SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Random Outputs! ❯ Under The Mistletoe ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay…fluffy, X-mas fic of our fave couple, Baku and Zero!! Enjoy!!!!




   As Shute finished putting up a strange plant above the door to his kitchen Baku asked; " What's that??"

   " It's called mistletoe," Shute explained while getting down his stool. " On Christmas, if a couple stands under it they have to kiss each other." He grabbed the stool and put it back into the kitchen. " Personally, I think it's nasty since it's always my parents kissing under it." Shute made a face. Baku nodded, but wasn't paying much attention to what Shute was complaining about, since he was thinking of who he wanted under the mistletoe with him…

    " Hey Baku, wanna help with food?" Baku snapped out of his little daydream.

" Yeah!"



    Later that afternoon, some of Shutes family and friends were over at his house for a Christmas party. (Okay, it was a lot of people really…) The Gundams were out on the patio, talking and trying out all the Christmas delicacies they could get. (Or what Baku brought out to munch on even though he didn't know what the heck it was)

     " This eggnog is trippy…." Guneagle muttered, but kept drinking the beverage anyway. Zero was sipping on some sparkling champagne while sitting in a chair looking like he was at a formal party instead of a silly get together.

   " Well, this tastes fine," Zero remarked and grabbed a gingerbread cookie.

 " Heyyyy, my cookies!" Baku barked at Zero, who was eating more of them than Baku did surprisingly. Zero dipped the cookie's head into his drink then made a face that looked like he was stickling his tongue out at Baku, except no tongue. Baku snatched the cookie and shoved it in his mouth. After chewing on the gingerbread a few times, he paused and made a face. " What IS that stuff??"

   " A sophisticated drink!" Zero replied. Kane rolled his eyes.

 " Please. The only sophisticated thing you've ever done drinking that stuff is have the decency to put a bucket over your head so no one would see your red, drunken face." Zero glared at his fellow Lacroan.

   " Oh, be quiet!" Zero growled while the other Gundams chuckled. Kane grinned.

" Quit your whining out there, Zero!" Ybaso called out while walking over to the door. (LOL yes, I put him in here too. And yes, RW I know he dun socialize, but he's just poking fun at everyone's expense. :p) " What, did someone steal your candy cane or something?" Zero stuttered to snap at the musha, but he went back inside.

   Baku felt a little sorry that everyone was picking on Zero, and at the same time he thought it was adorable how Zero would pout….Made him look sexy…

   " So, do you celebrate anything like this at your home world?" Shute asked. Kane shook his head.

   " No, since we know nothing of Christianity really in Lacroa, but Makii celebrates Hanukah since she's Jewish…."

 " That why she didn't come?"

" No, it was because she's going to try and win some cash off of the girls with that weird spiny top game…" (Dradles (sp) are fun ^.^)

   " …I'm Buddhist…" Baku muttered, getting annoyed with always having to restate his religion and everything about it. " You should know by now."

   " Oh…yeah. The cider must be getting to my head," Shute giggled. " Hey Captain, let's go see if we can get presents yet!" Captain nodded and got up, then followed Shute inside. Guneagle tipped over his carton of eggnog, as he watched to see if there was any left, but there was none. " I'm gonna get some more of this, dudes." He then got up and went into the house.

    Baku leaned over to Kane, while zero wasn't paying attention and was watching the Mayor and Shute's uncle dance as though they were trying to push each other in strange ways. (Yes, THAT. x.x )

   " Hey, uh, Kane?"

" Yes Baku?"

  " Um…d…do you know if uhhh….." Baku blushed a little. " If um…Zero's highway has any curves…" Kane raised an invisible eyebrow. " Huh?"

   " If he likes rainbows…?"

" Uh…."

  " Swings at the playground…?" Kane put a hand over Baku's mouth plate to silence him. " I have NO idea what you're talking about. So just stop with the code names…" He took his hand off.

   " Um…." Baku blushed more. " …Do you know if he likes …guys….?" Kane stared at Baku for a moment, then averted his gaze over to Zero slightly, then back at the blushing samurai, smiling.

  " Aww, how cute. You have a crush o--"

" Shh!! Don't say it out loud!!" Baku whined quietly. Kane shrugged. " Possibly. You can't really tell if he's even a male at times, so it's a possibility." Baku hoped so.  Kane leaned back in his chair. " So, going to try and get him under the mistletoe?"

  " Well…I don't know how…" Kane grinned fiendishly. " You just leave that to me."


" Okay, know what to do?" Baku nodded after Kane conspired with him. " Good. Showtime." Baku stood up and walked over to the door, crossing in front of Zero. Purposely, Baku tripped and spilled Zero's drink while falling to the ground. Zero yelped while standing up as it spilled on his lap. " Oh I'm sorry!" Baku apologized.

   " Ugh…It's ..okay…" Zero muttered. " Um, let's go clean you up and get you another drink okay?" Baku offered. " Okay…" Baku hesitantly grabbed Zero's hand, trying not to get woozy touching hands, then led Zero inside, winking at Kane. When they got in, they weaved through the party and up the stairs to the bathroom. Baku let Zero in first then went in after him, shutting the door and quietly locking it.  Baku got a towel from the closet for Zero, then looked up. " Hey Zero, look up!"

    Zero tilted his head back and saw a clove of mistletoe above their heads. " Why is there mistletoe in the ba--"

  Baku grabbed Zero's hand and pulled him towards him, shoving his mouth onto the knights. Zero cried out in surprise, but it was muffled by the samurai's mouth on his. After a moment, Zero started to feel the intimacy and caress in Baku's kiss and relaxed a little, letting the samurai have him. Baku was the first to break away from the kiss. Zero stood there in a daze, blinking questionably at the red Gundam.

    " I should dry you off…" Baku said while taking the towel in his hand and lightly touched Zero's middle with it, then slowly lowered it down to the knight's crotch and rubbed it there lightly. Zero held his breath, trying to suppress the urge to moan.

    Zero grabbed Baku's head and started to kiss him passionately. Baku felt his circuits heat up as he felt the lust in the knight's breath as they kissed.

     " Hey! Whoever is in there could you hurry up??" Mark whined from outside the door, making the two jump. Zero turned to Baku and smiled.

    " That was a nice Christmas present, Bakunetsumaru," he breathed. Baku giggled and nuzzles Zero's neck. " Not as nice as the one you'll get later on tonight…" he whispered, making Zero grin more.

   " How much later…?"

" Hmmm, whenever we get back to the base and to my room later." Zero grabbed Baku and held him bridal style while going to the window. He kissed Baku on the lips quickly then flew out the window, rushing to get to the base for his "present".

    " Hello??? HELLOOOOO?!?!" Mark whimpered while shutting his legs together. " This is the last time I eat laxatives before a drinking contest!!"