Samurai Deeper Kyo Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Ground ❯ The Outcome ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 15
The Outcome
“We of the jury find Kyo Mibu… guilty.”
There was an instant uproar. Kyo's head sank down, the muscles in his neck working fiercely. Yuya's eyes closed tightly and the tears that had collected there fell over. She could hear Hotaru celebrating with Tokugawa and those sounds made her heart clench even more.
Her Kyo…
“Kyo Mibu, approach the stand.”
Kyo stood, slowly, his hand leaving Yuya's. The abrupt emptiness brought Yuya's surroundings into sudden, stark relief. She stood, as well, wiping at her eyes and approached the stand with him.
They stood side by side as Migeira murmured, “Your sentence will be brief; six months in jail and three months probation. There's nothing to look so glum about; you've gotten off lightly. You should thank Miss Shiina for that.”
Kyo glanced over at Yuya, who was doing her best to keep herself from breaking down. He nodded, murmuring, “Thank you, Yu-” he stopped abruptly. “Miss Shiina.”
Yuya nodded. She stood in front of the stands, transfixed, and watched as the reporters dispersed and Kyo was led away in handcuffs.
Before the officer was able to lead Kyo through the door and into the “Bull Pin” as they called it (it was actually a holding place for those awaiting trials or where short-term sentence holders stayed), Yuya found her footing again. She was sprinting across the tile toward them, only stopping when Kyo turned to glance at her, seeming shocked.
“Kyo,” she murmured, suddenly feeling breathless. “I'm sorry. I am. I tried everything… just please… don't kill yourself.”
Kyo's lips twitched slightly into his characteristic smirk. “Me, Shiina? Commit suicide? Did you yourself say that I would never do anything to wound my pride? Seppuku might have been acceptable for the samurai, but nowadays it's frowned on. I wouldn't want to look bad now, would I?”
With that, he was tugged away, leaving Yuya with nothing but the memory of his pain-tinged sneer.
Yuya made her way out of the courthouse where millions of journalists and news reporters laid in wait.
“Miss Shiina, is it true that you cried when you heard Mr. Mibu's sentence?”
“How are you fairing, Miss Shiina?”
“Miss Shiina, did you have a relationship with your client?”
“Miss Shiina, it seems you have gained some weight; are you carrying Kyo Mibu's child?”
Yuya pushed through them all, making her way toward her car. She needed a long, hot bath… and maybe some wine.
No, Yuya thought wryly. Make it chai. From now on, I quit all of my little `bad habits.'
It was late December and Kyo had been released five months prior.
As Yuya had imagined, and feared, her doorbell never rang. He had never come to see her.
He had kept his promise, though. He had not killed himself. Instead, he served out his sentence like a good inmate and went to his parole officers. That, at least, reassured Yuya a small bit.
She lounged on the window seat, head resting against the glass. She wore a black camisole and a pair of baggy black drawstring pants, her hair thrown into a messy bun. She had given up on reading the newspaper; it ceased to interest her anymore.
She had thought a vacation would be a well-deserved break.
She had thought a vacation would give her time to forget about Kyo.
She had been wrong.
The more she sat around, the more she thought of him. It was damn near maddening at some points. She had taken a trip to Izumo to visit relatives and thought he was nearly every redhead walking by. At the beach, ever voice sounded like his.
At least at the house there was nothing to remind her of him… or so she'd thought at first.
Yuya was finding it very hard to escape him, even when he wasn't anywhere near.
Just as she thought that, t he doorbell rang. “Thank god,” she muttered to herself. “Pizza.” She stood up, grabbing the already filled-out check and walking to her front door. The sky outside was dark as she opened the door, reinforcing the weather's status of winter. A cool breeze swept in, along with the first flurries of snow.
“It was eleven sixteen, right?” she asked, glancing up from the check to meet eyes with the pizza boy…
But she wasn't met with the sight of the delivery boy.
Kyo Mibu, looking strangely grown up and elegant, stood before her. His hair had been cut, short in back with long, graceful wisps of bangs at the front. He was bundled in a large black London Fog coat, smirk prominent on his pale face. In his hands, very out of place, was a pizza box. “You don't mind if I paid for this, do you?”
Yuya dropped the check that had been held firmly in her fingers, eyes wide. Her heart was thudding rapidly in her ears, her voice seeming lodged in the general vicinity of her intestines. She managed to make a feeble sort of cry before sinking to her knees.
Kyo raised an eyebrow at this, his sneer widening. “My, even after time in jail I still have the ability to make the hot-shot lawyer swoon. Get up, woman, and let me in; you're allowing the cold air inside.”
Yuya stumbled up to her feet, still looking appalled. She stood aside as Kyo came in, taking his coat and shoes off at the door. He tossed the coat over the back of the couch and put the pizza down on the bar, turning to face her.
“Why?” Yuya managed to ask after she closed the door. Her voice was shaking. This was the moment she had prayed for; for him to come back to her. But now that it was happening, she had no idea what to do. How could she simply take him into her arms after he'd left her alone for so long? “Why now? Why not last month, or the month before that? Or, hell, why not once you were released?”
Kyo eyed her, his gaze heavy. His smile had disappeared. Finally, he answered. “Because, I didn't know if you'd accept me. Hell, I ruined your career. Your first loss; all my fault.”
Yuya found herself shaking her head, eyes closed. “No. No! You were wrong! I kept sitting here, hoping that one day you might show up with that stupid smirk of yours. I figured you'd make this grand entrance and take me by surprise and -and…”
Kyo graced toward her slowly, his movements so graceful that they mirrored a cat's. He took her chin in one of his hands, pulling her face to his. His lips met hers, fierce and needy, tongue worming its way into her mouth. He was not gentle; he knew that gentle was not what Yuya was wanting.
Kyo gripped her wrists in his hands, tight enough to cut off her circulation, and shoved her against the bar's counter. The jarring impact made Yuya cry out, but not exactly in pain. Her lips were back on his immediately, her body sliding onto the counter top. Kyo spread her legs impatiently, coming to stand in the circle of them. Her thighs circled his waist, locking him close to her.
Yuya finally pulled away, breath coming out raggedly. Her eyes rose to Kyo's, glimmering with something between confusion, surprise, and lust. Kyo only smiled, resting his head on her shoulder. “Was that enough of a grand entrance for you?”
Yuya laughed, softly, wrapping her arms around him. Yes, she thought with a contented smile. Yes, that was enough of a grand entrance for me…
La Fin…
I decided to post the ending so soon because I am heading off for the beach… I am being forced to head off to the beach, more like. But anyway, I won't be on for another week, so hold all emails until them, s'il vous plait. But, if you'd like to keep in touch with me (and see what my new tan looks like once I'm back from the aforesaid beach fiasco) go ahead and subscribe (or simply check in) to my xanga!
PS… I have an interesting new SDK up on You all should check it out. ;)