Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Seek! ❯ Waking ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own `Shaman King' or any of its characters.
Thanks goes out to all of my reviewers.
Ch 2
The bright yellowish light poked its way into the room, piercing through every bit of darkness in this enormous room. Finally, it rested on me, moving me slightly.
I twisted and turned on the bed to get rid of the though of waking up. I even tried pulling the blanket over, but no use.
I sat up slightly, tilting my head on the headboard in defeat. `Sigh.' I rubbed my eyes and shook my head. Damn that kid! Damn his stupid attitude!
“DAMN EVERYTHING!” I screamed out loud, making an echo break out. Who could blame me? I'm a thief. Thieves aren't welcome in anybody's home. I'm not welcome in anybody's home. For some reason that kid welcomed me, gave me food and a room. Why? What was so special about me? What if he finds out that-?
“Good morning,” my thoughts were cut by a familiar voice in the doorway.
I jerked my head up, only to find his annoying face grinning at me. Ugh! Damn him!
“What do you want?” I switched to an `I don't care look.'
“I thought you might like some breakfast,” he pulled in a big cart from the hallway, filled with loads of goodies. I tried my best not to drool over.
“Give two reasons why I should eat it?” I questioned him raising an eyebrow.
“Well for once, what are you going to eat? You must be hungry. And well… I made it…. Just for you,” I threw him one of those surprising looks.
He cooked it for me? Me? Me? No way! I can't believe it.
“Why'd… you waste your time on me?” I asked, tilting my head to the floor and heading for the washroom. “You're a dumb ass. You know that?” I whispered the last bit before leaving the room.
That asshole! Why is he doing this to me? Being so…nice. It's so annoying. Why does he care so much for me? He shouldn't. I'm a stinkin' liar, a thief for god's sakes. I stole his money.
I opened the tap and splashed some water on my face to make sure this wasn't a dream. I gasped a few times.
This is all too strange for me. First he doesn't mind me hiding in his basement, then he offers me a room and he cooks for me.
Nobody's ever made me breakfast before. Instead I had to make it for them. This is all too weird to be true.
Then I heard a knock on the door.
“Are you okay? You've been in there a long time now,” I heard him call out.
I opened the door to face him before he knocks any further. “What?!”
“Well your breakfast is getting cold. I already warmed it up once. Please won't you try some?” he begged me.
I sat back on the bed and he sat on a chair near my bed. I sort of felt guil…. Nope! It should be this way.
It was delicious all of it. I can never cook like this. I just can't swallow the fact that he did this for me. Me of all people.
“What do you think?” he asked me.
“It's okay,” I answered him turning back to my plate full of crapes and stuffing them in my face.
“Thanks, I worked on it since 3 o'clock in the morning.”
I choked at that. I had to drink water to take it all down.
“You what?! You hardly even know me. Heck you don't even know my name.”
“I know but it's in my nature to be nice to people when they're in need,” he told me grinning.
“What makes you think I need any help?”
“I can tell. Anyway what is your name? I'm dying to know.”
“It's….Anna,” I told him in a low tone. He smiled at me. It made me feel….
“Anna……..” he was expecting my last name.
“Just Anna.”
“Well Anna, my name is Asakura Yoh,” he put his hand towards me as if waiting for me to shake it.
I slapped it away. I didn't want this friendship thing to go any further. I would never shake hands with the enemy.
To be continued…………….
A/N: That's right! You heard it. Yoh is Anna's enemy. Want to know how? Stay tuned for the next chapter. Forgive me for any spelling/grammar mistakes. Please review. Please. Please. Any type of review is welcome.