Samurai Deeper Kyo Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Ground ❯ Midnight Call ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 13
Midnight Call
Yuya awoke with a start, her eyes snapping open. There was a shrill ringing that, at first, she could have sworn was her alarm clock. She pounded her palm down on her clock radio, only to find its display flashing “11:54 pm.”
Yuya let out a curse, realizing it was the phone. She stumbled out of her room and down the hall, her stomach grumbling for the food she'd been too tired to eat earlier. She finally got to the phone, grumbling into the receiver, “Hello?”
There was a pause before a somewhat familiar, cultured voice came across the line. “Miss Shiina, this is Officer Shinrei from the courthouse.”
Yuya was just barely unable to withhold her groan. Not this guy again. The last time he called her, it had interrupted her and Kyo's intimacy. Now he was interrupting her sleeping. What the hell, did they not have clocks there in the courthouse?
“Miss Shiina?”
“Yes, yes, I'm here. What were you saying?” Yuya mumbled, pushing a lock of hair out of her face.
“I said that Mibu Kyo is currently within his cell, throwing a 24-year-old's version of a temper tantrum. He's warbling so loudly that the other inmates cannot sleep and the guards are getting restless.”
If Yuya strained, she could just faintly hear a riot in the background. She had half a mind to say, “Well, they should have thought about that before getting thrown into jail. As for the guards, they're stupid for applying for the job.” But she didn't. Instead she murmured, “I have a court appearance tomorrow morning. I need to go back to bed-”
“Miss Shiina, your client is calling out for you. He has been for the past two hours. We've exhausted our resources trying to stop him. He's already been hosed down three times. Threatening does not help, either.”
Yuya paused, debating whether to hang up on him or give in to his unspoken request. She sighed, leaning against the wall, muttering, “Give me fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you, Miss Shiina. Now we may be able to have some peace.”
Yuya hung up without replying. She headed for the shower, not feeling up to being seen all sweaty and bedraggled.
Yuya was escorted to a back room, completely encased in concrete. There was only a slot at the bottom of the door, presumably for food.
“He was moved here in order to block his sounds from the other inmates,” Shinrei, whom Yuya finally met face-to-face, muttered. “He was causing a riot.”
Yuya nodded, running a hand through her still damp hair. She had thrown on a pair of cut-offs that she hadn't even remembered she had, and a pale green camisole. She hadn't been in the mood to get all dressed up just to come see Kyo at twelve in the morning.
An old Malice Mizer song was slipping through her mind as Kyo's door was opened and she stepped in. Even now the gentle memory has changed… The sight of Kyo, sitting in the corner, his red hair mussed and falling into her perfect, pale face brought forth the next proverbial line. I want to sleep holding you in my arms.
Yuya swallowed back her thoughts, stepping further into the blank, concrete room. Kyo didn't move; in fact, he was sitting so still that he looked like Death itself. Yuya felt the urge to leave, but Shinrei shut the door behind her, muttering something about checking in within thirty minutes.
Yuya turned her gaze back to Kyo. He was now looking at her through a spill of red hair, eyes seeming to glow unnaturally bright. He was gazeing at her with a haze of hatred and something primordial. The expression was very unnerving coming from him.
“Kyo, what's this all about?” she asked, voice slightly irritated. “I was finally asleep when I got a call saying you'd gone berserk in your cell.”
“It's Ivy.”
Yuya's heart seemed to stop in mid-beat. “W-what do you mean, Kyo?” She felt fear creeping up, slowly but painfully. Had he gone mad? What was he talking about?
“It's Ivy,” he repeated, words laced with venom. His eyes glared at her through a curtain of hair. “Ivy's gone.”
Yuya tried to be gentle, to reason with him. “Kyo, Ivy's been gone for-”
“No she hasn't!” he yelled, anger lashing out at her. “She wasn't gone! I thought about her all the time! She was here, with me!” he growled. “But now… she's gone.” After a pause he continued his yelling, his voice choked with pain and scorn. “It's your fault! You killed her, damnit! You fucking killed her!”
Yuya jerked back at the accusation. She wasn't sure what Kyo was playing at; was her seriously thinking that she had killed Ivy? What the hell…?
“All I had left was my memory of her, and you-” he yelled, pointing a finger at her, “you killed it!”
Yuya was abashed. She struggled between fear, disbelief and confusion as she watched him get to his feet, stalking toward her. His face was so enraged that she temporarily pondered on calling out for Shinrei. Her voice refused to come out, though, lodged somewhere between her mouth and voice box. She backed up, only to feel the cold concrete beneath her bared shoulders.
Kyo stopped directly in front of her, both arms rising to blockade her from each side. His palms pressed flat into the wall directly to her head's left and right. He leaned in, his anger radiating onto her. “Can you imagine what it feels like, Shiina? To stop remembering the one person you ever loved? Can you imagine that? And then having her replaced by someone you've hardly known for a week?”
Yuya finally realized why he was so angry. So, she affected him just as much as he affected her. Interesting… and dangerous for her, obviously. “I'm sorry,” Yuya finally choked out. “I didn't mean to-”
“Shut up,” he snapped. “You've never lost someone close to you! Someone you grew up with! Someone you loved!”
At those words Yuya felt her own anger and pain bubble up. “You don't know that! You don't know anything about my past! My brother was killed! My brother; my brother who had raised me since our parents died when I was eight! Don't you tell me what pain is like! I've felt it to!”
There was a stinging silence between the two, in which Yuya fought back tears and Kyo fought back shock. Both seemed to fail. “Let me up, Kyo,” Yuya muttered, voice empty. Tears fell softly from her averted eyes. Had she been looking at him, Yuya would have seen the stunned abandon scrawled across Kyo's chiseled features.
When Kyo didn't move, Yuya repeated, more forcefully, “Let me up, Kyo. Now.”
Instead of doing as she said, Kyo gripped her jaw in one hand, turning her face so that her gaze met his. He looked at her, hard and searching, before lowering his lips to hers.
At first Yuya was too stunned to even move. After realization set in, she began to struggle beneath him; she shoved her head back into the concrete of the wall, which did little to help in her efforts. Instead it hindered her even more. Her hands rose, pushing at his chest; his hands moved to grab her wrists, pinning them beside her. All of this he did with his lips covering hers.
His kiss was dominating, meant to be harsh, and that's exactly what it was. There was an edge of bruising pain and Yuya had a feeling her lips would be very tender for the next few days.
She could have struggled, but Yuya's already muddled, tired and abused mind refused to let her. She went limp against the wall, giving in to his lips, parting her lips when his tongue requested its entrance.
Kyo, though, was not happy with this reaction. He released his hold of her hands, only to place them on her hips. He pulled her closer, their hips being thrust together, Yuya's arms hanging limply. Albeit, she was slightly tempted to run her hands through his hair, but… But there was something she had been angry about… something…
Damn him, she thought. Making me forget myself like this… it's not fair. He has every advantage…
“Kiss me like you mean it, Shiina,” Kyo whispered, voice hot and fanning against her face. His lips, so full and glistening with moisture, hanging above her, were more tempting than anything.
Yuya could hardly refuse such a request. Before she gave in, though, she murmured, “Don't call me that, Kyo.”
Her lips brushed across his lightly before pulling away. On impulse, thought, she shortened the distance again, catching his bottom lip between hers. Kyo's body fell against hers, and she felt him hard against her abdomen. The though made something deep within her clench. Not again… not here… I can't; we can't! But she couldn't stop herself from moaning and pushing against him, lips becoming more insistent.
Kyo broke their kiss, lips brushing her forehead. “Yuya,” he whispered.
Yuya was startled. Had he just called her by her first name? Since their first encounter, not once had he called her Yuya. It was always Shiina. “What?” she murmured, not sure she had heard him correctly.
“Yuya,” he repeated, pulling her away from the wall and walking her, backwards, toward the slab of concrete that was dubbed a bed.
A bed…
A bed?! Seeing that seemed to snap Yuya back to reality and she quickly jerked out of Kyo's hold. “No,” she said sharply. “Do you have any idea what you're doing?! We can't; I can't! I can get my license taken away!”
Kyo whirled on her, eyes a cloud of hatred. He was using anger to mask pain. “So your fucking license means more to you than I do?”
Yuya was stunned again for about the fifth time in one night. This man could give more shocks than a 120-volt battery. “Kyo… I don't understa-”
“Get out,” he hissed, turning his back on her.
That was probably more painful than his words. He had turned away from her. He had shunned her…
Finally exasperated, Yuya shouted, “Kyo, I would like nothing more than to let you throw me down on that very uncomfortable concrete bed, but I can't! Maybe once I get you off the hook we can, but right now…”
Kyo seemed to freeze. His voice, less angry but still willful, murmured, “Get out.”
Yuya sighed, pounding on the metal door, waiting for Shinrei to come and get her out of this mess.