SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ SD Gundam Force Adventure ❯ Pirates of the Dark Axis ( Chapter 9 )
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Shute here! Last time, we had just arrived in Pacifica, hoping to warn their leaders about the Dark Axis' invasion plans. But we only got there a little bit ahead of them. Their most powerful warship is on the way, and we've got to stop them!
Pirates of the Dark Axis
On the seas of Grand, a very small, very fast craft sped away from Pacifica. Unlike the Love & Peace, it was in good condition and clean, and unlike the stolen Grabola, it did not look threatening in the least. The passengers of this unnamed vessel were the Gundam Force and its new owner/captain, Sinbad.
Shute, of course, was amazed at the technology on the ship, as he was prone to be with new technologies.
“Sinbad, this ship is amazing,” He breathed, “Where'd you get it?”
Sinbad smirked. “Let's just say a certain pier foreman is gonna be pretty surprised when he checks the ships.”
Rele got the hidden meaning. “You stole it?” She asked, shocked.
Sinbad shrugged. “Well, yeah. But this time I didn't go to a used ship lot.”
“This time?” Bakunetsumaru asked.
Sinbad glanced over his shoulder to a look at the samurai for a minute. “Where'd you think I got Love & Peace?”
As the Gundam Force moved closer to their target, they reviewed the plan. It was simple; they would damage the Dark Axis warship and take out as many of its strongest fighters, weakening them long enough for the Pacifican Navy to arrive and finish them off. It was a good strategy. Simple and straightforward.
In theory, that is…
The real trick was getting close enough to the Warship without being blasted out of the water by its cannons. Luckily, Princess Rele had her magic for that.
Pretty soon, the massive warship, the Tivvay, loomed over the horizon…
“Here we go,” Shute murmured.
Aboard the Tivvay's bridge, a Zako working at the radar noticed odd. “Uh, sir?” he said uneasily. Gargos Gogg, Amuro Acguy, and, most dangerously of all, Commodore Z'gok turned their attention to him.
“What now?” Gargos demanded irritably.
“According to our radar, zako,” He explained, “A small, fast ship is coming towards us, but, zako, zako, zako,” He began stammer nerviously.
“Get on with it!” Yelled Z'Gok angrily.
“It's on our radar, but we can't see it!” the zako cried in terror, more of the commodore's than anything else.
“Huh!?” the Commodore and his officers cried in confusion.
A bigger screen lowered down from the ceiling. It fizzled on, showing a read-out. However, no boat of any kind could be seen where the sensors said it was!
“What's going on!?” Gargos yelled.
“A malfunction? Is something wrong with the radar?!” Amuro tried rationize.
Z'Gok didn't say anything. Then…
“Fire our cannons onto the unseen target!”
“Here it comes!” Sinbad yelled.
“Right,” Zero said, nodding. “Super magical I-field!”
Earlier, Captain had theorized that even with Princess Rele's magic hiding the ship's appearance, the warship's sensors and radar would still detect them. That being said, Zero would create a forcefield with his magic when it became obvious that they had been noticed.
The ship rocked as the mortars the Tivvay fired impacted onto the I-field.
“How long can ya keep it up, Zero!?” Sinbad yelled over the explosions.
“I don't know!” Zero answered loudly.
Sinbad looked at captain and gave him a curt nod. Captain nodded back and made his way to the hatch.
One last mortar hit the field….and there was a tremendous explosion!
When the dust clear, the forcefield, and the boat it was protecting was gone.
Inside the bridge, the the Commodore and his officers stared at the screen.
“Did we get it?” Amuro asked nervously.
On the deck, some Zakos trotted over to the edge to get a closer look. “Zako?”
The Zakos suddenly found themselves under gunfire. Looking up, they saw Hyper Captain Gundam, flying with his flight boosters, firing his headvulcans. Following behind was Zero, the Winged Knight, carrying Bakunetsumaru. Shute, Rele, and Sinbad came up after them on a Mana circle.
Captain landed behind the Zakos and snapped his V-rod together. He then began to parry and strike at the Zakos, while Zero dropped Bakunetsumaru onto the deck.
“The-they're here!” Shrieked Amuro.
Z'Gok didn't say anything, save for the fuming noises he made.
Gargos began to yell into a speaker. “Attention, all available Zako Sailors! All hands on deck and deal with the Gundams!”
On the deck, the Gundam Force just finished dealing with the Zakos.
Sinbad munched on an apple. “Not bad,” he muttered between bites, “Sure wish we had s'more.”
It was exactly after Sinbad said that did a door fly open- and Zakos by the dozens scurried out!
“Wish granted!” Baku' yelled, unsheathing his swords.
Captain didn't bother to snap his V-rod together again. Instead, he began firing beam-shots from at the zakos. Sinbad, meanwhile, began swinging his musket into any one of them that got close enough.
Three Zakos jumped at him in a flying kick-
“Zako kick! Hi-yah!”
-and passed right through him, sailing overboard into the sea below.
Over where Sinbad really was, he looked over and saw another him near the edge of the deck. `Must be another of that Princess' weird magicks…' He thought absentmindedly.
Once more, the deck was clear of Zako Sailors.
“Now what do we do?” Zero asked, his sword and shield in each hand.
“Hey!” Shute called pointing to a door. “How about that?”
Sinbad shrugged. “Might as well.”
With only mild apprehension, the Gundam Force went through the door.
“The Gundams have infiltrated the Tivvay!” Amuro Acguy wailed.
“The Zakos were defeated!” Gargos Gogg cried in a panic.
“And you're surprised?” Commodore Z'Gok growled. The other two looked at him.
“Sir! What do we do!?” asked Amuro hurriedly.
“Go to the specialized combat room and wait,” Z'Gok ordered in a venomously calm voice, “I'll stay here.”
After exchanging looks, Gargos and Amuro made their way to the door. Before leaving Gargos looked back at the Commodore. “Are y'sure you'll be…?”
Z'Gok's eye spun around to glare. “Any problems with my orders?”
“No sir!”Gargos yelled as he made himself scarce.
Meanwhile, after going down some stairs, the Gundam Force found themselves walking down a dark, dimly lit hallway. The sounds of machinery could be heard all over.
“Does anyone know where we are?” Rele asked.
None of them did. They sweatdropped.
“Hmm?” Captain noticed something on the wall.
“What is it, Captain?” Zero asked.
“It appears to be a diagram of the ship.” The Neotopian Gundam answered, studying the framed object. On point on the picture was a little arrow with the words YOU ARE HERE typed in bold.
“It's like one of those maps at the mall,” Shute commented.
Sinbad began tracing a path on the map with his finger. “Okay, according to this thing,” He said, “Their engine is here,” He tapped one area on the map, “And the bridge is here,” He tapped another area, “Anybody got an idea?”
“I say we got to the bridge,” Bakunetsumaru declared, “That's where the leader of the Dark Axis should be,”
“If we destroy the ship's engines, they won't be able to move forward,” Zero pointed out.
“Yes, but it won't stop them forever,” Bakunetsumaru countered, “They will still keep trying. We need to stop them here and now!”
Rele turned to look at Shute. “Shute, you are the only one to have seen their leader,” She said, “What's he like?”
“Hmm,” Shute crossed his arms and scrunched his face for a moment, “He's really loud and scary, and he seems stronger than guys like Zapper Zaku, but...”
“I don't think he's stronger than Sazabi.” Shute finished, uncrossing his arms and unscrunching his face.
“Look, how `bout this,” Sinbad said, “Some of us'll go take out their engines, while the rest'll go after that commodore guy.”
“Agreed,” Captain said, making the decision. “Shute and I will go confront Commodore Z'Gok, while you, Zero, Bakunetsumaru, and Princess Rele sabotage the engines.”
With that decided, the group split in two. As Captain and Shute ran down the corridor, the human said to the gundam…
“Captain…I think he has a Soul Drive.”
As the two groups made their way to their intended destinations, they ran into little resistance. In fact, after the scuffle on the deck, no Zako Sailors had been seen since.
However, this didn't bother Sinbad's group the slightest. Instead, they had another conundrum to face; picking between two doors that hadn't shown up on the map from earlier.
“I say we go left,” Zero proposed calmly.
“And I say we go right!” Bakunetsumaru counter-proposed not-so-calmly.
“Perhaps the doors lead to the same room,” Rele suggested.
Sinbad shrugged, “Sure, why not?” He moved for the left door. “I'll take this one.”
Rele looked at him and said, “Are you sure splitting up is wise?”
Sinbad once again shrugged. “If both doors lead to the same place, it shouldn't matter. See ya.”
And with that, Sinbad went through the door. Looking at each other and shrugging, and rest of the group moved for the right door.
But what none of them realized was that although both routes did lead to the engine room- EVENTUALLY -the door on the left led to a the tank hanger, where a platoon's worth of heavily armed tanks were waiting, and the door on the right led straight to Gargos Gogg and Amuro Acguy's private arena!
And while Captain and Shute thought they were going to get the drop on Z'Gok, they head no idea that the violent Commodore had everything they did under his cruel gaze...
…via security cameras.
As Sinbad opened the door at the end of his corridor, he suddenly noticed two things about the room he was in;
It was not the engine room.
The large hanger was filled with tanks.
And to top it all off, Princess Rele and the Gundams were no where to be seen! Luckily, none of the armed vehicles were active…
“Zako?” A hatch flipped open and a Zako popped out. “Zako! It's that human guy!”
Suddenly every gun barrel(and what big gun barrels they were!) swiveled around to point at Sinbad.
Meanwhile, At the same time Sinbad discovered the tanks(and visa versa) Rele's group had come upon a room with a large swimming pool. Surrounding the pool were some lawn chairs and a lifeguard stand.
“What is this place?” Bakunetsumaru asked.
“It's your water-y grave!”
Out of nowhere, Gargos Gogg leapt into the pool, dragging Zero and Baku' with him!
Under the water's surface, Gargos let go of the Gundams and moved with more grace and ease then thought possible over to Amruo Acguy.
“We've been waiting for you,” Amuro said, his voice sounding unusually confident. “This time you won't get away so easily.”
“I was just about to say the same!” Bakunetsumaru growled, unsheathing his swords. “Secret arts, Bakunetsu, Tenkyo Ken!”
Bakunetsumaru slashed his swords…and nothing happened.
Baku's eyes bugged out. “Huh!?”
“Aww, what's the matter?” Gargos taunted nastily, “Why don't ya throw that fiery x thing at me? Oh, that's right, YOU CAN'T!”
“And it's our turn.” Amuro said, and then he moved at Zero with speed so fast that he slashed at the Knight Gundam several times before he knew what was happening.
“Wha- Ow! Arrg!” Was all Zero could make out as he was knocked around.
“Hahaha!” Gargos laughed, “What's wrong? You're not built for underwater combat, are you?!”
Meanwhile, Rele found herself being surrounded by Zako Sailors…
As Sinbad found himself being `tanked-up' and Zero and Bakunetsumaru were being `schooled', Shute and Captain had arrived at a large slightly-ornate door.
Captain had his V-rod out and ready. “This is the entrance to the bridge. You ready?”
Shute nodded. “Yup.”
The door opened up, and the two jumped in, looking all heroic-like.
Z'Gok, sitting in his chair, didn't move an inch. “You took your time, didn't you?” he sneered.
Captain ignored that. “I have been granted special dispensation to use weapons by the authorities,” he said, “My name is Captain Gundam, of Gundam Force.”
“And I'm special forces member, Shute!” The boy piped up.
“Commodore Z'Gok, I order you to cease your invasion of this planet,” Captain continued, “Immediatly!”
Z'Gok, with his back still turned, stood up. “You, order me?” His eye spun around to face the duo. “This is my world. You don't give orders-” (His eye glowed ominously) “-you obey MINE!”