SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ The Result of a Quiz ❯ The Samurai, the pizza, and CATS! (Never should have given him any...>.>) ( Chapter 3 )
I wrote this cuz I was hungry, and my friend kept talking about the exorsits and LOTR. (Has not seen the third movie >.> ^_^' Yeah, I'm lame…) lol. Hope you like! ^^
Samantha sat at the table in Shute's kitchen with her head on her arms. " Foooooddd…." She whined. " So hungry….!"
" You just ate an hour ago!"
" Sugar burns off, dummy!" Shute sighed and rolled his eyes. " Well, Yami said she'll be here soon with some pizza." Baku tilted his head.
" What is this pizza?" Sam's head shot up. " You don't know what pizza IS?" she stared at him.
" Well…no…" Samantha stood up from her seat and shook her head. " You poor, deprived fool! You've been missing out on soooo many thiiiiiings…." Baku sweatdroped.
" Well, this pizza doesn't sound very good…" Samantha glared at him, then pounced over the table, and onto Baku. " DO NOT TALK OF SUCH EVILS!!!! MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELL YOU!!!" She then smiled and got off of him, returning to her seat. Baku blinked repeatedly.
" Er…..okay?" Shute sweatdroped. " Burned off the sugar she says," he mutters.
" Delivery!!!!"
" Alright!!" Yami came into the kitchen with five boxes of large pizzas. " Sorry, but there was a pizza rush."
" Yeah, yeah, yeah," Sam muttered impatiently. " Just GIMMIE!" Yami put a box in front of her, then took one for herself. They both looked at each other, then laughed evilly.
Zero opened one of the other boxes and peered into it. Shute rolled his eyes again. He grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza and stuffed it in his mouth. " Ish goo'," Shute said with a mouthful of food. Zero blinked, then took a slice. He examined it.
" Hmmm…seems…strange…" he observed.
" Just eat, Wings!" Yami snapped. Zero shrugged, then took a bite. " Wow! This is great!"
Bakunetsumaru also took a piece, then tasted it. His eyes started to water with happiness. " Oh man! This is the best thing I've ever tasted!!" he exclaimed, then ate the rest in one bite. He snatched two more pieces, then quickly demolished them as well.
" Geeze, slow down there!" Shute said. " Save some for the rest of us!!" Baku hissed at him, stealing the boy's pizza. " HEY!"
Yami and Samantha, meanwhile, were having a stare down on who would have the last piece of pizza in one of the boxes.
" Mine."
" No, MINE."
" MINE!"
" MIIII--"
Bakunetsumaru came by, and stole the desired food product. " HEYYYY!" they both screamed.
" Muahahahahaaaaa…" Baku had the last box full of pizza in his grasp. " My precioouuussssss…." He hissed.
" Oh god, we've turned him into a pizza golem!" Yami exclaimed. " Forget that!" Sam snapped, " He's got our pizza!"
" You'll never catch me alive!!!" He then ran outside. Yami turned to Zero. " Zero, do something! Save the pizza!"
" Alright, alright!" He then flew after the crazed pizza-maniac. " Baku, halt!"
" NO!!"
" Fine then!" Zero then used his magic to make a barrier in front of the crazed samurai. He smacked into it face first, then slid to the ground. " Owww…"
The others ran up to Zero. " Boo-ya!" Sam then charged towards the pizza.
" Yay, Zero! He saved our lunch from a Baku-Golem!" Yami then hugged Zero. Zero blushed faintly. " `Twas no problem at all, my lady."
" NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" They all turned to see Samantha sitting on the ground, looking horrified. " HE TOOK IT AGAIIIN!"
" What?! Man, this is not cool." Yami sighed. Shute whimpered, " I didn't even get a second sliiiiceeee!!"
" Well," Captain said. " I may be able to track him down with my radar…"
" DO IT!!" The three humans exclaimed in unison. Captain sweatdroped. " Um…okay…"
LOL, I'll have the next chapter up soon. >:p R&R