SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Kibou Hoshi ❯ A Visitor in Neotopia ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Author's Note:

Guilly-GuiledDragon: Holy crud. Okay, I know it's been a while since I posted a new chapter but that's because I have seriously been down with the creative sector and with modivation... HOWEVER, now that I own an ENGLISH dubbed version of Season 2, I can live again!! I am working on the fict honestly. I have a plot line (it's sketchy) but I do know what I am doing....

Typhen: So you claim!

Guilly-GuiledDragon: Sh!! *knocks Typhen off his chair* Anyways I recommend reading TDAT-CrystalDragon's fanfic The Tides of Hopes and Fears first since this takes place AFTER this. Kibou Hoshi corresponds with both and comes BEFORE her next fic The Tides of Ruin and Destruction. I suggest you read them all three.

If there is anything confusing, please let me know so I can fix it in a way so you can understand! (Believe me, once everything is out, it'll makes sence. Zero'll EXPLAIN THINGS) I know I seem to be beating around the bush but I PROMISE action will happen soon! And if I called something by the wrong name, just let me know :P Or with timing and everything.. *gets lost in the timeline*

Disclaimer: I do not own the SD Gundam Force, characters, or show (I do own dvds though! HAH!). Referances to Kharn, Karkan, dragon musha gundams (and clones!) and Crimson belong to TDAT-CrystalDragon. Mysterious character(s) and Kendra belong to me.

Please leave a Review and enjoy!! ^w^

<</b>p> ~*--------------------------------------*~

The sun peeked over the grassy hills, stretching its rays as it arose into the sky. The darkness which had not long ago descended from the night retreated away, surrendering to the sun’s awakening. Some dew drops dripped off the leaves and petals of flowers, having been caused but the dampness of the night. It was morning.

However, at the SDG ground base, movement was already happening. Lights flicked on inside as robots began to move around, getting read for the day. After the original base’s drop from the sky, a new smaller building had been built on the land near the Dimensional Transport Device in contrast to the old one’s location in the sky, though the original base hung in the sky once more. The ground base would serve as a communication place and had some accommodations; but it mostly was there to keep an eye on the DTD. The new base had finished construction in only 6 months. This month was the first time it was fully operational. After the battle with General Zeong and with the extra pile on of the invasion from Kharn, it was decided that having the GundamMusai to serve as a second, yet movable, base was not enough. Three appeared to be a good number.

As security robots moved around inside, soon a lone figure walked down the hall. It passed by some janitor bots who greeted a “good morning” and the figure greeted back. The figure stopped in front of one door that slid open and then walked in. After looking around for a moment, its hand found the light switch and turned them on.

The figure then walked to the front of the room and carefully seated itself into the chair. The figure then reached over and picked up the headset that sat on the desk. After placing it upon her head which was covered in short purple hair, the figure turned her chair to face the giant computer before her. Her blue eyes watched the screen as she clicked it on and logged in. The computer then took its turn to greet her as the screen changed, “Good morning, Juli,” before the screen flicked to show files and the monitoring system of the base and Neotopia.

The woman smiled, “Well at least my computer can greet me in the morning. It makes it seem like I’m not alone in the room.” Juli was used to speaking with robots and was well aware that the GundamMusai had a navigational computer, RAIMI, that could speak and control the ship but it was different having your own computer address you, and even hold a conversation with you as if a fully capable human. It seemed that Chief Kao Lyn had felt at liberty to team up with Bellwood, the technical genius of the force, to add new features to the computer and base.

The woman watched the computer began going through files as she had requested it the day before. She stifled a yawn and looked at the computer’s clock. 7:30am. Most of the other ground staff member did not come in until around 8 to 9 which was the normal time to come in. But as Juli had told herself, old habits die hard, besides, someone had to be here early to check things. Juli leaned back in the chair, look upward. “Maybe I should have gotten coffee…”
Just then, the computer stopped going through the files and a popup appeared, flashing. Juli caught the change of color out of the corner of her eye and heard the beeping sound. She looked at the blinking sign, reading it, “Alert: Error?” The purple haired SDG staff member leaned forward and began to type quickly. She glanced up at the computer once in a while as she punched in commands and requests. After a few minutes of typing and searching through files, the alert kept flashing, blaring its warning. Juli sat back, staring at the screen. “I think I’d better call Chief Haro and get everyone in here.”


Zero made his way back to Shute’s house. He had stayed under a tree and rested there all night but had not gotten any real sleep. The knight hovered a few inches off the ground, having turned his flight boosters on. Thoughts swirled around him as he remembered the shooting star and the stranger’s voice. He remembered now where he had heard it but first he would have to apologize to everyone for his behavior. Zero was certain that he had caused confusion among them.

As he arrived outside of Shute’s home, he stopped, seeing that Bakunetsumaru just dismounting from Entengo, his faithful steed. The red samurai did not see Zero for he was facing the front door. Zero let out a sigh. Apologizing to Bakunetsumaru would be a tad hard. Still, the Lacroa gundam headed up the path, thinking his words carefully over. The knight arrived on the deck and paused for a moment. Bakunetsumaru still did not notice him however Entengo turned his head and neighed, giving his greeting.

Zero’s mind was immediately overwhelmed with a wave of uncertainty. Apologizing was such a simple thing yet it was nearly impossible to do with the samurai even though he was Zero’s friend. It seemed that it was harder to make up when you knew you were the one in the wrong. There was no escaping now though, Bakunetsumaru knew he was there.

It took a moment but Bakunetsumaru turned around. His expression and mood was a mystery as Zero could not tell. The Ark gundam eyes locked with Zero’s. The Lacroan gundam quickly gathered his thoughts and cleared his throat. “Um, Bakunetsumaru… about the other day…”

“I’m sorry.”

The blue gundam jerked his head up and his eyes widened. “What?” He stammered, surprised and shocked. His teal eyes stared at the red samurai.

Bakunetsumaru stood facing him with his feet planted and his fists balled, as if angry though his brown eyes were looking away. “I was wrong. Please forgive my actions and words yesterday. I was not thinking.”

Zero was taken back. Bakunetsumaru was apologizing? To him!? The knight stared even harder searching for words. It was rare that he was ever rendered speechless. The knight shook his head, recomposing himself. “Nay, it is I who is at fault. I should have not been acting on my own. I was being distant.” He now shifted his own eyes away, not looking at Bakunetsumaru.

Images flashed in his mind of the day his home was doomed. The beating of bagu bagu’s wings echoed in his ears and he saw the sky black from the millions of bodies hovering there. He then saw Princess Rele’s face as he was carried away to another dimension, helpless except to watch her turn to stone. His fists clenched, thinking of how he had left the Princess and not only her to be trapped but for the other knights to be trapped. Only now they were all dead… including Rowan. Even though the Princess was now safe, the others were forever gone. New knights could not replace his old comrades.

Suddenly, a hand was on Zero’s shoulder. The knight jerked his head up in surprised, looking up into the face of Bakunetsumaru. The samurai’s brown eyes were looking into his, a sincere look reflecting in them. “Apology accepted, friend.”

Zero stared for a moment before blinking, relaxing a bit. “Thanks Bakunetsumaru. I must say though this is a once in a life time thing.”

Bakunetsumaru lifted his hand off of Zero. “What is?” He asked a curious tone in his voice, “That we’re both apologizing?” As much as he hated to admit it, it was true. Still, he could not help a smile forming behind his mouth piece.

Zero’s blue eyes twinkled, though the knight tried to look serious. “No, just you.”

“What!?” Bakunetsumaru scoffed, “Zero! You jerk!” Though it was in a friendly manner, he shook a fist at the Lacroan gundam.

Zero paused for a moment before starting, “Um, Bakunetsumaru, there’s something I need to-” but was cut off by a shout.

“Bakunetsumaru!! We have to-- Zero! You’re back! That’s great!” Shute came out of the house looking a bit flushed as if set on panicking when the crisis had not been revealed yet. “I just got a call from Juli! She said we have to get to the ground base right away! Something has happened!”

“What!?” Bakunetsumaru turned toward Shute, his brown eyes looking serious. Entengo let out a whinny and pawed the ground. The samurai turned to look at Zero and gave him a nod, “We’d better head over there right away.”

“Indeed.” Zero nodded, the knight let out a silent thanks that everything seemed to be normal except for Juli’s message. He would have to tell the group his discovery later, when they were not preoccupied.

“Captain will meet us there! Come on!” Shute waved his hand and took off running, his jet pack bouncing as he ran. “By the way, Zero! Glad to have you back!” The brown haired boy flashed a smile as he glanced over his shoulder.

Zero grinned back behind his mouthpiece as he kicked on his flight busters. He quickly followed Bakunetsumaru, riding on Entengo, and Shute who had just turned on his jet pack. Hopefully he would be back permanently and whatever Juli’s discovery was, with any luck, it would be good and helpful. Hopefully.


“Phew. That was a bit harder than I expected.”

A shadowy figure, having just appeared in the middle of the sky, checked itself while it floated in midair, dull colored pixie like wings gently flapping. “Hm… Every thing seems to be in piece, though a bit dull. Oh well.” The figure spoke to itself, its voice sounding a bit staticy, and looked up, purple eyes glowing, “I’d best hurry up, who knows how long I have.” The figure began to glide across the sky, the crimson orb in its chest glowing faintly.

It trained its optical sensors on the scenery around it. Birds flew undisturbed by, as if not bothered by the fact of a random being simply stationed in the sky. The figure blinked but continued to watch and fly along.

As the figure observed what was going on the ground below, a voice called out, snapping its attention way. The figure halted for a moment, its pixie wings flapping and turned its head to see whom the voice belonged to.

“Yo! You! Stop!”

A military looking gundam fitted with eagle-like wings was speeding toward the figure. The figure observed the jet like vents on his navy blue chest as the gundam got closer. It also took note of the rifle in his hand. “Ah, one of the locals…”

The figure scooted back a ways as soon as the gundam was within talking distance. Some distance was good.

“Hey, you, what do you think you’re doing here?” GunEagle demanded as soon as he was able to get up close to the intruder. His green eyes quickly looked it over. It certainly was never anything he had seen before, not that he could tell what it was. All it looked like to him was a gundam that was black with tints of gray but no details of armor seen anywhere. And the pixie wings were certainly new.

The rookie ‘frowned’. This gundam’s colors reminded him of the dragon musha gundam clones he had fought not too long ago, but this gundam was different. GunEagle jerked his head at the strange gundam. “And just who are you?” It appeared not to be foe, though a bit of disappointment arose in GunEagle since that meant no one to fight and show off his skills to, since it had not attacked him while he was approaching. Maybe it was a good think he had not fired his beam rifle…

The shadow gundam shrugged its shoulders, speaking in its undeterminable gender voice that seemed to crackle, “I’m not sure, that depends and maybe the word ‘research’ means something to you?” Its purple eyes lit up. “Either way, you’d best leave me alone, for the best of us both.”

“Nuh, uh. I’m afraid I, GunEagle--pride of the SD Gundam Force--, can’t let you do that. See, you’re trespassing and intruders here in Neotopia are not taking lightly.” GunEagle waved his beam rifle as if to make is point across.

The shadow gundam appeared to be taking in the information and thinking for a moment before replying cautiously, though with what appeared to be a bit of humor, “What if I was a ‘visitor’?”

“Visitor? Now that’s a lame excuse. Besides, Mayor Margaret nor Chief Haro said anything about a visitor from another dimension. Though it seems Neotopia seems to naturally draw them.” The rookie thought back of when Bakunetsumaru and Zero had first arrived in Neotopia.

The shadow gundam just then seemed to let out a strange cough sound, the sound of static crackling in the background. It shook its head, “Aw, perfect.” Though GunEagle was not sure if the comment was about what he had said or because of the mysterious gundam’s cough.

The intruding gundam then looked at GunEagle, “Okay, look, I don’t have time to chat. Time is of the essence right now.” With that, the gundam gave a faint wave of the hand, as if dismissing GunEagle and started to fly away.

Suddenly GunEagle was in front of the shadow gundam. The gundam looked shocked, its pixie wings flapping rapidly for a moment as it stopped itself. “Ah, don’t think I’m letting you go any where,” He ‘grinned’, “I’m going to take you back to headquarters for questioning. Or-” The winged military gundam waved his beam rifle, “Do you want to do this the hard way?”

What startled and shocked GunEagle was when the shadow gundam let out a laugh, its eyes becoming arches, “My, this is amusing. It appears you’re a speedy flying type, aren’t you?” GunEagle looked hard at the gundam before him, puzzled as what to do. The shadow gundam still stood there, laughing, when suddenly its appearance became fuzzy and like a blur, then gundam was gone.

GunEagle jumped in surprised and quickly looked around. Just then, the gundam appeared behind him, leaning close to his audio sensors, “Let’s see just how fast those jet boosters of yours work.” The rookie spun around, wielding his beam rifle, ready to take aim but the shadow gundam was no longer there. It now was speeding away from him.

“Hah! Don’t think a simple trick like that can shake me!” GunEagle crowed, “I’ll show you why I’m the fastest gundam on the Force!” The rookie kicked his flight boosters on full power and shot after the intruder. “Besides, the babes simply love a speeding guy!”

The shadow gundam let out a “Hah” and continued to fly along, appearing to effortlessly glide on its pixie wings. Small sparkles and shimmers appeared to come of its wings.

“Geez, this guy is almost as bad as that pansy Zero…” GunEagle mumbled to himself, thinking of the knight gundam who used to shower everyone with violet blue roses but had done it rarely lately since he had been reunited with his Princess. At least this guy just had sparkles. Just then the figure made a sharp turn left, causing GunEagle to almost swerve to turn also.

“Hey, nice move, but don’t think that they’re better than mine! I let you do that one!” GunEagle kicked his boosters on to an even higher level and speed closer to the gundam. The gap was closing easily.

“Hah, I got you now!” GunEagle called as soon as he was on the other gundam’s heels, close enough to reach out and grab its foot. Just then the shadow gundam had another coughing fit and the static sound happened again, only this time a strange frequency disrupted GunEagle’s audio sensors.

“Ugh!” GunEagle winced at the screeching noise and the strange sound that appeared to sound like a melody. He opened his eyes in time to see that the other gundam had abruptly stopped and that he was flying straight at it. “Whoa!” The rookie shouted and tried to slow down and swerve but crashed straight into the gundam. Or more exactly: Through the other gundam.

At the last moment, the shadow gundam’s figure started to become fuzzy and almost transparent. The flight gundam passed through the other without any harm.

“Whoa! Uh, gross!” GunEagle shouted when he realized he was on the other side of the gundam, halting on the spot. “That is one of the sickest things I ever done but that was totally cool! Man, that felt a bit like a mini thunderstorm.” He shook his hand to get the tingling sensation out of it. “Alright, now I am really curious as what you are.” His green eyes shown with interest as he turned to look at the intruder.

The shadow gundam had recovered from its fit though it did not looked pleased with itself. Still its purple eyes flashed, “Maybe I’ll tell you if you catch me. As you see, that did not count.” The crimson orb in its chest pulsed even more now. “Though, as I said, time is of the essence.”

“Well, as far as I can tell, I am essence itself.” GunEagle grinned, his soul drive pounding now with excitement.

“My, aren’t you a cocky one.” The shadow gundam suddenly made a quick sign with its hand and it disappeared once more. GunEagle tried not to act surprised but spun around, trying to spot the gundam.

“Ah, there you are.” He ‘smiled’ to himself as soon as he located the gundam on his scanners. “Ready or not, here I come!”

The chase continued for another 10 minutes.

The shadow gundam appeared to be slowing down a bit, which made GunEagle grin. No one could keep his pace for a long time. No one except for maybe Captain when he was in his V mode. “Looks like I’ve got, ya!” GunEagle shouted as soon as he decided it was time to end this. He kicked on his hyper boosters and sped toward the gundam, planning to either tackle or grab it, if it did not do its weird things again. “Time to take you in! Though thanks for the fun.”

The shadow gundam glanced behind it to see the GunEagle closing in. “Ah, I don’t think so.” It glanced at the orb in its chest which now was pulsing more rapidly. “It looks like we part ways here,” The figure then suddenly turned to face GunEagle and there was a blinding flash that lit up part of the sky, “Bai-baifor now”

“Whoa! Geez!” GunEagle shouted and quickly put on his breaks. He threw an arm over his eyes to help protect his optical sensors. After a few moments, he lowered his arms and blink a couple of times. His optical sensors seemed to be going a bit berserk so he shook his head to clear the circuits. “Man, talk about the world’s largest light bulb or something.” Just then voices broke the silence.

“Whoa! What was that!?” (Hm… Bossanova? Casanova? Or whatever his name was… Bakunetsumaru?)

“GunEagle, are you alright!?” (Ah, that would be Shute…)

“What happened!?” (That sounded like the pansy gundam Zero)

“GunEagle? Can you hear us? Come in!” (Good ol’ Captain!)

“Hey, hey, hey! Slow down guys! I appreciate the concern for the great GunEagle, but one at a time!” The flying gundam laughing, twirling his beam rifle--though he had never used it. Still, he quickly stopped twirling it when his vision became a bit blurry and felt dizzy. “Guys, I’ll recommend not standing close to fireworks when they go off.”

A few brief laughs came over the communication line though Shute’s voice broke through.

“GunEagle! Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“You mean him or his ego?” GunEagle heard Bakunetsumaru murmur but he chose to ignore it.

“Yeah, I think I’m alright. No real damage. That light’s all that got me though. I mean, I didn’t even get to pull my trigger!”

“Was that because of you deciding to take it slowly for once or simply because you thought you could beat the intruder with your bare hands?” Zero’s voice came next, though it did not seem to be snappy.

GunEagle simply rolled his eyes, “Well excuse me for checking to see if it was a distress signal first. We can’t tell anymore who’s in trouble or who’s causing trouble since we’ve starting helping all kinds of dimensions.”

“We? Did he say ‘we’?” Bakunetsumaru asked, probably talking to Zero, “We’re the ones who tend to be sent out. He simply gets base and homeland duty.”

GunEagle pouted at this remark. It was partly true but hey, that was because they need a tough guy like him to stay in Neotopia and fend off any attackers that should arrive while Captain and the others were gone. Besides, that meant getting all the babes to himself. The rookie let out a low chuckle of glee. He was a one man army.

“GunEagle, is the intruder still in the area?” Chief Haro’s low, serious tone came over the line. GunEagle quickly stood at attention. He hurriedly switched on his scanners and started monitoring the sky. He spun around so he could get a better view but after a few moments he turned his scanners off.

“Ah, no Chief. It appears that he’s gone. Whatever he… it… was.” GunEagle hovered in midair thinking, “All I can pick up is just some birds. Even when I had him in my sights, my optical scanners couldn’t pick up a full signal. It was like a blur… It’s as if he just vanished in thin air.”

“Hm…” Chief Haro seemed curious, “I’m not sure of the reason but as soon as you reported that you had spotted the target the line dropped dead and we could not communicate; though the SD Base reported seeing you. I suspect however that it was our ‘guest’s’ fault.”

“Yeah, we were starting to pick up what you were saying toward the end but we couldn’t respond to you. The line only came back when that giant flash went off.” Shute’s voice came back over the line.

GunEagle let out a whistle. “I thought that flash mighty big. I wonder if the whole city thinks that there was a supernova or something; but I think I’ll stick with my giant light bulb theory.”

Just then a new voice broke over the line. “Chief Haro, I think it would be best for GunEagle to come back to the ground base. I think my findings might hold an answer.”

“You’re right, Juli. GunEagle, return to base for a quick debriefing and report.”

“Roger that, Chief!”


Zero waited patiently for GunEagle to return, which was not long. He turned to looked at the group that was now gathered in the room. Things had happened so quickly that he was not sure what to do.

After Shute, Bakunetsumaru, and he arrived in Juli’s office she had stated that indefinable object had appear in the sky just before they arrived and that GunEagle had been sent out to verify the object. And then the rookie had reported he had spotted something then the line when dead, partially. The knight listened to GunEagle’s explanation of what happened.

“It would just appear and disappear, as if it was teleporting or something.” The flight specialize gundam shook his head, ‘grinning’. “Not that that did much. It only appeared a few feet away from me every time. Still, it appeared to me like a strange kind of gundam, Chief Haro.” GunEagle finished, turning his green eyes on the tall figure that stood by the computer.

“Yes, by your description, it’s colors could mean that it was one of the clones from Kharn but I’m skeptical.” The figure tapped his chin; well what would be his chin on the haro mask that covered his face. “And Juli, you said that there was no indication of a portal at all? The mysterious gundam just appeared in the middle of the sky?”

Juli gave a quick nod, “That’s right, Chief. Even if it did, it didn’t match any of the portals that we’ve come across so far. Though,” The purple haired woman turned in her seat and punched in some commands on the computer. “There is something here that I need to show you, that’s why I alerted Chief Haro in the first place and called the rest of you here.” She then pressed a single button.

The screen immediately began to flash as it had done earlier when Juli had first checked her computer. The “Alert” sign blared except the computer began to go through files, pulling random ones up. Everyone just stared in silence and puzzlement as the computer continued this for some minutes. Then the computer popped up another sign, the computer voice stating, “Search done. All possible relating files have been collected, Juli.”

“Thanks.” Juli then turned to face everyone, pointing to the screen. “I ran an analysis on the portal that the ex-Dark Axis forces fled through the other day. It took some time but according to the computer the data waves emitting from the portal don’t match any dimension that we currently know of.” She tapped a button and pulled up a file. “It does not even match the Zakorello transport dimension nor Genkimaru’s special technique.” Another file was pulled up, “Nor our Dimensional Transport Device, which would only be possible though a strange malfunction.”

“Not that that’s rare.” Bakunetsumaru muttered, thinking of the countless times the Force had problems with the transport. Even after Bellwood had supposedly fixed it… multiple times. Maybe it just needed something of giant size to hit it to make it work…

“Also, I found it strange that they were using weapons that we supposedly destroyed. Namely the Komusai II. So I ran tests on the anatomy and structure of the airship.” The SDG staff member looked disappointed, “Unfortunately I could not come up with anything; that is until our unidentifiable visitor showed up.

“I ran new tests while GunEagle was chasing it, even with the little communication we had, and I tried to even diagnose the light’s origin.” A chart appeared on the computer screen, “It matches almost identically to the matter of the portal though since it is different in certain parts of the flow, I believe it to be different. However I did find similarities of the seeming gundam creature and the Komusai II. Their genetic make-up appeared to be solid yet we know from GunEagle’s report that the gundam seemed to become see through at times. ”

“Like a ghost!?” Bakunetsumaru’s brown eyes became large like plates and he started to look nervous.

“No, like an illusion. Or more likely, half of an illusion; I’m going to have to suggest magic here.” Juli turned to look at everyone, “and I think its safe to say that we’re dealing with a new enemy here.”

“Yes, I believe this is the case. Especially when considering Captain’s reports on the behavior of the Dark Axis trio. There is a chance that they were acting not on their own intent. This enemy must have some technology that allows them to cross dimensions, like the Dark Axis.” Chief Haro looked as stern as he ever could with that mask over his face.

“So do you think the fight with Zapper Zaku, Grapper Gouf and Destroyer Dom were just a rouse to drive our attention toward them while this enemy came in to observe us?” Shute felt a sick feeling starting in his stomach. “But why did this guy appear way after the battle, while we were not occupied?”

“Well, that freaky shadowy pixie guy did mention something about ‘research’.” GunEagle added, thinking back on his encounter. “He appeared to just be toying with me though. He did not engage combat. He even backed off a bit when I first arrived!”

Zero, having been quiet this whole time, fidgeted for a moment, taking in everyone’s words. There was a chance that he could explain about the ‘researcher’ but he was not sure if he was right. The Lacroan gundam unfolded his arms. Pieces of the puzzle seemed to be put together for him, but not others. The problem was, he was holding some of the pieces. “I think I might be able being some things to light.” Everyone turned to stare at Zero.

“I couldn’t tell you, my comrades, before because I had forgotten.” The knight rubbed his head, thinking back at the headache that had plagued him for days but now was gone. It was as if a cloud had been lifted and his memory circuits were fully buzzing now. Even the burden in his soul’s core seemed less. Zero then fixed his teal eyes on his fellow gundams. “I’ve been… receiving multiple distress calls for days--maybe even weeks--now. At first I thought they were just dreams but now I know that they are real. Our help is needed in another dimension.” He took a step forward, “We need to help the planet of Kendra.”

> ~*--------------------------------------*~

Author's note:

Guilly-GuiledDragon: I knooooooooooooooooow you want to shoot me for the cliffhanger and for dragging everything out!

Typhen: Yeah, with all the flipping of the scenes and such....

Guilly-GuiledDragon: *continues* And I tried really hard to capture everyone's character so sorry if I got slightly off or something. (GunEagle is probably the easiest to write though.. *cough* Zelos *cough* same VA *cough* ) But I felt that the chapter was getting too long and readers would get restless so I'm chopping it in half and going to write the next stuff (Zero's explination and all that good crackers and cheese) in Chapter 4 hopefully. And Captain hardly says anythign in this chapter because well... I noticed he tends to be silent during really random times... O.o; Plus he's just listening.

>And yes, Zero is forgetful!! Reasons behind this! YES! *nods her head* And if you think something is mispelled but it's in italics please leave it! There is a reason behind that too.... I have REASONS. Reasons!! *gets wheeled off to an insane ward*

>Also: Thanks to TDAT-CrystalDragon for with advice and editting!! : ) (after like, how long of months that I space out of writing and sending stuff to you...)