SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ The Result of a Quiz ❯ The remaining Two of the Trip, and a dridga--what? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

At last, I've updated. X_X Okay, two new ppl are gonna be in this…and that's IT! No more!! There isn't enough Gundams for everyone! X_X___X

And you had to tell me about the grasshopper threesome for what reason RW?? O.o >___<

Ladybug Baku: *is gonna have nightmares for the rest of his life* O___o


Akiye had just defeated Shute and Baku for the twentieth time at video games that day.

" Man, you guys suck," she giggled. Shute huffed. " Ah…damn!" He then stood up.

" I'm gonna go outside, see ya two later." He then walked out.

" Care to go again? Or are ya chicken?" Akiye smirked.

" What?! No way! I'll beat you this time!!"

" BAKU!!" Came Sam's voice from upstairs. Baku sweatdroped. " Oh man…what did I do now?"

" GET YOUR RED AND WHITE CANDY ASS UP HERE NOW!!" Baku paled. " Heheh…I'll play ya later…if I'm alive…" He got up, and trudged up the stairs. Akiye sweatdroped.

" Um….right…."

" I'll play with you." She looked up to see Captain. She shrugged. " Okay, sure!"


" Drigihoo---a drig-no…A dridgidoop, drigi-digi---bowwww…!" Yami stuttered, trying to remember the name of the instrument she wants to play badly at the moment.

" Whhhhhyyyyy can't I remember, damnit all!!?" She thought for a moment. None of the Gundams or Shute would know what she was talking about, since it's an Australian instrument.

" Hey, maybe Guneagle knows!" she thought. " Sure, he's in with the times…he should know!" She smiled happily. But she suddenly frowned. " How am I gonna get to the base though…?"

" BOO!"

" MEEEEEROWWWWW!" Yami screamed as Shute stood behind her. She spun around, then slapped him over the head. " No-no! Bad, Shute, BAD!" Shute held his head.

" Hey, do you wanna go to the base with me?" Yami asked. Shute blinked. " Um…okay…"

" Cool! Lead the way!!"


" Ya know, Zero hasn't come back yet…" Sam said while hanging upside down from a tree.

" Yeah, and Shute and Yami went off too," Akiye added while sitting under the tree.

" They're ditcin' us!!" Sam exclaimed, then accidentally fell out of the tree, and onto Akiye.

" OWWWwwww.."

" Get off of me, or I'll else!" Akiye growled while lying under Sam. Sam sweatdroped. " Oppse."

Baku snickered, but was soon silenced by Sam's glare. " Um…maybe we should look for them, since there isn't anything else to do…"

" Except play video games with me!!" Akiye said, then glared at Captain. " Your controller was rigged! I want a rematch!" Captain blinked.

" I won fair and square. There was a 99.8% chance I would win right from the beginning anyway." Baku and Sam sweatdroped as Akiye fumed.

" Well, I agree with Baku," Sam said. " We should go look for them."

" You only say that cuz you wanna--" Sam covered the toher teen's mouth and giggled nervously. " Ignore her---let's go!!


" A didgeridoo?" Gunealge said. Yami nodded happily. " That's exactly what it is! …Do you have on I can borrow?"

" I wish, babe," Guneagle shrugged. " They don't let me have any instruments here!"

" Why not?" Shute asked.

" Uhhhh…" Guneagle sweatdroped. " Cuz I either smash them, or I play them so loud that Haro smashes them." The humans sweatdroped.

" Yeeeaaahh….that's uh, nice…."

" Do you know where I can get one at least??" Yami pleaded. (A/N: Those things are addictive to play man!! X_X)

"Nope, sorry." Yami lowered her head in defeat. " Not coo' yoz."

" Attention all Gundam units," came Juli's voice. " There is a dimensional gate opening above us. All mobile Gundams to the launch bay."

" Dark Axis?" Yami blinked. Shute shrugged. " Who knows, but let's go!"

As soon as they got outside, they didn't see anything at first.

" Um…false alarm?" Shute said.

" That's what you only wish!!" Zapper laughed as he, Don, and Grappler floated into view on hover boards.

" Don't try anything funny, or this…" Grappler held up a tied and gagged girl in his arms. " Gets blown to pieces!!" The girl made a sound that sounded similar to a scream as Destroyer Don held a gun to her head. Her blue eyes widened in panic.

" What the hell do you three Stooges want?!" Yami yelled.

" Give us all access to the main computers at this base," Zapper said.

" Fine," Came Haro's voice from the speakers. " But you let the girl go first!"
" No, you give us our demands first!" Grappler snapped.

" How about you get your asses kicked first?!"

" Huh??" Zapper looked up to see Sam coming down from above him. " Hey-Watch---!!" She kicked him on the head hard, then jumped onto the deck. " Out…" He started to sway on his hover board.

" Haha! Losers!" Sam grinned.

" Hey, good timing, girl!" Yami said.

" Okay, THAT does it! Time to blow this kid to smithereens!" Grappler said. He then suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked back, but didn't see anything. " Eh?" He then looked back forward, then yelped as the girl was gone.

" Looking for someone?" Guneagle hovered above them while holding the girl, who was slightly blushing.

" Heeeyy!"

" Oh crap…"

" What now?!" Grappler huffed, then saw Captain and Baku standing on the launch bay in front of them.

" Hello again!" Baku said sweetly.

" And goodbye again!" Captain activated his soul drive, while Baku made circles with his swords.

" Damn…." Zapper squeaked.

" You'd think that one of these days, something would go right for us!" They then watched as the two combined their attacks, and aimed it towards them.

" They never do tough…" I then hit them, and sent them fling into the sky.

Akiye blinked while she strutted up to her friends. " …That was a stupid plan," she commented.

" Well, it has worked in the movies," Baku said with a shrug.

Guneagle landed with the girl, then put her down. " Are you okay?" he asked. She blushed with a nod. " Y-yes…I am, thank you…" Guneagle stared at her for a moment, then shook his head.

" Uh, what's your name?"

" Angel."

" I know that much already!" Guneagle smiled, making her blush more.


" ANOTHER ONE?" Yami exclaimed. " Another one," Akiye and Sam sighed in unison.

" Well, Zero's still mine!!" Yami huffed. " Where IS Zero anyway?" Akiye asked. Yami whimpered.

" W-what if he's hurt somewhere?? O-or lost?? Maybe he was kidnapped?!" Yami said hysterically.

" Calm down, Yami," Sam said. " I will NOT calm down until Zero is found!!" she exclaimed. " That's it! I'm gonna go to the Dark Axis, and beat them up until they tell me where he is!!" She started to march off, but Akiye and Sam grabbed a hold of her arms, to stop her.

" No! Lemmie go!! Lemmie--" Yami stooped as she heard a crack. " …Someone dislocated my shoulder…"

Akiye sweatdroped. " Um…sorry…"

Yami twitched. " Ow…"


" Is everything alright here?" Zero asked while landing. " ZERO!!" Yami screamed, then ran up to him and glomped him. " OOFF!" He fell on his back. " Zero!! I was so worried!" She said while hugging him. She then sat on him, and punched him in the gut. " Where have yea been!?"

Zero held his stomach while cringing. Yami stood up and glared down at him. Baku and everyone else sweatdroped.

" I'd say they're a nice couple," Guneagle joked. Angel giggled.

Yami sighed. Zero sat up, then made a princess rose appear in his hand. " I did not mean to cause you any worry, Yami," he said. Yami couldn't help but smile. She hugged him tightly.

" Awwwww," Everyone chimed. Yami looked over at them blushing. " Shaddap over there!"

Angel scooted closer to Guneagle, who smiled.

" Looks like Guneagle's being pretty friendly with Angel," Sam giggled. She then eyed Baku for a moment, then started whistling. Akiye raised an eyebrow at her.

" So…uh…Angel?"

" Yeah?" Guneagle blushed. " Um…well…I was wondering, if you're not doing anything tonight, we could-uh….hang out?" (A/N: Ain't he cute? *hugs Guneagle* )

" YES!!" Angel screamed, then started jumping about while whooping.

" Um….yeah. This is a twisted day," Akiye said flatly.

" Duh! It's like---some crazy person out there is making this up or something!" Sam said.

" Don't start that TOO!" Zero groaned while Baku grinned. (ie, Gunadite Madness reference :p)

" Seeeee?! I'm not the only one who thinks that!" Baku said while pointing at Zero, who was still being hugged by Yami.

Zero made a face at Baku. He leaned his head against Yami and closed his eyes, obviously tired. Yami blinked, then grinned broadly.

" Wait, Zero! Wake up! You haven't told me where you've been!" Yami yelled at the knight. " ZERO!"

Baku sweatdroped. " Good thing I don't have to deal with that…" He then tilted his head as he started to hear something. " Uhhh…" He looked up, then paled. " Not again…"

" IEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAA!!!!!" screamed a girl with brown hair as she fell down from the sky.


RW coughed while standing up. " Damnit! The fuck happened?!"

Akiye stared at her. " …Do they just come like this all the time?"

" I dunno, but that's how you were born!" Sam said. Akiye hit her over the head. " OW!"

" Uer, excuse me…but can you get off of my baaaack…..?" Baku whined as RW was standing on him. She blinked rapidly, then sweatdroped.

" Oh my god!!!" She jumped, then started looking around. " I KNEW I shouldn't have eaten those gummy worms while watching those nature documentaries!!"

" Uh…how does that relate to SD Gundam?" Akiye asked.

" I dunoooo!!!!" Everyone who wasn't already on the floor or sleeping face faulted.


RW And Agel ladies, gentlemen…er…ladies mostly. ^^;

Kane: I am so glad I'm not in this….

I can make it that you are, Kandy Kane!

Kane: O.o HUH?!

LOL! ….Uh…I dunno. -.- This chappie was kinda weird…but it will be funny weird later!! Hmmm, maybe I shall do it on Guneagle and Angel's date! HAHAHAHAHA!