SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Tenmei: Hinomoto Botsu ❯ Chapter 2: Reunion ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tenmei: Hinomoto Botsu
God's Will: The Origin of Fire’s Rise
By: May-VeggieGirl1

Gleh. I really didn’t feel like writing this. But I have. D: And wow, Mel made me realize exactly how much seniordom I have on Baku’s Halloween is actually the first fic now, since that SD Gundam bashing one must’ve been taken down. So I feel quite special now and like to say to all the Fourthies (Fourth Generation writers, you should know who you are since it's the most recent 2006 joined) do your best and please keep writing! :3
Also, even more great thanks to Mel for the two characters Daja and Raidon! Chimi and the all other non-SDGF characters besides those two I own. And they're not available for taking. :J


Shute was excited beyond words. Ever since the Gundam Force went their special ways, he had started back up in school and would meet up with Captain most afternoons; both would to watch the sky, go to the fair, and look over his newest inventions. But he began to miss the base, everyone, and the fun, thrilling times they had together. Especially the four of them. The boy finally found himself drawing in the margins of his note and test papers and decided he’d ask Captain if he could set up them all meeting again on some weekend.

The gundam understood and went through getting permission from Chief Haro and Mayor Gathermoon who relayed the request back to the King of Lacroa who in turn sent a messenger to Britainmaru. With Shute’s patience, he found that they could all meet the next weekend in Neotopia.

That day was today.

The roof sensor began to go off as he was adjusting his jetpack, the gateway giving a clicking sound of recognition and sliding opened to his best friend slowly descending into his workshop.
“Good morning, Shute.” His green eyes looked up wide in joy.

“Captain! Alright, it’s time!” He dashed over to a wall and pressed his intercom button. “MomI’mgoingwithCaptainnowI’llbebacklaterloveyou!” Without giving Keiko any time to respond, he ran and leapt up, grabbing Captain’s feet and pulling himself up to arm level. Captain’s eyes looked at Shute disapprovingly for doing something so dangerous, considering his high-powered jet was still on, but then shrugged it off seeing as how nothing happened. “Yes, let’s go!”
The enthused voice burned in Captain’s chest as he rekindled the jet pack and took off into the clear blue Neotopian skies.

The wind was sharp like razors at the speed he was going but it was that crisp sharp feeling that gave Guneagle the exhilaration he loved about flying. Moving his wings closer to his body, he began to spin, even faster, and went through the Neotopian towers like they were giant field goal posts. He opened his wings again out over the sea and made a perfect curve upward going up higher. Slowing, his shades flipped up to get an uninterrupted view of below, smiling. “Guneagle here, everything is looking to be a perfect day. I’m headin’ back now.” The jets in his wings revved up gears and blasted off.

Below in Peace Park, a figure hidden in the shadows watched him go carefully, eyes narrowing. “Now.”

After a fast flight over to the newly constructed hand-shaped cloud, Shute touched down running across one of the finger launch pads, his feet pounding hard and fast against the gundanium. Up ahead on one of the railings above the palm, Zero floated high enough to be seen and waved below at Shute casually.
“Heeeeyyyyy, Zeeroooo,” The boy yelled between his quickened breathing, jumping up and turning on his jetpack to fly up to where Captain had landed with them. Captain and Zero watched Shute amused as he hopped over the railing and turned off his jetpack. Bakunetsumaru looked up from the nice plate of riceballs at the table, trying to discretely brush off the little bit of rice on his face before Zero could yell at him about waiting for Shute and Captain to arrive first. “You’re here too Bakunetsumaru! Great!” He moved around to look at his two seeming long-lost friends over to see if anything about them changed physically. Nothing had, but the playing with his cape and thorough inspection produced a large sweatdrop from Zero.

“As flattering your interest and concern is, Shute, it has only been a few months since we last met…” Baku hmphed in agreement, also sharing the awkward, unpleasant feeling Shute was giving them and exchanged glances with Zero. Shute never was this interested with them before.

“But,” He began to whine. “I’ve been in school during those two months! It’s felt like forever and I miss you guys!” Both looked away with a slight blush at the comment, mumbling under their breath. “What was that Zero?” The knight scratched the back of his head while floating lower until his feet brushed the ground.

“I, uhh, guess I missed you all too…”

“Mmm,” Baku nodded in agreement as Captain smiled, glancing at him. He shifted a little again in his seat, hoping Captain wouldn’t notice his warm face.

“But it still hasn’t been that long!” Shute sighed, knowing there was probably little use insisting otherwise with Zero, taking a seat in a chair next to Baku with the plate of riceballs before him at the table.

“So what have you two been up to anyway?”

“Mostly overseeing the newer recruits of the guard’s training, of course along with my normal knightly duties.” Shute began to quietly munch on a riceball, eyes wide with interest until Baku leaned back a little and interrupted.

“And I’ve been–“

“I’m not done yet,” Zero snapped at the musha. “Be polite for once and wait your turn.” Baku frowned while crossing his arms.

“He didn’t ask for your life story Zero! Why bore him to death?” Shute smiled while finishing off the riceball; it really had been too long since he heard them bicker last. Zero huffed, narrowing his eyes.

“At least I have a story–what did you do over the two months then? Train?” Baku stared fiercely at Zero, obviously not amused but remaining quiet for a moment. Then he finally said yes and Zero laughed at how easily predictable that was. “Bakunetsumaru, I couldn’t get my feet wet in your deepest thoughts.”

“That’s because you’d be flying,” Baku retorted while slamming a hand on the table.

“I mostly spent my time training also,” Captain commented before the fight could worsen and suddenly the tables turned as Baku grinned.

“See?! A true warrior wouldn’t slack off, Zero!” The knight crossed his arms and turned his head to the air stubbornly, a vein throbbing in his head from the extended annoyance Captain had contributed to.

“I certainly do not slack off! And not training as often as I perhaps should is better than beating it to death!” Baku snorted and turned his head away also, growling.

"There's no such thing as too much training!" Captain's gaze shifted over to Baku as Shute glanced back and forth at both gundams refusing to look at the other.

"Bakunetsumaru, too much of anything is bad." Zero chuckled while peeking back at the other three.

"Exactly! Beating it to death as always! You overdo everything." The musha's head snapped back to him and stormed over, clenching his fist.

"I do not!"

"Do too," Zero floated lower to get in Baku's face but stayed floating just enough to look down on him. Shute finally stood up and forced himself between their electrifying glare.

"Okay, okay, that's enough now!" Shute sighed as both humphed and looked away. "You two are always at it... Guess things really haven't changed much huh?" Zero tucked his hands behind his back while floating a little higher again to look around at the top of the base. Baku walked over to the table and began to eat another riceball, shrugging at Shute's comment.

"You honestly expected it to?"

"Well," Zero drawled, eyes skimming the top of the base. "They did finish rebuilding the SDG base from when it was taken down by the Dark Axis before." Captain looked over at the door and remembered the long days and nights it took for all of the SDG workers to get this back the way it is now, himself not excluded. "Is it exactly the same as before?" His head lifted from the memories and turned back to everyone.

"No, how about I show you all?" Shute hopped up and down again, re-energized.

"Yeah, yeah!"

Leyon flew as fast as his winged feet aloud him. The Princess' magic had dropped him off at Shute's house, but now making it to the base seemed to be the hardest part.
Especially since he had to go in an angle that made it easy to loose balance and flop backward, which was the last thing he needed.
So naturally while he was too busy focusing on making it to the base, one of the patrolling Gunchoppers happened to notice him and find it a little suspicious. Suspicious enough to distract him.
"This is a non-authorized flying zone," Gunchopper 3 ushered firmly while quickly making his way next to him. "Where is your grant?" Leyon had glanced at the smaller gundam and his feet separated a little too far, his left slipping up, the right shooting out, and his body flipped backwards, suddenly making a plummet. Gunchopper 3 watched in surprise as Leyon fell, grappling desperately to get his feet under himself again.
Well that could've gone better. Honestly, the one time he needed to be fastest for Princess Rele, he screwed up big and this high in the air.

Zero glanced around the hallway, eyes tracing all the familiar places as a group of elemechu scurried by his comrade's feet. "That is all awesome, Captain," Shute took a deep breath. "And the new Gundamusai looks so cool!!"

"'Tis a shame we don't need it anymore," Zero cut off Shute's enthusiasm. Baku paused, looking around the hallway's interior.

"...Wasn't this where you had Zero and mine's room in the last base?" Captain nodded, pointing to the two doors, one right across each other, a few feet ahead. Baku wryly smiled.

"Still right across from each other." Captain shrugged.

"The first time was these were the only rooms available. This time, since we didn't figure you both would stay here for long, if at all, we didn't change the layout any in this area." Zero flew up a little to open his old-yet-new bedroom door, eyes skimming over the inside. It was mostly empty, as to be expected. But then something went zooming past his window and he frowned concerned, quickly flying over to the window to open and look out of it. Captain, Shute, and Baku saw him rush inside his room and followed in curiosity. Zero leaned out a little, hands fast on the ledge until his eyes caught sight of the familiar, lanky gundam and made an irritated sound, diving out over the window and flying down to him swiftly.
Leyon felt something grab his foot and sheepishly looked up, or technically down, to find the royal knight staring back skeptically.

"What are you doing here, Leyon?" Taking a deep breath, he swung up a little and fiddled with some armor, taking out a compact yellow device and holding it up for the knight to see.

"I have an urgent message for you, Lord Zero!" Zero's teal eyes stared at it, making a mental note to rub it in Baku's face later about how most of the Lacroans called him Lord Zero and then went about wondering what contents would be so urgent as to send Leyon this far up and away from Lacroa. Shute leaned out the window to watch, despite Captain's protests, and spotted Gunchopper 3, waving him over.

"What's going on?"

"That gundam was flying up to the top of the base and when I requested information about his permission, he toppled over." Captain's cobalt eyes watched them and held up a hand to Gunchopper.

"It looks like he has business with Zero, so, for now, give him basic access if he needs any and I'll get the information about it." The flying gundam saluted to his senior and flew off just as Zero began to make his way over to them, hand still firm on Leyon. He pulled them inside with no help from his friends and Leyon sighed while leaning against the wall, happy to be on a solid surface again. Zero kept himself preoccupied with the message device, Baku peering over his shoulder.

"Are you alright," Shute pressed the new gundam as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The boy looked over his armor, particularly curious with the wings on his ankles.

"Well that's good. My name is Shute and this is Captain--" Leyon chuckled and shook his head.

"I know that already, of course! The Gundam Force needs not introduce themselves to me, I'm just a messenger." Captain nodded, confirming what he had presumed earlier as Shute kneeled down to his level.

"So what is your name then, messenger?"

"Leyon," Zero interrupted while extending his hand with the device out, looking flustered as Baku snickered off to the side. "I can't get this to play the Princess' message!" Shute's eyes lit up while staring at it.

"A message from Princess Rele??" Leyon took it and pressed a button on the side, a light beaming up from the top of it and the princess' form appeared tiny standing over it. Shute smiled wide seeing the princess again as Zero face faulted from the simplicity of the object.

"Zero," Princess Rele's soft voice began sternly. "We need you back here immediately. The palace has been broken into.." Zero, Leyon, and Shute let out a little gasp in surprise, Baku's eyes widening. "..And Fenn has been stolen." The image flickered off as Shute gaped at it, looking back and forth from Zero to where the Princess' image last stood. Captain's eyes narrowed and watched Zero stand shocked for a moment before turning on his heel sharply and walking briskly over to the door.

"Who in heaven could possibly steal one of the legendary beasts," Leyon asked amazed at his own message as Zero looked over his shoulder, sneering.

"I'll find out, whatever did. And may Mana help them if they've done anything to Fenn."

Warning: reading the following A/N may ruin the moment
About Baku and Zero's fight... You can't spell humphed without hump. ;D Or at least you can't spell it correctly. STFU I know you can say hmphed instead but it's a different sound so nyah! :<
Please don't comment on what I've just said.
Uhh, Leyon... not important at all to this, but he's just a gundam that is like Hermes. :> But he ish still mine, and his being all Hermes like. Maybe I'll draw him someday if I'm bored enough.