Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Slipped Away ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Slipped away Chapter 2
Notes: please read and review
It was getting close to 2 AM but the Asakura house was still active as always.
"You lost the bet now you have to eat the 3 year old ice-cream." Said Chocolove
"But what if I get sick." Complained Ren
"That's why Faust is here." Said Yoh
"Now eat up." Said Horohoro grinning like an idiot
Lucky for Ren the doorbell rang.
"I better go answer that." Said Yoh
Yoh opened the door to see a girl with long black hair and brown eyes.
"Umm is this the Funbari Olsen?" she asked
"Yea." Said Yoh
"Ok, is there a Lyserg Diethel here?"
"Yea I'll go get him." Said Yoh
"Since when did chicks come to visit Lyserg?" said Horohoro
"Since they're all scared of you." Said Ren
Lyserg walked to the door and said
"All my bills were paid, if you didn't get to money I don't know where it went."
"Do I look like a bill collector to you?" said the girl
"If you're not a bill collector then who are you?" Asked Lyserg
"Jane Peterson, better know as… Jane EMMA Tarvered what did you do to that fish!" said the girl
"Little Janey!" said Lyserg
"The one and only." Said Jane
"It's been way too long." Said Lyserg
"Yeah." Agreed Jane
"Get in here." said Lyserg
"So Lyserg who's the `friend'?" asked Horohoro making little quote signals with his hands
"Jane Emma Paterson." Said Jane
"So when'd you become Lyserg's girl friend?" asked Horohoro in a teasing voice
"She's not my girl friend, she a kid I knew when I was about 4 or so." Said Lyserg in a kind of annoyed tone
"Don't worry we believe you Lyserg." Said Yoh grinning like an idiot
"So, Lyserg, umm are you gonna tell me who they are or, do you know them or what?" asked Jane
"Yoh Asakura." Said Yoh
"Tao Ren." Said Ren in his usual mean tone
"Horohoro" said Horohoro
"Faust the" said Faust
"Chocolove" said Chocolove
"Bokuto no Ryu, and will you please be my shaman queen!" said Ryu
"Ryu if the last wouldn't why do you think this one will?" Said Horohoro
"I WILL FIND MY SHAMAN QUEEN!!!" yelled Ryu before the two begin fighting
"Are they always like this?" asked Jane
"No, some days their worse." Said Lyserg
"Please calm down!" Said a short boy who introduced himself as Manta Oyodama.
"Don't worry Manta, as soon as they finish fighting they'll be better friends." Said Yoh
"Who's here at this hour?" called a voice
"Anna!" said all the guys at once
"err… who?" asked Jane
"My fiancé." Said Yoh
"Answer me Yoh." Said Anna as she walked in to the room
"Well you see…Lyserg just had an old friend show up…and we had no idea how late it was…" started Yoh
"And…well…PLEASE DON'T KILL US!" said Manta
"I'm not going to kill any of you, it'd be too hard to hide." Said Anna
"What's all the noise about?" asked Pirika
"They think I'm gonna kill them." Said Anna
"Oh, who's that," said Pirika
"Jane Emma Tarvered, an old friend of mine from back when I was four-ish." Said Lyserg
"Oh, it's Pirika by the way." Said Pirika
"KONCHI PONCHI, WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!!!" Yelled a voice from upstairs
"Sounds like Konchi and Ponchi are up to no good again." Said Manta
"Those two are such idiots." Said a pink haired girl whom had just came from up stairs
"But Tamao, we just wanted to scare you." Said the raccoon looking Konchi
"Oh, my firkin god." Said Jane after seeing Konchi and Ponchi
"What is it Ja- OH GOD I COMPLETELY FORGOT!" said Lyserg remembering Jane was not a shaman.
"No it's not the ghosts it's this." Said Jane before jumping up and almost singing
"I was right and he was wrong, I was right and he was wrong!"
"Err…who was wrong about what?" asked Lyserg
"My psycho killer moron of a dad said ghosts weren't real, that basturted should burn in hell for what he did to my mum." Said Jane really fast
"Do what?" said Lyserg
Flash back
Year: 1990
"London sucks mom, can we move back to the old house?" asked 4-year-old Jane
"No honey, your dad works here now, and don't say sucks." Said Jane's mom, Elizabeth Janet Tarvered.
Elizabeth Janet Tarvered was the wife of John Jackson Tarvered.
John Jackson Tarvered, had a job as systems manager of one of the third largest software companies in England, his job had recently given him a transfer to London.
He had a wonderful well paying job, loving family and a beautiful house.
Some Might say John Tarvered had it all. Then again, maybe some minds would have changed if anyone knew what was going to happen to the so-called happy family within the next 10 years.
"Now Jane one of our neighbors is coming to visit and they have a son, and I want you to be nicer to him than you were to that Lisa girl." Said Elizabeth knowing that her daughter had a mean streak
"I'll try as long as he's not a prissy." Said Jane smugly
"Jane!" said Elizabeth giving her child a stern look
"Ok mom I'll be nice." Said Jane
"That's better." Said Elizabeth before hearing a knock at the door
"That must be them." She said
So Elizabeth went to answer the door saying to her self "why do I even pay for house keeping and a nanny if I have to answer my door?" her altitude changed as soon as she opened the door "hello you must be Mrs. Diethel." She greeted them warmly
"Yes, I'm afraid my husband couldn't make it." Said Mrs. Diethel
"Oh, that's quite all right my husband was called on an emergency business meeting." Replied Elizabeth
The two chatted on as grown women did "Oh and this is my son Lyserg." "And this is my daughter Jane…EMMA TARVERED!" Elizabeth yelled this because just as soon as she had looked over Jane was taking the family gold fish and putting them in a flower vase.
"It wanted to look at the flowers." Said Jane
"Oh Jane… well I'm shore house keeping will take care of that." said Elizabeth
The two grown ladies carried on as grown women did leaving Jane and Lyserg alone in the front hall.
"What's your daddy's job?" asked Jane
"He's a detective." Said Lyserg glowing with pride
"Cool, my daddy's a systems manager." After Jane said this Lyserg gave her a weird look "I don't know what it means either." Jane stated
"Oh, that's ok." Said Lyserg
So ever since then Jane and Lyserg were best friends.
When Lyserg's dad told him about Morphine and that, he had to get her out of her cage Lyserg was very excited to tell Jane all about it, so of course Jane had told her parents and her nanny.
Then came the night Lyserg parents were slaughtered by Hao, of course, Jane hadn't heard about it yet because it happened past her bed time, but Jane's parts had heard, and Jane's dad took his opportunity to ay something.
"You know that fire at the Diethel's, and I was just thinking maybe we COULD tell Jane that the Lyserg boy died in the fire as well." John
"That would break her hart and besides Lyserg's her best friend why would you want her to not be around him?" asked Elizabeth
"All the talk about fairies and shamans, I don't like one bit of what he's putting in to my Daughter's mind"
"But I'm shore it's just a child's game they'll grow out of it soon enough." Said Elizabeth
"NO! This type of so called `horse play' leads to only one thing, witchcraft and no daughter of mine will be hanging around that kind of riffraff."
"Well I suppose I could…" Elizabeth started to protest but stopped her self and said, "I guess you're right we'll tell her tomorrow then."
Therefore, the plan went without a hitch and for almost 10 plus years, Jane believed what her parents told her. Then came "that night" as most who knew Jane's father and mother described it.
Jane's mother was talking to her husband about Jane's school wanting to get her a transfer too a school in Austria seeing as Jane had been having fitting in problems, for several reasons. Their parents recalled the fact that Jane was a childhood friend of Lyserg, and most had heard about how Jane believed in ghosts, so of course their were all kinds of rumors being spread around about her, something that can make school life a living hell.
Jane's father knew all about what had been going on at Jane's school but rejected sending her to another school saying, "Jane will be fine."
Her mother only said in reply "Yes in the physical factor she's fine, but it could mentally damage her."
"Don't worry about Jane; she can live with out you babying her."
"Oh, yes babying her that's what we did when she was six and we lied about her friend dying." She said sarcastically
"Oh yes for her best. What pray-tell do you think is gonna happen when she finds we lied to her all these years?" Elizabeth stated calmly even after John's yelling
"Clam yourself." Said Elizabeth
John was said to have stabbed his wife seven times that night. Jane managed to get away from her father but was found scraped up. When questioned she claimed she fell, although the defense at Johns trial knew something more happened but without her saying to the court that he had indeed tried to kill her, the case was very hard to prove.
John was however, sent to jail but only for thirty years and there was a chance he could get probation. This left Jane counting on her family's help but not her aunts uncles or anybody would take her, thus leaving her with one choice living in an orphanage, witch was the last thing Jane wanted so she sought out for a way she could be emancipated.
While looking for court cases she could relate to in the library she stumbled across something she found interesting in the papers…
Local Detective Liam Diethel and wife were killed in an unknown fire. Son Lyserg Diethel was unharmed.
Jane realized that for all those years her parents had lied about Lyserg Diethel's death.
After she was able to make her case and be emancipated, She deicide she would go try to track down Lyserg.
It took her nearly three and a half months to track him to Yoh and Anna's, but she finally found him.
End of flashback
"Looking for you was like looking for a green haired needle in a haystack, I went to Japan the America then back to Japan." Said Jane
"You thought I was dead?" said Lyserg
"No Lyserg, I thought the tooth fairy picked you up." Joked Jane
So Lyserg and Jane spent the night catching up on the 10 years they had both missed out on, little did they know…
Place: London England
"And so for good behavior I here by release John Tarvered under the facts that he is stable enough to function in society" the judge stated
End of chapter 2