested breathlessly. He cracked open his glazed eyes to peer at her. "Has anyone ever made you feel like I do? Has anyone ever wanted to please you without expecting something in return?"
"No, no!" He choked, his desire a raging animal in his breast. He wanted to so badly to touch the innocent angel with the devil's grin sitting on his legs.
"Let me touch you, Fuu! I swear I won't hurt you again. Ahhh!" She stopped his words with a few strokes to his weeping erection. "Please." His face flamed at the near begging tone.
"I won't let you take me, Mugen, but I will let you make love to me."
Taking that as a yes, Mugen pulled the woman down to lay beneath him. He could feel her apprehension despite her bold words and actions. For the first time in his life he wanted to please another person. He wanted to make it good for his partner as well as satisfy his own needs. Had this little woman with her huge heart changed him that much?
Mugen gently pressed his lips to hers keeping the kiss light and allowing her to respond. He lapped at her full lower lip until she opened mouth with a sigh and an invitation. Mugen dipped his tongue into the sweetness of her mouth and savored the taste. He teased her tongue until it joined his in a wild frenzy that left them both gasping for air. His other hand smoothed over both breasts and he placed kisses on the small mounds before licking a nipple and then blowing on it to watch it contract into a small bud of desire. Fuu writhed under his touch and her body implored him for more. Happy to oblige the unspoken plea, Mugen reached down to cover her woman's mound to slide fingers through crinkly hair. Fuu let out a breathy sob when his fingers brushed against his nether lips, parting them to explore the velvet folds. His thumb found a tight button and he drew his calloused skin over it. She moaned loudly and fisted both hands in his hair. Not sure what she wanted she pushed his head down.
Mugen smirked to himself and settled between her creamy smooth thighs to gently spread her petals apart. A single swipe of his tongue from top to bottom and Fuu screamed, the sound muffled by the knuckles she stuffed into her mouth. Mugen continued tasting and nipping at her folds and small bud until she was gasping and moaning and pouring liquid heat into his mouth. The taste of her passion was more intoxicating than the liquor he had consumed earlier and he wanted more, but his aching erection was demanding equal time.
Mugen moved up Fuu's body to give her a searing kiss. He drew back to look into her passion-filled eyes while he slowly pushed himself into her tight, very wet heat. He halted, bracing himself on trembling arms.
"Fuu, is this really what you want?" Eyes dark with want looked back at him. "I can stop now, and you will keep your virginity."
Her slow dreamy smile cracked open the barrier around his heart and her arms reached up to frame his face lovingly. She wrapped her legs around his straining hips.
"I only want you, Mugen. Take my gift that I give out of love for you."
He was completely undone and couldn't deny her. Mugen captured her lips in a gentle kiss and rocked his hips forward, tearing through the filmy membrane until he was seated fully within her. Her small sounds of pain he took into his own mouth and then rained soft kisses over her face and neck until she relaxed against him. When Fuu started to moan and move against him Mugen started an agonizingly slow thrusting into her soft body. The pace increased and their mutual need spiraled higher.
Fuu tossed her head on the futon, amazed at the feelings within herself and felt a tight coiling begin between her legs and spread up her body to her limbs until her fingers and toes tingled. She threw back her head to scream and Mugen covered her mouth with his to taste her climax as her vision danced with sparks before going completely white.
The sudden rhythmic tightening around his erection and the cries of pleasure from the woman pushed Mugen over the edge and he came harder than ever before, his body jerking violently and leaving him without air to breathe. Gods, he thought, I'm dying!
Mugen rolled to the side dragging Fuu to press her tightly to his body.
"Love you." She mumbled sleepily against his neck.
Mugen had no words for her, nothing to express his spinning emotions. At the moment he just savored the feel of her in his arms and prayed that he wouldn't hurt her again. He pulled a cover over them both in case the loudly snoring ronin should awake before them in the morning. He buried his nose into Fuu's fragrant hair and allowed the familiar sweet smell to soothe him until he was drifting to sleep. For the first time in his life he felt complete and it scared him. Mugen pulled Fuu closer and whispered thank you in her ear.
Mugen was still trying to wrap his mind around the enormity of his actions when he spotted a certain blue gi. Jin was sitting at a table of the local drinking establishment staring solemnly into a half-empty cup of saki. His eyes were slightly unfocused and a smeary smirk graced his lips when he realized Mugen sat across from him.
"Kiss and make up, Baka?"
Mugen rolled his eyes. Gods, the ronin was tanked. He had to be to spout nonsense like that and have his guard down enough to show some facial expression. Mugen gave the saki jug an experimental shake...still almost full. Jin truly could not handle alcohol and Mugen wondered again at the other man's lifestyle before flagging the server for another cup. He tossed coin down and, tucking the saki and cups inside his haori, he hauled Jin up by the collar to guide him out the door.
"C'mon, lightweight," Mugen said, amusement overtaking his black mood. "You've had enough for tonight."
Jin didn't protest, just drew his brows together to try and look intimidating. (A difficult task when he still couldn't quite focus his eyes well.) He huffed softly and slowly summoned his dignity to push ahead of Mugen to leave.
************************************************************************ *****************************
Fuu sat, eyes open but unseeing, before the fire. Her heart ached as she continued to dwell on Mugen and what had happened in the bath. She touched her fingertips to her swollen lips and felt a single tear slip down her cheek. Damn the man! What was so wrong with him that he would try to take what she would have GIVEN to his stupid ass freely? Hadn't she told him she loved him? Hadn't she shown him that she wanted his touch? Why had he pulled away from her and then rushed back to jump her like a madman? Was he trying to change her feelings for him to hate or anger?
Fuu sat up straight with a gasp. Of course, that was it! Then she wilted again. But, why? Well, it didn't matter. No matter how rotten he acted, Fuu had always been able to see through him. The tanned pirate would be mortified if he knew that she had always been able to see his good side. Hadn't he once again saved her when she called for him even if it was saving her from himself? Mugen had feelings for her, Fuu was sure of it.
She stretched a little, hissing at the stiffness in her arms and the twinges in her lower body. Stupid jerk! Mugen hadn't really hurt her, just scared her a little, she realized. What really made her angry was that she felt, somehow, unsatisfied. She wanted to finish what Mugen started but on her terms. She wanted to show him what love felt like and not just heat and lust. Going to roll out a futon, her eyes gleamed with a new determination. Fuu was planning on giving Mugen the shock of his life and he would have no choice in the matter.
************************************************************************ **************************
The man in question was busy dragging along an uncooperative samurai. Jin kept reaching for the saki Mugen kept just out of reach. Mugen drained half the jug in one swallow and had no problem fending off the uncoordinated movements of the inebriated ronin. He was starting to feel pleasantly warm himself and was amused to no end over his companions antics. He was going to give the rest of the liquor to Jin just so he would have the pleasure of needling the man about his uncharacteristic behavior. Thoughts of blackmail spun through his slightly buzzed mind, but as they approached their room, memories of Fuu being in there caused a bit of panic to churn Mugen's gut. He snatched back the jug from Jin ignoring his slurred and irritated protest. The rest of the potent liquor hit the back of his throat like a cannon ball and calmed him somewhat. Grabbing a handful of slick black ponytail (Jin cursed him soundly with death threats) Mugen let the full weight of the ronin lean against his back so they could stumble up the stairs and to the room. Mugen pushed the ronin in front of him like a shield and slid open the door. Peeking around the staggering form in the blue gi, he saw Fuu apparently asleep on the far side of the room. The second futon was set up near the door and Mugen let the now unconscious ronin slither down on it like a puppet released from its strings. From the look of things Jin was out cold and would likely be that way until late tomorrow.
Mugen took his own futon and rolled it closer to Fuu. Even if she hated him now, and the thought squeezed his heart, he would still protect her in case the demons in her nightmares came to torment her. He laid his spinning head down and heard the woman shift beside him. It was hard, so hard, not to turn and pull her close to him. After a month of sleeping beside Fuu he had gotten used to the feel of her slight body next to his. It surprised him to miss it so much, but he had no right now. He had destroyed that with his own idiotic solution to a big problem.
So absorbed in his own misery, Mugen became distantly aware of a small hand stroking through his hair and the back of his neck. He froze in shock and his eyes slitted open. He was afraid to move in case she wasn't really awake. The touches became bolder until a small hand pressed into his shoulder to move him to his back. Mugen opened his eyes to burning honey colored eyes two inches from his face. Fuu's warm sweet breath caressed his face and the look in her eyes shot a bolt of heat straight to his groin.
"What do you know about love, you ignorant baka?"
The liquor was making it hard to think and Mugen answered honestly. "Nothing. Where I come from there is no love. You fight to live, to be stronger than those who would destroy you. That's it." Even bolder touches on his neck and chest moved aside his haori and white undershirt causing his vision to blur and scrambling his already addled brains. He was helpless against the onslaught on his senses. "No one besides you has ever given a damn about me, let alone try to love me."
Fuu's soft laughter skittered down his spine, adding to the fire in his blood. "I do not TRY to love you. I do love you. Because I love you I know you thought you could just push me away. After all we have been through, I would think you know that I am stronger than that."
Fuu rose over him to straddle his body and placed her knees on his arms to keep them down. She trailed soft kisses over his brow to the corner of his eye and sliding over the bridge of his nose to close the other eye. His hand twitched with the urge to touch her but she wouldn't allow it.
"No, Mugen, we still have unfinished business, you and I. This time I will finish it and when I am done you will know love for the first time. When I finally allow you to touch me it will be because I want it and not before."
Mugen fisted his hands in the futon covering and swallowed the saliva pooling in his mouth at her words. Only in the deepest part of his soul would he admit he was afraid. This innocent woman was eliciting responses from him that he had never given another and it unnerved him. Not being in control was making him anxious, but the liquor was loosening his only inhibitions. He wouldn't deny her if it meant she forgave him.
"You have such a beautiful body, Mugen, so hard with such soft smooth skin. Your scars only add an interesting texture to your smoothness. I want to taste your skin."
The husky words were seductive and Mugen shuddered with need. A small pink tongue licked a trail of fire over his jaw and down his chest to circle a flat male tip. He made a small noise and the tongue returned to circle again before drawing it into her mouth to suckle lightly. Mugen's back arched slightly and silently encouraged the exploration. Fuu continued licking and nipping down the flat plane of his stomach pausing wherever it fancied her to suck at a bit of taut skin, leaving a reddened mark that she soothed with swipes of her tongue.
She reached the waistband of Mugen's shorts and hooked two fingers into them. Here her experience was nonexistent and her courage started to fail her until a long low moan made her shiver with a new found power and she hesitated no longer. She eased the shorts down and off until he lay exposed before her eyes. Those same eyes widened a bit at the growing size of the man before her. She rubbed a hand over her lips thoughtfully. Odd that the sight made her feel....hungry.
Fuu turned her face to watch the face of the tanned man and tentatively reached out her tongue to lightly trace an intricate pattern from the base to the tip of his erection. Mugen squeezed his eyes shut tighter and seized a better grip on the futon. He started to pant a little from restraint. Gods, she was torturing him! Fuu smiled, pleased with his reaction and it emboldened her even more. She licked at the shaft a few more times before moving up to the head to circle and dip her tongue into the slit. The salty fluid that oozed from it confused her for a moment, but it didn't taste unpleasant and she sucked it along with the head into her mouth. The effect on Mugen was electrifying. He arched his back hard and a whimper, yes, a real whimper issued from his panting throat. Growling almost ferally low in her throat Fuu continued to take him in, increasing the suction when it made the body beneath her writhe on the bed. She took her other hand and explored the soft sac at the base of the erection, marveling at the velvety soft skin beneath her fingertips. The combined touches made Mugen buck his hips uncontrollably and Fuu instinctively sat back to look at him.
"Look at me, Mugen" She requested breathlessly. He cracked open his glazed eyes to peer at her. "Has anyone ever made you feel like I do? Has anyone ever wanted to please you without expecting something in return?"
"No, no!" He choked, his desire a raging animal in his breast. He wanted to so badly to touch the innocent angel with the devil's grin sitting on his legs.
"Let me touch you, Fuu! I swear I won't hurt you again. Ahhh!" She stopped his words with a few strokes to his weeping erection. "Please." His face flamed at the near begging tone.
"I won't let you take me, Mugen, but I will let you make love to me."
Taking that as a yes, Mugen pulled the woman down to lay beneath him. He could feel her apprehension despite her bold words and actions. For the first time in his life he wanted to please another person. He wanted to make it good for his partner as well as satisfy his own needs. Had this little woman with her huge heart changed him that much?
Mugen gently pressed his lips to hers keeping the kiss light and allowing her to respond. He lapped at her full lower lip until she opened mouth with a sigh and an invitation. Mugen dipped his tongue into the sweetness of her mouth and savored the taste. He teased her tongue until it joined his in a wild frenzy that left them both gasping for air. His other hand smoothed over both breasts and he placed kisses on the small mounds before licking a nipple and then blowing on it to watch it contract into a small bud of desire. Fuu writhed under his touch and her body implored him for more. Happy to oblige the unspoken plea, Mugen reached down to cover her woman's mound to slide fingers through crinkly hair. Fuu let out a breathy sob when his fingers brushed against his nether lips, parting them to explore the velvet folds. His thumb found a tight button and he drew his calloused skin over it. She moaned loudly and fisted both hands in his hair. Not sure what she wanted she pushed his head down.
Mugen smirked to himself and settled between her creamy smooth thighs to gently spread her petals apart. A single swipe of his tongue from top to bottom and Fuu screamed, the sound muffled by the knuckles she stuffed into her mouth. Mugen continued tasting and nipping at her folds and small bud until she was gasping and moaning and pouring liquid heat into his mouth. The taste of her passion was more intoxicating than the liquor he had consumed earlier and he wanted more, but his aching erection was demanding equal time.
Mugen moved up Fuu's body to give her a searing kiss. He drew back to look into her passion-filled eyes while he slowly pushed himself into her tight, very wet heat. He halted, bracing himself on trembling arms.
"Fuu, is this really what you want?" Eyes dark with want looked back at him. "I can stop now, and you will keep your virginity."
Her slow dreamy smile cracked open the barrier around his heart and her arms reached up to frame his face lovingly. She wrapped her legs around his straining hips.
"I only want you, Mugen. Take my gift that I give out of love for you."
He was completely undone and couldn't deny her. Mugen captured her lips in a gentle kiss and rocked his hips forward, tearing through the filmy membrane until he was seated fully within her. Her small sounds of pain he took into his own mouth and then rained soft kisses over her face and neck until she relaxed against him. When Fuu started to moan and move against him Mugen started an agonizingly slow thrusting into her soft body. The pace increased and their mutual need spiraled higher.
Fuu tossed her head on the futon, amazed at the feelings within herself and felt a tight coiling begin between her legs and spread up her body to her limbs until her fingers and toes tingled. She threw back her head to scream and Mugen covered her mouth with his to taste her climax as her vision danced with sparks before going completely white.
The sudden rhythmic tightening around his erection and the cries of pleasure from the woman pushed Mugen over the edge and he came harder than ever before, his body jerking violently and leaving him without air to breathe. Gods, he thought, I'm dying!
Mugen rolled to the side dragging Fuu to press her tightly to his body.
"Love you." She mumbled sleepily against his neck.
Mugen had no words for her, nothing to express his spinning emotions. At the moment he just savored the feel of her in his arms and prayed that he wouldn't hurt her again. He pulled a cover over them both in case the loudly snoring ronin should awake before them in the morning. He buried his nose into Fuu's fragrant hair and allowed the familiar sweet smell to soothe him until he was drifting to sleep. For the first time in his life he felt complete and it scared him. Mugen pulled Fuu closer and whispered thank you in her ear.
