Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Deep Thoughts ❯ Deep Thoughts ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Omorose: Hello and welcome to yet another poem written by my aibou . . .
(Yoh and the others walk in.)
Rio: Hey, where's Gijinka? She's usually the one who introduces her fics.
Omorose: Well, she's still upset that you guys went all evil and dark.
Yoh: . . . aheheh. (He scratches the back of his head.)
Morty: She definitely takes these kinds of things seriously, especially since there was something similar to this a while back. . .
Len: Don't tell me she's still upset over what happened in that one episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! That happened several weeks ago!
Trey: Well, it was pretty shocking . . .
Omorose: Ahem! Now, if we could just get on to the poem at hand . . . we need someone to do the disclaimer. Yoh, how about you do it?
Yoh: Ok! (Clears his throat) Gijinka Renamon does not own Shaman King, although she'd really like to.
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Deep Thoughts
I sit alone
And I think,
Why did it have to come to this?
I don't want to murder my friends,
The ones who took me in,
The ones who cared about me,
Even if they have given in to the darkness
I know I may not have a choice
And I know my new family wants me to,
But if it ever comes down to that,
I don't think I could kill them,
Even if they give me no choice
I hope deep down,
That they will not be consumed by evil,
And their hearts, minds, and souls will remain clear and pure,
And not be corrupted, poisoned, or tainted
But. . .
If they are,
I may not have a choice . . .
Len . . . Rio . . . Chocolove . . . Trey . . . Yoh . . .
I'm so sorry . . .
For everything I must do. . .