Samurai Champloo Fan Fiction ❯ You Want Me ❯ That's What Friends Are For ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is prompt #4 - all about the games you play. Jin POV.


I wonder what you two would do if you knew I heard you at night. Your grunting and moaning keep me from my slumber and I find myself migrating towards the sound. I watch the you move together and scream each others name and wonder why I didn't see it before.

No one would ever think you two were lovers with how you treat each other during the day. You insult each other and fight and it is a wonder you two can stand to be in the same room.

Your fights are clever games and now that I am paying more attention I see the sideways glances and the smiles. You practically run into each others arms the moment you think I am asleep.

I can see it, you know. I can see the love in your eyes when you are together. It makes me jealous and I should burst in on you and expose this game for what it is. I should, but I don't because what purpose would that serve? Hopefully you'll both figure it out.

So until then keep playing your games and I will keep watch over the both of you because that's what friends are for.