SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Yakunan Rijun ❯ Lieutenant General Cy's Wolf Pack ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Who is she Ba-kun?”
“Who is she Oki-kun?”
Bakunetsumaru stood between the feuding females as they stared him down, “Umm…uh…Hitomi, it is not what you think. Genko is my old sensei's servant. She's a pest.”
“Is this your girlfriend Ba-kun?” Genko asked.
Baku snapped back, “What do you care?”
Hitomi pulls Baku towards her, “Why yes I am.”
Genko grabs Baku's other arm, “Why didn't you tell us Ba-kun?”
“He doesn't need to,” Hitomi answers.
“He can answer for himself,” Genko growled.
“Why would my Oki-kun want to talk to you wench?” Hitomi asked
“Jeez, where'd you get this whore Ba-kun?” Genko replied.
“Why you little…!” Hitomi pounces on Genko starting a cat fight.
Bakunetsumaru pulls himself from the dust cloud and scurries to Captain and the others, “Chicks are crazy! No offense Fleur.”
“None taken,” the princess replied.
Gio watched the female mushas fight, “Hitomi is rather clingy isn't she?”
Baku shrugs, “Eh, I have seen worse.”
“Why do I get the feeling I should have taught you something about women as well?” An old musha walks up, a slim katana waiting at his side.
“Haomaru sensei,” Bakunetsu bows, “Welcome to my village. What has brought you here?”
Haomaru stops about a foot from Baku, staring down his old pupil, “Well… for one, I have never met the Gundam Force you claim to lead. Greetings.” Haomaru bows to the remaining Force.
You lead?” Shute asked slightly irked.
Gio cocked his head, “I thought Captain was the leader.”
Baku chuckles nervously and pulls Captain, Shute, Zero, Fleur and Gio into a huddle, “Come on play along guys. Please?”
“You wish for us to follow a lie?” Captain asked puzzled.
Baku pleaded, “Just say I'm your leader until he leaves. Please guys?”
“And why should we?” Zero asked.
Fleur elbows him, “Come on sweetie, play along.”
“Okay,” Captain agrees, “But only until he leaves.”
“Baku replies gratefully, “Thank you Captain.”
“Well?” Haomaru asked, “Doesn't your old sensei get a proper introduction?”
Baku stood proudly, “Yes, of course. This is Captain Gundam and Shute from Neotopia. Zero, Knight of Lacroa. Princess Fleur of Skylark. And our newest member, Gio.” Each member either bowed politely or gave a head nod.
“Ah, yes, Gio,” said Haomaru, “You've made quite a name for yourself after attacking Genkimaru and his team.”
Gio spoke through gritted teeth, “I didn't attack them.”
Haomaru chuckled, “You're almost as fiery as Bakunetsumaru.”
Lieutenant General Cy struts through the Angel of Death's fortress head held high, chest puffed forward. Mechanical limbs clanked and clattered louder with each step claws clicking in tune. Cy shifts his gaze to the grumbling Flip, “Had fun with the gundams sergeant?” Cy heckled, chuckling aloud. He received a wrench to the skull. Cy growled as the frog returned to repairing his MS Gamma.
“Humph!” Cy continued his journey to the Death Angel, “You summoned me sire?”
An all too familiar darkness surrounds him, “Gio has lived long enough. Lead your wolf pack into Ark and kill him. However, do not bring lethal harm to the Gundam Force. Bring me the body when you have completed your mission.” He vanished.
Cy smirked, “As you command my lord.” The cybornetic wolf leaps to a window sill, walks the narrow edge with catlike grace, and then proceeds to an outcropping over looking the compound. A mighty howl escapes his lungs, echoing across the scarred land, falling on the death ears of those taken by war, and then heard by the enemy.
“What's going on here!?” The leader demanded, “Ninko! Come in!”
“Ssh! Not so loud commander,” Ninko replies, “Cy and his pack are off to hunt Gio.”
Gio lay sprawled in the grass, eyes closed, back mounted cannon pressing into his armor,
“Peace so alien
I knew ye once
But you have been forsaken.
Enjoying this leisure I fell guilty My comrades continue war.” Gio sighed, beginning to drift, “I never thought I would say this but… I wish I was on the front. Well… I volunteered so here I am. Everyone's counting on me and in turn I am counting on Rubbish.” Gio chuckled, “He really is living up to his name right now.” Gio sighed, shoulders slump, “I hope they're alright.”
“Who? Your friends?” Gio opened his eyes finding Cy looking back, “Hello, pup.”
Gio scrambles to his feet, drawing both his sword and beam rifle. He was surrounded by three rings of organic, mecha, and cyborg wolves, “Damn it….”
Cy and his pack begin to circle, “Put those toys away. It's only a matter of time now before you see your parents again.” Cy let out a sly chuckle, “You don't stand a chance. Your time has come pup.”
“Has anyone seen Gio lately?” Baku asked.
“He went for a walk,” Captain answered, “I am still tracking him. Do not worry.”
Haomaru's eyes snapped behind Fleur, Genko, and Hitomi, “The three of you! Duck!”
A large, snarling mecha wolf crashes out of the trees bearing tooth and nail.
“Bakunetsumaru!” The girls scatter as the wolf slides into her landing. She howls summoning a charge into the village. Male mushas quickly grabbed any available weapons and fend off the onslaught.
“Get the women and children inside now!” Baku and Hao barked.
“Gundam Force! Move out!” Captain brandishes his v-rod and attacks the charging fleet.
“Be gone! Foul beast!” Zero fires his Lacroain Crescent knocking out a row of wolves.
“Get out of my village you mutts!” Bakunetsu charged into the fray, blades parallel to the ground slicing everything in his path. Haomaru remained silent effortlessly deflecting any form of wolf that approached.
“Here, wolfie, wolfie, wolfie,” Fleur slashed left and right, clawing away any who pounced her.
Gio pivots on an axis, sharp gleaming teeth watching the frighten gundam. The pack snarled and feigned attacks. Gio watched poised to strike.
Cy spoke with a snarl, “Ah, is the little orphan scared? To bad mommy and daddy aren't here to save you. Remember men! Death Angel wants him dead!” The pack charged in from all sides. Gio rapidly spins, firing his beam rifle in all directions, sword slashing those who slipped by. Several jumped off their comrades backs and attacked from above, clamping powerful jaws to the gundamium shoulders. Organics wolves were easily pulled off, mecha had broke his skin hanging on with their vice grip.
“Piro Perimeter!” Fire erupted from Gio, scorching both wolf and grass. Seizing opportunity, Gio flies above the blacken circle training his plasma cannon on the pack. “Later!” A bolt of red plasma blows a chunk from the planet, injuring several members of the pack. Cy and his fellow cyborgs return fire. Missile whistles and machine guns rattle, Gio dances around them, flying for his life, “Nice job genius!” He said to himself, “That last fire attack drained most of my energy. I've got to get out of here.” Cy fires a heat seeker then leads his pack in a chase.
Gio pushes his flight boasters harder than he ever thought possible, “Come on! Come on!” The beeping heat seeking missile quickly closes the gap. Gio veers left then right to no avail, the stubborn ammo followed in sync. More snarling mecha wolves approached from the front, attempting to surround him. “Did he bring the entire fleet!?” Gio shouted more than asked. The beeping grew more intense, Gio sails over the approaching enemy, heat seeker following. Gio looks over his shoulder, “Damn.”
Gio falls from the sky, screaming in agony, his plasma cannon catapulting away, back severely damaged. Performing a face planter, Gio bounces and slides across the prickly grass. The teenaged gundam slowly pushes himself up, pain searing deep through his circuits, “We got him now!”
Gio looks under his body, spying the oncoming wolves, “Could this day get any worse?” He stumbles to his feet and runs, back protesting angrily, “Got to run. Got to hide. Can't die. Need help!”
Cy tackles the wounded gundam, pinning him, “End of the lie pup.” The rest catch up, those bearing mechanical jaws latching onto Gio other's snarling.
Gio summons his remaining strength into one last fire burst, knocking away his attackers. Exhausted, he runs to what he believes is safety. False idea. He halted at the edge of a cliff. The rocky edge over looks a swift moving river far below. Gio collapses in defeat and breathes, “No…I'm to young to die.”
“Rrrah!” Cy tackles the defeated gundam sending both of them over the ledge. Gio's screams fade down the gorge, ending in a splash
“Lieutenant General! Lieutenant General!” the pack huddles around the cliff's edge.
Cy pulls himself up, “I just made an idiot out of myself.” He looks back down at the stream, “There's no way he survived. We follow the river.” He howls to the heavens as his comrades head down stream
“Gundam Force! Triple Attack!” Organic, mecha, cyborg, all wolves were tossed by the attack.
Lieutenant General Cy's howl echoes into the village, “Mission accomplished! Fall back!” The attacking wolves swiftly retreat, dashing towards their Lieutenant General.
“Mission accomplished?” Captain asked.
“The only thing they accomplished was getting their tails kicked,” Shute stated.
Zero watched them leave, “What trickery are they conceiving?”
“I intend to find out,” Baku whistled for Entango and rode after them.
“Hey wait!” Fleur shouted.
Captain ordered, “Come on!” They chased after their musha friend.
“What was that?” Genkimaru asked.
“Sounded like a wolf howl,” said Grappler.
“Not just any wolf howl,” said Zapper, “That was one from Caynin. How did he get here?”
Cobramaru landed next to Genkimaru, the damaged plasma rifle at his side, “Lord Genkimaru, the gundam Gio has been killed by a cyborg wolf and his pack.”
“Yep,” said Zapper, “Caynin.”
Genki stood and stretched, “That solves that. Let's go tell Kibaomaru and Britainmaru.”
Bakuhamaru looks around, “Where is Kijuumaru?”
“I'll get him,” said Mokinmaru. He heads upstream.
Kijuumaru stands in the slow current cleaning his elongated arms while humming, “Hello Mokinmaru.”
“Come on let's go,” Mokin spoke, “Gio's dead. Time to tell Kibaomaru and Britainmaru.”
Kijuu stretches, “Coming.” He spies something in the river, “What's that?”
“What's what?” Mokin inquired.
Kijuu walks upstream, “It's a gundam. Poor bastard must have lost a fight.” Kijuu reaches down to pull him from the river, “Holy crap! It's the newcomer!”
Mokin trots to him, “Hey, you're right.” Kijuu lays Gio on the riverbanks, “Huh,” said Mokin, “He really is dead.” He reached down to pull him further in shore.
Gio grabs back, “Help…me...please…help me.”
Mokinmaru and Kijuumaru yell at the top of their lungs jumping a mile into the air.
“Please…,” Gio wheezed, “Help….” He blacked out. The startled mushas exchanged glances.
“Genkimaru! Bakuhamaru!” Kijuumaru and Mokinmaru return to the camp, Gio on Mokin's shoulder, “Gio's alive!”
“Say what!” Cobramaru asked, “How did he survive that fall?” Mokin gently laid him down, exposing Gio's tattered back.
“What happened to him?” Genkimaru asked.
“He lost to an entire pack of wolves,” Cobra answered.
Several zakos crowded around Gio. One removed his beam rifle, another, his scabbard. One carefully examined the rifle, “This is Neotopian zako!”
“What!?” Grappler takes the weapon, “This is GunEagle's beam rifle!”
Zapper took it, “Hey! You're right!”
Bakuhamaru unsheathed the katana, “This belongs to the Blazing Samurai!”
Grappler takes the sword, “What the hell? How did he get this?”
“There he is!” Captain and co raced towards the Genki Power Squad.
“What have you done to Gio!” Baku demanded.”
“Before you start pointing fingers look at this,” Zapper tosses Captain the rifle.
He immediately recognizes it, “This belongs to GunEagle! What is it doing here?”
Bakuha smirked, “You'll like this Bakunetsumaru.” He tosses him the katana and scabbard.
Bakunetsu pulls off its tattered binding, “This is my scabbard!”
“Think fast!” Grappler tosses him the katana.
Bakunetsu goes wide-eyed, pulling out his own, “How did he get an exact copy of my sacred blade!”
“How does he have exact copies of your weaponry?” Zero asked puzzled.
“This makes no sense,” Fleur stated.
Gio moaned in anguished. Captain gave Shute the rifle before lifting Gio, “We'll know once he awakens.”
“Captain?” Shute asked
He shoulders the unconscious teen, “He needs to recover in a safe facility. Our best bet is SDG base. Genkimaru, do not alert Rubbish of this.”
Genki nodded, “Okay.” He creates a portal to Neotopia, “Tell us what you find out.” Captain nods, then leads his team through the portal.
Cy and his pack scour the abandoned campsite. Faint heat and sent trails remained, blending with the midnight air. Cy growled, “I don't believe this. He dimension hopped.
“Orders sir?” one wolf asked.
Cy lowered his head in thought. “If he's still alive, he won't be for long. We need to locate his whereabouts or we're all dog food.” A lighting pillar crashes onto Cy and his fleet, pulling them through the dimensions.
Z1: Hello and welcome to today's Zako Zako Hour. Today's meeting is all about
All 3: Gio's Mea Weird Weapons!
Z1: Zako zako!
Z2: I knew it! I knew it! There was something fishy about those weapons.
Z3: That's for sure zako. Both his katana resembles Bakusmatsu's and his rifle resembles GunEagle's
Z1: They're not look-a-likes but exact copies zako.
Z2: That's impossible. They can't be clones unless…
Z1 & Z3: He's a thief!
Z3: Wait, wait, wait! He can't be a thief since the samurai still had his sword.
Z2: Maybe he stole it while the samurai was sleeping and replaced it with a look a like.
Z1: I don't think so zako. He had it when he first arrived. Hmmm… aha! I got it!
Z2 & Z3: Got what zako?
Z1: Lord Zapper Zaku mentioned a place called Caynin, a world ruled by wolves. That must be were Gio is from. I remember they had superb cloaking and mimic technology.
Z2: I remember Caynin zako. But I thought they destroyed all of those devices when we invaded?
Z3: They must have had some in safe storage somewhere zako.
Z1: That still doesn't explain how he got the weapons precisely right before he even met the Gundam Force.
All 3: Zako?
Z2: This is very hard zako.
Z3: And rather confusing zako zako.
Z1: There must be some explanation zako there must! (curtain slams) And we're going to find it zako!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*
Cyber, sorry if I OOC-ed Genko. What do you think guys? Review please.