Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ The Darkness Dragon ❯ Halloween ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Now that you have your sight, you'll be training with Yoh."
Yoh and Kirara ran side-by-side, their weights gnashing together. Manta rode alongside them on his little bike. Yoh was hunched forward and extremely tired, while Kirara jogged with a happy skip in her step.
"How can you possibly be so happy with all those weights on? I went in steps and this is still very hard for me."
"Yoh-kun, I've been blind for 13 years. I'm so interested in my beautiful surroundings that these weights are hardly on my mind."
"'Hardly'?" Kirara turned to look at him. Her face was brimmed in sweat, but she was smiling all the way. Her eyes were beginning to darken, reverting to their natural black state.
"Kirara, I have something to ask you."
"The other night, when we went to Monument Hill..."
"I was holding your hand and cuddling against you so I wouldn't get lost, and to make sure you were right there with me."
"...Oh." She started laughing "What's so funny?"
"Awww... wittle Yoh thought he had an admirer! Kekeke!"
"That's not nice."
"Sorry, Manta."
***(Halloween week)
Jun entered the hotel room, where her brother was staring angrily at the ashes of his Gokai Kunkou. She flipped through the mail and found one with the return address of their main rival, Asakura Yoh. Amused by the haunting stationary, Jun opened the envelope to find an invitation to a Halloween party... a Halloween slumber party.
"'Come in masquerade.' Hm. How about we go, Ren? You can see your koibito again.", the words struggled out of the older Tao's mouth. Jun had a strong dislike for the girl who had silenced her brother and caused him to fall into a comatose state before his failed scheme.
"I'd much rather not." he finally said, turning to go take a shower. He was cut off by Jun's arm.
"Well, my brother isn't quite on the ball today is he?" An evil grin grew on Jun's face as Ren stared at her. It was a while until he caught on, "Big sister, you always have the best ideas."
"I know. Lee! Come out, we've got some planning to do!"
"You're actually giving us the week off!?!?" Everyone's jaws dropped through the floor as Anna put away the training equipment. She had decided that it would be good to have a little time off to celebrate a holiday that honored the dead. The shamans and spirits thanked the Medium for her graciousness, and promised to work all the harder when Halloween was over (which was exactly what she expected). Kirara sprung to her feet and announced that it was to be a masquerade party. Amidamaru brought up the fact that spirits could not change their attire. A certain glint in her eyes foreshadowed her ideas for this party.
The rest of the week was spent setting up the mansion for the Halloween party. Yoh, with the help of Amidamaru, hung the decorations that were too high for the others to reach, HoroHoro and Kororo went out to buy dry ice for the punch that Pirika and Anna were making, Ryu and Tokegeroh put together Halloween dinner while Manta helped make snacks, and finally, Kirara and Areia put together everyone's costumes. The mansion was bustling with Halloween spirit (hah) which could almost be said about the Tao siblings and their spirits.
"Come on, Ren. Put it on!"
"Never! I will not dress up for some pointless party."
"Ren, Lee liked his costume."
"Of course he does. He has to."
"Just put it on." Ren pouted, took the brightly colored outfit, and trudged into the bathroom, "Where's Bason?"
"Oh no you don't!" He threw the costume to the ground, "I refuse to let you doll Bason up!"
"Too bad, I found him."
***(Halloween day)
"Yaye!" Kirara handed everyone their costumes and the spirits received rather odd looking tabs, "Put 'em on!"
-moments later-
"Garrrrh!" cried Yoh, his vampiric teeth glinting in the sunlight, almost scaring Manta out of his Koro Pukkuru costume. HoroHoro looked in despair at himself in the mirror Anna had brought out. He couldn't believe that Kirara had made him a polar bear costume! The ice Shaman had hoped for something interesting like Yoh's vampire ditty. Anna exhaled heavily, her black leather dominatrix costume was kind of tight, but Kirara reassured her that that was how the outfit was suppose to be. Ryu felt a little insulted by his streetlight disguise, a real light hung from his protruding hair. Pirika loved her mermaid gown. She pranced around in it, happily showing it off to the others.
"Now, let us see the spirits!" cried Wolf-Kirara, "First up, Kororo!"
Everyone clapped and gasped in awe of the little spirit's angel get-up.
"Kororo!" cried Horo-Bear, tears streaming down his face, "I didn't think it was possible, but you've become even cuter!"
Kororo blushed and sat on her Polar-Shaman's shoulder.
"Next, Amidamaru and Areia!" The audience clapped and laughed as the samurai cat and dog combo. Amidamaru bowed his head, causing his white kitty ears to flop forward.
"And finally.. Tokegeroh!" They all burst into laughter. The thieving lizard spirit had been transformed into a prison warden, "Or should I say 'Sheriff Tokegeroh?'"
"This is very shameful." mumbled the Sheriff.
"Aw! Don't you all love your costumes?"
"Their very creative, Kirara." Pirika-Maid said.
"Yes, very very creative. Now, let me bite that dark neck. I vant to suck your blood!"
"What was that, Yoh?"
"N-nothing, Anna!"
"Horo-Bear, you're not wearing your ears!" whined the lupine Shamaness. She forced the soft white bear ears-headband onto HoroHoro. They poked out the sides of his hair. As Kirara made finally adjustments to her artwork, the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching the house. Anna opened the door and was at a loss for words.
"Hello, Anna." Jun said, fanning herself with her fluffy green fan, "Are we early?"
Kirara finished changing Ryu-pole's light and turned to greet the guest. There was a moment of silence... then everyone exploded into wild fits of laughter.
"It's Ren-Bason!" shouted Yoh, pointing at the seething, pointy haired Chinese warrior.
"And Bason-Ren!" HoroHoro sniggered. The warrior-turned-school-boy stayed well hidden after that point.
"What are you two suppose to be?" asked Pirika-Maid, staring questionably at the two... under-dressed members of the Tao family. Jun had on a variation of her normal daoshi gown, the chest covering was still intact with the little dead panda on the front, a strip of fabric was at each side, tying it to the slutty (ahem... sorry....)-...slitted mini-skirt. Lee was simply wearing a white tank and a pair of baggy jeans. Not exactly masquerade-y, but hey.
"Supermodels." hissed Ren, who pushed his way through to the middle of the room.
"Models?" Kirara repeated.
"Yes." Lee replied, "Jun-dono said it was appropriate for us to be like this."
Kirara's ear perked up. She recognized that voice, "L-lee... Pailong?"
She shrieked at the top of her lungs.
"You're the Lee Pailong?!?!" he nodded and her speech shot off like a rocket, "Ohmygod,Ican'tbelieveit!Ilove,absolutelyadoreLeePailong!CanIhaveyou'reatog raph?No,ahug!No,akiss!Ah!You'reevenhandsomerthanIthought!I'msohappytobeable toseeyou!I'veseenallyourmovies...well...notactuallyseenbutheardyourvoiceand IknowthatitwasyoubecauseI'velistenedtoeveryTVspecialaboutyouaswell.I'myou'r ebiggestfan!And-"
"Kirara-dono" Areia cut in, "You're embarassing him."
"Oops.. well... umm... How do you two know each other?"
"She's my dao-shi."
"That means...", tears began to well up in the young Shamaness eyes, "You're... dead? I thought that was just one of those retirement rumours."
"I'm afraid not." Kirara bowed her head...
"Then you're just the cutest kyonshi in the world!!!"