SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ WAKE UP!!! ❯ COME ON! ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
RW: Yes, most of you know me, RW (May-VeggieGirl1).
Everyone: *starts to walk away*
RW: !! I have fresh baked cookies and milk!!
Everyone: *comes back*
RW: Heehee *quicky scarfs down cookies*
Everyone: Hey!
RW: Oh right, sorry. ^^;;
Everyone: T_T ...
RW: We all also should know Kai (NeoYami), Black B. Kirin, and GD (GreenDevil). Since Whitetail hasn't updated/written anything in what seems to be forever, she r.i.p. somewhere out in the morgue. ^^;;;
Whitetail: *is dead*
RW: Is that our fault? Did our obsurdity end up killing her? Well, the world may never know since she is dead now.
Whitetail: I'm not dead-
RW: Anyways, it seems only new people have been updating/writing. Why is this? My list of lame excuses should fix that question.
List of Lame Excuses:
1. Busy
2. Lazy
3. Writer's Block
4. Less access to internet
5. Bored
6. Losing interest with fic
7. Loss of words
8. Dead
9. Temporarily sane
10. Forgot how to type
RW: As said before, these are the lame excuses. Are we really this pathetic?
Zero: Yes, you are.
RW: Shaddap, we weren't asking you, PUPPET.
Zero: Who are you calling puppet?!
RW: We use you to get sick kicks out of things. Therefore, you are puppet. :p Nyah.
C: ...That so did not sound right.
RW: with it! xp
B: Deal with what?
RW, Z, C: T_T ...
RW: Will all the gundams please shut their yaps so I can continue?
Z: No. ^^
RW: T_T+ *takes out staple gun* >:)
Gundams: O.o Runaway! Runaway! Runaway!
RW: Bwahahaha! So, as I was saying, we are very sad. Like the idea that Tallgeese raped a poodle.
Everyone: O.O
Kai: Oh gawd...-.-;;;;; Can you please stay on the topic?
RW: I am, I'm just using a simile! >;p A very disturbing one at that.
Kai: -.-;;;;
RW: And as sad as Whitetail being on the other side...v.v
Whitetail: I'm not dead! I'm right here--
RW: Well, we need to stop giving stupid lame excuses!
Everyone: YEAH!
RW: We need to make better excuses!! Ones that are not lame!!
Everyone: *falls over*
RW: What??
Everyone: _-_;;
RW: And I have just the thing to un-lame them!!
List of CHEESYPOOF Excuses:
1. Busy
2. Lazy
3. Writer's Block
4. Less access to internet
5. Bored
6. Losing interest with fic
7. Loss of words
8. Dead
9. Temporarily sane
10. Forgot how to type
RW: South Park, hahahahaha!
Everyone: *smacks forehead while thinking, "these better be good cookies to endure this..."*
RW: *singing* I love Cheesypoofs, you love Cheesypoofs, we all love Cheesypoofs or else you'd be LAME! ^-^
C: THAT'S sad.
Z: No...nothing is as sad as Tallgeese molesting a poodle....o.o *rocks back and forth in the corner*
B: I like Cheesypoofs! ^-^ But I like riceballs more.
RW: You like rice balls more than anything. *loads staple gun*
Gundams: O.o Runaway! Runaway! Runaway!
RW: >:D
GD: Can we have our cookies now?
RW: Noooo! Mine! *hiss*
Everyone: *glare*
RW: Eeep! o.o *gives everyone cookies n milk*
Everyone: Yay
RW: -.-;;; Wah. Okay, seriously, we all should get back to typing.
Kirin: So why don't you start us off?
RW: I am- by writing this! ^-^
Everyone: *falls over again* *twitch twitch*
RW: ^^;;; Tee! ;p
Everyone: T_T+
RW: OKAY OKAY! Jeez, you people can't takes jokes anymore! Which can added to the list. ^^
List of CHEESYPOOF Excuses:
1. Busy
2. Lazy
3. Writer's Block
4. Less access to internet
5. Bored
6. Losing interest with fic
7. Loss of words
8. Dead
9. Temporarily sane
10. Forgot how to type
11. Can't take jokes anymore
RW: ^-^
Everyone: -.-;;; *ate their cookies and begin to leave*
RW: Don't leave me to the cruel harsh world! ;_;
Everyone: *ignore RW*
RW: STAY! *staples everyone's feet to the floor* ^^
Everyone: O.o
RW: Okay, for a last comment, thank you everyone who has been updating! Yay for new people like GCat (GundamCat), Ryunjin23k, and DragoneyesBC for making fics with us (even if we aren't there. ^^;) Now start updating people!
Everyone: We can't! You stapled us to the floor!
List of CHEESYPOOF Excuses:
1. Busy
2. Lazy
3. Writer's Block
4. Less access to internet
5. Bored
6. Losing interest with fic
7. Loss of words
8. Dead
9. Temporarily sane
10. Forgot how to type
11. Can't take jokes anymore
12. Stapled to the floor
RW: Anymore excuses?
Everyone: T_T++
RW: Alright, get a typing then! ^-^ *leaves*
Whitetail: I'M NOT DEAD!!!
GD: Uh-huh, sure...
Whitetail: -.-+ Gah!