Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ The lone Shaman ❯ A lone Shaman ( Chapter 1 )
"I am a shaman destined to fight along side my spirit ghost Tealatra and beat all who oppose us. If we do not win… then we do not deserve to be called a shaman we have no one thus we can battle with everything and lose nothing. But I sense a strong foe that wants to challenge us… we go because we cannot ignore that who spirit which calls to us from afar"
"Tealatra we have travelled far and I feel your thirst for a battle"
" Yes master, I hungry not for a battle but for our one strong opponent, however I can sense a strong shaman near"
"Good then let's go"
" come on Yoh fight me" said Tray jumping in front of Yoh
" no way I'm to tired and besides I'll probably beat you"
" you so would not" yelled Tray
"ahh...your right it will probably end up in another draw" he laughed
"that for sure" said Tray laying down next to Yoh on the grass and looking up at the sky. Until a shadow formed over them.
" You two slacker should be helping and not sleeping" yelled Anna standing over them with her hands on he hips
"We would love to but we need to relax before the third round of the tournament" said Tray grinning in an innocent way
"yeah Anna why don't you relax with us" said Yoh
" I'm sorry master Yoh but some of us can't we have to cook dinner for the rest of you"
" but Anna your not cooking " said Yoh
" Yes but Morty is" she said falling on the grass between Tray and Yoh
" Yoh"
" yes Amidamaru"
" I sense someone approaching"
"really are they delivering hamburgers" he asked
" no but I sense a really strong spirit"
"stronger than Len's grandfather"
" really… wow I guess we better go greet them then" he said getting up
"After all I wouldn't be much of a host if I didn't"
"Master look there is some people down there, it seems as if they sensed us"
"good because I hate to wait" the girl replied walking toward them.
"Which one of you is a shaman" she asked
"we all are" said Len
" which one of you are brave enough to fight me" she asked again
" Hey Amidamaru why don't we fight I'd love to test my power against someone so strong"
" whatever you say Yoh I'm with you"
" good. Everyone we want to fight" said Yoh
" you do.. well be quick about it" said Len walking towards a wall and leaning against it
"good luck Yoh" shouted everyone else"
"oh and Yoh try not to get hurt to bad"
"I'll be careful" he said
" so what is your name" asked Yoh
" not that it is any of Your Business but it's Hope"
"that's a nice name"
"hum" lets just do this. The girl ripped of the black cloak she was wearing to reveal a short black skirt with white short underneath and a black sleeveless top her eyes blazed blue like the ocean and Yoh was surprise to see them.
"your eyes" he said
" I know she replied" in a whisper
" Now Tealatra into the sabre (a sabre is a type of sword)"
"You don't waste time do you. O.k Then Amidamaru into the sword"
"wow a sabre" said Anna "that usual sabre are only given to the most experienced of fighter in a clan destroyed over 1000yrs ago"
"Amidamaru attack with celestial slash attack" said Yoh striking at her however Hope brushed it off like nothing
"Tealatra flames of hell" she attacked back and the attack hit Yoh hard and drain a large chunk of his Furioko
" wow your strong… but that will still not beat me" he said launching himself at her and hitting her with basic moves.
" Tealatra counter attack" again Yoh was hit square on and he was struggling to keep he Furioko stable
"do you wish to give up"
"no I'm kinda having fun" he laughed getting up
" you do know that you will be killed it I attack again"
"yeah but I intend to give it all I've got "
"So be it Tealatra flame of hell"
" no Yoh" screamed all of his friends running to take the attack for him.
Hope watched in amazement as all this boys friends ran in front of the attack knowing that they couldn't stop it she said:
" Tealatra lets Stop the attack" they flew in front of their own attack and flew into a wall.
"Yoh are you alright" they asked running to him
"of course although I think Hope got the worse of it when she crashed into the wall" They all turned to look at the wall but she was gone.
"she's gone" yelled Morty in surprise
"I knew she would" said Anna " did you see her eyes when she saw us run to protect Yoh they were surprised. I don't think that were she comes from anyone ever tried to protect another"
"really well her life most be pretty sad" said Len
" I mean at least I had my sister"
They all turned and looked into the horizon thinking about hope……
"why did you save them all"
" I do not know Tealatra but part of me longed to have that… someone to protect me like that"
"I'm sure you will find it Hope"
" Maybe some day Tealatra but for now I must continue fighting until I have fulfilled my destiny…………