Samurai Deeper Kyo Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Ground ❯ Club Scene ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

          Yuya got home without much incident, save for a small spat at the Starbucks drive-thru.

They had been driving toward her penthouse with Kyo staring out the window, looking like a starved man just shown food. Then, suddenly, he demanded, “Pull over. I want some coffee.”

On a normal day, had anyone besides Kyo asked, Yuya would have laughed at them and kept on going. But, to appease the poor guy, Yuya had the cabbie pull over. After all, he hadn’t had the best of weeks.

Yuya ordered for them –a grand Java Chip for her and a grand Mocha-chino for Kyo. Kyo presented her with yen, but Yuya waved it off. “Don’t worry about it. Just think of this as hush money. No one’s supposed to know you’re out of the ward. And it’s a plea of forgiveness for me dressing the way I did yesterday.”

Kyo snorted, putting the yen back into his jeans pocket. “If you want to be apologizing, apologize for wearing the outfit you have on now. Blue looks horrible on you –makes you looked all washed out and old,” he added, almost nonchalantly. He took his frappachino out of Yuya’s hand, sipping it.

Yuya’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Wha- well, excuse me for breaking you out of the loony bin. It won’t happen again!” She grabbed her drink forcefully from the boy behind the drive-thru window, calling to the driver, “Okay, we can go now.”

Kyo smirked, went silent, and stared out the window for the remainder of the ride.

There were two messages on Yuya’s answering machine. The first was Sakuya Mibu.

“Miss Shiina, I’ve concluded my analysis on Kyo Mibu. I’m faxing it over to you as I speak.” There was a pause before she continued. “Stay away from my husband, Miss Shiina, or I will make sure you are not longer practicing legalities in Japan ever again. Go wreck someone else’s home life. Besides –I’m pregnant with his child.”

Kyo, who had been poking around the penthouse, came in. His eyes were dancing with something like anger. “What the hell! You were screwing Kyoshiro! While his wife was pregnant!”

Yuya lowered herself onto a barstool, blinking rapidly. “I… I didn’t know.”

The second message began playing and Yuya recognized the voice as Mahiro, an old High School friend. “-going to the Tilt tonight,” she was saying. “Hope to see you there. Hey, bring that boyfriend of yours –I know you’ve got one hidden away somewhere! Besides, I hear there will be some hotties there tonight…” her voice trailed off and she giggled. “See you then, babe.”

“The Tilt?” Kyo repeated, his anger slipping. He now looked nearly cheerful. “I didn’t know you were a raver, Miss Shiina. An every-night club hopper, I take it?”

“Not like it matters,” Yuya grumbled, a bit irritated. She wandered over to her fax machine, picking up Sakuya’s faxes with a frown. Tonight would have been perfect for Tilt. It would be packed, filled with distractions from her weary mind.

But alas, there was no way she could go now. “I’m stuck here with you.” She said all of this nonchalantly, not really paying any heed to her own words. When she noticed the stinging silence that had overtaken the room, she glanced up.

Kyo was giving her one of the most hateful, heated gazes- it was combined with anger and, at the same time, longing. He turned away from her, stomping off and grumbling a few choice names for her.

Yuya chose not to be too startled by this. After all, he was a very moody person. He’d come out within the hour, gentle as a lamb, and ask what was for dinner. Yuya wasn’t used to the moody ones, but she had been the same way when she was a teenager. That said a lot as far as Kyo’s emotional development.

Yuya lowered her gaze to the first of two pages.

“Miss Shiina-

Below is the compliment of my findings. The first grouping of symptoms show what Kyo has been known to display his entire life, well before his Baker Act in 1998 at the age of sixteen.

1. Anxiety Disorder/Mild panic attacks

-These worry me immensely. Kyo’s a bright man, but he had moments of irrational panic or anxiety. He’s been known to go into shaking fits, convulsions, lack of breath, and paranoia.

2. Major Depression/Mood Swings.

-Major Depression: He has suffered through major depression most of his life for reasons unknown to anyone. Lack of appetite for long periods, lack of energy, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts.

-Mood swings/Bi-polar Disorder: Wild swings between high and low periods that seem to come out of nowhere. This happens frequently with Kyo.

For some of the people who know Kyo, they would say that he is a bit eccentric, yes, but stable. If he was ever stable in his life, he isn’t any more. Since his time in the ward eight years ago, his records show signs of two newer disorders.

He has had psychotic episodes in his past, right after he was Baker Acted for attempted suicide. The doctor who had treated him lent me his classified files. I condensed the doctor’s findings below:

Kyo seems to suffer from unindifferentiated schizophrenia –not split personalities, as some think it means, but as a person who has random, irrational behavior. His thoughts are garbled, his words sometimes coming out disorganized or in “clang” repetition. (“The girls had furls, those curls and whirls…” as an example) He sometimes claims to hear voices, but they never speak through him as most do… it seems to all be focused in his mind. He has had sever hallucinations and delusions since he has come here. He even claims that Ivy is still alive. A sad case.”

Yuya let out a trembling sigh, folding the fax and quickly stuffing it away into her desk drawer.

Who was Ivy?

Yuya turned, only to come face-to-face with Kyo. She jumped, screaming, a hand going to her chest.

Kyo smirked. “Scared, Miss Shiina?”

“Terrified,” Yuya admitted numbly, heart fluttering in her chest.

Yuya gazed into her nearly empty cupboard in growing unease. No food. No food meant that she would have to take Kyo with her and go to the grocery store. That meant taking Kyo into civilization. For some reason, she didn’t think Kyo would fit in with the grocery store shoppers very well.

Kyo, who was sitting on a barstool and watching Yuya, smiled suddenly. “I know where we can go…”

Yuya glanced over her shoulder, frowning at him. “Oh? Where’s that? Please tell me its someplace with food for you and a really stiff drink for me.”

Kyo only smiled, hitting the play button on Yuya’s answering machine. Mahiro’s voice, excitedly explaining about the Tilt, played back.

Yuya glanced at the clock. 7:03. Mahiro would be getting there at nine, as usual. That meant Yuya had an hour to get ready. “Fine,” she said, sighing. “I’m going to go change. You’d better be ready in an hour.”

Not even waiting for him to say anything, Yuya made a dash for her room. She felt odd taking Kyo out when she was supposed to be keeping him hidden away. But it was so damn tempting. Maybe he’s just looking for some time in the black lights, just like me, Yuya thought, pulling her sweater over her head.

She had just bought a new rave outfit, one that was more gothic than anything else. She took extra care in donning it, mostly because it was so new. She put on a short-sleeved, fishnet shirt, over which she wore a purple cropped tank top that said “Malice Mizer” across the breasts. A black microskirt was then slipped on, covered by a longer fishnet skirt. ((A/N: To explain the outfit further: Malice Mizer is a J-Rock/Gothic band that was pretty popular in Japan, and still is. The infamous Gackt was at on point the lead singer… also, a miniskirt is not the same as a microskirt. Think of the microskirt along the lines of a strip of cloth. There you have it.)) The outfit was finished off with a pair of high-heeled boots that went just below her knees.

She pulled her hair into a messy bun, unbound strands hanging sexily around her face. Black eyeliner, mascara, and plum lipstick completed her raver-chick outfit. It was 7:50 when she finally finished.

Yuya grabbed her long, cloth trench coat and threw it over the outfit. She wasn’t sure if she wanted Kyo to see it just yet.

The Tilt was a large establishment and Yuya was able to cut in front of the line by flashing five hundred dollars at the bouncer. At the door, their coats were taken and Yuya caught Kyo openly staring at her… along with the bouncer and coat-taker, but that was beside the point.

“What?” Yuya asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kyo smirked, glancing away. “Oh, nothing.”

The inside of the building had been designed to look like a birdcage –silver pipes lined the walls, arching up to a singular point in the middle of the ceiling. There were “perches” hanging from the ceiling with talented dancers atop of the narrow bars. The DJ box was on a stilted landing covered in fake black roses.

Yuya glanced around the tables to her left. She smiled, pushing her way through the pulsing bodies toward the familiar figure at the front-most table.

Kyo’s hand was on her waist suddenly, holding her to his side. Ignoring Yuya’s questioning gaze, he said, “I’m guessing that’s Mahiro?”

Yuya nodded, slightly confused. “Yeah… but why are you so clingy?”

Kyo looked at her, malicious eyes trying to play innocent. “Why, Yuya, I’m appalled. I am the boyfriend you’ve been hiding away, remember?”

Yuya had no time to protest because Mahiro had spotted them and was waving excitedly. As usual, Mahiro was showing off as much skin as possible. She wore a shimmering purple top that was backless, and ended just below her breasts. She wore a skin-tight pair of leather boy-shorts, fishnet leggings, and spiked heels.

“Yuya, my god, we could pass for sisters! The purple and’s like we planned it. Kick ass,” she greeted with a smile. “And is this the hidden boy-toy?” she continued, turning her gaze to Kyo.

Kyo smiled, but it lacked the charm of most people. He still looked deadly, dangerous and utterly gorgeous. “Kyo,” he said simply.

Mahiro opened her mouth, about to say something, when the DJ’s voice boomed over the loud speakers. “Come on, I want to see those bodies moving!” The song was a fast-paced version of Pachelbel’s Cannon, spiced up and put to techno beats. The bodies were instantly thrown into a fit of movement; one that would have been enticing had the music been better.

“I hate this song,” Yuya grumbled, sinking into a chair.

“I know,” Mahiro frowned. “Oh, the Fabulous Four are here,” she said nonchalantly, as if talking of the weather.

Yuya gaped. “You’re kidding me! They’re back in town? Where are they!”

“Who are the Fabulous Four?” Kyo asked. Yuya waved him off, a motion for him to be quiet. Kyo glared at her but settled back in his chair. He wasn’t going to start anything here in the middle of the club. He’d get back at her later. Maybe on the dance floor…

Mahiro laughed. “Kosuke and Sasuke are off dancing somewhere. You know how Sasuke is; he didn’t want to dance, but Kosuke got him out there anyway. Yukimura’s at the bar and-”

“And Saizo’s with Yukimura,” Yuya finished with a laugh. “Of course. Poor Yuki can’t go anywhere without Saizo knowing.”

Mahiro turned to Kyo. He looked as if he was sulking at being given the cold shoulder. “The Four are Kosuke, Sasuke, Yukimura and Saizo –they were the people Yuya and I hung out with during our High School years. A crazy bunch… I think Yukimura will like you, though,” she added, winking at Kyo.

Yuya snickered. “Oh, didn’t we mention? Yukimura’s bisexual.”

At that moment, a tall man with long, chestnut hair came up to the table, sitting down with a heavy sigh. “Hello again, Miss Yuya. How are you fairing? Well, I hope. And this man is your date?”

Yuya grinned. “Saizo, always straight to the point… it’s good to see you. I’m well and yes, Kyo’s my date. Where’s Yukimura?”

Saizo rolled his eyes. “Guess.”

A soft voice whispered “Boo” in Yuya’s ear, the man’s breath fanning across Yuya’s cheek. He smelled of sake, which made Yuya smile. “Yukimura, you dog!” She stood, turned, and threw her arms around his neck. “How’ve you been?”

Yukimura laughed. “Wonderful! Better than wonderful! I am the most blessed person to be here-”

He paused, though, when a new song came on. It was an American import, which wasn’t so unusual in these clubs. Japan may have better rock music, but America kicked Japan’s ass when it came to techno. The beat was catchy, slow yet pulsing, making the body want to move automatically. The bodies on the dance floor began to pulse, moving slowly and together, arms curling, hips swinging –snakes, that’s what they reminded Yuya of. Snakes dancing to a charmer’s song.

“Now this is the stuff I’m talking about,” Mahiro exclaimed, getting to her heeled feet. “C’mon, we’re going out there.”

Yuya went to join the others but Kyo grabbed her wrist. Yuya turned, looking surprised. “Kyo? Come on, we have to follow them if we’re going to catch up.”

“We won’t be catching up,” he said, voice gruff. He pulled her into the crowd but in a separate direction from the others.

Kyo abruptly stopped near one of the pipe lined walls and yanked Yuya’s wrist, making her stumble into him. Yuya looked up at him, and edge of anger in her eyes. “What the hell are you doing!” she exclaimed, but not loud enough.

The music was blaring, pulsing through the writhing bodies. Kyo leaned down, whispering in her ear, “Dance… I want you to dance. With me.”

Even if Yuya had wanted to deny his request, she didn’t feel like she would have been able to. The music was making her blood pump along with it, making her hips slowly turn hypnotic figure eights. She closed her eyes, her hips sliding along in rhythmic time to the music, her arms raising, unfurling, and brushing against her face as she raised them. She felt herself stepping forward, slowly, like a snake dancing its way toward the music. She only stopped walking when she felt the line of Kyo’s body against hers.

She lifted her arms higher, letting them fall lightly onto Kyo’s shoulders. She leaned toward him, whispering, “What happens in the club stays in the club.”

Kyo didn’t answer –he didn’t need to. His hands went to her hips, feeling the bone protruding slightly from under the skin. He made a mental note to force feed her a gallon of chocolate ice cream when they got back to the penthouse. She needed some fat on her or she’d die and wouldn’t be any use to him.

Kyo’s fingers splaying under the hem of her fishnet skirt, feeling the vinyl of her black micro skirt underneath it. His hips began to mirror her movements and he found himself lost in her movements, following her lead. Their hips ground together, almost painfully, and Yuya’s eyes remained closed as she let the music move her.

When Yuya did open her eyes, she noticed how Kyo’s gaze had turned heated. His eyes had never left her face. She smiled winningly, knowing that in this battle she’d won. The lust in his eyes showed her that she could dominate him in one aspect. Her body had become her weapon, no matter how frail and thin it was, no matter how much smaller her chest was than Okuni’s, no matter how her hair wasn’t so stylish as Mahiro’s.

There was suddenly another body behind her, lips on her neck, and soft, purple hair spilling across her cheek. Yukimura. Yuya would recognize his presence anywhere. She smiled to herself, noting how irritated Kyo looked to have competition.

Yukimura didn’t say anything, which was what Yuya like about dancing with him. He made every dance sexual and didn’t talk or laugh or screw around while he was doing it. Kyo was the same, but Kyo’s was more of a raw sexual energy. Yukimura’s was an once-in-a-lifetime, lets-waste-ourselves-away energy. Having those two on either side of her was mind-blowing.

Yukimura’s hips were moving softly yet deeply, whereas Kyo’s movements were slightly jerky and rough. Out of the two, Yukimura was the better dancer, but Kyo….

One of Yuya’s arms fell away from Kyo and went behind her head to Yukimura’s neck, pulling him in closer. His lips were again on her neck, hips moving in perfect time with her. Yuya let a moan escape her lips and her head tilted back, resting on Yukimura. His lips traveled across her arched neck and down her collar, over her fishnet-covered shoulder.

Another set of lips, vying for her attention no doubt, was suddenly there, on her lifted face. They trailed across her cheeks, down her neck, over to her ear. Kyo. He wanted attention and was definitely receiving it. Yuya felt a small spark of longing shoot through her, running through her limbs and settling, heavily and uncomfortably, in her belly.

The song ended and Yuya was left, gasping for breath, with two pairs of lips on her. Yukimura pulled away, whispering, “You will have a full night with Kyo when you two get back home…”

Yuya turned her head, eyes wide, looking at him. “What?”

Yukimura only grinned at her, his dark sapphire eyes laughing. He kissed her lips softly, murmuring, “You know what I mean,” before turning and slipping into the mass of bodies. The next song started and Kyo took Yuya’s face in his hand, turning her gaze to him. “Dance with me,” he ordered.

Yuya complied.