Sensual Phrase Fan Fiction ❯ How I Love Thee ❯ How I Love Thee ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Kaikan Phrase/Sensual Phrase fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I just finished re-reading the manga and my muses jumped up and down. I haven't written a fic for this fandom in awhile, so I figured, "why not?". =o) Story takes place after the end of the manga, by about four years or so. Sakuya x Aine LEMON CONTENT. A Standard Disclaimer appears at the end of the chapter.

It all still felt like a dream.

She barely believed it when she married the man she loved. Found it more unbelievable after the birth of their son. Their lives seemed so perfect. Everything she had ever wanted.

So when their daughter was born just over a year ago, it was almost too good to be true!

Looking at them now, her heart soared. Sakuya, her husband, lay on his back in their son's bed. He looked so relaxed, a contrast to his current, hectic schedule. His production company was pushing for him to get back together with his former band, Lucifer. But everyone was so busy doing their own thing, and his own production schedule was busy enough. She was happy to see him have a moment of peace.

On his right was their son, Shion, stretched out as long as he was able and cuddled tightly to his father's side. He'd just turned seven and was enjoying his second year of school. The boy still appeared so tiny in comparison to his father, but his dark hair and blue eyes mirrored the other man's perfectly. And he was growing like a weed! One small arm laid across his father's chest, his little hand resting on the latest addition to their family.

Two-year-old Reiko lay sprawled on her father's chest, her tiny face turned so that she faced her big brother. Her lips were turned upward, as if smiling. While Shion's hand rested on her shoulder, a larger hand held her in place. Her lighter hair stood out against the dark shirt her father wore. But it was her happy facial expression that tied her to the group.

'Too cute!'

They were the perfect picture. A happy family, even in sleep.

And Aine Ookochi wished she had her camera handy.

'If this is a dream, then don't let me wake up. Pretty please!'

But as the clock struck five, reality pulled her back. She had come upstairs to tell her husband about a letter they received in the mail from Atsuro and Yuuka. She held it tightly in her hand. But she had forgotten all about it when she found the adorable scene before her. And she couldn't stop staring! It was just so cute.

With a sigh, she pulled away from the door to her son's room. They could sleep all they wanted, she thought. A little peace and quiet was what she needed after several hours of nothing but chaos. She was grateful that Sakuya had taken the afternoon off, even if his time had been monopolized by the children.

"Time to make dinner," she told herself, entering the kitchen.

She planned to make Sakuya's favorite meal and had all the pots and pans ready. Until the kids got a hold of them. She sighed, shaking her head as she remembered her kids trying to play them as instruments. The music, though far off tune, had been the sweetest noise she'd ever heard.

Even if her ears didn't stop ringing for over an hour.

But now those instruments needed to be collected and cleaned before she could use them.

She set to work, humming to herself. Without thinking, she fell into a routine: washing the dishes, drying them, then setting them on the stove. Her hands knew which vegetables to cut and how. Her arms knew where each utensil was. Her eyes knew exactly how much pasta was needed. And her nose knew which herbs and spices to add.

The stove did the rest.

As she stirred the pasta, Aine felt the lightest breath blow over the top of her ear. It used to scare the living daylights out of her. But over the years, she'd learned all of Sakuya's little tormenting tricks. True to form, his hands, lightly rubbed her arms from her shoulder to her elbow. The touch was feather light as his breath grew warmer on her ear. Goosebumps were already appearing and Aine couldn't help but smile like a fool. She loved her husband's attentions. Could never get enough of them.

"Hi," she said, suppressing a shiver as his hands gently massaged her shoulders.

"Hello to you too," Sakuya Ookochi replied, his arms wrapping around her.

"Did you enjoy your nap?"

"I needed a bit of rest," he rumbled against her temple, placing a kiss there before sniffing the air over her shoulder. "Smells delicious."

"It's your favorite," Aine replied, allowing herself to lean into his embrace. She only meant for herself to be distracted for a second, but found her body wanting to concentrate on other things.

"You're my favorite."

Though she couldn't see it, she knew his smile was mischievous. "Sakuya," she said with a laugh, trying to wiggle free. "I'm trying to cook dinner."

He didn't seem put off, embracing her tighter and kissing her cheek. "And?"

"And...." His assault grew, his lips trailing down her neck to her shoulder. He found a spot that always made her moan, suckling on it until he felt her melt in his grasp. Aine tried hard to keep her focus, but her husband was making it difficult. "I...I d-don't want to burn it."

"Then turn it off," Sakuya stated.

"But...? Dinner...."

"Can wait," he told her, his hands moving from her hips to her breasts. She whimpered as he cupped them over the fabric of her top, molding them in his palms. He nipped the area between her shoulder and neck, before trailing more kisses up to her ear. Her breathing was erratic, her body responding to him even if her mind hadn't comprehended it yet. He smiled against her ear, and whispered, "I can't."

"Sakuya!" She barely had enough time to turn off the stove before he turned her around, his hands slipping under her blouse to caress her back. His eyes were sparkling, on fire. She opened her mouth to say...something. Anything!

But there was no further arguing as he kissed her deeply.

Aine gave in easily as he pulled her body against his. She reveled in the feel of his lips against hers, his tongue separating them so he could conquer her mouth. She gasped at the raw aggression of his actions, her tongue tentatively dancing with his.

His hands immediately worked their way under her blouse, lifting it up until her bra was revealed. The clasp was undone easily enough, his fingers working with dexterity. They knew what to do without being told, just as his palms knew the feel of her flesh, squeezing with enough pressure to make her gasp in his mouth. He squeezed again, determined to make her cry out.

And she did.

But Aine was not without her own determination. Her fingers grasped the material of his button down shirt, carefully trying to undo the first closed button. It finally gave way after a small fight, moving through the enclosure with a little "pop". The second button followed soon after. As did the third and fourth.

Her hands splayed across his bared skin, both hands moving in separate direction. One rose, caressing his chest and shoulder before her nails lightly dug into the small of his neck, encouraging a deeper kiss. The other hand moved downward, as far as it could go before reaching the remaining buttons. Without being told, her fingers undid the buttons, shifting the remaining fabric aside so she could touch him.

Sakuya groaned as tiny flames rubbed against his skin. His wife's touch was aggressive. A whole different level from when they first met. He sometimes missed her tentative kisses and not-so-sure touches. But he liked this side of her too. Knowing that he -- and he alone -- invoked this behavior in her was gratifying in a way he couldn't explain. And that gratification only added to the fire he felt in his groin.

He broke the kiss, roughly pulling on her top. She reluctantly allowed him to pull it over her head. Then he grabbed her waist, quickly hefting her up onto the nearby countertop. She spread her legs, allowing him to stand between them. His hands easily pushed the fabric of her bra aside to reach their intended target. He molded the soft skin in his palms once more, his lips returning to her mouth, only to trail down her chin, then lower.

Aine clawed at Sakuya's back as his lips joined his hands on her breasts. It was a bit of an acrobatic trick, as he was taller than she, but his arms wrapped around her, lifting her yet again so that his teeth could lightly bite down on one nipple. One hand immediately wrapped itself in his hair, her body shaking in his grasp. Her moans grew louder as his lips wrapped around that same nipple and his tongue grazed the peak. Repeating the motion was sweet torture and she had to bite her lower lip to keep from crying out.


Then, she nearly screamed.

Sakuya smiled against her breast, finally getting a loud cry of pleasure from his wife. It required a bit of multitasking: one hand massaging her opposite breast while his mouth continued to play with the other. Meanwhile his free hand reached brazenly between her legs, two fingers pressing against the wetness there. Her body tried to press closer, yet pull away. He felt her shiver in his grasp, wanting even more to urge her towards climax.

Aine cried out again, her voice muffled by Sakuya's lips. She squirmed on the counter top, allowing him to deftly remove her panties. She was nearly lost in the feel of his fingertips, his thumb playing with the most sensitive part of her while two fingers stroked her on the inside. She broke the kiss, her head falling backward as she gasped for air. Her hands found purchase on the waistband of his pants. Without being told, slender fingers undid the button of his jeans, then slid inside as the zipper parted.

He encouraged her with a moan, his hips jerking unbidden. As her fingertips wrapped around his swollen manhood, he added one more finger to her center. For every caress she gave him, he echoed with his own caress. It was like a game, one he wasn't sure he'd win this time around. Sakuya felt himself rushing towards his own release. It was difficult to hold back. He needed it as much as he needed to please his wife.


His voice was deep, rich with sensuality. She shivered again, biting her bottom lip as his fingers rubbed against that one spot. She squeezed him, hard, earning a deep moan from Sakuya. The tension poured from him, as did his desire. Her own rose to match it, her body pushed to the edge before she finally gave in.


He rested his forehead against hers, his hands roughly grasping her hips. He inched her closer until they nearly touched. Then he lifted her, his hands cupping her buttocks in support. He felt her lean backwards, her hips angling themselves like it was a natural process. With her knees squeezing his sides, he found her warmth with the tip of his member and pushed slowly inside her.

How many times had he taken her like this? Twenty-two? Two hundred? Each was more exciting than the next. And no room had ever been left out. She always worried about the kids walking in on them, and this time was no exception. But once she was immersed in the feel of him inside her, she lost her ability to think.

On its own, her body pushed towards his, silently asking for more. But he maintained his leisurely activity, forcing more moans and whimpers from her. He knew exactly how to touch her, how fast to move and how hard to push. It was wonderful. It was fantastic.

And it wasn't nearly enough!

Sakuya groaned as she pushed against him. His control was tested once again. He wanted to enjoy the feel of her surrounding him, pulling him, squeezing him. It hadn't been that long ago since they'd had sex, even with two children. But he could never get enough of her. Her smell, her taste. It was the distraction he really needed to relax and forget his work. And he wanted to drown himself in it.

"Sakuya.... Please...."

In her.

Aine's fingernails dug into the flesh of his shoulders as he began to ride her hard. She could only gasp, moan and whine as he pushed himself in and out of her. And as her passion rose, so did his, the speed of his thrusts increasing. Her breath caught as she felt herself poised at the edge again. Her head fell back, hitting a nearby cupboard. But the pain was overridden by her overwhelming orgasm.

Sakuya kissed her shoulder, trying to keep his own orgasm from coming. But he found himself lost while riding out his wife's orgasm that one moment of weakness caused his own undoing. His body felt numb, lightweight as he thrust one last time. The next moment he felt heavy, his arms clinging to the woman in his arms.

Aine slowly caught her breath, her face buried in her husband's shoulder. Arms wrapped around his neck, she felt her body tense then relax as he pulled out of her. There was a moment of pure bliss, their eyes locking as they both smiled. With a giggle, Aine cupped his face in her hands and kissed him tenderly.

"Feel better now," she asked.

"Much," he replied with an impish grin. "Thank you, Aine."

"For what?"

"For...everything." He kissed her quickly before helping her off the counter. "I love you."

"Love you, too," she said.

An hour later, Aine was helping her daughter into her highchair as Sakuya brought out the dishes for dinner. Shion followed behind him, carrying napkins.

They ate as a typical family would eat. The kids fussed and the adults argued over watching TV during dinner. There was a food fight between the kids, followed by an ice cube battle between the parents.

A typical night, Aine mused as she cleared the table. It really was amazing, and it would never cease to amaze her. It was better than her wildest dreams.

She felt a hand on her bottom as she started to wash the dishes. She yelped as Sakuya gently slapped her backside.


But he didn't stop there. His arms wrapped around her small shoulders and he hugged her from behind. His lips sought out her neck, trailing kisses to the exposed portion there.

"Sakuya...the kids...!"

He laughed, kissing her temple. "Go play with them. I'll do the dishes."


"Yes." He took the washcloth from her and patted her not so gently on her rear. "Go!"

"Okay," she said, raising on tip toe to kiss him on the cheek. Thankfully, he helped her by bending sideways just slightly, offering his cheek for her kiss.



As she walked away, her children screaming for her, she paused in the doorway to look at her husband.

'Now he's doing dishes.... It really is too good to be true,' she thought. 'I never want to wake from this dream. Never.'


Kaikan Phrase is the property of Mayu Shinjo. The manga, "Sensual Phrase" is released here in the U.S. by VIZ. I own none of this. NOTHING! NADA! ZIP! The characters and likenesses are being used here without permission to serve my twisted purposes.