Shaman King Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Last Exile Fan Fiction ❯ To Fly on Silver Wings *Remixed* ❯ Of Bathing Beauties and Jacuzzies... ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Of Bathing Beauties and Jacuzzis! ^.~
This is an alternate universe, one with YSYF as the only guest. <3

Disclaimer: Same as before.

Later that day...
LK: *wakes up to see everyone still dozing on the bed, gets up to go and find something to eat, returns with donuts to find Yoko rubbing his eyes* Afternoon. Was it fun?
Yoko: *snitches some donuts as she sits down next to him and swallows one whole* The best I’ve had with a male for a long time. *reaches down to caress the sleeping YSYF’s bottom and bumps into something furry* Huh? *holds up a tail that isn’t his own* He has a tail. How in the world did I not notice that?
LK: Probably because it wasn’t there earlier. *bites into a donut*
Yoko: EH? You mean that he grew a tail between the time we banged and now?
LK: *nods and swallows* It’s probably because he had latent demon blood and it didn’t physically manifest until now. Maybe because of the presence of two highly powerful youkai emitting so many sexual pheromones in a small, enclosed space that it called his demon blood to the surface of his being. *eats the rest of the donut and starts on another* What kind of demon is he?
Yoko: *sniffs YSYF’s new tail* Smells like a wolf demon, but there’s something else... I can’t identify it. It’s too faint as of yet.
LK: *sniffs the air lightly* Eagle.
Yoko: Really? *looks further under the blanket to see wings on YSYF’s back* Well, I’ll be damned. A wolf/eagle youkai hybrid. Do you know how rare it is for an eagle, let alone a wolf, to mate outside its species, considering they mate for life? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, considering you have raven/starling blood yourself. You seem to attract all kinds of interesting men. *eats a donut, gets a mischievous look on his face, takes another donut and puts it around YSYF’s penis*
LK: *watches Yoko do this and sniggers* A tasty treat indeed. *hears Dio shift himself and moan quietly, turns to see him rubbing the sleep out of his eyes* Hello. Feel rested?
Dio: *opens his eyes and blushes in surprise when he sees LK naked before remembering* Oh, hello. Yes I do feel rested. *grins sheepishly when his stomach grumbles* And hungry, apparently. Do you have anything to eat?
LK: *laughs and holds out the donuts*
YSYF: *turns his head and blinks sleepily for a moment, then grins at everyone* Man! That was great! You should have a sleepover more often! *sees the donuts and reaches for one, trying to sit up when he feels something weighing him down and hears rustling behind him* Huh? *sits up with an effort and reaches behind him to feel feathers* LK? I think there’s a burst pillow over here.
Dio: *glances at YSYF and nearly chokes on his donut* cough! YSYF... Where did those wings come from?!?
YSYF: Wings? I don’t have wings. *cranes his neck to look at his back* What the!? Holy SHIT!!! I really DO have wings!! *looks lower* And a tail! Where in the fuck did they come from?!?! *looks at his manhood and sees the donut* AHHH!!! I HAVE SOME KIND OF REVOLTING BROWN GROWTH ON MY TREASURE!!! D8
Yoko: *falls over laughing*
Yoko: *clutches his gut, having difficulty breathing, laughing so hard*
Dio: *looks back and forth between YSYF and Yoko, extremely confused and alarmed, finally looking to LK for help*
LK: *sighs after having her own chuckling fit and reaches out, breaking off a piece of the donut around YSYF’s penis and handing it to him* It’s just a donut.
YSYF: *stops in mid rant and looks at the bit of donut* Oh. *takes the piece and looks at it closely before eating it, then sighs in relief and removes the rest from around his member and eating it, pauses a moment while chewing* Wait a minute... YOU put the donut around it! *glares at the still laughing Yoko* I’m gonna strangle you!!! *lunges at him and falls flat on the bed due to the weight of his new wings* Oof! *growls at Yoko, unable to lift himself*
LK: *sighs* YSYF, before you kill Yoko, let alone anything else, you need to learn how to control your new demon powers.
YSYF: Huh? I’m a demon?
LK: *nods* At least in part. You’re probably not full demon, or your powers would have shown up earlier than this. Anyway, first, you need to alter those wings. They’re useless the way they are now. Far too heavy.
YSYF: You’re telling me? It feels like there’s a bag of sand attached to my shoulders! *squirms uncomfortably*
LK: Focus. Imagine your wings how you would like them to be. Including how they look, work, and feel on your back.
YSYF: *closes his eyes and thinks, feels a slight pain as his wings alter themselves to his desires, hears the others murmur in appreciation and opens his eyes* Do they look good?
LK: *holds out a mirror* Why don’t you look for yourself?
YSYF: *takes it and looks in the reflection to see large dark brown wings sprouting from between his shoulder blades, weightless upon his back* Cool. *admires himself*
LK: Well, I’m gonna go and wash up. You guys finish eating and clean up the mess. *skips out before the guys can protest*
Yoko: She’s always doing this. *eats one last donut and begins to clean up the crumbs* You guys go and put the sheets in the laundry. It’s the last door on the left and down the stairs. I’ll clean up the dishes and meet you in the Jacuzzi.
Dio: Where’s that?
Yoko: *pauses in the doorway* It’s the door before the one that goes to the laundry room. *leaves*
YSYF: C’mon Dio. The quicker we get these sheets washing, the faster we can join LK in the water tub.
Dio: Ooh. That sounds like fun. *together they get the sheets into the washing machine and started, then enter the door leading to the bathroom*
YSYF: I think he said it was this way... *enters the room and gapes at the huge Jacuzzi made of obsidian and silver* Wow.
LK: *in the Jacuzzi already* Took you long enough. The steps are over there. *gestures to ornate carved steps of obsidian held up by silver dragons*
Dio: *eyes the decor around the room* Even my sister, the maestro, never had anything this elaborate! *kneels to looks at one of the dragons* You can even see the individual scales!
YSYF: *climbs in and wades over to where LK is* This is amazing. I... *feels himself suddenly become overbalanced and slips under, swims with an effort back to the surface and sits next to her, panting*
LK: *smacks herself* Stupid me! I forgot to tell you to waterproof them! Now they’re waterlogged. *gets up to help him to a dry step* You’ll need to sit here until your wings dry out before you waterproof them, else they’ll be ruined and you’d have to wait until your next molt to fly again.
YSYF: *stares at her* Molt? I’m going to MOLT!?! *groans*
LK: Yes, but only once a month and it only lasts for a few hours. For girls, it coincides with their period and lasts the whole time they bleed, so be grateful. Now spread your wings, it’ll speed up the drying process. I’ll go and turn on the heating fan. *climbs out and walks off*
YSYF: *shuts up and sits there, dripping awkwardly onto the warm stone, feels a warm breeze start and spreads his wings wider to catch it, watches as Dio finds the controls and fiddles with them and laughs when Dio yelps as a strong jet of water sprays him between his legs from underneath*
Dio: *turns down the jet of water and glares at YSYF before cautiously turning another dial, producing bubbles that floated in the air around them* Ooh! *looks at his reflection in a particularly large one and giggles at the weird shapes and colors his face takes*
Yoko: *walks in at that moment and sees all the bubbles* I see someone’s found the dials. *climbs the steps and lowers himself into the water* Ahh... *wades over to a vacant seat and sits, reaches over and turns a dial, creating jets of bubbles under the water and groans in appreciation* Mmm... *leans back and relaxes, putting his hands behind his head and sinking lower into the water*
YSYF: *shakes one of his wings and brings it over, feeling it to see if it has dried out yet, decides to wait a few more minutes to get rid of the slight dampness*
LK: *returns to see them relaxing* Is everyone enjoying themselves? *giggles at the groans of happiness from Yoko, climbs in and wades over to her seat, sits down*
YSYF: *stretches a wing towards her* You think they’re dry enough yet?
LK: *reaches up and feels one of the feathers, nods* Close enough. Now to waterproof them, just imagine the water rolling off them like it does on a duck’s. *watches as he complies, then helps him back into the water* Don’t worry. It will quickly become like second nature to you.
Dio: *turns another dial, creating a mist that fills the room, concealing everything* Oops.
Yoko: Turn it off.
Dio: I can’t find the dials.
Yoko: *curses under his breath and, hands outstretched, makes his way across the Jacuzzi toward where he last saw Dio* You better not be there when I get there, cause I’ll- *stumbles and falls, squishing Dio against the wall of the Jacuzzi*
Dio: Owww! That hurts! *his flailing arm hits something, turning it slightly and making the mist lessen enough to see about half a foot ahead of him* Yokooo! Get off! You’re hurting me!
Yoko: *moves his hands to push himself off of Dio and feels something familiar, yet not familiar under his hand, squeezes lightly and moves his hand up and down it to feel what it is*
Dio: Ah...! *jerks his hips up in response*
Yoko: *hears Dio’s gasp and recognizes the object as his genitals, extremely sensitive and slightly aroused after all the heat and water and vibrations from the Jacuzzi, grins and wraps his hand firmly around the stiffening member and starts to pump him slowly*
LK: *hears the commotion* You guys ok? *feels YSYF grab her and pull her into his lap, capturing her lips in a fierce kiss, recovers from her initial surprise and returns it with equal ferocity, comes up for air after a few minutes of this* Why YSYF, you didn’t need to wait until we couldn’t be seen to pounce on me. *giggles*
YSYF: What do you mean? I wasn’t waiti-Ah!!! *gasps as LK shifts her hips to rub against his hardening arousal and growls* You naughty vixen...! *attacks her with renewed vigor to silence her giggling, pawing at her chest and, grasping one of her breasts, starts to knead it with his fingers and palm, causing her to moan into their kiss, grabs the opportunity to slip his tongue inside and they duel for dominance in relative silence*
Dio: *thrusts his hips in time to Yoko’s strokes and grips the oh-so-conveniently padded seat backs, panting softly and moaning*
Yoko: *leans forward to take one of Dio’s nipples into his mouth and nibbles on it*
Dio: Nh! *places a hand on Yoko’s head and pushes his face into his chest none too gently*
Yoko: Nnf. *slows down his stroking to take Dio’s balls in his other hand and rub them in his palm, making the boy gasp and pant loudly, releasing his hold long enough for Yoko to move and plant another kiss on his lips*
LK: *breaks off the kiss to nibble along YSYF’s jawline, her finger making lazy circles around one nipple as she made her way down his neck and along his collarbone, pausing to leave a nearly invisible mark in the indentation between his shoulder and neck, marking him as hers*
YSYF: *lets his hand wander to her butt and strokes one cheek, feeling the smooth silkiness of her skin with a hint of light, downy soft fur around the base of her tail, moves his hand to thread his fingers through the wet strands of void black fur, lost in the feeling of calmness and the sense of belonging in the air that surrounded him*
LK: *makes her way down to his abdomen, swirling her tongue inside his navel before moving onward, down to his manhood, which she looks at for a moment, taking in the sight of his arousal, already flat against his stomach and rock hard, drops of precum beading at the top and falling down to be washed away by the hot water in the Jacuzzi, the sight making her shiver with anticipation and she begins to lick the top of his member, letting her tongue wrap around the head for a moment before dipping down inside, drinking up the liquid nectar and coaxing more out*
YSYF: *grips the back of his seat in the tub, moaning his delight at her ministrations and thrusting upwards, wanting more*
Dio: Gah!!! *grips the cushion so hard his hands hurt, feeling the water swirl and flow between them, enhancing each movement and touch to such an electrifying intensity that he could have sworn that he was in the Grand Stream again, the winds buffeting him around in the cockpit, seeing the finish line before him, the thrill of victory burning through his veins...* Luciola...*arches and explodes into Yoko’s hand, his world going white, then black as he lost consciousness, slipping down into the water*
Yoko: *catches him just before he goes under and hauls him onto a seat higher out of the water, laying him down and making sure he won’t fall before sitting down and looking out across the hot tub, catching sight of LK and YSYF, lost in exploring each other, reaches down and starts to touch himself, caressing and stroking his slightly painful arousal, watching the two as love and want radiated from them and using it to fuel and push himself to completion*
LK: *leaves his arousal to move back up and tease his nipples, delighting in the sounds that YSYF is making as she sucks on one, then the other, then back to the first one, tormenting him and making him writhe underneath her*
YSYF: *mind lost in a sea of need, his hand moves of its own volition to the place between her legs and rubs the small bump there*
LK: *gasps and lets up for a moment before lying back on the bench, allowing him to continue his touching*
YSYF: *sits up with an effort, takes a deep breath to steady himself before chuckling* Enough teasing, naughty vixen.
LK: *grins and chuckles* Aww, you can never get enough teasing...
YSYF: *chuckles also* Well yea. But I also want to get to the really good part... *He lines himself up with her passage and slowly pushes inside, closing his eyes at the extreme pleasure of it* Ahh....
LK: *moans lightly, wrapping her legs around him and murring as he fills her*
YSYF: So tight... *he pants a little and begins to thrust into her slowly*
LK: *closes her eyes and kisses him hard, pushing back against him to get him deeper inside*
YSYF: Nhh..! *he quickly starts to speed up, feeling he won’t last long against all the extra stimuli*
LK: ...! *she gasps and bites on his lip as she squeezes around him hard in climax, moaning loudly*
YSYF: Yes..! * he thrusts into her hard a few more times before releasing himself into her, shuddering in the waves of pleasure that drown his mind*
LK: *leans back and sighs tiredly, smiling* That was...
YSYF: *slowly pulls himself out, collapsing on the seat next to her*...absolutely fantastic....
LK: *curls up against him and drifts off into slumber, purring*
YSYF: *leans his chin on her head and wraps his arms around her, falling asleep also*
Yoko: *sighs and leans back, chuckling quietly as he washes off his own release into the water* Now that’s why I hang around here... So many interesting things happen.